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Time-series measurements of waves, currents, water levels, sea surface temperatures, ocean salinity, and water, air, and ground temperatures were collected in July through September 2011 in and around Arey Lagoon, near Barter Island, Alaska. Directional wave spectra, currents, water levels, salinity, and bottom and surface water temperatures were measured with a bottom-mounted 1MHz Nortek AWAC, HOBO temperature loggers, and a Solinst Levelogger in ~5m water depth offshore of Arey Island. Within Arey Lagoon, a bottom-mounted frame equipped with a Nortek 1MHz Aquadopp, Solinst Levelogger, and HOBO temperature loggers measured currents, water levels, and water temperatures. Ground temperatures (maximum depth 3 meters...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
Arctic Ocean,
Arey Island,
Arey Lagoon,
Barter Island,
Time-series measurements of waves, currents, water levels, sea surface temperatures, ocean salinity, and water, air, and ground temperatures were collected in July through September 2011 in and around Arey Lagoon, near Barter Island, Alaska. Directional wave spectra, currents, water levels, salinity, and bottom and surface water temperatures were measured with a bottom-mounted 1MHz Nortek AWAC, HOBO temperature loggers, and a Solinst Levelogger in ~5m water depth offshore of Arey Island. Within Arey Lagoon, a bottom-mounted frame equipped with a Nortek 1MHz Aquadopp, Solinst Levelogger, and HOBO temperature loggers measured currents, water levels, and water temperatures. Ground temperatures (maximum depth 3 meters...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
Arctic Ocean,
Arey Island,
Arey Lagoon,
Barter Island,
Time-series data of water-surface elevation, wave height, water-column currents, temperature were acquired for 6 days off the north coast of the island of Kauai, Hawaii in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and groundwater input to the coral reefs of Makua.
The Beaufort Sea coast in Arctic Alaska and neighboring northern Canada has recently experienced extreme and accelerated climate change, including a dramatic reduction in summer sea ice. Human systems will likely be impacted through changes to oil industry and community infrastructure currently in place along parts of the coast, to habitat availability for harvested species such as caribou, waterbirds, and anadromous fish, to culturally important landscape elements, and to both recreational and subsistence coastal access. We used literature review and structured interviews to 1) identify current, broad interests for ongoing coastal research in the arctic, 2) identify the best mechanisms and format for communicating...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
The Beaufort Sea coast in arctic Alaska and neighboring northern Canada has recently experienced extreme and accelerated climate change, including a dramatic reduction in summer sea ice (Gildor and Tziperman 2003, Holland et al. 2006). This absence of ice allows increased wind and wave energy to directly affect the coast, resulting in island and mainland flooding, coastal erosion, and further movement of barrier islands and beaches. The period each year in which the arctic is free of summer ice is increasing and is predicted to increase non-linearly in the future. This suggests a “tipping point” has been reached, producing internal feedback mechanisms that will further accelerate coastal change (Comiso et al., 2008).These...
Time series data of water surface elevation, wave height, water column currents and temperature, and suspended sediment were acquired for 6 weeks on a coral reef off Jurabi Point, Ningaloo Coast UNESCO World Heritage site in Western Australia in support of a study on the circulation and sediment transport patterns of these reefs.
Time-series measurements of waves, currents, water levels, sea surface temperatures, ocean salinity, and water, air, and ground temperatures were collected in July through September 2011 in and around Arey Lagoon, near Barter Island, Alaska. Directional wave spectra, currents, water levels, salinity, and bottom and surface water temperatures were measured with a bottom-mounted 1MHz Nortek AWAC, HOBO temperature loggers, and a Solinst Levelogger in ~5m water depth offshore of Arey Island. Within Arey Lagoon, a bottom-mounted frame equipped with a Nortek 1MHz Aquadopp, Solinst Levelogger, and HOBO temperature loggers measured currents, water levels, and water temperatures. Ground temperatures (maximum depth 3 meters...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
Arctic Ocean,
Arey Island,
Arey Lagoon,
Barter Island,
Here we present surface current results from a physics-based, 3-dimensional coupled ocean-atmosphere numerical model that was generated to understand coral larval dispersal patterns in Maui Nui, Hawaii, USA. The model was used to simulate coral larval dispersal patterns from a number of existing State-managed reefs and large tracks of reefs with high coral coverage that might be good candidates for marine-protected areas (MPAs) during 8 spawning events during 2010-2013. The goal of this effort is to provide geophysical data to help provide guidance to sustain coral health in Maui Nui, Hawaii, USA. Each model output run is available as a netCDF file with self-contained attribute information. Each file name is appended...
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
NetCDF OPeNDAP Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: CMGP,
Coastal and Marine Geology Program,
Spatial surveys of water column physical properties were acquired with a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profiler for four days in February 2015 and one day in July 2015 off the north coast of the island of Tutuila, American Samoa in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns within and in the vicinity of the National Park of American Samoa.
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: CMGP,
Coastal and Marine Geology Program,
Time series data of water surface elevation, wave height, and water column currents and temperature were acquired at seven locations for 86 days off of Waiakane on the south coast of the island of Molokai, Hawaii, in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and the transformation of surface waves over the coral reefs.
Satellite-tracked, DGPS-equipped Lagrangian surface-current drifter deployments were conducted over 6 days between 30 July and 4 August 2016 at various locations and stages of the tide over the coral reef off Makua, HI. The drifters internally logged their location every 1 minute, and they transmitted their positions to satellites every 5 minutes. A drogue was attached to the drifters at 1 m below sea level in order to track the currents at that depth.
