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Complete daily water budget information was assembled for a 105 km segment of the South Platte River in the plains region below Denver, CO, for the period 1983?1993. The data were used in testing the possibility that dependence of alluvial exchange mechanisms on stage height, as shown by models of alluvial exchange, allows alluvial exchange to be predicted continuously over a given reach through use of statistical information on river discharge. The study segment was divided into an upper and a lower reach; daily alluvial exchanges for each reach were estimated by the method of residuals. The two reaches show small (15%) but statistically significant annual differences in rates of exchange. For each reach, there...
These data include dissolved silicon concentration and yield from 60 rivers across North America, the Caribbean, and Antarctica from 1964-2021 and are associated with the publication “Long-term change in concentration and yield of riverine dissolved silicon from the poles to the tropics”. Data were compiled from multiple public sources including the Long-term Ecological Research Network, Great Arctic Rivers Observatory, Upper Mississippi River Restoration program, and the U.S. Geological Survey. Concentration and yield estimates were generated by the Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge and Season model (WRTDS; Hirsch et al. 2010). The dataset includes six files: discrete dissolved silicon data and daily discharge...
Regional regression equations were calculated in Puerto Rico with generalized least squares techniques to estimate flood frequency statistics at ungaged locations using drainage area as the only explanatory variable. The island was divided into 2 regions to minimize residuals. The region division that resulted in lower and more balanced residuals runs primarily north-south near the center of the island, mostly along an 8-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC8) boundary. The division line runs through a HUC8 polygon on the southern end of the island, but care was taken to include entire watersheds and consideration was given where hydrologic and physiographic properties differed. This data release includes geographic information...
The U.S. Geological Survey obtained measurements of channel geometry, flow velocity, and river discharge from five rivers in Alaska September 18–20, 2016, to support research on remote sensing of river discharge. The streamflow data were acquired from the Knik, Matanuska, Chena, and Salcha Rivers and Montana Creek using TeleDyne RD Instruments Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs), including the RioPro, StreamPro, and RiverRay models. The original *.mmt and *.pd0 format files are provided in this data release. This data release supports the following article: Legleiter, C.J., Kinzel, P.J., and Nelson, J.M., 2017, Remote measurement of river discharge using thermal particle image velocimetry (PIV) and various...
This dataset contains data collected during science flights using the drone-based QCam, which is a Doppler (velocity) radar designed to measure surface velocity and compute river discharge when channel bathymetry is known. Five science flights were conducted on four rivers including the Arkansas and South Platte Rivers in Colorado and the Salcha and Tanana Rivers in Alaska. Data are presented in a comma separated values (CSV) file.
Tree growth (annual tree ring measurements) and plant community composition data of tidal freshwater forested wetlands along longitudinal riverine positions (upper, lower, and stressed tidal river sites, and nearby upstream non-tidal forested floodplains) of the adjoining Pamunkey and Mattaponi Rivers, Virginia.
This data release makes available the data used to test a method for remote sensing of river discharge based on critical flow theory. In rivers where flow conditions are near critical and well-defined standing waves are present, simple measurements of the wavelengths of the standing waves and the width of the channel made using readily available image data can be used to infer river discharge. This approach could provide an efficient, non-contact method of estimating streamflow in certain rivers. Sites near established USGS gaging stations with standing waves (also known as undular hydraulic jumps) were identified by examining images within Google Earth Pro (
Field measurements of flow depth and velocity and river discharge were collected from two cross-sections on the Blue River in Colorado using an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). These data were used to assess the accuracy of surface flow velocities inferred from thermal image time series, acquired from an unmanned aircraft system (UAS), via particle image velocimetry (PIV). These data sets were collected to support research focused on developing innovative methods for non-contact measurement of river discharge based on various forms of remotely sensed data. The ADCP data were collected with a SonTek RiverSurveyor S5 mounted on a hydroboard towed behind an inflatable kayak. Four passes were made across...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is actively investigating the use of innovative remote-sensing techniques to estimate surface velocity and discharge of rivers in ungaged basins and river reaches that lack the infrastructure to install conventional streamgaging equipment. By coupling discharge algorithms and sensors capable of measuring surface velocity, streamgage networks can be established in regions where data collection was previously impractical or impossible. One of the remote-sensing techniques uses a Doppler (velocity) radar (QCam) mounted and integrated on a small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS or drone). QCam measures the along-track surface velocity by spot dwelling in a river cross section at a vertical...
