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In 1998, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Fisheries Independent Monitoring (FIM) program began a long-term monitoring effort of key reef fish populations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. This effort was aimed at evaluating the relative abundance, size structure, and habitat utilization of specific reef fish species that are targeted by commercial and recreational fisheries.; Smith, S.G., et al. 2011, Multispecies survey design for assessing reef-fish stocks, spatially explicit management performance, and ecosystem condition. Fisheries Research 109(2011)25-41; Brandt, M.E., et. al. 2009, A Cooperative Multi-agency Reef Fish Monitoring Protocol for the Florida Keys Coral...
Categories: Data; Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service; Tags: Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuaries Reef Fish Monitoring, array, array-data, basis, basisOfRecord, All tags...
In 1998, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Fisheries Independent Monitoring (FIM) program began a long-term monitoring effort of key reef fish populations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. This effort was aimed at evaluating the relative abundance, size structure, and habitat utilization of specific reef fish species that are targeted by commercial and recreational fisheries.; Smith, S.G., et al. 2011, Multispecies survey design for assessing reef-fish stocks, spatially explicit management performance, and ecosystem condition. Fisheries Research 109(2011)25-41; Brandt, M.E., et. al. 2009, A Cooperative Multi-agency Reef Fish Monitoring Protocol for the Florida Keys Coral...
Categories: Data; Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service; Tags: Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuaries Reef Fish Monitoring, array, array-data, basis, basisOfRecord, All tags...
The purpose of the Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (CREMP) is to monitor the status and trends of selected reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary(FKNMS). CREMP assessments have been conducted annually at fixed sites since 1996 and data collected provides information on the temporal changes in benthic cover and diversity of stony corals and associated marine flora and fauna. The core field methods continue to be underwater videography and timed coral species inventories. Findings presented in this report include data from 109 stations at 37 sites sampled from 1996 through 2008 in the Florida Keys and 1999 through 2008 in the Dry Tortugas. The report describes the annual differences (between...
Categories: Data; Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service; Tags: Florida Keys Coral Reef Monitoring Project1998, absence, aphia, area, array, All tags...
The USGS Central Region Energy Team assesses oil and gas resources of the United States. The onshore and State water areas of the United States comprise 71 provinces. Within these provinces, Total Petroleum Systems are defined and Assessment Units are defined and assessed. Each of these provinces is defined geologically, and most province boundaries are defined by major geologic changes. The Raton Basin-Sierra Grande Uplift Province is located in South Eastern Colorado and North Eastern New Mexico, encompassing all or parts of Custer, Huerfano, and Las Animas counties in Colorado and all or parts of Colfax, Harding, Mora, and Union counties in New Mexico. The main population centers within the study area are Trinidad,...
Categories: Data, pre-SM502.8; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: 41 = Raton Basin-Sierra Grande Uplift Province, 504101 = Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary Coalbed Gas, 50410101 = Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary Sandstones, 50410181 = Raton Coalbed Gas, 50410182 = Vermejo Coalbed Gas, All tags...
The USGS Central Region Energy Team assesses oil and gas resources of the United States. The onshore and State water areas of the United States comprise 71 provinces. Within these provinces, Total Petroleum Systems are defined and Assessment Units are defined and assessed. Each of these provinces is defined geologically, and most province boundaries are defined by major geologic changes. The San Juan Basin Province is located in South Western Colorado and North Western New Mexico, encompassing all or parts of Montezuma, La Plata, and Archuletta Counties in Colorado and all or parts of San Juan, Rio Arriba, Sandoval, Mckinley, Bernalillo, and Cibola Counties in New Mexico. The main population centers within the study...
Categories: Data, pre-SM502.8; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: 22 = San Juan Basin, 502201 = Fruitland, 50220101 = Tertiary Conventional Gas, 50220161 = Pictured Cliffs Continuous Gas, 50220181 = Fruitland Fairway Coalbed Gas, All tags...
This geospatially explicit vector-based polygon dataset identifies 85 terrestrial ecological subsection delineations present in Southeast Alaska and the Tongass National Forest. Within each subsection one can expect to find a relatively consistent occurence and distribution of vegetation types. Due to the hydrologically-influenced geomorphology of Southeast Alaska specific key indicators of physiography, lithology, and surface geology were employed to systematically distinguish terrestrial ecosystems.
