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These data were compiled as part of a larger study to evaluate post-stocking survival of hatchery-reared Roundtail Chub. We conducted a two year study (Dec. 2015 – Mar. 2017) in the upper Verde River at the Burnt Ranch stocking location near Paulden, Arizona. Young of year Roundtail Chub were acquired from the Arizona Research and Conservation Center in Cornville, Arizona. Passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags (BioMark, 12.5 mm 134.2 kHz FDX) were implanted into Roundtail Chub each year (n = 333, Year 1; n = 2177, Year 2) prior to stocking. Each year, fish were measured (total length, TL, mm) before release (reflected in Pre-Stocking data table). We used two methods to recapture stocked fish, one passive and...
This data contains information of PIT tagged mountain whitefish detections at PIT tag interrogators in the Methow, Columbia and Entiait, rivers. This data was downloaded from the PTAGIS database at
Categories: Data;
Tags: Columbia River,
Data Visualization & Tools,
Entiat River,
Methow River,
Mountain whitefish tagged with PIT tags in the Methow River. This data is from the Ptagis database located at
These data were compiled to fit Bayesian state-space growth in length models to estimate the environmental variables that influence flannelmouth sucker growth rates in the Grand Canyon. Objective(s) of our study were to quantify monthly intervals of growth of flannelmouth suckers in four river reaches, and test if novel high frequency gross primary productivity data would be a significant predictor of fish growth. These data represent capture histories for flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus latippinis) in the mainstem of the Colorado River within the Grand Canyon (river mile 0 to 226) from 2012-2018 and environmental variable data including water temperature, turbidity, and gross primary productivity. Fish data refer...
Categories: Data;
Tags: American Southwest,
Aquatic Biology,
Bright Angel Creek,
Catostomus latippinis,
This is the temperature data used in the science product "Spatio-temporal variability in movement, age, and growth, of mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) in a river network based upon PIT tagging and otolith chemistry." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2014, 71(1): 131-140, 10.1139/cjfas-2013-0279. This study took place on the Methow River watershed. Some of the fish from this study moved into the Columbia and Entiait rivers.