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General Contents - Randolph County: Stratigraphy - Amoret limestone, Ardmore limestone, Bandera, Bevier coal, Blackjack Creek limestone, Breezy Hill limestone, Burlington-Keokuk, Coal City limestone, Flint Hills sandstone, Higginsville Limestone, Houx Limestone, Lagonda sandstone/shale, Lake Neosho shale, Laredo coa, Lexington coal, Moberly channel fill, Mulky coal, Myrick Station limestone, Nowata shale, Summit coal, Tebo coal, Warrensburg sandstone, Wheeler coal, Worland limestone: Minerals - gypsum, pyrite, sulfur: Lithologies - clay, coal, drift, limestone, phosphate nodules, sandstone, shale, siltstone: Mines/quarries - limestone quarries, strip mines; Ralph Potter Quarry, Cooksey Quarry, Glasgow Quarry, Greer...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Field notes,
Lithologic logs,
Production history,
General Contents - No 1. 1900 [Lead and zinc]: Stratigraphy - [none noted]: Minerals - azurite, barite, bituminous shale, "blue ore", cerussite, chalcopyrite, cuprite, galena, greenockite, hematite, hemimorphite, lead, limonite, malachite, marcasite, pyrite, quartz, smithsonite, sphalerite: Lithologies - chert, clay, coal, dolomite, limestone: Mines/quarries - furnace, smelter, shafts, diggings; Little Circle Lease, Non Such, Batchelor's Hope, Bastian's, Seed Tick, Casey, Marmaduke, Ferry, W.R. Thomas, Dewey Min., Hunter's, Rush, Long & Rickett's, Mississippi Co., Murphy, Caldwell & Hibden, Palmer mines, others: Paleontology - spirifier; fossils noted at Poverty Flat: Hydrology - [none noted]: Structure - [none...
General Contents - Monroe Audrain [counties]: Stratigraphy - Archimedes Limestone, Coal Measures, Encrinital Limestone, Ferruginous Sandstone, Hydraulic Limestone, Keokuk Limestone, Ste. Genevieve Marble: Minerals - gypsum, iron oxide, ochre iron ore, pyrite: Lithologies - bituminous shale, chert, clay, coal, conglomerate, dolomite, limestone, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - coal banks, drifts, pits, shafts, limestone quarry; Mansfield Shaft, RM Clelland Coal, James Coal, PB Reeds, Wm G Brown Coal, Wm E Jones Coal, Jones Coal, Thos J Hubbards Coal, M Kaines Heirs Coal, Sanders Coal, Thos Barkis Coal, other named mines: Paleontology - archimedes, brachiopods, bryozoans, corals, crinoids, productids, spirifers,...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Field notes,
Production history,
Stratigraphic horizons
General Contents - [St. Francois, Iron and Madison counties]: Stratigraphy - 2nd Magnesian Limestone, 3rd Magnesian Limestone, 3rd Sandstone: Minerals - basalt, chalcopyrite, cobalt, copper, galena, gold, hematite, iron ore, magnetite, malachite, manganese, nickel, pyrite, silver: Lithologies - chert, clay, conglomerate, dolomite, granite, limestone, ochre, porphyry (extrusive igneous), sandstone, shale, syenite: Mines/quarries - limestone quarries, sandstone quarry, iron shafts, copper mines, shafts, pits; Iron Mountain, Pilot Knob, Shepard Mountain, Rasnicks Quarry, Pitmans Diggings, Mine LaMotte, Wilkinson's Diggings, Wm H Shutleys Iron Bank, Buford Bank, Cornwall Iron, Edmonds: Paleontology - one fossil, noted...
