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The Red River Stakeholder Engagement project’s primary objective was to uncover areas of concern for stakeholders who live, work, and play along the Red River Basin. It examined the complexity of the cultural-geographic landscape across the Red River Basin. By focusing on both the geographic and the cultural, we gain a better understanding of how individuals, communities, and organizations interact with the basin and with one another, how they arecurrently experiencing changes, and what they perceive a changing climate means for them.This cultural-geographic approach recognizes that stakeholders’ concerns, priorities, and actions likely vary across space-and also vary in their cultural significance. For example,...
The mottled duck, a focal species for the Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative, is one of only a few duck species adapted to breeding in southern marshes. A major part of its population spends its entire life cycle within a relatively small coastal area in eastern Texas and western Louisiana. This is a thriving part of the Mississippi and Central Flyways, two of four major waterfowl migration routes in North America. In recent years, the mottled duck’s habitat and surrounding areas have been compromised by urbanization, agricultural development, and changes to the area’s hydrology affecting coastal wetlands. The latter threat includes the ramifications of climate change, such as sea level rise and...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2012,
The Red River Stakeholder Engagement project’s primary objective was to uncover areas of concern for stakeholders who live, work, and play along the Red River Basin. It examined the complexity of the cultural-geographic landscape across the Red River Basin. By focusing on both the geographic and the cultural, we gain a better understanding of how individuals, communities, and organizations interact with the basin and with one another, how they are currently experiencing changes, and what they perceive a changing climate means for them. This cultural-geographic approach recognizes that stakeholders’ concerns, priorities, and actions likely vary across space-and also vary in their cultural significance. For example,...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2016,
Applications and Tools,
Conservation NGOs,
Data Acquisition and Development,
The Big Bend reach of the central Platte River serves as a major staging area for migratory water birds (waterfowl, wading birds, shorebirds) during spring migration. Reduced spring flows and drought conditions within the Platte system have promoted encroachment by undesirable woody and herbaceous invasive species. This encroachment has caused the once shallow braided channels of the Platte River to incise. This action has significantly reduced available habitat for roosting and loafing Sandhill Cranes, endangered Whooping Cranes, and millions of waterfowl that annually utilize the Platte River each spring. This change in river morphology has also reduced available nesting habitat for the federally listed Interior...
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Data,
Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Projects,
The Red River Stakeholder Engagement project’s primary objective was to uncover areas of concern for stakeholders who live, work, and play along the Red River Basin. It examined the complexity of the cultural-geographic landscape across the Red River Basin. By focusing on both the geographic and the cultural, we gain a better understanding of how individuals, communities, and organizations interact with the basin and with one another, how they arecurrently experiencing changes, and what they perceive a changing climate means for them.This cultural-geographic approach recognizes that stakeholders’ concerns, priorities, and actions likely vary across space-and also vary in their cultural significance. For example,...
Completed wetland and watershed restorations of irrigation reuse (or wetland concentration) pits in the Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex. The inventory is updated annually from project and management tracking database records of watershed or wetland restorations by Rainwater Basin Joint Venture conservation partners. Irrigation reuse pits are remnant structures associated with gravity irrigation. Center pivot irrigation has largely replaced gravity irrigation in the region but, the irrigation reuse pits that remain in the watersheds of Rainwater Basin wetlands intercept rainfall that would otherwise runoff to the wetland. Concentration pits are structurally similar to irrigation reuse pits but were constructed within...
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
This RCT mask map service supports the River Conditions Tool ( Data creation involved input from watershed coordinators from the Upper Missouri Headwaters Basin and Upper Yellowstone watersheds, then complication from USFWS R6 Science Applications and Montana State University. Leveraging the investment of the USFWS Region 6 Science Applications’ funded project Building Large Scale Drought Resiliency in the Missouri Headwaters Basin, the tool further supports stakeholders in drought management planning by improving access to US Geological Survey, Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, and Montana Dept. of Natural Resources Conservation Services (DNRC)...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Data, USFWS Science Applications,
This data package includes 17,014 pairs of raster geotiffs. Each pair is made up of two geotiff rasters derived from historical observations from Landsat satellites (04-09) over the Yukon, Kuskokwim, and Tanana rivers in Alaska. One raster reports estimated mid-day water surface temperature (ST) in degrees Celsius (deg_Cc). The second raster reports the surface temperature quality assessment (sST_QA_c) and provides the ST product uncertainty (also in degrees). The period of observation is May through October for the years 1984-2022.
The Desert LCC will provide the 50% of the Federal component of funds, and the work designed will support the science objectives for the Desert LCC and its partners as well as provide needed improvements to the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) in the Lower Colorado River Region, and beyond. Basic improvement of the NHD at the 1:24,000 scale will provide an important framework basis for the development of hydrologic models required to address effects of climate change. An accurate surface water map will support the following specific DLCC objectives and needs: Hydrologic and biological modeling Accurate determination of perennial and intermittent classification Impacts on flow due to storms (particularly in the...
