Filters: Tags: Salmon River (X)
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This data release makes available the data used to test a method for remote sensing of river discharge based on critical flow theory. In rivers where flow conditions are near critical and well-defined standing waves are present, simple measurements of the wavelengths of the standing waves and the width of the channel made using readily available image data can be used to infer river discharge. This approach could provide an efficient, non-contact method of estimating streamflow in certain rivers. Sites near established USGS gaging stations with standing waves (also known as undular hydraulic jumps) were identified by examining images within Google Earth Pro (
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Arizona,
Channel width,
Clear Creek,
Colorado River,
This record documents the fields of datasets (which are contained in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and MS Access databases) that describe upland, riparian, and stream ecosystems in the following areas: (1) Idaho - South Fork Salmon and East Fork South Fork Salmon River drainages following the 2000 Diamond Peak Fire, before and after the 2004 Parks-Eiguren Prescribed Fire, before and after the 2006 Williams and Fitsum Prescribed Fire, before and after the 2006 and 2007 South Fork Salmon Complexes, Krassel RD-Payette NF; (2) Montana â Bitterroot River following the 2000 Bitterroot Valley Fire Complex, Sula RD-Bitterroot NF; (3) Oregon - 2001 Quartz Fire, Applegate RD-Rogue NF; Grayback Mtn-Siskiyou NF; 2002 Biscuit...
Stream segments, aquatic organism captures, stream surveys, and road-stream crossings described by these metadata accompany a 2012 electrofishing study of the distribution and abundance of aquatic organisms (fish, lampreys, amphibians and crayfish), conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey, and the Pacific Northwest Region Aquatic and Riparian Ecosystem Monitoring Project (AREMP) of the U.S. Forest Service, in the Siuslaw National Forest in western Oregon, USA. The purpose of the study was to quantify the effectiveness of stream-road crossing restoration (culvert replacement to the stream simulation standard) in terms of numbers of fish and length of stream gained through restoration, and to quantify the continuing...
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release (ver. 1.2, April 2022) contains a set of previously unpublished geochemical data from project studies of primitive areas in central Idaho, including the Clear Creek-Upper Big Deer Creek Area, the Salmon River Breaks and Sawtooth Primitive Areas, and the Gospel-Hump Wilderness Area. The purpose of the USGS Idaho Primitive Area studies, conducted from 1966 to 1984, was to describe the geology, determine petrologic and geochemical characteristics, and evaluate the mineral resource potential of these primitive areas and adjacent study areas. In the case of the Idaho Primitive Area study (Cater and others, 1973), the primitive area covers 1,915 square miles; adjacent...
Categories: Data,
Data Release - Revised;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Big Deer Creek,
Bitterroot National Forest,
Blaine County,
Boise County,
Boise National Forest,
This GIS dataset is the primary data product produced for the NW Climate Science Center-funded project, "Rangewide climate vulnerability assessment for threatened Bull Trout" (FRESC Study ID 851). We used predictions of temperatures in streams across approximately two-thirds of the species' range in the U.S. to map coldwater streams or “patches” suitable for spawning and early rearing of Bull Trout. Each patch consists of streams with contiguous reaches of cold water. Patches were delineated using medium resolution National Hydrography Dataset streams containing modeled temperatures available at 1 km intervals, as provided by the NorWeST project ( the...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Bull trout,
Clark Fork River,
Clearwater River,
Climate change,
Columbia River,
This USGS data release evaluates the impact of historical mining sites on water quality using samples collected in late July 2021 from Big Creek tributaries Coin Creek, Smith Creek, and Monumental Creek in Valley County, Idaho. These data were collected to support a fisheries mining impact assessment in the Middle Fork Salmon River. Specific conductance, pH, and stream temperature were measured in the field. Analyses include major cations and anions, alkalinity, trace metals, total mercury, and methylmercury.
Categories: Data;
Tags: "Geochemistry",
"Land Use Change",
"Water Quality"],
Beaver Creek,
Big Creek,
This data release provides data in support of an assessment of changes in slope of the concentration-discharge relation for total organic carbon in eight major rivers at gaging stations in Connecticut from October 1972 to September 2019 (U.S. Geological Survey water years 1973 to 2019). The rivers include the Connecticut at Thompsonville (01184000), Housatonic at Stevenson (01205500), Quinebaug at Jewett City (01127000), Farmington at Tariffville (01189995), Shetucket at Willamantic (01122500), Naugatuck at Beacon Falls (011208500), Quinnipiac at Wallingford (01196500), and Salmon at East Hampton (01193500). The assessment is described in the article “An increase in the slope of the concentration discharge relation...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Beacon Falls, CT,
Connecticut River,
East Hampton, CT,
Farmington River,
Housatonic River,
These data include water chemistry from headwater streams to large rivers that have recently turned orange and reference rivers that have not. These samples were collected in two national parks in Arctic Alaska: Kobuk Valley National Park, and Noatak National Preserve.
Conclusions: Prescribed burns did not supply the stream ecosystem with potentially important nutrient pulses that are often observed after wildfires. Prescribing higher severity burns to more closely mimic wildfires would enhance N cycling in productivity in N-limited headwater watersheds. Thresholds/Learnings: Synopsis: This study aimed to compare the short-term effects of spring prescribed burns and wildfires on Nitrogen cycling dynamics in headwater watersheds of central Idaho. Fire affected N dynamics in both terrestrial and aquatic components of the watershed ecosystem after wildfires but were limited to the terrestrial ecosystem after prescribed burns. Streamwater NO3 concentrations were affected significantly...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Ecosystem,
Idaho Batholith,
Land use configuration,
Nitrogen Cycling,
This dataset provides details from stream metabolism models for 11 stream sites in Connecticut that were monitored during 2015 to 2018 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Metabolism was estimated at each site using the streamMetabolizer package in the R computing environment. When data were collected for multiple years at a site, stream metabolism was separately estimated for each year. For each site-year combination, three files are provided: (1) the input data file, which includes continuous dissolved oxygen, solar time, water temperature, light, and stream depth, (2) the output data file, containing the daily metabolism estimates, and (3) a site-specific html file that serves as a guide for running the streamMetabolizer...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Beacon Falls, CT,
French River,
Naugatuck River,
North Branch Park River,
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release is an assessment of aquatic habitat within the tributaries of the lower Middle Fork Salmon River. These datasets are primarily focused on physical stream habitat (2020-21 stream temperature data) and the presence or absence (2021 eDNA data) of fish that inhabit the basin. Many environmental stressors contribute to the declining range and density of Bull trout (S. confluentus) populations, one of which is the toxic trace metals contributions from legacy mine waste and adits. These data were collected in stream habitats with variable physical and thermal conditions. Characterizing and comparing reference streams of similar physical attributes will assist to differentiate...
Categories: Data;
Tags: "Environmental Health",
"Water Quality"],
The USGS examined mercury (Hg) concentrations in fish populations inhabiting impacted and reference streams as part of an investigation into the transport of trace metals in a watershed impacted by legacy mercury mining downstream from the Cinnabar mine site, Valley County, ID. Fish were sampled through an electrofishing survey utilizing a two-pass quantitative depletion approach where possible. Five reaches were selected in the Sugar Creek/Cinnabar Creek watershed, including two background reaches (ID020; ID021) with negligible mining impacts, Cinnabar Creek above the confluence with Sugar Creek (ID019), and two sites on Sugar Creek below the confluence with Cinnabar Creek (ID018 and ID010). Juvenile Bull trout...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Abandoned Mines and Quarries,
Aquatic Biology,
Aquatic Biology,
Atomic Absorption Analysis,
Bull Trout,
This data set summarizes electrofishing effort, observations, and tissue sampling of aquatic vertebrates near Yellow Pine, Idaho. Sampling was conducted using a backpack electrofishing unit at two reference sites including Cane Creek and Sugar Creek, and at three mine impact sites including Sugar Creek and Cinnabar Creek. Juvenile Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) were present at all five sites and were the primary species targeted during our sampling effort. Additional tissue samples of Sculpin, and amphibians were taken when available. Where possible, a two pass (quantitative depletion) electrofishing survey was conducted at each site for non-USGS stakeholders (Nez Perce Tribe and Idaho Department of Fish and...
Categories: Data;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Aquatic Biology,
Bull Trout,
Cane Creek,
Cinnabar Creek,
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