Filters: Tags: Pierre Shale (X)
1,860 results (55ms)
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Core Research Center, core T351, from well operated by PINE RIDGE OILRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "T351", "API Num": "0507306494", "Operator": "PINE RIDGE OIL", "Well Name": "BUSY GULLY 13-54-12-3A", "Field": "LONG SHADOW", "State": "CO", "County": "LINCOLN", "Type": "SLABBED", "Photos": "T", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "38.933503", "Longitude": "-103.399758", "coordinates_geohash": "9wymrpds54br", "Source": "PROVIDED BY DONOR", "Security Flag": "NO SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "MARMATON / CHEROKEE UPPER", "Age": "PENNSYLVANIAN", "Min Depth": "5967",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Late Cretaceous,
Core Research Center, core E963, from well operated by PAINE JOSEPH J CRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "E963", "API Num": "3301100292", "Operator": "PAINE JOSEPH J C", "Well Name": "1-9 AASEN", "Field": "LITTLE MISSOURI", "State": "ND", "County": "BOWMAN", "Type": "SLABBED", "Photos": "T", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "46.013094", "Longitude": "-103.935999", "coordinates_geohash": "c8njfbkjewmv", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Security Flag": "NO SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "EAGLE", "Age": "CRET", "Min Depth": "1150", "Max Depth": "1195"}, {"Formation":...
Core Research Center, cutting DZ19862, from well operated by MULL DRILLINGRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ19862", "API Num": "0501706489", "Operator": "MULL DRILLING", "Well Name": "1-A MITCHEK", "Field": null, "State": "CO", "County": "CHEYENNE", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "38.896843", "Longitude": "-102.762067", "coordinates_geohash": "9wyvm8fyw314", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "340", "Max": "5670", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Late Cretaceous,
Pierre Shale,
Pierre Shale--Middle unit,
Core Research Center, cutting DZ20466, from well operated by UNION OIL OF CALIF.Raw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ20466", "API Num": "0508707827", "Operator": "UNION OIL OF CALIF.", "Well Name": "13-A24 NICHOLS", "Field": null, "State": "CO", "County": "MORGAN", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "40.042643", "Longitude": "-103.815069", "coordinates_geohash": "9xn5v9s1m99v", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "130", "Max": "5760", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting DZ20572, from well operated by TXO PRODUCTIONRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ20572", "API Num": "0507306149", "Operator": "TXO PRODUCTION", "Well Name": "1 STEELE A", "Field": null, "State": "CO", "County": "LINCOLN", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "39.03343", "Longitude": "-103.189892", "coordinates_geohash": "9wyw5cg6jnxx", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "1000", "Max": "7070", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting CZ07083, from well operated by PARKER & SIMMONSRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ07083", "API Num": "4904506395", "Operator": "PARKER & SIMMONS", "Well Name": "1 BOULDER", "Field": "SKULL CREEK", "State": "WY", "County": "WESTON", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "43.7725", "Longitude": "-104.27952", "coordinates_geohash": "9xvc509cr16j", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "1500", "Max": "3100", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting CZ07110, from well operated by UNION SURPHUR & OILRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ07110", "API Num": "4902705942", "Operator": "UNION SURPHUR & OIL", "Well Name": "1 ALBERT CROM ET AL", "Field": "BRIDGE CREEK", "State": "WY", "County": "NIOBRARA", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "43.35281", "Longitude": "-104.18029", "coordinates_geohash": "9xtytk4hrm92", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "180", "Max": "4920", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting CZ07374, from well operated by DIAMOND SHAMROCKRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "CZ07374", "API Num": "4902720062", "Operator": "DIAMOND SHAMROCK", "Well Name": "1-14 MCGEE-FEDERAL", "Field": "WC", "State": "WY", "County": "NIOBRARA", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "43.09911", "Longitude": "-104.15721", "coordinates_geohash": "9xtvjvgn907j", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "210", "Max": "4310", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting DZ12534, from well operated by FRONTIER REF CORaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ12534", "API Num": "2614505014", "Operator": "FRONTIER REF CO", "Well Name": "1 YOUNG", "Field": null, "State": "NE", "County": "RED WILLOW", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "40.0255239609", "Longitude": "-100.4279437017", "coordinates_geohash": "9z0edwqte63w", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "1600", "Max": "3625", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting DZ11503, from well operated by JAMES M CLINERaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ11503", "API Num": "2605705005", "Operator": "JAMES M CLINE", "Well Name": "1 RICHARD", "Field": null, "State": "NE", "County": "DUNDY", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "40.0340964418", "Longitude": "-101.4860240052", "coordinates_geohash": "9xpgdxups0rx", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "900", "Max": "4780", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting DZ01357, from well operated by M PETTERSON SR & G O MICKELSONRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ01357", "API Num": "0504105030", "Operator": "M PETTERSON SR & G O MICKELSON", "Well Name": "1 RAYMOND LEWIS", "Field": null, "State": "CO", "County": "EL PASO", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "T", "Latitude": "38.815346", "Longitude": "-104.643325", "coordinates_geohash": "9wvsff15cbcm", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "5823", "Max": "6860", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url":...
