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The Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment (GCVA) used an expert opinion approach to qualitatively assess the vulnerability of four ecosystems: mangrove, oyster reef, tidal emergent marsh, and barrier islands, and a suite of wildlife species that depend on them. More than 50 individuals participated in the completion of the GCVA, facilitated via Ecosystem and Species Expert Teams. The GCVA made use of the Standardized Index of Vulnerability and Value Assessment (SIVVA) (Reece and Noss 2014) to provide an objective framework for evaluating vulnerability by guiding assessors through a series of questions related to the changes an ecosystem or species might experience due to climate change and other threats. Assessors...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Alabama, BARRIER ISLANDS, BIOSPHERE, BIOSPHERE, Barrier Islands, All tags...
1985 Gulf of Mexico Atlas abstract American oyster Crassostrea virginica Ostion americanoDescription Range: The American oyster, a bivalve mollusc of the family Ostreidae, is found in the western Atlantic from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Yucatan Peninsula. In the Gulf, this species occurs throughout estuaries, shallow nearshore waters, and on reefs located near river mouths. Habitat: Large populations of this benthic invertebrate are found in the large estuarine bays and sounds of the Gulf (with most concentrations found within 10-meter depths). Sedentary in character, this invertebrate attaches in clusters to shell reefs, firm mud/shell bottoms and other hard substrates. Feeding and Behavior: The American oyster...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: ANIMALS/INVERTEBRATES, ANIMALS/INVERTEBRATES, Academics & scientific researchers, Alabama, American oyster, All tags...
This USGS Data Release represents geospatial and tabular data for the Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment Project. The data release was produced in compliance with the new 'open data' requirements as way to make the scientific products associated with USGS research efforts and publications available to the public. The dataset consists of 2 separate items: 1. Vulnerability assessment data for habitat and species based on expert opinion (Tabular datasets) 2. Vulnerability assessment values for species across subregions in study area (Vector GIS dataset)
Oyster reefs are one of the most important environmental and economic resources within the coastal regions of the United States. Although oyster reefs in deeper water have been mapped, the extent and condition of intertidal reefs has not been sufficiently inventoried in most states. Understanding the geographic extent and condition of intertidal oyster reef and shell bottoms is important for assessing parental stock and to determine potential recruitment bottlenecks for oysters within an estuary. These intertidal areas have traditionally served as a sanctuary from commercial harvest pressure due to closures, safety, and operational barriers preventing the harvesting of oysters in shallow water. The location...
Compilation of all outputs from the modeling study presented in Lavaud et al. (2023; IP-156006). In this study a Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model for the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, was run under different scenarios of current (2014–2020) and future (2041–2050) temperature and salinity conditions across six key Texas and Louisiana estuaries to derive an aquaculture index, based on survival and time to market size, and a restoration index, based on survival and reproductive output.
The Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment (GCVA) used an expert opinion approach to qualitatively assess the vulnerability of four ecosystems: mangrove, oyster reef, tidal emergent marsh, and barrier islands, and a suite of wildlife species that depend on them. More than 50 individuals participated in the completion of the GCVA, facilitated via Ecosystem and Species Expert Teams. The GCVA made use of the Standardized Index of Vulnerability and Value Assessment (SIVVA) (Reece and Noss 2014) to provide an objective framework for evaluating vulnerability by guiding assessors through a series of questions related to the changes an ecosystem or species might experience due to climate change and other threats. Assessors...
This dataset includes annual encrusting organism (oyster, mussel, barnacle) counts and density (ind m-2), and oyster shell height (mm) data for five bio-engineered reef designs: OysterbreakTM (OB), Wave Attenuating Device® (WAD), Reef Ball™ (rows of two, RFB2; rows of three, RFB3), ReefBLKâ„  (RBL), and ShoreJAX™ (JAX). Data were collected during winter months (i.e., December-January) in 2017, 2018, and 2019 in low water when reefs were partially exposed.

    map background search result map search result map Mapping shallow reefs using low-cost side scanning sonar and drone photography systems Data for Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment Oysters 2011 - Gulf of Mexico Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment Bio-engineered oyster reef monitoring, Eloi Bay, Louisiana, 2017-2019 Eastern oyster Dynamic Energy Budget model outputs under current (2014-2020) and projected (2041-2050) temperature and salinity conditions in Texas and Louisiana estuaries and along northern Gulf of Mexico coast Bio-engineered oyster reef monitoring, Eloi Bay, Louisiana, 2017-2019 Mapping shallow reefs using low-cost side scanning sonar and drone photography systems Eastern oyster Dynamic Energy Budget model outputs under current (2014-2020) and projected (2041-2050) temperature and salinity conditions in Texas and Louisiana estuaries and along northern Gulf of Mexico coast Oysters 2011 - Gulf of Mexico Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment Data for Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment