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Estimates of the probability of mortality in whitebark pine from mountain pine beetles as determined from a logistic generalized additive model of the presence of mortality as functions of the number of trees killed last year, the percent whitebark pine in each cell, minimum winter temperature, average fall temperature, average April - Aug temperature, and cummulative current and previous year summer precipitation. Analysis was done at a 1 km grid cell resolution. Data are a list of points in comma separated text format. Point coordinates are the center of each 1 km grid cell.
Estimates of weather suitability for the occurrence of mortality in whitebark pine from mountain pine beetles as determined from a logistic generalized additive model of the presence of mortality as functions of the number of trees killed last year, the percent whitebark pine in each cell, minimum winter temperature, average fall temperature, avverage April-Aug temperature, and cummulative current and previous year summer precipitation. Analysis done at a 1km grid cell resolution. Weather suitability index calculated by summing the weather terms in the model. Calculated for 2010 through 2099 based on numerous downscaled data under several emissions scenarios. GCMs include: BCC, CanESM, CCSM, CESM, CESM-BGC, CMCC,...
Estimates of weather suitability for the occurrence of mortality in whitebark pine from mountain pine beetles as determined from a logistic generalized additive model of the presence of mortality as functions of the number of trees killed last year, the percent whitebark pine in each cell, minimum winter temperature, average fall temperature, avverage April-Aug temperature, and cummulative current and previous year summer precipitation. Analysis done at a 1km grid cell resolution. Weather suitability index calculated by summing the weather terms in the model. Calculated for 2010 through 2099 based on downscaled data from various emissions scenarios. GCMs include: BCC, CanESM, CCSM, CESM, CESM-BGC, CMCC, CNRM, Had-CC,...
The viability of the whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) species is under threat due to precipitously declining populations. This study investigates the sources of differing levels of concern about climate-driven effects on whitebark pine trees. It also investigates support for different Whitebark Pine (WBP) management strategies on federal public lands.
Estimates of weather suitability for the occurrence of mortality in whitebark pine from mountain pine beetles as determined from a logistic generalized additive model of the presence of mortality as functions of the number of trees killed last year, the percent whitebark pine in each cell, minimum winter temperature, average fall temperature, average April - Aug temperature, and cummulative current and previous year summer precipitation. Analysis was done at a 1 km grid cell resolution. Weather suitability index was calculated by summing the weather terms in the model. Calculated for 1991 through 2009 based on 800 meter PRISM weather data. Data are a list of points in comma separated text format. Point coordinates...
Estimates of the probability of mortality in whitebark pine from mountain pine beetles as determined from a logistic generalized additive model of the presence of mortality as functions of the number of trees killed last year, the percent whitebark pine in each cell, minimum winter temperature, average fall temperature, average April - Aug temperature, and cumulative current and previous year summer precipitation. Analysis was done at a 1 km grid cell resolution. Data are a list of points in comma separated text format. Point coordinates are the center of each 1 km grid cell.
Estimates of weather suitability for the occurrence of mortality in whitebark pine from mountain pine beetles as determined from a logistic generalized additive model of the presence of mortality as functions of the number of trees killed last year, the percent whitebark pine in each cell, minimum winter temperature, average fall temperature, avverage April-Aug temperature, and cummulative current and previous year summer precipitation. Analysis done at a 1km grid cell resolution. Weather suitability index calculated by summing the weather terms in the model. Calculated for 2010 through 2099 based on numerous downscaled data under several emissions scenarios. GCMs include: BCC, CanESM, CCSM, CESM, CESM-BGC, CMCC,...
Estimates of weather suitability for the occurrence of mortality in whitebark pine from mountain pine beetles as determined from a logistic generalized additive model of the presence of mortality as functions of the number of trees killed last year, the percent whitebark pine in each cell, minimum winter temperature, average fall temperature, average April - Aug temperature, and cummulative current and previous year summer precipitation. Analysis was done at a 1 km grid cell resolution. Weather suitability index was calculated by summing the weather terms in the model. Calculated for 1991 through 2009 based on 800 meter PRISM weather data. Data are a list of points in comma separated text format. Point coordinates...
Estimates of weather suitability for the occurrence of mortality in whitebark pine from mountain pine beetles as determined from a logistic generalized additive model of the presence of mortality as functions of the number of trees killed last year, the percent whitebark pine in each cell, minimum winter temperature, average fall temperature, average April - Aug temperature, and cummulative current and previous year summer precipitation. Analysis was done at a 1 km grid cell resolution. Weather suitability index was calculated by summing the weather terms in the model. Calculated for 1991 through 2009 based on 800 meter PRISM weather data. Data are a list of points in comma separated text format. Point coordinates...
