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This product consists of time-series calculations of anthropogenic characteristics derived for 16 data themes for multiple scales covering the conterminous United States. The characteristics are those which (a) have consistent data sources, and (b) have the potential to affect the water quality of streams and rivers. All 16 data themes are provided for Hydrologic Unit Code level-10 (HUC-10) boundaries (n = 15,458). Additionally, measures of land use and imperviousness are provided for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Level 4 ecoregions (n = 967) and for U.S. counties (n = 3,109). The data may be scaled up to broader areas; that is, HUC-10 data may be scaled up to HUC-8, 6, 4, or HUC-2 areas, Level 4...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Atmospheric Deposition,
Census of Agriculture,
Conservation Practices,
Conterminous US,
Crop Reserve Program,
This product consists of 29 datasets of tabular data and associated metadata for watershed characteristics of 1,530 study sites of the Surface Water Trends (SWT) project of the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) National Water Quality Program (NWQP). The project is conducting national studies of trends in water quality of streams and rivers for periods ranging from 10 to 40 years, between 1972 and 2012. The data here include both static and time-series characteristics. Static data include primarily physical characteristics which have changed little over this period, such as geology, soils, and topography. Time-series data represent characteristics which may or may not have changed over time, such as land use, agricultural...
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Atmospheric Deposition,
Basin Morphology,
Census of Agriculture,
Conterminous US,
Crop Practices,
This product is a series of ten datasets containing tabular data from historical time series sources for the 9,067 conterminous United States sites in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Geospatial Attributes of Gages for Evaluating Streamflow II (GAGES-II) dataset. The tables contain time-series data derived from consistent sources of agricultural commodities such as crop types, irrigation, and livestock (1950-2012), dam removals (1930-2013), imperviousness (1974-2012 and 2001-2011) and forest canopy (2011), land use (1974-2012 and 2001-2011), estimated nutrients application from fertilizer and manure (1982 -2012), population and housing unit density (1940-2010), timber activities (1999-2012), water use (1985-2010),...