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These data are a summary of modeled exposure of various lifeline infrastructure linear features and facilities (transportation, water supply and wastewater, oil and gas, electric power, and telecommunications) to potential hazards resulting from the HayWired earthquake scenario, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake occurring on the Hayward Fault on April 18, 2018, with an epicenter in the city of Oakland, CA. Existing hazard data (surface offset, ground shaking (mainshock and aftershocks), landslide, liquefaction, and fire following earthquake) were looked at alone and in combination with each other relative to the lifeline infrastructure linear features and facilities to provide estimates of potential exposure to various...
For the Green River Basin Landscape Conservation Design (GRB LCD) assessment, we mapped the vulnerability of the sagebrush ecosystem to oil and gas development for each 12-digit hydrologic unit. Using a vulnerability framework, we defined Sensitivity (S) as the multi-scale average of sagebrush ecosystem land cover derived from LANDFIRE Existing Vegetation Type (LANDFIRE 2014). Exposure (E) to oil and gas development was quantified as the average kernel density of active oil and gas wells at multiple scales. Potential Impact (PI) is the square root transformed product of oil and gas development exposure and sagebrush ecosystem sensitivity. Adaptive Capacity (AC) for sagebrush ecosystem was quantified as the inverse...
For the Green River Basin Landscape Conservation Design (GRB LCD) assessment, we mapped the vulnerability of the critical habitat for threatened and endangered fish species to oil and gas development for each 12-digit hydrologic unit. The following threatened and endangered fish species were included in this vulnerability assessment: Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius), Bonytail Chub (Gila elegans), Humpback chub (Gila cypha), and razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus). Using a vulnerability framework, we defined Sensitivity (S) as the average combined area of critical fish habitat within HUC12 polygons. Exposure (E) to oil and gas development was quantified the log transformed upstream flow accumulation of...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service; Tags: Colorado, Colorado, EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > LANDSCAPE, Green River Basin, Green River Basin, All tags...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), compiled Fall 2017 fluid level elevation data from idle oil and gas wells in the Oxnard Oil Field to estimate vertical hydraulic head difference between oil production and overlying groundwater aquifer zones. Fluid elevations came from two sources, measurements in idle oil and gas wells and groundwater elevations in water wells in the overlying aquifer estimated at the points of idle well measurements using geographic information system (GIS) procedures. The fluid elevations from idle oil and gas wells were compiled by the California Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM) as part of their Idle...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled a geodatabase containing mineral-related geospatial data for 19 countries of interest in the Indo-Pacific region (area of study): Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Burma, Fiji, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Korea (Republic of Korea), Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam. The data can be used in analyses of the extractive fuel and nonfuel mineral industries integral for the successful operation of the mineral industries within the area of study. This geodatabase reflects the USGS ongoing commitment to its mission of understanding the nature and distribution of global mineral commodity...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Asia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Burma, All tags...
Figure 1. Oil and gas development exposure and conservation scenarios for Greater sage-grouse: Combining spatially explicit modeling with GIS visualization provides critical information for management decisions. 2017. Applied Geograpy Lara M. Juliusson and Kevin E. Doherty
This community is collecting data relevant to oil and gas development and sage grouse conservation for a pilot-phase decision support system for DOI.
Tags: oil and gas
The National Geologic Map Database (NGMDB) is a Congressionally mandated national archive of geoscience maps, reports, and stratigraphic information. The Geologic Mapping Act of 1992 and its Reauthorizations calls for the U.S. Geological Survey and the Association of American State Geologists (AASG) to cooperatively build this national archive, according to technical and scientific standards whose development is coordinated by the NGMDB. The NGMDB consists of a comprehensive set of publication citations, stratigraphic nomenclature, downloadable content in raster and vector formats, unpublished source information, and guidance on standards development. The NGMDB contains information on more than 110,000 maps and...
Tags: AASG, Aeromagnetics, Association of American State Geologists, Bedrock geology, CSS, All tags...
In 2015, approximately 10 million acres of Federal lands across six western states were proposed for withdrawal from mineral entry by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in order to conserve habitat critical for the greater sage-grouse. As a result, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) launched the Sagebrush Mineral-Resource Assessment (SaMiRA) project in late-2015 to provide BLM with an assessment of the locatable minerals and an evaluation of the leaseable and saleable minerals within the proposed withdrawal areas. BLM provided Legacy Rehost 2000 System (LR2000) spatial data to the USGS on March 6, 2016 to help identify areas containing mineral leases and claims. The LR2000 system reports BLM land and mineral-use...