The USGS Central Region Energy Team assesses oil and gas resources of the United States. The onshore and State water areas of the United States comprise 71 provinces. Within these provinces, Total Petroleum Systems are defined and Assessment Units are defined and assessed. Each of these provinces is defined geologically, and most province boundaries are defined by major geologic changes. The Uinta-Piceance Province is located in eastern Utah and western Colorado, encompassing all or parts of Delta, Garfield, Gunnison, Mesa, Moffat, Montrose, Ouray, Rio Blanco, and Routt Counties in Colorado and all or parts of Carbon, Duchesne, Emery, Grand, Sanpete, Sevier, Uintah, Utah, and Wasatch Counties in Utah. The main population...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: 502001 = Ferron Coal/Wasatch Plateau, 50200101 = Conventional Ferron Sandstone Gas, 50200161 = Deep (6,000 feet plus) Coal and Sandstone Gas, 50200181 = Northern Coal Fairway/Drunkards Wash, 50200182 = Central Coal Fairway/Buzzards Bench, All tags...
In 1998, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Fisheries Independent Monitoring (FIM) program began a long-term monitoring effort of key reef fish populations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. This effort was aimed at evaluating the relative abundance, size structure, and habitat utilization of specific reef fish species that are targeted by commercial and recreational fisheries.; Smith, S.G., et al. 2011, Multispecies survey design for assessing reef-fish stocks, spatially explicit management performance, and ecosystem condition. Fisheries Research 109(2011)25-41; Brandt, M.E., et. al. 2009, A Cooperative Multi-agency Reef Fish Monitoring Protocol for the Florida Keys Coral...
Categories: Data; Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service; Tags: Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuaries Reef Fish Monitoring, array, array-data, basis, basisOfRecord, All tags...
The purpose of the Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (CREMP) is to monitor the status and trends of selected reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary(FKNMS). CREMP assessments have been conducted annually at fixed sites since 1996 and data collected provides information on the temporal changes in benthic cover and diversity of stony corals and associated marine flora and fauna. The core field methods continue to be underwater videography and timed coral species inventories. Findings presented in this report include data from 109 stations at 37 sites sampled from 1996 through 2008 in the Florida Keys and 1999 through 2008 in the Dry Tortugas. The report describes the annual differences (between...
Categories: Data; Tags: Florida Keys Coral Reef Monitoring Project2002, absence, aphia, area, array, All tags...
The purpose of the Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (CREMP) is to monitor the status and trends of selected reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary(FKNMS). CREMP assessments have been conducted annually at fixed sites since 1996 and data collected provides information on the temporal changes in benthic cover and diversity of stony corals and associated marine flora and fauna. The core field methods continue to be underwater videography and timed coral species inventories. Findings presented in this report include data from 109 stations at 37 sites sampled from 1996 through 2008 in the Florida Keys and 1999 through 2008 in the Dry Tortugas. The report describes the annual differences (between...
Categories: Data; Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service; Tags: Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project Florida Keys 2018, area, array, array-data, biogeographic, All tags...
The USGS Central Region Energy Team assesses oil and gas resources of the United States. The onshore and State water areas of the United States comprise 71 provinces. Within these provinces, Total Petroleum Systems are defined and Assessment Units are defined and assessed. Each of these provinces is defined geologically, and most province boundaries are defined by major geologic changes. The Appalachian Basin Province is located in the eastern United States, encompassing all or parts of the counties in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. The main population centers within the study area are Birmingham, Alabama; Buffalo,...
Categories: Data, pre-SM502.8; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: 506701 = Conasauga-Rome/Conasauga, 50670101 = Rome Trough, 506702 = Sevier-Knox Trenton, 50670201 = Lower Paleozoic Carbonates, 506703 = Utica-Lower Paleozoic, All tags...
In 1998, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Fisheries Independent Monitoring (FIM) program began a long-term monitoring effort of key reef fish populations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. This effort was aimed at evaluating the relative abundance, size structure, and habitat utilization of specific reef fish species that are targeted by commercial and recreational fisheries.; Smith, S.G., et al. 2011, Multispecies survey design for assessing reef-fish stocks, spatially explicit management performance, and ecosystem condition. Fisheries Research 109(2011)25-41; Brandt, M.E., et. al. 2009, A Cooperative Multi-agency Reef Fish Monitoring Protocol for the Florida Keys Coral...