Projected current and future distributions of two tree species, Pinus albicaulis (Whitebark pine), Artemisia tridentata (Big Sagebrush), based on empirical bioclimatic models. Many recent changes in tree mortality, tree species distributions, and tree growth rates have been linked to changes in climate. Given that future climatic changes will likely surpass those experienced in the recent past, trees will likely face additional challenges as temperatures continue to rise and precipitation regimes shift. Managing forests in the face of climate change will require a basic understanding of which tree species will be most vulnerable to climate change and in what ways they will be vulnerable. We assessed the relative...
This dataset represents a climate-informed management alternative for maintaining whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. This data was developed for use in a landscape simulation modeling study aimed at evaluating how well alternative management strategies maintain whitebark pine populations under historical climate and future climate conditions. For the study, we developed three spatial management alternatives for whitebark pine in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem representing no active management, current management, and climate-informed management. These management alternatives were implemented in the simulaton model FireBGCv2 under historical climate and three future climate...
Estimates of the probability of mortality in whitebark pine from mountain pine beetles as determined from a logistic generalized additive model of the presence of mortality as functions of the number of trees killed last year, the percent whitebark pine in each cell, minimum winter temperature, average fall temperature, average April - Aug temperature, and cummulative current and previous year summer precipitation. Analysis was done at a 1 km grid cell resolution. Data are a list of points in comma separated text format. Point coordinates are the center of each 1km grid cell.
This dataset represents current management alternatives for maintaining whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. This data was developed for use in a landscape simulation modeling study aimed at evaluating how well alternative management strategies maintain whitebark pine populations under historical climate and future climate conditions. For the study, we developed three spatial management alternatives for whitebark pine in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem representing no active management, current management, and climate-informed management. These management alternatives were implemented in the simulaton model FireBGCv2 under historical climate and three future climate change scenarios...

    map background search result map search result map Probability of Whitebark Pine Mortality from Mountain Pine Beetle, 1997-2009, Cascades Study Area Probability of Whitebark Pine Mortality from Mountain Pine Beetle, 1997-2009, Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Probability of Whitebark Pine Mortality from Mountain Pine Beetle, 1997-2009, Northern Rockies Study Area Weather Suitability for the Occurrence of Mortality in Whitebark Pine from Mountain Pine Beetles, 1901-2009, Cascades Study Area Weather Suitability for the Occurrence of Mortality in Whitebark Pine from Mountain Pine Beetles, 1901-2009, Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Study Area Weather Suitability for the Occurrence of Mortality in Whitebark Pine from Mountain Pine Beetles, 1901-2009, Northern Rockies Study Area Projected current and future distributions for Big Sagebrush and Whitebark Pine tree species the Pacific Northwest Spatial Prioritization of White Bark Pine Management Actions based on climate-informed management under the CESM1-CAM5, RCP 8.5 scenario, 2069-2099. Spatial Prioritization of WBP Management Actions based on current management Weather suitability for mountain pine beetle outbreaks in whitebark pine forests, 2010-2099, Cascades Study Area Weather suitability for mountain pine beetle outbreaks in whitebark pine forests, 2010-2099, Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Study Area Weather suitability for mountain pine beetle outbreaks in whitebark pine forests, 2010-2099, Northern Rockies Study Area Probability of Whitebark Pine Mortality from Mountain Pine Beetle, 1997-2009, Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Weather Suitability for the Occurrence of Mortality in Whitebark Pine from Mountain Pine Beetles, 1901-2009, Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Study Area Weather suitability for mountain pine beetle outbreaks in whitebark pine forests, 2010-2099, Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Study Area Probability of Whitebark Pine Mortality from Mountain Pine Beetle, 1997-2009, Cascades Study Area Weather Suitability for the Occurrence of Mortality in Whitebark Pine from Mountain Pine Beetles, 1901-2009, Cascades Study Area Weather suitability for mountain pine beetle outbreaks in whitebark pine forests, 2010-2099, Cascades Study Area Spatial Prioritization of White Bark Pine Management Actions based on climate-informed management under the CESM1-CAM5, RCP 8.5 scenario, 2069-2099. Spatial Prioritization of WBP Management Actions based on current management Probability of Whitebark Pine Mortality from Mountain Pine Beetle, 1997-2009, Northern Rockies Study Area Weather Suitability for the Occurrence of Mortality in Whitebark Pine from Mountain Pine Beetles, 1901-2009, Northern Rockies Study Area Weather suitability for mountain pine beetle outbreaks in whitebark pine forests, 2010-2099, Northern Rockies Study Area Projected current and future distributions for Big Sagebrush and Whitebark Pine tree species the Pacific Northwest