Filters: Tags: QUAT (X)
16 results (55ms)
Date Range
Contacts Categories Tag Types Tag Schemes |
Core Research Center, core U223, from well operated by PACIFIC ENERGY & MINRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U223", "API Num": null, "Operator": "PACIFIC ENERGY & MIN", "Well Name": "2 HORSE PRAIRIE D D", "Field": "TERTIARY BASIN PROJ", "State": "MT", "County": "BEAVERHEAD", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.941452", "Longitude": "-113.026695", "coordinates_geohash": "9rzxsj26zjge", "Source": "CENTER OF QUARTER SECTION", "Security Flag": "NO SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "OLIGOCENE", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "0", "Max Depth":...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Bozeman Group,
Bozeman Group and related valley-fill deposits, undivided,
Core Research Center, core U234, from well operated by KERR MCGEE CORPRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U234", "API Num": null, "Operator": "KERR MCGEE CORP", "Well Name": "KM-3", "Field": "SEARLES LAKE", "State": "CA", "County": "SAN BERNARDINO", "Type": "SLABBED", "Photos": "T", "Thin Sec": "T", "Analysis": "T", "Latitude": "35.733709", "Longitude": "-117.325662", "coordinates_geohash": "9qke61n5cyjt", "Source": "CENTER OF QUARTER SECTION", "Security Flag": "NO SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "RECENT", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "18", "Max Depth": "3050"}], "crcwc_url":...
Core Research Center, core S248, from well operated by MOLYCORPRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "S248", "API Num": null, "Operator": "MOLYCORP", "Well Name": "WF-1", "Field": "TINCUP MINING DISTRICT", "State": "CO", "County": "GUNNISON", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "38.77435", "Longitude": "-106.48327", "coordinates_geohash": "9wuk8fthzyxp", "Source": "CENTER OF SECTION", "Security Flag": "NO SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "UNKNOWN", "Age": null, "Min Depth": "1426", "Max Depth": "1973"}, {"Formation": "TINCUP", "Age": "QUAT",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Glacial drift,
Middle Pleistocene - Late Pleistocene,
Core Research Center, core U225, from well operated by PACIFIC ENERGY & MINRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U225", "API Num": null, "Operator": "PACIFIC ENERGY & MIN", "Well Name": "4 HORSE PRAIRIE D D", "Field": "TERTIARY BASIN PROJ", "State": "MT", "County": "BEAVERHEAD", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.968865", "Longitude": "-113.054566", "coordinates_geohash": "9rzxg6k4tsj8", "Source": "CENTER OF QUARTER SECTION", "Security Flag": "NO SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "OLIGOCENE", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "0", "Max Depth":...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Bozeman Group,
Bozeman Group and related valley-fill deposits, undivided,
Core Research Center, core U966, from well operated by USGS-CRGRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U966", "API Num": null, "Operator": "USGS-CRG", "Well Name": "3 FISH LAKE VALLEY", "Field": null, "State": "NV", "County": "ESMERALDA", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "37.73", "Longitude": "-118.052778", "coordinates_geohash": "9qsn9ss94vu8", "Source": "PROVIDED BY DONOR", "Security Flag": "PERMANENT HOLD NO VIEWING OR SAMPLING", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "UNKNOWN", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "0", "Max Depth": "36"}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Playa, lake bed, and flood plain deposits,
Pleistocene - Holocene,
Core Research Center, core U235, from well operated by KERR MCGEE CORPRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U235", "API Num": null, "Operator": "KERR MCGEE CORP", "Well Name": "LDW-6", "Field": "SEARLES LAKE", "State": "CA", "County": "SAN BERNARDINO", "Type": "SLABBED", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "T", "Latitude": null, "Longitude": null, "Source": null, "Security Flag": "PERMANENT HOLD NO VIEWING OR SAMPLING", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "RECENT", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "125", "Max Depth": "501"}], "crcwc_url": "", "documents":...
