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Filters: Tags: Patterson, E.F. Collection (X)

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Album caption: Pacific Region Edit Unit. First row left to right: Harry P. Jones, John L. Farmer, chief, Edit Uni; Ambroses L. Fieber, Edward L. Koltun. Second row left to right: Glenn E. Humrich, Ted T. Inouye, Sally M. Inouye, Donald L. Brooks, Earl M. Hogan. Third row left to right: Wayne C. Fields, Carl K. Rowley, Raymond C. Bartman, Arthur Perlenfein, Jesse Z. Davis. Fourth row left to right: Clifton L. Roberson, William R. Campbell, L. Jewel Colbert., Francis E. Kuntze, Catherine E. Young, Beverly H. Pierce. No index card. Note on album: Photographed and compiled by E.F. Patterson, August 1952.
Album caption: Central Region Multiplex Section B. Top Row (left to right): D.C. Wallace, M. Schooler, F.G. Lavery, R.A. Shoolbred, C.W. Richter. Second (from top): G.O. Boeckman, J.W. Walker, R.C. Haas, A.D. Bausman, H.H. Comer, R.L. Brown, O.R. Ummel, E.C. Wilkinson. Third (from top): D.R. Stark, G.C. Earl, M.H. Dageforde, B.P. Bagrowski, L.L. Levisen, R.E. Wehmeier, R.F. Detjen, F.E. Onellion, P.B. Thayer. Fourth (from top): M.H. Patterson, L.H. Wilcoxson, B.E. Guyer, G.W. Heaberlin, F.D. McCallon, D.G. Macy, T.J. Oldenburg, C.E. Turner, W.P. Metcalfe, Jr., G.O. Schreiner. Fifth (from top): J.J. Cooper, E.D. Jones, R.A. Kennedy, J.W. Wood, H.R. Knight, J.F. Tweedy, W.W. Fahrenback, J.W. Simmons, W.W. Brown,...
Album caption: Trimetrogon Section, Phototopography Unit. First row left to right: A.L. Centeno, J.R. Stoddard, C.L. Huffaker, F.G. Landrum, Asst. Chief; Marvin B. Scher, Chief; W. Silbert, J.D. Horton, W.W. Shows. Second row left to right: I.I. Shulman, U.S. Pannell, H.M. Eldridge, A.S. Knox, W.E. Fiene, D.S. Handwerker, J.F. Wright, K.W. Coats, G.F. Laurin. Third row left to right: C.M. Owings, H.M. Beattie, Jr., H.A. Berthold, B.Smith, K.I. Kitagawa, S.E. Mattingly, A.T. Cokenias, R.J. Hoffmann, C.N. Adams, W.E. Haggerty. No index card. Note on album: Photographed and compiled by E.F. Patterson. 1952.
Album caption: RT-4, Cartography and Map Editing Section. Charles F. Fuechsel, Chief. First row left to right: Clarence A. Berman, John H. Wyatt, Arthur F. Striker, Charles F. Fuechsel, Lionel C. Moore, Walter E. Baird, Robert T. Halpin. Second row left to right: Charles R. Graham, Diane G. Jackson, Margaret W. Palmer, Marian E. Maclean, Bela J. Bodnar, Vern Nygard, Stephen F. Anderson. Third row left to right: Margaret E. Moss, Margaret O. Miller, Margaret Bergh, Delar Kimble, Kostka Mudd, Leonard A. Robinette, Kyran P. Carey, Alexander J. Ogle, Reginald H. Ribbeck. No index card. Note on album: Photographed and compiled by E.F. Patterson. 1952.
Album caption: Central Region Cartography Section, Photogaphic Services Unit. Third row, left to right: Robert F. Hardebeck, Hardin Hardesty, James L. Howard, Everett A. Campbell, James M. Williams, Jr., and Homer D. Love. Second row, left to right: Calvin E. Hazelwood, Joseph E. Guidicini, Francis S. Wiley, and Jesse N. Berry First row left to right: Mary A. Freeze, Kurt Linde, and Iris J. Byer. No index card. Note on album: Photographed and compiled by E.F. Patterson, August 1952.
Album caption: Central Region Multiplex, Section A. Top row (l to r): H.S. Creighton, J.E. Shelden, D.A. Brenden, E.A. Jackson, J.C. Parks. Second (from top): A.E. Price, J.P. Fiebelman, H.G. Rosenau, S.E. Edson, S.B. Brady, J.L. Brown, R.W. Shearer, R.E. Edmonson, T.G. Lanham. Third (from top): R.B. Mumma, C.W. Toy, E.L. Sabo, J.W. Geurin, H.P. Gleason, R.W. Sidie, V.J. Cissna, R.W. Sprick, R.W. Eubanks, W.D. Kissick. Fourth (from top): J.W. McGregor, B.E. Hippler, F.J. Watz, J.B. roberts, L.G. Wittman, S.D. Sawyer, C.K. Ferns, R.E. Williamson, J.H. Gaddy, W.A. Coe. Fifth (from top): I.J. Hawkins, C.H. Croom, W.R. Brown, J.J. Hoskovec, R.F. Perry, H.R. Rowden, W.L. Eckelberry, Q.E. Baker, M.G. Johnson, H.M....