This data release contains oil well annular cement and casing damage data from parts of the South Belridge and Lost Hills Oil Fields in western Kern County, California. The study area coincides with where groundwater with less than 10,000 milligrams per liter total dissolved solids and outside an exempt aquifer are located overlying oil-producing zones in these fields. In the study areas, hydraulic fracturing is occurring in mature oil fields where oil and gas development has occurred for approximately a century. The data were compiled from records of the California Department of Conservation, Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM). The data compiled include construction information for oil wells, drilling...
These data were compiled to assess time series data of aeolian sediment collections across varying climates, vegetation cover, and land uses on the Colorado Plateau. The objectives of our study were to interpret aeolian erosion and deposition processes and measure horizontal sediment flux over the span of two decades amid rapidly changing climate conditions and multiple land use changes within the study area. These data represent the seasonally accumulated horizontal sediment flux from different landscapes within the Colorado Plateau measured using Big Springs Number Eight (BSNE) dust samplers. These data were collected in Grand, San Juan, and Wayne County, Utah and Mesa Country, Colorado with sample collections...
Categories: Data; Tags: Arches National Park, Bears Ears National Monument, Big Springs Number Eight samplers, Canyonlands National Park, Climatology, All tags...
Unconventional oil development in the Bakken shale region has increased rapidly as a result of new technologies. This region also supports a particularly high density and diversity of grassland bird species, which are declining across North America. We examined grassland bird response to unconventional oil extraction sites (i.e. developed with hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling) and associated roads in North Dakota. Our goal was to quantify the amount of habitat that was indirectly degraded by oil development, as evidenced by patterns of avoidance by birds. Grassland birds avoided areas within 149 m of roads (95% CI: 4 – 294 m), 267 m of single-bore well pads (95% CI: 157 – 377 m), and 150 m of multi-bore...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled a geodatabase containing mineral-related geospatial data for the People's Republic of China. The data can be used in analyses of the extractive fuel and nonfuel mineral industries and related economic and physical infrastructure integral for the successful operation of the mineral industries within the area of study as well as the movement of mineral products across domestic and global markets. This geodatabase reflects the USGS ongoing commitment to its mission of understanding the nature and distribution of global mineral commodity supply chains by updating and publishing the georeferenced locations of mineral commodity production and processing facilities, mineral...
Tags: Asia, China, Economic Geology, Energy Resources, Fujian Province, All tags...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board and Bureau of Land Management compiled and analyzed data for mapping groundwater salinity in selected oil and gas fields in California. The data for the South Cuyama oil field includes well construction data, digitized borehole geophysical data, geochemical analyses of water samples from oil and gas wells and groundwater wells, geological formation depths, and the groundwater total dissolved solids (TDS) calculations. These data have been compiled from many sources and span several decades. The well construction data includes attributes such as the date drilling began (spud date), borehole orientation, well depth...
The Alaska Geologic Materials Center (GMC) in Eagle River holds non-proprietary rock core and cuttings that represent over 13 million feet of exploration and production drilling in Alaska. Additionally, the collection holds more than 252,000 linear feet of diamond-drilled hard-rock mineral core, representing more than 1,800 exploratory boreholes; 76,000 linear feet of oil and gas core and rock samples from more than 1,650 exploratory or production wells; samples for geotechnical boreholes; and numerous surface rock and sediment samples. The collection also includes extensive geochemical data and processed material derived from this rock. This publication represents the GMC inventory in accessible, intuitive digital...
Figure 3. Oil and gas development exposure and conservation scenarios for Greater sage-grouse: Combining spatially explicit modeling with GIS visualization provides critical information for management decisions. 2017. Applied Geograpy Lara M. Juliusson and Kevin E. Doherty
This data release contains spatial data on the location, number, size and extent of energy-related surface disturbances on the Colorado Plateau of Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico as of 2016. The database includes: 1) polygons of oil and gas pads generated from automated and manual classification of aerial imagery, and 2) polylines of roads derived from the U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line Shapefile, supplemented with additional oil and gas access roads digitized from aerial imagery. Pad polygons and road segments are attributed with a "spud year" date based on spud information from the nearest well point. Spudding is the process of beginning to drill a well in the oil and gas industry, and the spud year is a close approximation...
