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This data set consists of digital data describing wetlands and uplands habitats for the Mississippi Coastal Improvements Program (MsCIP) area, consisting of Cat, Ship, Horn and Petit Bois Islands for the year 2020. Wetlands were classified using the Cowardin, et al., wetlands classification scheme to the level of freshwater and tidal, salinity modifiers. Uplands were classified using a customized classification scheme which can be cross-referenced to Anderson, et. al. For this dataset, upland dunes were delineated as areas at or above 1.524 meters (5 feet) as determined in the Lidar data that was referenced without modification for this classification. With this elevation criteria some delineated upland dune features...
The Mississippi Coastal Improvements Program (MsCIP) has developed a Comprehensive Barrier Island Restoration Plan containing options to ensure the integrity of the Mississippi barrier islands through restoration efforts. Any restoration activities implemented must have minimal adverse impacts to critical habitat for various marine, terrestrial and avian resources. Documenting the success of restoration activities in meeting this requirement requires habitat monitoring. In recent communications with MsCIP personnel, the MsCIP lacks a remotely sensed component to its habitat monitoring plan. Additionally, MsCIP personnel have expressed a need for data pertaining to critical habitat utilized by species of interest...
The analyses of landscape change presented in this dataset use Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM), Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) and Operational Land Imager (OLI) to assess changes in land area through time. All cloud-free dates of imagery from 1984 through early 2016 were used in this analysis. This amounted to a total of 174 dates of imagery which were analyzed. No water level restrictions were used during the image selection process as gages with a period of record sufficient for this analysis are not available nearby. Persistent loss and gain data are presented for 1984-2016.
Sandy ocean beaches in the United States are popular tourist and recreational destinations and constitute some of the most valuable real estate in the country. The boundary between land and water along the coastline is often the location of concentrated residential and commercial development and is frequently exposed to a range of natural hazards, which include flooding, storm effects, and coastal erosion. In response, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is conducting a national assessment of coastal change hazards. One component of this research effort, the National Assessment of Shoreline Change Project, documents changes in shoreline position as a proxy for coastal change. Shoreline position is an easily understood...
Sandy ocean beaches in the United States are popular tourist and recreational destinations and constitute some of the most valuable real estate in the country. The boundary between land and water along the coastline is often the location of concentrated residential and commercial development and is frequently exposed to a range of natural hazards, which include flooding, storm effects, and coastal erosion. In response, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is conducting a national assessment of coastal change hazards. One component of this research effort, the National Assessment of Shoreline Change Project, documents changes in shoreline position as a proxy for coastal change. Shoreline position is an easily understood...
Sandy ocean beaches in the United States are popular tourist and recreational destinations and constitute some of the most valuable real estate in the country. The boundary between land and water along the coastline is often the location of concentrated residential and commercial development and is frequently exposed to a range of natural hazards, which include flooding, storm effects, and coastal erosion. In response, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is conducting a national assessment of coastal change hazards. One component of this research effort, the National Assessment of Shoreline Change Project, documents changes in shoreline position as a proxy for coastal change. Shoreline position is an easily understood...
Sandy ocean beaches in the United States are popular tourist and recreational destinations and constitute some of the most valuable real estate in the country. The boundary between land and water along the coastline is often the location of concentrated residential and commercial development and is frequently exposed to a range of natural hazards, which include flooding, storm effects, and coastal erosion. In response, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is conducting a national assessment of coastal change hazards. One component of this research effort, the National Assessment of Shoreline Change Project, documents changes in shoreline position as a proxy for coastal change. Shoreline position is an easily understood...
To document current Mississippi barrier island conditions, imagery was acquired February 28, 2020 using Airborne GPs and field control ground markers. For ground control, markers were established and surveyed in using Real Time Kinematic (RTK) survey equipment. The imagery collected will be processed to produce a mosaic of all 4 islands (Cat, East and West Ship, Horn and Petit Bois) and interpreted to classify wetland marshes. The classified data will not only quantify how much marsh is being affected, but the data will also provide a spatial aspect as to where these degrading marsh fragmentations are occurring. The data will be correlated with other data such as salinity, prescribed burns, flooding frequency and...