How do glaciers impact Alaska’s coastal ecosystems, and what do glacier changes mean for the future of this ecologically and economically valuable system?
Founding populations of the first Americans likely occupied parts of Beringia during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (1). The timing, pathways, and modes of their southward transit remain unknown, but blockage of the interior route by North American ice sheets between ~26-14 cal kyr BP (ka) favors a coastal route during this period. Using models and paleoceanographic data from the North Pacific, we identify climatically favorable intervals when humans could have plausibly traversed the Cordilleran coastal corridor during the terminal Pleistocene. Model simulations suggest that northward coastal currents strengthened during the LGM and at times of enhanced freshwater input, making southward transit by boat more difficult....
Time-series measurements of waves, currents, water levels, sea surface temperatures, ocean salinity, and water, air, and ground temperatures were collected in July through September 2011 in and around Arey Lagoon, near Barter Island, Alaska. Directional wave spectra, currents, water levels, salinity, and bottom and surface water temperatures were measured with a bottom-mounted 1MHz Nortek AWAC, HOBO temperature loggers, and a Solinst Levelogger in ~5m water depth offshore of Arey Island. Within Arey Lagoon, a bottom-mounted frame equipped with a Nortek 1MHz Aquadopp, Solinst Levelogger, and HOBO temperature loggers measured currents, water levels, and water temperatures. Ground temperatures (maximum depth 3 meters...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
Arctic Ocean,
Arey Island,
Arey Lagoon,
Barter Island,
Satellite-tracked, DGPS-equipped Lagrangian surface-current drifter deployments were conducted over 12 weeks between 14 April and 7 July 2015 at various locations within and offshore of the National Park of American Samoa study area to track surface currents. The drifters internally logged their location every 1 minute, and they transmitted their positions to satellites every 5 minutes. A drogue was attached to the drifters at 1 m below sea level in order to track the currents at that depth.
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation;
National Park of American Samoa,
Ocean Circulation,
First Release: Aug 2017 Revised: May 2018 (ver. 1.1) Time-series data of velocity, pressure, turbidity, conductivity, and temperature were collected near the mouth of the Elwha River, Washington, USA, from December 2010 through October 2014, for the Department of Interior’s Elwha River Restoration project. As part of this project, the U.S. Geological Survey studied the effects of renewed sediment supplies on the coastal ecosystems before, during, and following the removal of two dams, Elwha and Glines Canyon, from the Elwha River. Removal of the dams reintroduced sediment stored in the reservoirs to the river, and the river moved much of this sediment to the coast. Several benthic tripods were instrumented with...
Categories: Data,
Data Release - Revised;
Types: Citation;
Tags: CMGP,
CTD measurement,
Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were acquired between 5 October 2015 and 21 March 2017 within the Monterey Canyon off of Monterey, CA, USA. In order to better understand the triggering, progression and evolution of turbidity currents in Monterey Submarine Canyon, an experiment was designed to directly measure velocity, suspended sediment and physical water properties (temperature, salinity and density) along the canyon axis during an 18-month period. Three moorings in the upper canyon (MS1, MS2, MS3) containing oceanographic instruments and Anderson- type sediment traps were deployed during three consecutive six-month periods (A: October 2015 - April 2016; B: April - October...
Changes in Arctic coastal ecosystems in response to global warming may be some of the most severe on the planet. A better understanding and analysis of the rates at which these changes are expected to occur over the coming decades is crucial in order to delineate high-priority areas that are likely to be affected by climate changes. The data provided in this release are part of a study that assessed the likelihood of changes to a barrier island – lagoon systems in response to projected changes in atmospheric and oceanographic forcing associated with Arctic warming. Arey Lagoon and the surrounding area near Barter Island, Alaska, were focused upon as part of this pilot study. The study investigates the dominance...
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alaska,
Barter Island,
Bathymetry and Elevation,
Estimated start date, end date, and duration of open water at a location fronting Barter Island, Alaska derived from projected sea ice extents in 4 global climate models: MIROC5, BCC-CSM1.1, INM-CM4, and GFDL-ESM2M. Starting and ending dates are when sea ice retreated or is projected to retreat offshore by more than 80 kilometers fronting Barter Island. Projected coastal storm events were derived by downscaling atmospheric conditions of the RCP 4.5 climate scenario with the MIROC5 global climate model (GCM). Sea ice retreat distances were estimated from 4 separate GCMs: MIROC5, BCC-CSM1.1, INM-CM4, GFDL-CM3.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
Arctic Ocean,
Arey Island,
Arey Lagoon,
Barter Island,
Time-series measurements of waves, currents, water levels, sea surface temperatures, ocean salinity, and water, air, and ground temperatures were collected in July through September 2011 in and around Arey Lagoon, near Barter Island, Alaska. Directional wave spectra, currents, water levels, salinity, and bottom and surface water temperatures were measured with a bottom-mounted 1MHz Nortek AWAC, HOBO temperature loggers, and a Solinst Levelogger in ~5m water depth offshore of Arey Island. Within Arey Lagoon, a bottom-mounted frame equipped with a Nortek 1MHz Aquadopp, Solinst Levelogger, and HOBO temperature loggers measured currents, water levels, and water temperatures. Ground temperatures (maximum depth 3 meters...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
Arctic Ocean,
Arey Island,
Arey Lagoon,
Barter Island,
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