This dataset was compiled and published as a service definition for the purpose of display in an interactive web map of the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative (WLCI). The data layers selected for the dataset are a subset of the data in U.S. Geological Survey's Data Series 843, the Energy Map of Southwestern Wyoming, Part B—Oil and Gas, Oil Shale, Uranium, and Solar (2014). Data Series 843 includes a geodatabase of all the shapefiles used as data sources. These shapefiles and their metadata can be downloaded from Data Series 843 is the second and final part of the Energy Map of Southwestern Wyoming series (also see USGS Data Series 683,
This collection is comprised of oil- and gas-related well cores and cuttings from wells drilled to either test for the presence of liquid or gas fossil fuels, examine subsurface stratigraphy and structures, or to produce liquid or gas fossil fuels. All well data in the Alaska Geologic Materials Center (GMC) database represents both exploration and production wells. Core has been donated by oil and gas exploration companies as well as state and federal agencies. This oil and gas related sample collection includes core, core chip, side wall core, cuttings, and unwashed cutting samples as well as oil and gas related surface and shot-hole samples.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board compiled and analyzed data for the purpose of mapping groundwater salinity in selected oil and gas fields in California. The data for the Fruitvale and Rosedale Ranch oil fields include well construction data, digitized borehole geophysical data, geochemical analyses of water samples from oil and gas wells and groundwater wells, geological formation depths, and the groundwater total dissolved solids (TDS) calculations used in an accompanying manuscript. These data have been compiled from many sources and span several decades. The well construction data includes attributes such as the date drilling began (spud...

map background search result map search result map Collection of oil and gas rock cores from Alaska (GMC) Energy Map of Southwestern Wyoming, Part B - Uranium, Oil and Gas Data Layers Oil and Gas DSS Bureau of Land Management's Land and Mineral Legacy Rehost System (LR2000) mineral use cases for the Sagebrush Mineral-Resource Assessment, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming Figure 3. Figure 1. Effects of oil and gas development on grassland birds report Geochemical and geophysical data for wells in the Fruitvale and Rosedale Ranch oil and gas fields, Kern County, California, USA Vulnerability of Critical Fish Habitat to Oil and Gas Development in the Green River Basin Vulnerability of Sagebrush Ecosystem to Oil and Gas Development for the Green River Basin The Alaska Geological Materials Center Inventory Geochemical and geophysical data for selected wells in and surrounding the South Cuyama oil and gas field Results of individual lifeline exposure to hazards resulting from the HayWired scenario earthquake sequence for counties and cities in the San Francisco Bay area, California Fluid levels in the Oxnard Oil Field, Ventura County, California Oil well annular cement and casing damage data in mature oil fields undergoing hydraulic fracturing, South Belridge and Lost Hills Oil Fields, California Spatial data of oil and gas pads and access roads on the Colorado Plateau, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico Compilation of Geospatial Data (GIS) for the Mineral Industries and Related Infrastructure of the People's Republic of China Compilation of Geospatial Data (GIS) for the Mineral Industries of Select Countries in the Indo-Pacific Science Data Catalog submission - USGS:366411b4-98bc-41f7-876b-778f91aff6b6 Dust mass and horizontal aeolian sediment flux data from a sampler network on the Colorado Plateau, USA Fluid levels in the Oxnard Oil Field, Ventura County, California Oil and Gas DSS Oil well annular cement and casing damage data in mature oil fields undergoing hydraulic fracturing, South Belridge and Lost Hills Oil Fields, California Geochemical and geophysical data for wells in the Fruitvale and Rosedale Ranch oil and gas fields, Kern County, California, USA Geochemical and geophysical data for selected wells in and surrounding the South Cuyama oil and gas field Dust mass and horizontal aeolian sediment flux data from a sampler network on the Colorado Plateau, USA Effects of oil and gas development on grassland birds report Results of individual lifeline exposure to hazards resulting from the HayWired scenario earthquake sequence for counties and cities in the San Francisco Bay area, California Energy Map of Southwestern Wyoming, Part B - Uranium, Oil and Gas Data Layers Vulnerability of Critical Fish Habitat to Oil and Gas Development in the Green River Basin Vulnerability of Sagebrush Ecosystem to Oil and Gas Development for the Green River Basin Spatial data of oil and gas pads and access roads on the Colorado Plateau, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico Bureau of Land Management's Land and Mineral Legacy Rehost System (LR2000) mineral use cases for the Sagebrush Mineral-Resource Assessment, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming Collection of oil and gas rock cores from Alaska (GMC) Figure 3. Figure 1. Compilation of Geospatial Data (GIS) for the Mineral Industries and Related Infrastructure of the People's Republic of China Science Data Catalog submission - USGS:366411b4-98bc-41f7-876b-778f91aff6b6 The Alaska Geological Materials Center Inventory Compilation of Geospatial Data (GIS) for the Mineral Industries of Select Countries in the Indo-Pacific