General Contents - St Genevieve County Perry County Clay Notes of H.A. Wheeler Sept. 1893 [cover title does not match contents]: Stratigraphy - Bethany Falls, Burlington Limestone, Crinoidal Limestone, [Graydon Conglomerate], Keokuk: Minerals - gypsum, limestone, pyrite, sphalerite, sulfur: Lithologies - bituminous shale, chert, clay, coal, conglomerate, dolomite, porphyry (extrusive igneous), sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - coal shafts, coal drifts, coal pits, limestone quarries, clay pits; numerous coal mining companies and individual shaft names: Paleontology - bryozoans, corals, crinoids, orthis, plants, productids, spirifers, sponges, others noted; primarily only general names, a few noted by species: Hydrology...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Field notes,
Lithologic logs,
Production history,
Stratigraphic horizons
General Contents - Notes on clays, etc along the line of the St. Louis and San Francisco Ry: Stratigraphy - 1st Magnesian, Burlington Limestone, Calhoun Clay, [Chattanooga], Cherokee Limestone, Coal Measures: Minerals - halloysite, hematite, hemimorphite, iron ore, lead, limonite, kaolin, pyrite, sphalerite, zinc: Lithologies - chert, clay, coal, granite, limestone, loess, sandstone, shale, tripoli: Mines/quarries - potteries, brickyards, limestone quarries, terra cotta factory, lime/clay kilns, lead/zinc mines and shafts, furnaces, crushers, clay mines/shafts/pits, sandstone quarry, tripoli quarries; numerous named clay companies/brickyards, named zinc/lead mines: Paleontology - [none noted]: Hydrology - springs...
General Contents - Wabash R.R. No. 3 Oct. 1893 Clay Notes: Stratigraphy - Crinoidal Limestone, Encrinital Limestone, Trenton Limestone: Minerals - [none noted]: Lithologies - chert, clay, coal, lignite, limestone: Mines/quarries - clay pits, shaft, brickyards; Gumbo Ballast Pits, Big Kelly Bank: Paleontology - Favosites, plant fossils noted; other fossils not noted by name: Hydrology - [none noted]: Structure - [none noted]: Oil/gas - [none noted]: Karst - [none noted]: Measured Sections - [none noted]: Blank/missing pages - Blank; 2-4, 6, 18-20, 25-105, 110-113, front fly leaf, back cover.: Other - Some clay deposit descriptions and production numbers, some deposit sketches. Railroad ballast production described.:...
General Contents - [Iron Mountain topography notes, lead and zinc production southwest Missouri 1887-1890]: Stratigraphy - [none noted]: Minerals - apatite, hematite, lead, magnetite, malachite, zinc: Lithologies - clay, coal, felsite, igneous dikes, limestone, porphyry (extrusive igneous), sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - shafts, drifts; Iron Mountain, Shaft No 1, Shaft No 2, Pilot Knob, Pilot Knob old furnace, Lagonda Shaft: Paleontology - [none noted]: Hydrology - [none noted]: Structure - [none noted]: Oil/gas - [none noted]: Karst - [none noted]: Measured Sections - one: Blank/missing pages - Blank; 1, 35, 43, 113, front fly leaf. Missing; part of front fly leaf torn out.: Other - Lead/zinc production is...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Field notes,
Lithologic logs,
Production history,
Stratigraphic horizons
General Contents - [Moberly, Randolph County coal]: Stratigraphy - [none noted]: Minerals - [none noted]: Lithologies - clay, coal, conglomerate, limestone, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - coal shafts, coal mines; Allen Ferguson's Drift, Gipson's Mine, McDonald Shaft, Interstate Coal, Bain & Co., Hergber? Shaft, Higbee Coal, Collins Shaft, Riley ?? Coal Bank, McKenzie Shaft, Osage Coal, F M Ward Coal Stope: Paleontology - [none noted]: Hydrology - [none noted]: Structure - [none noted]: Oil/gas - [none noted]: Karst - [none noted]: Measured Sections - several small section: Blank/missing pages - Blank; 6, 10, 22, 67-113: Other - Primarily review of coal mines and occurrences. Some sketches of topography. Operating...