The U.S. Geological Survey contracted with Juniper Unmanned to conduct field tests of the ASTRALiTe bathymetric lidar system on the Blue River and Colorado River near Kremmling, Colorado, on October 18, 2018. The objective of this project was to assess the potential to map river bathymetry (i.e., channel bed topography) using lidar data collected from an unmanned aircraft system (UAS). The ASTRALiTe lidar instrument was mounted on a DJI Matrice 600 Pro UAS owned and operated by Juniper Unmanned. As part of the study, Juniper's pilot flew the ASTRALiTe instrument across 2 river transects (cross-stream) on the Blue River and 2 river transects (cross-stream) on the Colorado River. This data release includes data delivered...
Field-based real-time kinematic (RTK) GNSS surveys of water surface elevation and channel bed topography were collected along the Blue River, focusing on two cross-sections from which remotely sensed data were obtained. These data were used to assess the accuracy of river bed elevations inferred from the ASTRALiTe bathymetric lidar, acquired from an unmanned aircraft system (UAS). These data sets were collected to support research focused on developing innovative methods for non-contact measurement of river discharge based on various forms of remotely sensed data. The RTK GNSS surveys were performed using a local base station and Trimble R8 and R10 receivers while wading the channel at each cross-section. Additional...
The U.S. Geological Survey contracted with Juniper Unmanned to conduct field tests of the ASTRALiTe bathymetric lidar system on the Blue River just upstream of its confluence with the Colorado River near Kremmling, Colorado, on October 18, 2018. The objective of this project was to assess the potential to map river bathymetry (i.e., channel bed topography) using lidar data collected from an unmanned aircraft system (UAS). The ASTRALiTe lidar instrument was mounted on a DJI Matrice 600 Pro UAS owned and operated by Juniper Unmanned. As part of the study, Juniper's pilot flew the ASTRALiTe instrument across 2 river transects (cross-stream) on the Blue River. This data release includes data delivered to the USGS by...
To suport an investigation of the feasibility of measuring river discharge using remotely sensed data acquired from an unmanned aircraft system (UAS), several types of remotely sensed data and field measurements were collected from two cross-sections on the Blue River in Colorado, just upstream of its confluence with the upper Colorado River, on October 18, 2018. This parent data release includes links to child pages for the following data sets: 1) Lidar data used for mapping channel bathymetry (depth), acquired with a novel instrument that was developed by ASTRALiTe to distinguish between returns from the water surface and riverbed based on the polarization of laser pulses. 2) Thermal image time series used to...
Discharge through 13 water control structures in Florida was calculated using theoretical equations and coefficients and compared to USGS-published discharge from October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2019. The two daily mean discharges were not compared for any values below 10 cubic feet per second or if (1) any alterations were made to the published discharge to account for factors such as debris or construction; (2) any values were missing throughout the day; (3) the flow regime changed during the day; or (4) the published discharge was estimated. The structures compared include a mixture of sluice and radial gates with free and submerged conditions for orifice and weir flow. The theoretical discharges, published...
This dataset includes vertical velocity profiles and river discharge at the cross section of interest where velocity measurements were taken on the Arkansas and South Platte Rivers in Colorado and the Salcha and Tanana Rivers in Alaska. Each profile contains measurements from at least six depths across the cross section in order to have a full two-dimensional cross-section velocity profile across the river. Each profile contains measurements at various depths at the y-axis, which is the vertical in the cross-sectional profile where the maximum velocity (umax) occurs.These measurements were taken using a Flowtracker2 instrument (SonTek, 2020) when wading was possible; if wading was not possible, measurements were...
The magnitude and frequency of floods at 91 rural, unregulated streamgages in Puerto Rico were updated using annual peak-flows through 2017. The USGS program PeakFQ version 7.3 (U.S. Geological Survey, 2019) was used to estimate the parameters of the Log-Pearson Type III distribution using updated methods outlined in Bulletin 17C (England and others, 2018) and regional skew of 0.28 and a mean-squared error of 0.20. This data release includes (1) a spreadsheet file showing streamgage information, perception thresholds, and intervals used in PeakFQ; (2) raw input files (.txt) and spec file (.psf) loaded into PeakFQ; and (3) output files (.PRT) from PeakFQ showing the magnitude and frequency peak-flow estimates, as...
Estimates of the magnitude of peak-flows were updated for the 50-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent chance exceedance levels for 91 rural, unregulated streamgaging stations on the main island of Puerto Rico. These stations required 10 or more years of annual peak-flow record, using data to 2017, for inclusion in the study. The magnitude and frequency of floods at selected streamgages in Puerto Rico were estimated using the U.S. Geological Survey PeakFQ program and updated methods outlined in Bulletin 17C (England and others, 2018). Regional regression equations were calculated to estimate flood frequency statistics at ungaged locations using selected basin characteristics as explanatory variables. These...
