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Habitat selection studies can make important contributions to habitat prioritization efforts for species of conservation concern. We present a large-scale collaborative effort to develop habitat selection models for Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) across large landscapes (Wyoming, USA) and multiple seasons. Greater Sage-grouse are limited to western semi-arid landscapes in North America, range-wide population declines have been documented, and the species is currently listed a “warranted but precluded” from listing under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Wyoming is predicted to remain a stronghold for Sage-grouse populations and contains approximately 37% of the remaining birds. We developed Resource...
Habitat selection studies can make important contributions to habitat prioritization efforts for species of conservation concern. We present a large-scale collaborative effort to develop habitat selection models for Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) across large landscapes (Wyoming, USA) and multiple seasons. Greater Sage-grouse are limited to western semi-arid landscapes in North America, range-wide population declines have been documented, and the species is currently listed a “warranted but precluded” from listing under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Wyoming is predicted to remain a stronghold for Sage-grouse populations and contains approximately 37% of the remaining birds. We developed Resource...
Habitat selection studies can make important contributions to habitat prioritization efforts for species of conservation concern. We present a large-scale collaborative effort to develop habitat selection models for Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) across large landscapes (Wyoming, USA) and multiple seasons. Greater Sage-grouse are limited to western semi-arid landscapes in North America, range-wide population declines have been documented, and the species is currently listed a “warranted but precluded” from listing under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Wyoming is predicted to remain a stronghold for Sage-grouse populations and contains approximately 37% of the remaining birds. We developed Resource...
Habitat selection studies can make important contributions to habitat prioritization efforts for species of conservation concern. We present a large-scale collaborative effort to develop habitat selection models for Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) across large landscapes (Wyoming, USA) and multiple seasons. Greater Sage-grouse are limited to western semi-arid landscapes in North America, range-wide population declines have been documented, and the species is currently listed a “warranted but precluded” from listing under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Wyoming is predicted to remain a stronghold for Sage-grouse populations and contains approximately 37% of the remaining birds. We developed Resource...
Habitat selection studies can make important contributions to habitat prioritization efforts for species of conservation concern. We present a large-scale collaborative effort to develop habitat selection models for Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) across large landscapes (Wyoming, USA) and multiple seasons. Greater Sage-grouse are limited to western semi-arid landscapes in North America, range-wide population declines have been documented, and the species is currently listed a “warranted but precluded” from listing under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Wyoming is predicted to remain a stronghold for Sage-grouse populations and contains approximately 37% of the remaining birds. We developed Resource...
Habitat selection studies can make important contributions to habitat prioritization efforts for species of conservation concern. We present a large-scale collaborative effort to develop habitat selection models for Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) across large landscapes (Wyoming, USA) and multiple seasons. Greater Sage-grouse are limited to western semi-arid landscapes in North America, range-wide population declines have been documented, and the species is currently listed a “warranted but precluded” from listing under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Wyoming is predicted to remain a stronghold for Sage-grouse populations and contains approximately 37% of the remaining birds. We developed Resource...
Habitat selection studies can make important contributions to habitat prioritization efforts for species of conservation concern. We present a large-scale collaborative effort to develop habitat selection models for Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) across large landscapes (Wyoming, USA) and multiple seasons. Greater Sage-grouse are limited to western semi-arid landscapes in North America, range-wide population declines have been documented, and the species is currently listed a “warranted but precluded” from listing under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Wyoming is predicted to remain a stronghold for Sage-grouse populations and contains approximately 37% of the remaining birds. We developed Resource...
Habitat selection studies can make important contributions to habitat prioritization efforts for species of conservation concern. We present a large-scale collaborative effort to develop habitat selection models for Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) across large landscapes (Wyoming, USA) and multiple seasons. Greater Sage-grouse are limited to western semi-arid landscapes in North America, range-wide population declines have been documented, and the species is currently listed a “warranted but precluded” from listing under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Wyoming is predicted to remain a stronghold for Sage-grouse populations and contains approximately 37% of the remaining birds. We developed Resource...
Ranked habitat classes for sage-grouse brood-rearing productivity at each 90 m pixel. Habitat classes represent areas where high brood selection and high brood survival intersected, whereas the lowest ranks represent areas where high brood habitat selection intersected with the low brood survival. Hierarchical models of brood selection and survival were fit to landscape covariates within a Bayesian modeling framework in Nevada and California from 2009 - 2017 to develop spatially explicit information about brood habitat selection and survival.
We used a hierarchical Bayesian modeling framework to estimate resource selection functions and survival for early and late brood-rearing stages of sage-grouse in relation to a broad suite of habitat characteristics evaluated at multiple spatial scales within the Great Basin from 2009 to 2019. Sage-grouse selected for greater perennial grass cover, higher relative elevations, and areas closer to springs and wet meadows during both early and late brood-rearing. Terrain characteristics, including heat load and aspect, were important in survival models, as was variation in shrub height. We also found strong evidence for higher survival for both early and late broods within previously burned areas, but survival within...
