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Remote camera data on snow presence, snow depth, and wildlife detections on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA. Reconyx Hyperfire I and Hyperfire II cameras were used and set to take hourly timelapse images and motion-triggered images. The cameras were deployed from October 2020 - May 2021. Snow presence was assessed up to 15 m from the camera. Snow depth was measured using virtual snow stakes created with the edger R package created by the author. Wildlife were marked as present in all photos in which they appear, and new individuals were counted. Snow density was collected using a federal or prairie snow sampler. Snow hardness was collected using a ram penetrometer. Solar radiation was calculated using hemispherical...
Increased levels of natural gas exploration, development, and production across the Intermountain West have created a variety of concerns for mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) populations, including direct habitat loss to road and well-pad construction and indirect habitat losses that may occur if deer use declines near roads or well pads. We examined winter habitat selection patterns of adult female mule deer before and during the first 3 years of development in a natural gas field in western Wyoming. We used global positioning system (GPS) locations collected from a sample of adult female mule deer to model relative frequency or probability of use as a function of habitat variables. Model coefficients and predictive...
This data product contains estimates of habitat quality and connectivity for mountain lion, mule deer, desert bighorn sheep, and black bear, and combined estimates of high habitat and connectivity areas for all species. The analysis area was a 236,000 square kilometers that encompassed the Navajo Nation, which includes portions of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. The estimates of habitat quality were created with spatially explicit habitat variables and either an expert-based linear combination process (for mountain lion and mule deer) or a generalized linear mixed model-based estimation that used radio-collar telemetry data (for desert bighorn sheep, black bear, and pronghorn; collected between 2005-2011). Habitat...
Conflict resolution between stakeholder groups and management agencies is a problem in wildlife management. We evaluated our success in resolving a conflict between sportsmen and the Colorado Division of Wildlife (CDOW). Sportsmen challenged the credibility of methods used to estimate numbers of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in Colorado and demanded validating surveys to verify numbers of deer. Sportsmen, other interested wildlife stakeholders, and CDOW engaged in a conflict resolution process and designed and implemented an aerial survey to estimate numbers of deer in a specific population whose previous estimated size had been contested by sportsmen. We used helicopters to count mule deer on randomly selected...
Snow hardness measurements were collected at camera sites from December 2020 - April 2021, at the same time as snow density. Camera sites were chosen by stratified non-random sampling. Cameras were never closer than 25m to other cameras, nor were they placed facing trails. Measurements were collected every few weeks as logistics allowed. Samples were collected near the camera site in snow visually similar to the snow in the camera viewshed to prevent snow conditions from being disturbed beyond normal camera deployment. Snow hardness was measured using a ram penetrometer or “ramsonde” (Snowmetrics; Fort Collins, CO). A ramsonde is composed of a hammer, anvil, and rod. The hammer is dropped onto the anvil from a known...
This data product contains estimates of habitat quality for mule deer. The analysis area was a 236,000 square kilometers that encompassed the Navajo Nation, which includes portions of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. The estimates of habitat quality were created with spatially explicit habitat variables and either an expert-based linear combination process (for mountain lion and mule deer) or a generalized linear mixed model-based estimation that used radio-collar telemetry data (for desert bighorn sheep, black bear, and pronghorn; collected between 2005-2011). Habitat variables varied among species but included vegetation type, terrain ruggedness, topographic position index (TPI), road density, distance to water,...
This data product contains estimates of habitat quality and connectivity for mountain lion, mule deer, desert bighorn sheep, and black bear, and combined estimates of high habitat and connectivity areas for all species. The analysis area was a 236,000 square kilometers that encompassed the Navajo Nation, which includes portions of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. The estimates of habitat quality were created with spatially explicit habitat variables and either an expert-based linear combination process (for mountain lion and mule deer) or a generalized linear mixed model-based estimation that used radio-collar telemetry data (for desert bighorn sheep, black bear, and pronghorn; collected between 2005-2011). Habitat...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Antilocapra americana, Antilocapra americana, Arizona, Arizona, EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > LANDSCAPE, All tags...
Sagebrush ecosystems and wildlife that depend on them are under pressure from development, changing climate, as well as natural and human-caused disturbance. Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) are of particular concern due to population declines across many western states. We initiated a study to evaluate landscape-level changes ( disturbances, habitat treatments, development, and climate change) in Wyoming. This dataset contains age ratios (the number of juveniles to adult female mule deer) for 36 herd units in Wyoming, USA from 1985-2019. Age ratios provide a consistent metric of population demographics, including an index of recruitment (survival rate of young), which can be a sensitive metric of population change....
Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) fawn:doe (f:d) ratios in December have declined by 0.015 fawns/doe/year from 1972 through 1995 in Colorado, USA. To determine whether lower pregnancy or fetal production was the cause of low December f:d ratios, we estimated mule deer pregnancy rates in the Poudre River drainage during January 1998 and pregnancy and fetal rates on the Uncompahgre Plateau during February 1999. Twenty-seven (93.1%) of 29 yearling and adult does in the Poudre River drainage were detected pregnant with pregnancy-specific protein-B (PSPB). This proportion did not differ (P > 0.2) from the proportion of yearling and adult does that were pregnant when collected by various methods in previous studies in Colorado....
Abstract (from The Green Wave Hypothesis posits that herbivore migration manifests in response to waves of spring green-up (i.e. green-wave surfing). Nonetheless, empirical support for the Green Wave Hypothesis is mixed, and a framework for understanding variation in surfing is lacking. In a population of migratory mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), 31% surfed plant phenology in spring as well as a theoretically perfect surfer, and 98% surfed better than random. Green-wave surfing varied among individuals and was unrelated to age or energetic state. Instead, the greenscape, which we define as the order, rate and duration of green-up along migratory routes,...
Remote camera data on snow presence, snow depth, and wildlife detections on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA. Reconyx Hyperfire I and Hyperfire II cameras were set to take hourly timelapse images and motion-triggered images from October 2020 - May 2021 at 5 elevation categories (800-925m, 925-1050m, 1050-1175m, 1775-1300m, and > 1300m), 4 aspects (N, S, E, and W), and 3 canopy densities (Sparse [0-35%], Moderate [35-75%], and Dense [75-100%]), in duplicate, plus 17 selected microclimates (137 locations total), on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID. Images from 27 other locations were part of a pilot experiment during January to May 2020. Data in the CSVs include image metadata, camera site characteristics,...
This data product contains estimates of habitat connectivity for mule deer. The analysis area was a 236,000 square kilometers that encompassed the Navajo Nation, which includes portions of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. The estimates of habitat quality were created with spatially explicit habitat variables and either an expert-based linear combination process (for mountain lion and mule deer) or a generalized linear mixed model-based estimation that used radio-collar telemetry data (for desert bighorn sheep, black bear, and pronghorn; collected between 2005-2011). Habitat variables varied among species but included vegetation type, terrain ruggedness, topographic position index (TPI), road density, distance to water,...
Increased levels of natural gas exploration, development, and production across the Intermountain West have created a variety of concerns for mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) populations, including direct habitat loss to road and well-pad construction and indirect habitat losses that may occur if deer use declines near roads or well pads. We examined winter habitat selection patterns of adult female mule deer before and during the first 3 years of development in a natural gas field in western Wyoming. We used global positioning system (GPS) locations collected from a sample of adult female mule deer to model relative frequency or probability of use as a function of habitat variables. Model coefficients and predictive...
This data set represents statewide migration corridors or routes for mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) within the state of Wyoming. The original data was compiled by the Wyoming Game & Fish Department and produced on mylar map overlays which corresponded to U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1:100,000 scale quadrangle maps. Wyoming Open Spaces Initiative at the University of Wyoming digitized this hardcopy data to develop the original GIS layers in 2002. These have since been updated and continue to be maintained by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.
We examined survival rates of mule deer (Odocoileus hemnionus) fawns (1 Jan-31 May) and adult (21 yr old) females (1 Jun-31 May) from Colorado, Idaho, and Montana to assess the influence of survival on population dynamics over a broad geographic area. Survival rates were estimated from 1,875 radiocollared fawns and 1,536 radiocollared adult female-years. We found significant year-to-year differences in overwinter survival rates of fawns among states (P < 0.001), while annual survival rates of adult females showed less variation across years (P < 0.256). Sampling distributions of survival rates bv age class were modeled with the beta-binomial distribution (BBD) and not found different among states (ad F: P = 0.118;...

    map background search result map search result map Mule deer migration corridors for Wyoming at 1:100,000 Long-Term Trends in Mule Deer Pregnancy and Fetal Rates in Colorado Mule Deer Habitat Connectivity Mule Deer Habitat Quality SRLCC_2011_Fleishman_NavajoNationConnectivity_Data Metadata Snow and Wildlife Detections from Remote Camera Stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA (10/20/20-6/30/21) Environmental Data at Remote Camera Stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA (10/20/20-5/30/21) Snow Hardness Measurements at Remote Camera Stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID (12/1/20-4/30-21) Age ratios and landscape change covariates for mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) herd units in Wyoming, USA, 1985-2019 SRLCC_2011_Fleishman_NavajoNationConnectivity_Data Metadata Mule Deer Habitat Connectivity Mule Deer Habitat Quality Mule deer migration corridors for Wyoming at 1:100,000 Age ratios and landscape change covariates for mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) herd units in Wyoming, USA, 1985-2019 Long-Term Trends in Mule Deer Pregnancy and Fetal Rates in Colorado