Field observations of water and suspended-sediment fluxes were conducted at Benicia Bridge and Mallard Island during the 2019 water year wet season to capture suspended-sediment flux during elevated Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta discharge. Measurements occurred on two occasions: 1) 26th of February 2019 at Benicia Bridge and Mallard Island, following a storm event that increased delta outflow and 2) 10th April 2019 at Benicia Bridge, following peak delta outflow for the 2019 water year. On both occasions, flux of water and suspended sediment were estimated using data from a boat-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler. This instrument provided high-resolution velocity and acoustic backscatter (ABS) data at a cross-section...
Continuous slope-area (CSA) sensors are installed at four cross sections downstream from Flume 6 operated by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) at the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed. Stage data were recorded by submersible pressure transducers at each of the four cross sections, which is used to compute channel roughness using the known discharge measured by Flume 6.

map background search result map search result map Analysis of groundwater exchange for a large plains river in Colorado (USA) ADCP data from rivers in Alaska, September 18–20, 2016 09471143 - Walnut Gulch below ARS Flume 6, near Tombstone, AZ - 07/28/2017 Manning's n Verification UAS-based remotely sensed data and field measurements of flow depth and velocity from the Blue River, Colorado, October 18, 2018 Bathymetric lidar data from the Blue River, Colorado, October 18, 2018 Wading surveys of bed topography and water depth from the Blue River, Colorado, October 18, 2018 Acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) measurements of flow depth and velocity from the Blue River, Colorado, October 18, 2018 Data on Tree Growth and Plant Community Composition in Mid-Atlantic Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands Bathymetric lidar data from the Blue River and Colorado River, near Kremmling, Colorado, October 18, 2018 Drone- and ground-based measurements of velocity, depth, and discharge collected during 2017-18 at the Arkansas and South Platte Rivers in Colorado and the Salcha and Tanana Rivers in Alaska, USA Surface velocity data acquired from QCam (drone-based Doppler velocity radar) for the Arkansas and South Platte Rivers in Colorado and the Salcha and Tanana Rivers in Alaska Velocity profiles and river discharge for cross sections on the Arkansas and South Platte Rivers in Colorado and the Salcha and Tanana Rivers in Alaska Data Files for the Development of Regression Equations for the Estimation of the Magnitude and Frequency of Floods at Rural, Unregulated Gaged and Ungaged Streams in Puerto Rico through Water Year 2017 (ver. 1.1, September 2021) At-site Flood Frequency PeakFQ Estimates in Puerto Rico Through Water Year 2017 Regions for regional regression equations Acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) transect data at Benicia Bridge and Mallard Island, 2019 Data for the Comparison of Computed Flow Through Manually Operated Water Control Structures in Florida Using Theoretical Versus Calibrated Coefficients Dissolved silicon concentration and yield estimates from streams and rivers in North America and Antarctica,1964-2021 Parent and alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in watershed soil and reef sediment at Olowalu, Maui, 2022 Image-based measurements and gage records used to test a method for inferring river discharge from remotely sensed data based on critical flow theory Bathymetric lidar data from the Blue River and Colorado River, near Kremmling, Colorado, October 18, 2018 09471143 - Walnut Gulch below ARS Flume 6, near Tombstone, AZ - 07/28/2017 Manning's n Verification UAS-based remotely sensed data and field measurements of flow depth and velocity from the Blue River, Colorado, October 18, 2018 Bathymetric lidar data from the Blue River, Colorado, October 18, 2018 Acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) measurements of flow depth and velocity from the Blue River, Colorado, October 18, 2018 Wading surveys of bed topography and water depth from the Blue River, Colorado, October 18, 2018 Parent and alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in watershed soil and reef sediment at Olowalu, Maui, 2022 Acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) transect data at Benicia Bridge and Mallard Island, 2019 Data on Tree Growth and Plant Community Composition in Mid-Atlantic Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands Analysis of groundwater exchange for a large plains river in Colorado (USA) ADCP data from rivers in Alaska, September 18–20, 2016 Data for the Comparison of Computed Flow Through Manually Operated Water Control Structures in Florida Using Theoretical Versus Calibrated Coefficients Image-based measurements and gage records used to test a method for inferring river discharge from remotely sensed data based on critical flow theory Surface velocity data acquired from QCam (drone-based Doppler velocity radar) for the Arkansas and South Platte Rivers in Colorado and the Salcha and Tanana Rivers in Alaska Velocity profiles and river discharge for cross sections on the Arkansas and South Platte Rivers in Colorado and the Salcha and Tanana Rivers in Alaska Drone- and ground-based measurements of velocity, depth, and discharge collected during 2017-18 at the Arkansas and South Platte Rivers in Colorado and the Salcha and Tanana Rivers in Alaska, USA Dissolved silicon concentration and yield estimates from streams and rivers in North America and Antarctica,1964-2021