Album caption: Rocky Mountain Region Cartography Section, Drafting Unit. First row (left to right): D.W. Bruce, W.H. Alford, O.E. McDanel, M.H. Zalewski, Squad Supervisor; J.H. Rankin, Squad Supervisor; H.M. Townsend, Chief, Section; E.O. Windham, Chief, Drafting Unit; V.C. Maxwell, Squad Supervisor, B.R. Alfire, Squad Supervisor; D.C. Brown, Stephen Kokayko. Second row (left to right): B.C. Bicknell, M.L. Dunn, Miriam Bax, V.E. Dickerson, Shirley McWhirter, L.G. Hall, M.B. Anderson, L.E. Buis, D.A. Nepa, D.M. Baumann, F.M. Knickerbocker, F.M. Harmel, L.M. Phillips, B.J. Lockhart. Third row (left to right): J.L. Bargas, J.A. Carduno, Luciano Sanchez, A.J. Devorss, Sakaye Matsui, M.E. Ollis, M.A. Gentry, E.I....
Album caption: Trimetrogon Section, Radar Unit. Front row left to right: R.M. Leonard, L.P. Murphy, Bernard B. Scheps, Chief. Rear row left to right: W.R. Smithea, P.D. Zubeck, W.B. Cooke, M.S. Williams, P.C. Frank. No index card. Note on album: Photographed and compiled by E.F. Patterson. 1952.
Album and index card caption: U.S. Geological Survey's DC-3 "flying laboratory" used in aeromagnetic surveys. Making ready for flight at the National Airport. Washington, D.C. 1960. Portion published as the upper left photograph on page 35, in the U.S. Geological Survey Unnumbered Series, Images of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1879-1979.
Isidore Adler, chemist, operates a gonimeter used for x-ray fluorescence analysis of individual grains of mineral specimens, Geologic Division, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. 1958. Lower right photograph page 36, Images of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1879-1979.
Album caption: Blue line processes on metal mounted boards for field and color separation drafting. No index card. Album note: Photographed and compiled by E.F. Patterson.
Album caption: Rear tapeman holding break of tape on tally pin. No index card. Note on album: Photographed and compiled by E.F. Patterson, August 1952.
Album caption: H&H multiplex supporting frame with equipment. No index card. Album note: Photographed and compiled by E.F. Patterson.
Album caption: Wild Autograph Model A-6. No index card. Album note: Photographed and compiled by E.F. Patterson.
Album caption: Illustration of a drafting trainee, consistent line wieght and smoothness of line is emphasized. An employee is trained approximately two months before going on production. No index card. Note on album: Photographed and compiled by E.F. Patterson, August 1952. Published as figure 23 in the USGS Circular 1341, History of the Topographic Branch (Division). Caption from published photo, Figure 23. Pen-and-ink drafting for map production was used from the early 1940s through the mid-1950s. Inking contours by hadn required a light touch to maintain consistent line weight (1952). Email communication USGS employee on May 26, 2021, "... it looks like a scope they used to determine line widths and spacing....
Album caption: Complete Multiplex Mapping Unit showing portion of compiled map. No index card. Album note: Photographed and compiled by E.F. Patterson.
Album caption: Slotted Template Layout. No index card. Note on album: Photographed and compiled by E.F. Patterson, August 1952.
Album caption: Vernier transit theodolite with striding level. No index card. Note on album: Photographed and compiled by E.F. Patterson, August 1952. Location unknown.
Airborne magnetic survey of the Patuxent River area by Aircraft 94 at 2000 feet altitude: Maryland. 1960. Lower right photograph page 35, Images of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1879-1979.

map background search result map search result map Isidore Adler, chemist, operates a gonimeter used for x-ray fluorescence analysis of individual grains of mineral specimens, Geologic Division,Washington, D.C. 1958. Beginning construction of wooden wall to direct airflow in Colo Wyo Coal Company's mine. Axial, Moffat County, Colorado. 1960. DC-3 used in aeromagnetic surveys. National Airport. Washington, D.C. 1960. Isidore Adler, chemist, operates a gonimeter used for x-ray fluorescence analysis of individual grains of mineral specimens, Geologic Division,Washington, D.C. 1958. DC-3 used in aeromagnetic surveys. National Airport. Washington, D.C. 1960. Beginning construction of wooden wall to direct airflow in Colo Wyo Coal Company's mine. Axial, Moffat County, Colorado. 1960.