Categories: Data; Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service; Tags: Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuaries Reef Fish Monitoring, array, array-data, basis, basisOfRecord, All tags...
In 1998, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Fisheries Independent Monitoring (FIM) program began a long-term monitoring effort of key reef fish populations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. This effort was aimed at evaluating the relative abundance, size structure, and habitat utilization of specific reef fish species that are targeted by commercial and recreational fisheries.; Smith, S.G., et al. 2011, Multispecies survey design for assessing reef-fish stocks, spatially explicit management performance, and ecosystem condition. Fisheries Research 109(2011)25-41; Brandt, M.E., et. al. 2009, A Cooperative Multi-agency Reef Fish Monitoring Protocol for the Florida Keys Coral...
Categories: Data; Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service; Tags: Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuaries Reef Fish Monitoring, array, array-data, basis, basisOfRecord, All tags...
The USGS Central Region Energy Team assesses oil and gas resources of the United States. The onshore and State water areas of the United States comprise 71 provinces. Within these provinces, Total Petroleum Systems are defined and Assessment Units are defined and assessed. Each of these provinces is defined geologically, and most province boundaries are defined by major geologic changes. The Denver Basin Province is located in eastern Colorado, western Nebraska, southern South Dakota, and eastern Wyoming encompassing all or parts of Pueblo, El Paso, Crowley, Lincoln, Kit Carson, Elbert, Teller, Douglas, Jefferson, Denver, Arapahoe, Adams, Washington, Yuma, Morgan, Weld, Broomfield, Boulder, Larimer, Logan, Sedwick,...
Categories: Data, pre-SM502.8; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: 39 = Denver Basin Province, 503901 = Coalbed Methane, 50390181 = Denver Formation Coals, 50390182 = Laramie Formation Coals, 503902 = Upper Cretaceous Fractured Niobrara, All tags...
The USGS Central Region Energy Team assesses oil and gas resources of the United States. The onshore and State water areas of the United States comprise 71 provinces. Within these provinces, Total Petroleum Systems are defined and Assessment Units are defined and assessed. Each of these provinces is defined geologically, and most province boundaries are defined by major geologic changes. The Montana Thrust Belt Province is located in western Montana, encompassing all or parts of Beaverhead, Broadwater, Cascade, Deer Lodge, Flathead, Gallatin, Glacier, Granite, Jefferson, Lake, Lewis and Clark, Lincoln, Madison, Meagher, Mineral, Missoula, Park, Pondera, Powell, Ravalli, Sanders, Silver Bow, and Teton counties in...
Categories: Data, pre-SM502.8; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: 27 = Montana Thrust Belt, 502701 = Thrust Belt Paleozoic/Mesozoic Composite, 50270101 = Thrust Belt Conventional Gas and Oil, 50270102 = Sawtooth Range Structure Conventional Oil and Gas, 50270103 = Frontal Structures Conventional Oil and Gas, All tags...
The USGS Central Region Energy Team assesses oil and gas resources of the United States. The onshore and State water areas of the United States comprise 71 provinces. Within these provinces, Total Petroleum Systems are defined and Assessment Units are defined and assessed. Each of these provinces is defined geologically, and most province boundaries are defined by major geologic changes. The Southwestern Wyoming Province is located in northeastern Utah, northwestern Colorado and southwestern Wyoming, encompassing all or parts of Eagle, Garfield, Moffat, Rio Blanco, and Routt Counties in Colorado and all or parts of Carbon, Fremont, Lincoln, Sweetwater, Sublette, Teton, and Uintah Counties in Wyoming and all or parts...
Categories: Data, pre-SM502.8; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: 503701 = Phosphoria Total Petroleum System, 50370101 = Sub-Cretaceous Conventional Oil and Gas, 503702 = Mowry Composite Total Petroleum System, 50370201 = Mowry Conventional Oil and Gas, 50370261 = Mowry Continuous Gas, All tags...
