Filters: Tags: Oxygen (X)
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This dataset provides timeseries data on water quality and quantity, as collected or computed from outside sources. The format is many tables with one row per time series observation (1 tab-delimited file per site-variable combination, 1 zip file per site). This compilation of data is intended for use in estimating or interpreting metabolism. Sites were included if they met the initial criteria of having at least 100 dissolved oxygen observations and one of the accepted NWIS site types ('ST','ST-CA','ST-DCH','ST-TS', or 'SP'). This dataset is part of a larger data release of metabolism model inputs and outputs for 356 streams and rivers across the United States ( The complete release...
Natural bornite (Cu5FeS4) leached in ferric chloride or in sulfuric or hydrochloric acid solutions with oxygen showed several differences. In ferric chloride 80% of the copper was leached in two stages. The first (30% copper removal) requiring one minute was controlled by mixed kinetics (liquid ferric ion diffusion and chemical surface reaction). The second was controlled by formation of a surface sulfur layer and then diffusion through the sulfur. With oxygen in sulfuric acid reaction was slow and only the first stage was studied. Copper removal had an induction period. The bornite structure disappeared at 12% copper removal (also found with ferric chloride) and covellite formed on the surface with a species...
In support of paleoclimatology investigations, samples of mammillary calcite, calcitic folia, and flowstone were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in Devils Hole and Devils Hole Cave 2, Nevada, between 1983 and 1996. These samples came from about 60 m below to 9 m above the modern water table in these caverns. To determine δ18O and δ13C time series spanning the interval 567.7–4.5 ka, more than a thousand samples were milled and analyzed for their δ18O and δ13C values. To determine time-series ages, more than a hundred samples were analyzed using uranium-series dating. Many of these measurement results have not been published. Herein, we provide previously unpublished δ13C and δ18O values, and we provide unpublished...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Death Valley National Park,
Devils Hole,
Devils Hole Cave 2,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
This dataset provides input data formatted for use in estimating metabolism. The format is tables of prepared time series inputs (1 tab-delimited file per site, in 1 zip file per site). This dataset is part of a larger data release of metabolism model inputs and outputs for 356 streams and rivers across the United States ( The complete release includes: modeled estimates of gross primary productivity, ecosystem respiration, and the gas exchange coefficient; model input data and alternative input data; model fit and diagnostic information; site catchment boundaries and site point locations; and potential predictors of metabolism such as discharge and light availability.
The relationship between local ground water flows and NO(3)(-) transport to the channel was examined in three well transects from a natural, wooded riparian zone adjacent to the Shingobee River, MN. The hillslope ground water originated as recharge from intermittently grazed pasture up slope of the site. In the hillslope transect perpendicular to the stream, ground water NO(3)(-) concentrations decreased from approximately 3 mg N L(-1) beneath the ridge (80 m from the channel) to 0.01 to 1.0 mg N L(-1) at wells 1 to 3 m from the channel. The Cl(-) concentrations and NO(3)/Cl ratios decreased toward the channel indicating NO(3)(-) dilution and biotic retention. In the bankside well transect parallel to the stream,...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Agriculture,
Environmental Monitoring,
In order to assess the role of cyanobacteria in the formation and dynamics of microenvironments in microbial mats, we studied an experimental biofilm of a benthic, halotolerant strain, belonging to the Halothece cluster of cyanobacteria. The 12-week-old biofilm developed in a sand core incubated in a benthic gradient chamber under opposing oxygen and sulfide vertical concentration gradients. At the biofilm surface, and as a response to high light irradiances, specific accumulation of myxoxanthophyll was detected in the cells, consistent with the typical vertical distribution of sun versus shade species in nature. The oxygen turn-over in terms of gross photosynthesis and net productivity rates was comparable to oxygen...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Journal Citation;
Tags: Cyanobacterium,
FEMS Microbiology Ecology,
The relationship between local ground water flows and NO(3)(-) transport to the channel was examined in three well transects from a natural, wooded riparian zone adjacent to the Shingobee River, MN. The hillslope ground water originated as recharge from intermittently grazed pasture up slope of the site. In the hillslope transect perpendicular to the stream, ground water NO(3)(-) concentrations decreased from approximately 3 mg N L(-1) beneath the ridge (80 m from the channel) to 0.01 to 1.0 mg N L(-1) at wells 1 to 3 m from the channel. The Cl(-) concentrations and NO(3)/Cl ratios decreased toward the channel indicating NO(3)(-) dilution and biotic retention. In the bankside well transect parallel to the stream,...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Agriculture,
Environmental Monitoring,
This dataset provides site identifiers, details, and quality indicators. The format is a table with 1 row per site (tab-delimited file). This dataset is part of a larger data release of metabolism model inputs and outputs for 356 streams and rivers across the United States ( The complete release includes: modeled estimates of gross primary productivity, ecosystem respiration, and the gas exchange coefficient; model input data and alternative input data; model fit and diagnostic information; site catchment boundaries and site point locations; and potential predictors of metabolism such as discharge and light availability.