Core Research Center, cutting DZ00790, from well operated by W M & A P FULLERRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ00790", "API Num": "0507505604", "Operator": "W M & A P FULLER", "Well Name": "1 G B TOMKINS", "Field": null, "State": "CO", "County": "LOGAN", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "40.623558", "Longitude": "-103.421451", "coordinates_geohash": "9xnrne6c3s0f", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "4000", "Max": "5595", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting DZ00811, from well operated by TEXAS CORaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ00811", "API Num": "0507506370", "Operator": "TEXAS CO", "Well Name": "1 A R TODENHOFT", "Field": null, "State": "CO", "County": "LOGAN", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "40.732178", "Longitude": "-103.193684", "coordinates_geohash": "9xnxez0dhuk4", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "4005", "Max": "4781", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting DZ01390, from well operated by CARDINAL PETROLEUM-AL WARDRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ01390", "API Num": "0500105641", "Operator": "CARDINAL PETROLEUM-AL WARD", "Well Name": "9 HOUGH", "Field": null, "State": "CO", "County": "ADAMS", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "39.918795", "Longitude": "-103.736215", "coordinates_geohash": "9xn5p6vxffxx", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "4950", "Max": "5535", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting DZ01172, from well operated by PURE OIL CORaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ01172", "API Num": "0508705335", "Operator": "PURE OIL CO", "Well Name": "4 M E COEN", "Field": null, "State": "CO", "County": "MORGAN", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "40.059443", "Longitude": "-103.817139", "coordinates_geohash": "9xn5vsdejm6m", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "4600", "Max": "5694", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting DZ00974, from well operated by LION OILRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ00974", "API Num": "0508705214", "Operator": "LION OIL", "Well Name": "1 ALBERT NICHOLAS", "Field": null, "State": "CO", "County": "MORGAN", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "40.037873", "Longitude": "-103.807668", "coordinates_geohash": "9xn5vb9td02x", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "4600", "Max": "5700", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting DZ00816, from well operated by VAUGHEY & VAUGHEYRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ00816", "API Num": "0500105220", "Operator": "VAUGHEY & VAUGHEY", "Well Name": "1 DEGENHART", "Field": null, "State": "CO", "County": "ADAMS", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "39.854785", "Longitude": "-103.834238", "coordinates_geohash": "9xn4tpq4yykm", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "4710", "Max": "5862", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting DZ00992, from well operated by PURE OIL CORaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ00992", "API Num": "0508705282", "Operator": "PURE OIL CO", "Well Name": "1 CLAR", "Field": null, "State": "CO", "County": "MORGAN", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "40.048753", "Longitude": "-103.817119", "coordinates_geohash": "9xn5vddsvu9m", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "100", "Max": "5710", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting DZ01516, from well operated by BRITISH AMERICANRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ01516", "API Num": "0507506323", "Operator": "BRITISH AMERICAN", "Well Name": "1 HARLEY", "Field": null, "State": "CO", "County": "LOGAN", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "40.725918", "Longitude": "-103.206755", "coordinates_geohash": "9xnxemzjsm3e", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "3700", "Max": "4820", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, cutting DZ00590, from well operated by UNITED PRODRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "DZ00590", "API Num": "2608305084", "Operator": "UNITED PROD", "Well Name": "1 DAVIS-ASCHE", "Field": null, "State": "NE", "County": "HARLAN", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "40.1972157526", "Longitude": "-99.2177992591", "coordinates_geohash": "9z1kwjxvc8ns", "Source": "FROM STATE RECORDS", "Min": "0", "Max": "4254", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "",...