In 1998, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Fisheries Independent Monitoring (FIM) program began a long-term monitoring effort of key reef fish populations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. This effort was aimed at evaluating the relative abundance, size structure, and habitat utilization of specific reef fish species that are targeted by commercial and recreational fisheries.; Smith, S.G., et al. 2011, Multispecies survey design for assessing reef-fish stocks, spatially explicit management performance, and ecosystem condition. Fisheries Research 109(2011)25-41; Brandt, M.E., et. al. 2009, A Cooperative Multi-agency Reef Fish Monitoring Protocol for the Florida Keys Coral...
Categories: Data; Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service; Tags: Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuaries Reef Fish Monitoring, array, array-data, basis, basisOfRecord, All tags...
In 1998, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Fisheries Independent Monitoring (FIM) program began a long-term monitoring effort of key reef fish populations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. This effort was aimed at evaluating the relative abundance, size structure, and habitat utilization of specific reef fish species that are targeted by commercial and recreational fisheries. The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended for legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data Contributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any of their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or implied, including warranties...
Categories: Data; Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service; Tags: Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuaries Reef Fish Monitoring, array, array-data, basis, basisOfRecord, All tags...
In 1998, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Fisheries Independent Monitoring (FIM) program began a long-term monitoring effort of key reef fish populations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. This effort was aimed at evaluating the relative abundance, size structure, and habitat utilization of specific reef fish species that are targeted by commercial and recreational fisheries.; Smith, S.G., et al. 2011, Multispecies survey design for assessing reef-fish stocks, spatially explicit management performance, and ecosystem condition. Fisheries Research 109(2011)25-41; Brandt, M.E., et. al. 2009, A Cooperative Multi-agency Reef Fish Monitoring Protocol for the Florida Keys Coral...
Categories: Data; Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service; Tags: Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuaries Reef Fish Monitoring, array, array-data, basis, basisOfRecord, All tags...
In 1998, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Fisheries Independent Monitoring (FIM) program began a long-term monitoring effort of key reef fish populations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. This effort was aimed at evaluating the relative abundance, size structure, and habitat utilization of specific reef fish species that are targeted by commercial and recreational fisheries.; Smith, S.G., et al. 2011, Multispecies survey design for assessing reef-fish stocks, spatially explicit management performance, and ecosystem condition. Fisheries Research 109(2011)25-41; Brandt, M.E., et. al. 2009, A Cooperative Multi-agency Reef Fish Monitoring Protocol for the Florida Keys Coral...
Categories: Data; Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service; Tags: Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuaries Reef Fish Monitoring, array, array-data, basis, basisOfRecord, All tags...

map background search result map search result map Ecological Subsections Dry Tortugas Reef Visual Census 2008 Dry Tortugas Reef Visual Census 2000 Dry Tortugas Reef Visual Census 2010 Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project Florida Keys 2002 Florida Keys Reef Visual Census 2004 Florida Keys Reef Visual Census 2003 Florida Keys Reef Visual Census 2002 Florida Keys Reef Visual Census 1996 Florida Keys Reef Visual Census 1994 Florida Keys Reef Visual Census 1998 Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project Florida Keys 1998 Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project Florida Keys 2018 National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - Uinta-Piceance Province (020) Boundary National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - San Juan Basin Province (022) Boundary National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - Montana Thrust Belt Province (027) Boundary National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - Southwestern Wyoming Province (037) Boundary National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - Denver Basin Province (039) Boundary National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - Raton Basin-Sierra Grande Uplift Province (041) Boundary National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - Appalachian Basin Province (067) Boundary Florida Keys Reef Visual Census 1994 Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project Florida Keys 2018 Florida Keys Reef Visual Census 1996 Florida Keys Reef Visual Census 1998 Florida Keys Reef Visual Census 2003 Florida Keys Reef Visual Census 2004 Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project Florida Keys 2002 Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project Florida Keys 1998 Florida Keys Reef Visual Census 2002 National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - San Juan Basin Province (022) Boundary National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - Raton Basin-Sierra Grande Uplift Province (041) Boundary National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - Uinta-Piceance Province (020) Boundary National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - Southwestern Wyoming Province (037) Boundary National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - Denver Basin Province (039) Boundary National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - Montana Thrust Belt Province (027) Boundary National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - Appalachian Basin Province (067) Boundary Ecological Subsections