General Contents - Randolph Co. [topography and geology]: Stratigraphy - coal seam no. 1: Minerals - [none noted]: Lithologies - carboniferous shale, clay, coal, glacial drift, limestone, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - sandstone quarry, coal shaft, coal drifts; G. Franklin, Cross, Cooley's, Bowdens, Romsberg & Stewart's, Harry Ward's, Moberly Mutual, Bairds, Lorr's?, Jones's, Williams, J.F. Klingman's, McKernan's, Murphy's, Hedwick's, Gooding's, Brunner's, others named: Paleontology - [none noted]: Hydrology - [none noted]: Structure - [none noted]: Oil/gas - [none noted]: Karst - [none noted]: Measured Sections - several small sections: Blank/missing pages - Blank; 65, 110, 113: Other - Sketches of topography...
General Contents - Jasper Cedar Benton [counties]: Stratigraphy - Archimedes Limestone, Burlington Limestone, Coal Measures, Chouteau Limestone, Keokuk, Saccharoidal Limestone, Vermicular Limestone, Vermicular Sandstone: Minerals - barite, chalcopyrite, galena, gypsum, hematite, limonite, pipe ore, pyrite, sphalerite, stalactitic limonite: Lithologies - chert, clay, coal, coal tar, dolomite, limestone, ochre, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - limestone quarries, lead/zinc shafts, pits, drifts, diggings, coal shaft, smelters, furnace, shafts, pits; Tri-State District, named mines too numerous to list: Paleontology - bryozoans, corals, plants, productids, others; multiple listed by species, too numerous to list individually:...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Field notes,
Production history,
Stratigraphic horizons
General Contents - Boone County: Stratigraphy - Ardmore limestone, Bevier coal, Blackjack Creek limestone, Croweburg coal, Excello shale, Higginsville Limestone, Houx limestone, Lagona Formation, Lexington coal, Mine Creek Member of Coal City, Mississippian limestone, Myrick Station limestone, Summit coal: Minerals - [none noted]: Lithologies - clay, coal, limestone, phosphate concretions, shale: Mines/quarries - Mark Twain Mine: Paleontology - brachiopods, Chaetetes, Composita, crinoids, Mesolobus, plants, Productids; one unreadable: Hydrology - [none noted]: Structure - [none noted]: Oil/gas - [none noted]: Karst - [none noted]: Measured Sections - one, written description only, in mine: Blank/missing pages -...
Coal information for the state of Indiana. Mine reports are filed by county, 7.5-minute quadrangles contain rough mine extents, and coal production records gathered from various sources such as the US Office of Surface Mining and US Bureau of Mines contain mine and seam information. The information was gathered by the Indiana Geological Survey to use in their Coal Mine Directory.
Categories: Physical Item;
Types: Collection;
Tags: Coal Mine Maps,
Coal Reports,
Mineral Resources,
Production history,
General Contents - [various notes]: Stratigraphy - Ferry sandstone: Minerals - barite, lead, silver, zinc: Lithologies - sandstone: Mines/quarries - St. Joe Lead, Desloge: Paleontology - [none noted]: Hydrology - spring noted: Structure - [none noted]: Oil/gas - [none noted]: Karst - [none noted]: Measured Sections - yes, small: Blank/missing pages - Blank; 7, 26, 31-93, back fly leaf.: Other - Some lead mine tonnages. Photo included. Some notes taken from various publications. Notes on basic biology and chemistry. Notes photos in MGS collection. Some sketch maps.: 23 p. Field notebooks contain original notes by geologists performing field work or in-office analyses at or in connection with the Missouri Geological...
General Contents - Randolph & Howard counties topography notes]: Stratigraphy - [none noted]: Minerals - [none noted]: Lithologies - coal, limestone, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - coal shafts; Yates Shaft, Old Yates Shaft, Tim Collins Shaft, McKenzie Shaft: Paleontology - [none noted]: Hydrology - [none noted]: Structure - [none noted]: Oil/gas - [none noted]: Karst - [none noted]: Measured Sections - several small sections: Blank/missing pages - Blank; 1, 113: Other - Sketches of topography with survey stations, some geology, cultural and natural features, shafts noted. Survey on stations, course, distance, barometric reading, altitude, general notes. Some mining dates/production.: 61 p. Field notebooks contain...