Categories: Data,
Tags: 2015,
Academics & scientific researchers,
Conservation NGOs,
Data Management and Integration,
Current basins feature class of the River Conditions tool geography. This data is currently available from a past project but will be updated with new data in summer of 2021. The data is created and published to an development AGOL hosted feature layer by Eric Sproles’s GIS office at Montana State University Data is verified by watershed POC/stakeholder Data is QA/QC’d by FWS POC (Matt Heller) for spatial and attribute accuracy Final QA/QC’d data is published to the production AGOL hosted feature layer This map service supports the Upper Missouri Headwaters Basin river conditions tool ( Data creation involved input from watershed coordinators...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Data, USFWS Science Applications,
The Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership, a partner in the Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative, is advancing instream flow science by developing basic information necessary to support flow standards and water management recommendations for waterways throughout the region. Helping resource managers prepare for future population growth and climate change-associated flow alterations at regional and local scales will enable state and federal agencies to focus regulatory and management efforts on habitats most vulnerable to altered flow. They will be able to develop more effective management strategies to minimize impacts to fish and wildlife and better inform policy-makers on conservation needs.
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2012,
Aquatic Systems,
Conservation NGOs,
Current GIS stream segment start and end points feature class of the River Conditions tool geography. This data is currently available from a past project but will be updated with new data in summer of 2021.This map service supports the Upper Missouri Headwaters Basin river conditions tool ( Data creation involved input from watershed coordinators from the Upper Missouri Headwaters Basin and complication from USFWS R6 Science Applications. Leveraging the investment of the USFWS Region 6 Science Applications’ funded project Building Large Scale Drought Resiliency in the Missouri Headwaters Basin, the tool further supports stakeholders in drought...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Data, USFWS Science Applications,
Current watersheds feature class of the River Conditions tool geography. This data is currently available from a past project but will be updated with new data in summer of 2021. The data is created and published to an development AGOL hosted feature layer by Eric Sproles’s GIS office at Montana State University Data is verified by watershed POC/stakeholder Data is QA/QC’d by FWS POC (Matt Heller) for spatial and attribute accuracy Final QA/QC’d data is published to the production AGOL hosted feature layer This map service supports the Upper Missouri Headwaters Basin river conditions tool ( Data creation involved input from watershed...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Data, USFWS Science Applications,
Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) form a national network of partnerships working collaboratively across jurisdictions and political boundaries to address landscape-style changes and impacts to America’s land, water, wildlife and cultural resources by leveraging and sharing science capacity. The Gulf Coast Prairie LCC is partnering with the Southeast Aquatic Resource Partnership (SARP) to ensure that the rich aquatic resources of their region are protected from impacts of future population growth and climate change. SARP has identified flow alteration as a priority threat and is helping the GCPLCC to advance regional instream flow science by developing basic information necessary to support credible instream...
Overview: This project represented a partnership between US Geological Survey (USGS) National Geospatial Program, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (on behalf of the Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative (DLCC)), and the Center for Geographical Studies (CGS) at California State University, Northridge (CSUN). The project focused on updates and improvements to the high resolution National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) through the addition and/or improvement of NHD polygon, line, and point features in effort to fully realize a more robust and accurate NHD for priority areas within the DLCC geography. The work performed was designed to support the science objectives for the DLCC and its partners through the use of an...
Categories: Data;
Tags: 2015,
Academics & scientific researchers,
Conservation NGOs,
Data Management and Integration,
R6 SA (Science Applications), in cooperation with project collaborators and watershed stakeholders (watershed coordinators, Montana State University, MTDRC, EPA, conservation districts, TU) created the River Conditions Tool (RCT) to drive conservation actions via real-time stream gage data with predetermined aquatic, riverine, drought management science.This broad scale tool downscales to individual stream segments providing the ability of watershed groups to customize predetermined conservation triggers for immediate conservation action through real-time situational awareness at fine scales for all water users and in effect becomes a catalog of conservation activities for the entire broad scale project area.
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Application,
Drought Management,
Drought Resiliency,
Inventory of irrigation reuse (or wetland concentration) pits in the Rainwater Basin Wetland Complex. The inventory is updated annually removing pits that have been filled through watershed or wetland restorations by Rainwater Basin Joint Venture conservation partners. Irrigation reuse pits are remnant structures associated with gravity irrigation. Center pivot irrigation has largely replaced gravity irrigation in the region but, the irrigation reuse pits that remain in the watersheds of Rainwater Basin wetlands intercept rainfall that would otherwise runoff to the wetland. Concentration pits are structurally similar to irrigation reuse pits but were constructed within the wetland to concentrate water and open portions...
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
We propose to empirically characterize hydrology/fish-production relationships for different ecological groups of fishes living in the Red River and associated reservoir habitats by: 1. Correlating historic hydrologic data with catch curve residuals, and 2. Annual growth rate estimates of fish collected from the Red River and associated reservoirs. The catch curve residual approach for indexing year class strength has been validated and successfully used to quantify the relationship between reservoir hydrology and YOY recruitment for white crappie and largemouth. The essence of the approach is as follows. Catch curves (a correlation between the natural log of fish abundance and age) are used to measure total instantaneous...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2015,
Conservation Planning,
Current “Stream Sections” feature class of the River Conditions tool geography. This data is currently available from a past project but will be updated with new data in summer of 2021. The data is created and published to an development AGOL hosted feature layer by Eric Sproles’s GIS office at Montana State University Data is verified by watershed POC/stakeholder Data is QA/QC’d by FWS POC (Matt Heller) for spatial and attribute accuracy Final QA/QC’d data is published to the production AGOL hosted feature layer This map service supports the Upper Missouri Headwaters Basin river conditions tool ( Data creation involved input from...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Data, USFWS Science Applications,
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