Core Research Center, core U965, from well operated by USGS-CRGRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U965", "API Num": null, "Operator": "USGS-CRG", "Well Name": "4 FISH LAKE VALLEY", "Field": null, "State": "NV", "County": "ESMERALDA", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "37.729722", "Longitude": "-118.067778", "coordinates_geohash": "9qsn9k3xt3gy", "Source": "PROVIDED BY DONOR", "Security Flag": "PERMANENT HOLD NO VIEWING OR SAMPLING", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "UNKNOWN", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "0", "Max Depth": "33"}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Playa, lake bed, and flood plain deposits,
Pleistocene - Holocene,
Core Research Center, core U967, from well operated by USGS-CRGRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U967", "API Num": null, "Operator": "USGS-CRG", "Well Name": "2 FISH LAKE VALLEY", "Field": null, "State": "NV", "County": "ESMERALDA", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "37.734444", "Longitude": "-118.052778", "coordinates_geohash": "9qsn9tke4fhw", "Source": "PROVIDED BY DONOR", "Security Flag": "PERMANENT HOLD NO VIEWING OR SAMPLING", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "UNKNOWN", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "0", "Max Depth": "23"}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Playa, lake bed, and flood plain deposits,
Pleistocene - Holocene,
Core Research Center, core U224, from well operated by PACIFIC ENERGY & MINRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U224", "API Num": null, "Operator": "PACIFIC ENERGY & MIN", "Well Name": "3 HORSE PRAIRIE D D", "Field": "TERTIARY BASIN PROJ", "State": "MT", "County": "BEAVERHEAD", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "44.941452", "Longitude": "-113.026695", "coordinates_geohash": "9rzxsj26zjge", "Source": "CENTER OF QUARTER SECTION", "Security Flag": "NO SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "OLIGOCENE", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "0", "Max Depth":...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Bozeman Group,
Bozeman Group and related valley-fill deposits, undivided,
Core Research Center, core U964, from well operated by USGS-CRGRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U964", "API Num": null, "Operator": "USGS-CRG", "Well Name": "5 FISH LAKE VALLEY", "Field": null, "State": "NV", "County": "ESMERALDA", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "37.718889", "Longitude": "-118.079444", "coordinates_geohash": "9qsn9490mw91", "Source": "PROVIDED BY DONOR", "Security Flag": "PERMANENT HOLD NO VIEWING OR SAMPLING", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "UNKNOWN", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "0", "Max Depth": "38"}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Playa, lake bed, and flood plain deposits,
Pleistocene - Holocene,
Core Research Center, core U222, from well operated by PACIFIC ENERGY & MINRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U222", "API Num": null, "Operator": "PACIFIC ENERGY & MIN", "Well Name": "1 HORSE PRAIRIE D D", "Field": "TERTIARY BASIN PROJECT", "State": "MT", "County": "BEAVERHEAD", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "T", "Latitude": "44.930568", "Longitude": "-113.031633", "coordinates_geohash": "9rzxegkgs0ct", "Source": "CENTER OF QUARTER SECTION", "Security Flag": "NO SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "OLIGOCENE", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "10", "Max...
Core Research Center, core E962, from well operated by CSDP/NSF/U OF HAWAIIRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "E962", "API Num": null, "Operator": "CSDP/NSF/U OF HAWAII", "Well Name": "1 KAHI PUKA", "Field": "HILO AREA", "State": "HI", "County": "HAWAII", "Type": "SLABBED", "Photos": "T", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "T", "Latitude": "19.73096", "Longitude": "-155.04912", "coordinates_geohash": "8e98pzbtjts8", "Source": null, "Security Flag": "PERMANENT HOLD NO VIEWING OR SAMPLING", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "VOLCANICS", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "1", "Max Depth": "3464"}], "crcwc_url":...
Core Research Center, core U963, from well operated by USGS-CRGRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U963", "API Num": null, "Operator": "USGS-CRG", "Well Name": "6 FISH LAKE VALLEY", "Field": null, "State": "NV", "County": "ESMERALDA", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "37.736944", "Longitude": "-118.073889", "coordinates_geohash": "9qsn9jv1wupp", "Source": "PROVIDED BY DONOR", "Security Flag": "PERMANENT HOLD NO VIEWING OR SAMPLING", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "UNKNOWN", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "0", "Max Depth": "40"}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, core U968, from well operated by USGS-CRGRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U968", "API Num": null, "Operator": "USGS-CRG", "Well Name": "1 FISH LAKE VALLEY", "Field": null, "State": "NV", "County": "ESMERALDA", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "37.736389", "Longitude": "-118.046111", "coordinates_geohash": "9qsn9v9qqhzb", "Source": "PROVIDED BY DONOR", "Security Flag": "PERMANENT HOLD NO VIEWING OR SAMPLING", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "UNKNOWN", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "0", "Max Depth": "37"}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Core Research Center, core U962, from well operated by USGS-CRGRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "U962", "API Num": null, "Operator": "USGS-CRG", "Well Name": "7 FISH LAKE VALLEY", "Field": null, "State": "NV", "County": "ESMERALDA", "Type": "FULL", "Photos": "F", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "37.745833", "Longitude": "-118.045", "coordinates_geohash": "9qsn9z6m2jk2", "Source": "PROVIDED BY DONOR", "Security Flag": "PERMANENT HOLD NO VIEWING OR SAMPLING", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "UNKNOWN", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "0", "Max Depth": "33"}], "crcwc_url": "",...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Playa, lake bed, and flood plain deposits,
Pleistocene - Holocene,
Core Research Center, core D577, from well operated by USGSRaw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API{"Lib Num": "D577", "API Num": null, "Operator": "USGS", "Well Name": "Y-10 MAMMOTH TERRACE", "Field": "MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS", "State": "WY", "County": "YELLOWSTONE NATL PARK", "Type": "SLABBED", "Photos": "T", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "T", "Latitude": "44.966667", "Longitude": "-110.71", "coordinates_geohash": "9xcrb9zmy428", "Source": "DERIVED FROM MAPPED LOCATION", "Security Flag": "NO SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS", "crc_collection_name": "core", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49dae4b07f02db5e0486", "intervals": [{"Formation": "UNKNOWN", "Age": "QUAT", "Min Depth": "0", "Max Depth": "370"}], "crcwc_url":...
Categories: Physical Item;
Tags: Pleistocene - Holocene,
Undivided surficial deposits,