General Contents - Notes Linn, Sullivan, Adair, Chariton and Howard counties: Stratigraphy - Archimedes Limestone, Burlington, Encrinital, Glasgow Limestone, Keokuk, Rhombohedral Limestone: Minerals - barite, bog ore, hematite, iron nodules, pyrite, salt, siderite, sphalerite, sulfur nodules: Lithologies - bituminous shale, clay, coal, conglomerate, drift, limestone, ochre, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - potteries, coal mines, shafts; Thos Main Drift, Bevier Coal Shafts, Downings Coal Bank, Jack Conks Coal Bank, Leamans Coal, Jno Stanley Bank: Paleontology - brachiopods, bryozoans, corals, crinoids, fusulinids, plants, spirifers, sponges, others; fossil species noted too numerous to list, some difficult to read:...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Field notes,
Production history,
Stratigraphic horizons
This is a point coverage containing 12 years (1984 through 1995) of coal mining history in the Colorado Plateau coal assessment study area. This layer was derived from the Mine Safety and Health Administration's (MSHA) Information Resource Center data for the years 1984 through 1995.
Categories: Data,
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Arizona,
Black Mesa,
Colorado Plateau,
Greater Green River Basin,
General Contents - Zinc and lead mines [southwest Missouri]: Stratigraphy - 1st Magnesian Limestone, 1st Sandstone, 2nd Magnesian Limestone, Burlington, Cherokee Limestone, Chouteau, Phelps Sandstone, Sac Limestone, Vermicular: Minerals - anglesite, cerussite, galena, hemimophite, marcasite, pyrite, smithsonite, sphalerite: Lithologies - bituminous shale, chert, coal, conglomerate, dolomite, limestone, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - lead/zinc mines, lead/zinc shafts, lead/zinc diggings, lead/zinc furnace, white lead works; numerous individual mines and companies noted: Paleontology - presence of fossils noted: Hydrology - [none noted]: Structure - fault noted: Oil/gas - [none noted]: Karst - [none noted]: Measured...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Field notes,
Lithologic logs,
Production history,
Stratigraphic horizons
General Contents - [various notes]: Stratigraphy - Burlington, Cherokee, Chouteau, Coal Measures: Minerals - barite, galena, glauconite, gypsum, hematite, kaolin, magnetite, manganese, marcasite, pyrite, quartz vein, sphalerite: Lithologies - chert, clay, coal, conglomerate, diabase, dolomite, granite, limestone, loess, ochre, porphyry (extrusive igneous), sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - clay mine, coal mines, iron mine, limestone quarry; Pitchers Coal Bank, Clinton Pottery Co., Iron Mountain, Wm Nichols quarry, Doe Run, Lamon's Mine, Dresser, barite operators listed, clay mines listed: Paleontology - brachiopods, crinoids, spirifers, others; some noted by species: Hydrology - mineral springs; Saratoga Spring,...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Field notes,
Lithologic logs,
Production history,
General Contents - [Coal outcrops]: Stratigraphy - Bethany Falls, Bevier coal, Lexington coal, Macon City clay, Summit coal, Tebo coal: Minerals - hematite, limonite, pyrite, sulfur: Lithologies - clay, coal, conglomerate, limestone, loess, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - coal drifts, coal shafts, coal pits, brickworks; numerous named coal and other mines: Paleontology - brachiopods, crinoids, fusulinids, productids, spirifers, sponges, others; some noted by species: Hydrology - [none noted]: Structure - faults: Oil/gas - [none noted]: Karst - [none noted]: Measured Sections - numerous: Blank/missing pages - Blank; 101-105 (8-12 printed numbers), 113 printed number. Missing; 3-6 (printed number). Half of pgs...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Field notes,
Lithologic logs,
Production history,
Stratigraphic horizons
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