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These data are part of the Gulf Watch Alaska (GWA) long-term monitoring program and contain diet data from Black-legged Kittiwakes (BLKI), Rhinoceros Auklets (RHAU), and Tufted Puffins (TUPU) located on Middleton Island in the Gulf of Alaska. This data release consists of seabird diet sample data and prey identification and morphometrics. Version History: First release: March 2023 Revised: October 2024 (ver. 2.0) Revised: February 2025 (ver. 3.0)
These data were compiled to explore the foraging ecology of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona. These data represent samples characterizing the availability of drifting invertebrate prey (hereafter, drift) and use of these invertebrate prey by rainbow trout determined by gut samples (hereafter, diets). Drift and diet sampling occurred in five distinct reaches downstream of Glen Canyon Dam (river kilometer (rkm) from the dam): (I) rkm 16.3-21.7; (II) rkm 52.8-58.3; (III) rkm 86.6-91.9; (IV) rkm 122.0-123.6; and (V) rkm 127.1-129.6. Samples were taken on 12 trips in April, July, September and January from April 2012 through January 2015. The aquatic prey base consists...
These data are part of the Gulf Watch Alaska (GWA) long term monitoring program, nearshore component and a seasonal diet study in Kenai Fjords National Park. This dataset consists of observations made of foraging sea otters (Enhydra lutris). Observers used Questar field model spotting scopes and binoculars to identify prey. Date, local time, dive duration, success, prey type, prey size, prey number, handling time and surface time were all recorded. Sites are in Alaska and include locations in Kachemak Bay, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Kenai Fjords National Park and Prince William Sound. The data in this file were collected from 2012—2024. Version History: First release: March 2017 Revised: November 2024 (ver....
These data describe observations of sea otter foraging behavior in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. Data consist of dive and surface times, success in prey retrieval, prey item, prey quantity, and size. Additionally, location of observations, and age class, sex, and pup status of the focal sea otter were also recorded.
Prey fish were collected at 17 Forster’s tern breeding colonies during colony visits from 2005-2015. Prey fish were identified to the lowest taxonomic category. We present relative abundances by colony and year for each of the 10 major species groups. Unidentified fish species or rarely observed species were combined into an “Other” category. We calculated an arithmetic mean, standard deviation (sd), 25th quantile, and 75th quantile for dry standard length (SL; mm) and dry mass (g) for each fish species at each colony. These data support the following publication: Peterson SH, Ackerman JT, Eagles-Smith CA, Herzog MP, Hartman CA (2018) Prey fish returned to Forster’s tern colonies suggest spatial and temporal differences...
Expansion of renewable energy development is rapidly transforming the Mojave Desert landscape and has the potential to impact Golden Eagles through loss of foraging habitat and reduced prey base. Regional information on Golden Eagle food habits is limited and little is known of how dietary variability influences eagle productivity. We examined diet using motion activated trail cameras and collection of prey remains at 18 nests during two seasons (2014 and 2015). As well as Golden Eagle prey abundance spotlight line transects conducted and data collected throughout the Mojave Desert Ecoregion in 2014 and 2015. The 138 spotlight line transects conducted in 2014 were a uniform 5 km in length, while the 45 spotlight...
These data represent the measurements of length and mouth gape from large juvenile and adult wild-caught and small juvenile hatchery origin black carp, and the results of laboratory size preference trials with bivalve prey, specifically Corbicula clams. Wild-caught black carp ranged from 429-1580 mm total length, a larger range than measured in previous studies. Corbicula feeding trial data consist of the shell dimensions of each clam, survival, and the frequency which clams were engulfed by black carp.

    map background search result map search result map Golden Eagle food habits in the Mojave Desert: Regional information for a changing landscape Sea Otter Forage Observations from Kachemak Bay, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Kenai Fjords National Park and Prince William Sound Prey fish returned to Forster’s tern colonies in South San Francisco Bay during 2005-2015 Rainbow trout diet and invertebrate drift data from 2012-2015 for the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona Seabird Diet Data Collected on Middleton Island, Gulf of Alaska Black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) mouth gape and size preference of a bivalve prey Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve Sea Otter Forage Data, 1993-2019 Prey fish returned to Forster’s tern colonies in South San Francisco Bay during 2005-2015 Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve Sea Otter Forage Data, 1993-2019 Rainbow trout diet and invertebrate drift data from 2012-2015 for the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona Seabird Diet Data Collected on Middleton Island, Gulf of Alaska Golden Eagle food habits in the Mojave Desert: Regional information for a changing landscape Black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) mouth gape and size preference of a bivalve prey Sea Otter Forage Observations from Kachemak Bay, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Kenai Fjords National Park and Prince William Sound