The Gunnison sage-grouse (Centrocercus minimus) habitat suitability surface for Crawford satellite population represented here reflects summer season at a landscape scale context (window extents [radius] of 1 km, 3 km, and 6.4 km). Habitat suitability estimated for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service critical habitat extent (southwestern Colorado). We developed habitat selection models for Gunnison sage-grouse (Centrocercus minimus), a threatened species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. We followed a management-centric modeling approach that sought to balance the need to evaluate the consistency of key habitat conditions and improvement actions across multiple, distinct populations, while allowing context-specific...
Classified probability of suitable habitat for Black Tailed Prairie Dogs for each cell of raster. Classification is based on 4 probability cutoff levels with category 1 being low habitat suitability and category 4 being high habitat suitability. Categorized probability data is created from fitting a global second-order model to county level raster data. For details on model fitting and data used to produce categorized probability raster see report.
Classified probability of suitable habitat for Black Tailed Prairie Dogs for each cell of raster. Classification is based on 4 probability cutoff levels with category 1 being low habitat suitability and category 4 being high habitat suitability. Categorized probability data is created from fitting a global second-order model to county level raster data. For details on model fitting and data used to produce categorized probability raster see report.
Probability of suitable habitat for Black Tailed Prairie Dogs for each cell of raster. Probability is measured from 0 to 1 with 0 being low habitat suitability and 1 being high suitability. Probability data is created from fitting a global third-order model to county level raster data. For details on model fitting and data used to produce probability raster see report.
Classified probability of suitable habitat for Black Tailed Prairie Dogs for each cell of raster. Classification is based on 4 probability cutoff levels with category 1 being low habitat suitability and category 4 being high habitat suitability. Categorized probability data is created from fitting a global third-order model to county level raster data. For details on model fitting and data used to produce categorized probability raster see report.
Probability of suitable habitat for Black Tailed Prairie Dogs for each cell of raster. Probability is measured from 0 to 1 with 0 being low habitat suitability and 1 being high suitability. Probability data is created from fitting a global third-order model to county level raster data. For details on model fitting and data used to produce probability raster see report.
Classified probability of suitable habitat for Black Tailed Prairie Dogs for each cell of raster. Classification is based on 4 probability cutoff levels with category 1 being low habitat suitability and category 4 being high habitat suitability. Categorized probability data is created from fitting a global third-order model to county level raster data. For details on model fitting and data used to produce categorized probability raster see report.
Classified probability of suitable habitat for Black Tailed Prairie Dogs for each cell of raster. Classification is based on 4 probability cutoff levels with category 1 being low habitat suitability and category 4 being high habitat suitability. Categorized probability data is created from fitting a global second-order model to county level raster data. For details on model fitting and data used to produce categorized probability raster see report.
Probability of suitable habitat for Black Tailed Prairie Dogs for each cell of raster. Probability is measured from 0 to 1 with 0 being low habitat suitability and 1 being high suitability. Probability data is created from fitting a global third-order model to county level raster data. For details on model fitting and data used to produce probability raster see report.
Probability of suitable habitat for Black Tailed Prairie Dogs for each cell of raster. Probability is measured from 0 to 1 with 0 being low habitat suitability and 1 being high suitability. Probability data is created from fitting a global third-order model to county level raster data. For details on model fitting and data used to produce probability raster see report.

map background search result map search result map Gove KS Third Order Resource Selection Function Hamilton KS Third Order Categorized Resource Selection Function Hayes NE Third Order Resource Selection Function Denver CO Third Order Resource Selection Function Phillips CO Third Order Resource Selection Function Phillips CO Third Order Categorized Resource Selection Function Mora NM Second Order Categorized Resource Selection Function Crowley CO Second Order Categorized Resource Selection Function Jefferson CO Second Order Categorized Resource Selection Function Spatially-Explicit Predictive Maps of Greater Sage-Grouse Brood Selection Integrated with Brood Survival in Nevada and Northeastern California, USA Ranked Habitat Classes for Sage-Grouse Brood-Rearing Productivity, Nevada and California Crowley CO Second Order Categorized Resource Selection Function Phillips CO Third Order Resource Selection Function Phillips CO Third Order Categorized Resource Selection Function Denver CO Third Order Resource Selection Function Hayes NE Third Order Resource Selection Function Hamilton KS Third Order Categorized Resource Selection Function Gove KS Third Order Resource Selection Function Mora NM Second Order Categorized Resource Selection Function Jefferson CO Second Order Categorized Resource Selection Function Spatially-Explicit Predictive Maps of Greater Sage-Grouse Brood Selection Integrated with Brood Survival in Nevada and Northeastern California, USA Ranked Habitat Classes for Sage-Grouse Brood-Rearing Productivity, Nevada and California