This dataset provides site locations as shapefile points. The format is a shapefile for all sites combined (.shp, .shx, .dbf, and .prj files). This dataset is part of a larger data release of metabolism model inputs and outputs for 356 streams and rivers across the United States ( The complete release includes: modeled estimates of gross primary productivity, ecosystem respiration, and the gas exchange coefficient; model input data and alternative input data; model fit and diagnostic information; site catchment boundaries and site point locations; and potential predictors of metabolism such as discharge and light availability.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: 007,
The benefits of gradually removing a dam (through multiple notches) are to reduce the total project cost and reduce possible environmental effects by allowing the impounded sediment to slowly move downstream, and a stable stream and revegetated floodplain to form upstream. Notching, in this study of a dam on Brewster Creek, near St. Charles, Illinois, involves cutting a given height (in five 12–18 inch notches over approximately a 9 month period) across the length (or some portion of the length) of the dam. Brewster Creek is a tributary of the Fox River in northeastern, Illinois. Sediment, dissolved oxygen, and geomorphic response are being monitored before, during, and after a gradual (notching) removal of the...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Analysis,
Automated sampling,
Costs analysis,
This dataset provides model specifications used to estimate metabolism. The format is a table with 1 row per model (1 tab-delimited file, compressed into zip file). The specific format of this configuration file is arbitrary and specific to this analysis, and the format need not be replicated to use streamMetabolizer; however, this tabular format is useful because it allows for the reading by both humans and computers of (1) the combinations of sites and temporal resolutions for which models were run, (2) the timeseries data that were selected and combined to prepare the input to each model, and (3) the model specifications and parameters that were used in each model application. This dataset is part of a larger...
The objective of this study was to determine why certain stream insects tend to be found in certain temperature ranges. Many federal, state and local agencies use stream insects to monitor the health of freshwater ecosystems. While the temperature ranges for some insects are often inferred from the temperature of the waters where they were collected, this inference is coarse at best and problematic at worst. Stream temperatures fluctuate a lot during the year and temperature may or may not control where an insect lives. Field insects were collected and sent to a laboratory for testing several temperature endpoints, particularly at higher temperatures. Respiration, breathing rate, and some physical activities were...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Climate change,
Northwest CASC,
Other Wildlife,
Rivers, Streams and Lakes,
This dataset provides key diagnostics and overall assessments of metabolism model performance. The format is a table with 1 row per model (1 tab-delimited file, compressed into zip file). See the accompanying publication for rationale for the choices of specific diagnostics. This dataset is part of a larger data release of metabolism model inputs and outputs for 356 streams and rivers across the United States ( The complete release includes: modeled estimates of gross primary productivity, ecosystem respiration, and the gas exchange coefficient; model input data and alternative input data; model fit and diagnostic information; site catchment boundaries and site point locations;...
This dataset provides daily metabolism estimates and potential predictor variables to support further exploration. The format is a table with 1 row per site-date combination (1 tab-delimited file, compressed into a zip file). This dataset is part of a larger data release of metabolism model inputs and outputs for 356 streams and rivers across the United States ( The complete release includes: modeled estimates of gross primary productivity, ecosystem respiration, and the gas exchange coefficient; model input data and alternative input data; model fit and diagnostic information; site catchment boundaries and site point locations; and potential predictors of metabolism such as discharge...
This dataset provides complete fits from metabolism estimation models. The format is 5 files per model (text and tab-delimited files, packaged as 1 zip file per model): (1) estimates of daily gross primary productivity (GPP), ecosystem respiration (ER), and the gas exchange coefficient (K600), (2) parameters for the model overall, (3) estimates of the nodes defining the piecewise line relating K600 to discharge, (4) parameters for the overall relationship between K600 and discharge, and (5) any warnings returned by the model. This dataset is part of a larger data release of metabolism model inputs and outputs for 356 streams and rivers across the United States ( The complete release...
This dataset provides shapefile outlines of the catchments contributing to sites where metabolism was or could have been estimated. The format is a shapefile for all sites combined (.shp, .shx, .dbf, and .prj files). This dataset is part of a larger data release of metabolism model inputs and outputs for 356 streams and rivers across the United States ( The complete release includes: modeled estimates of gross primary productivity, ecosystem respiration, and the gas exchange coefficient; model input data and alternative input data; model fit and diagnostic information; site catchment boundaries and site point locations; and potential predictors of metabolism such as discharge and...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: 007,
Methane, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide data were collected at two offshore submarine pockmarks, Miami Pockmark and Key Biscayne Pockmark. A series of dives were performed to gather the data using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) with an Underwater Mass Spectrometer (UMS) instrument. The data were collected May 5-8, 2016 using a Bluefin B12 AUV equipped with a UMS and an onboard calibrated Kearfott T-24 Inertial Navigation System (INS) aided by a GPS Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), 600 kHz RDI Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) and a Valeport sound velocity meter. The methane, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide data collected from Miami Pockmark and Key Biscayne Pockmark are displayed in figures 1-8.
There is a growing demand for commodities (elements, compounds, minerals) used in today's advanced technologies. Critical minerals are usually found in ore deposits that are deemed vital to economic and national security. The National Geochemical Database on Ore Deposits: Legacy data (NGDOD) contains chemistry and geologic information for nearly 30,000 historic ore and ore-related rock samples from mineral deposits and mining districts in the United States. Geochemical data sets from various mineral deposits were submitted by geologists of the "Systems Approach to Critical Minerals Inventory, Research, and Assessment" (SACM) within the U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Resource Program (MRP). The data sets represent...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Alaska,
Economic Geology,