The Mississippi Coastal Improvement Program (MsCIP) Monitoring and Adaptive Management Program (MAMP) notes that five sea turtle species are found in the northern Gulf of Mexico, including loggerhead, green, Kemp’s ridley, leatherback, and hawksbill. Green, loggerhead, and Kemp’s ridley sea turtles are regularly documented in the waters surrounding the barrier islands of Gulf Islands National Seashore. Of these, only loggerhead sea turtles have been confirmed as nesting on the islands in the Mississippi Sound and they are the only species with designated critical habitat within the island chain (Horn and Petit Bois Islands). Green sea turtle nests have been found on the Mississippi islands; however, these nests...
Sandy ocean beaches in the United States are popular tourist and recreational destinations and constitute some of the most valuable real estate in the country. The boundary between land and water along the coastline is often the location of concentrated residential and commercial development and is frequently exposed to a range of natural hazards, which include flooding, storm effects, and coastal erosion. In response, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is conducting a national assessment of coastal change hazards. One component of this research effort, the National Assessment of Shoreline Change Project, documents changes in shoreline position as a proxy for coastal change. Shoreline position is an easily understood...
Sandy ocean beaches in the United States are popular tourist and recreational destinations and constitute some of the most valuable real estate in the country. The boundary between land and water along the coastline is often the location of concentrated residential and commercial development and is frequently exposed to a range of natural hazards, which include flooding, storm effects, and coastal erosion. In response, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is conducting a national assessment of coastal change hazards. One component of this research effort, the National Assessment of Shoreline Change Project, documents changes in shoreline position as a proxy for coastal change. Shoreline position is an easily understood...

    map background search result map search result map Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Mississippi Offshore baseline for the Mississippi coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Mississippi Shorelines of the Mississippi coastal region used in shoreline change analysis Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for Mississippi Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term End Point Rate Calculations for Mississippi Mississippi barrier island land area change 1984-2016 USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Petit Bois Island, MS 2000 USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Petit Bois Island, MS 1958 USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Petit Bois Island, MS 1958 USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Petit Bois Island, MS 1982 USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Petit Bois Island, MS 1982 USGS 1:62500-scale Quadrangle for Petit Bois Island, AL 1942 USGS 1:62500-scale Quadrangle for Petit Bois Island, AL 1921 December 2018 National Wetlands Inventory Mississippi Barrier Islands habitat classification: (Cat Island, Ship Island, Petit Bois Island and Horn Island) Mississippi Barrier Islands imagery (Cat, East and West Ship, Horn and Petit Bois) acquired February 2020 February 2020 National Wetlands Inventory, Mississippi Barrier Islands Habitat Classification: (Cat Island, Ship Island, Petit Bois Island and Horn Island) Potential Sea Turtle Nesting Areas for Cat and Ship Island, Mississippi for various years from 1998 to 2018 (ver. 2.0, Dec 2024) USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Petit Bois Island, MS 2000 USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Petit Bois Island, MS 1958 USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Petit Bois Island, MS 1958 USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Petit Bois Island, MS 1982 USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Petit Bois Island, MS 1982 Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Mississippi Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term End Point Rate Calculations for Mississippi Potential Sea Turtle Nesting Areas for Cat and Ship Island, Mississippi for various years from 1998 to 2018 (ver. 2.0, Dec 2024) Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for Mississippi Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Mississippi Offshore baseline for the Mississippi coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates Shorelines of the Mississippi coastal region used in shoreline change analysis USGS 1:62500-scale Quadrangle for Petit Bois Island, AL 1942 USGS 1:62500-scale Quadrangle for Petit Bois Island, AL 1921 February 2020 National Wetlands Inventory, Mississippi Barrier Islands Habitat Classification: (Cat Island, Ship Island, Petit Bois Island and Horn Island) Mississippi Barrier Islands imagery (Cat, East and West Ship, Horn and Petit Bois) acquired February 2020 Mississippi barrier island land area change 1984-2016 December 2018 National Wetlands Inventory Mississippi Barrier Islands habitat classification: (Cat Island, Ship Island, Petit Bois Island and Horn Island)