Filters: Tags: Shorebird (X)
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Shorebird - waterfowl assemblage conservation element. Created through the union of several hydrologic datasets and waterfowl distributions: NWI wetlands polygons, Riparian areas, Canada goose ranges, White pelican ranges, Stream centerlines (buffered by 250 m).This dataset presents current and future change agent models and combined future potential for change (PFC) within waterfowl/shorebird assemblage potentially suitable habitat. The waterfowl/shorebird asemblage potentially suitable habitat extent was determined through the union of several hydrologic datasets:NWI wetlands polygons, water bodies, riparian areas, Canada goose ranges (CPW), white pelican ranges (CPW), and stream centerlines (buffered by 250 m).This...
This collection of files contains temperature data files (.ttd files) downloaded directly from Tiny Tag devices, as well exported temperature data as .csv files for each nest monitored with Tiny Tags by year. File names include Tiny Tag number, site, year, and nest ID..ttd files can be viewed using Tinytag Explorer. Note, however, that the times displayed by Tinytag Explorer are calculated when the data is displayed and depend on the daylight saving settings of the PC at that time. For example, if a .ttd file is opened before and after DST settings change, then all times displayed by Tinytag Explorer will go forward or back. All .csv files were exported using the Tinytag Explorer during the same daylight savings...
Categories: Collection,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Collection of photographs taken during PRISM field work on the Yukon Delta. Photos include those taken of habitat within rapid survey plots (usually taken at the northwest corner of the rapid survey plot boundary), other photos taken within survey plots, completed datasheets, and by crew members.Directories include YKD_PRISM_plot_photos, YKD_PRISM_datasheet_photos, YKD_PRISM_other_plot_photos, and YKD_PRISM_crew_photos.A portion of these data are available on ServCat ( of these data have been published in Lyons, J.E., S.C. Brown, S.T. Saalfeld, J.A. Johnson, B.A. Andres, K.M. Sowl, R.E. Gill, Jr., B.J. McCaffery, L.R. Kidd, M. McGarvey, B. Winn, H.R. Gates,...
Categories: Data,
Shorebirds are among the most rapidly declining species in North America (Rosenberg et al. 2019), with many long-distance migrants experiencing the greatest declines (Environment Canada 2020). Nonetheless, not all shorebirds are declining and there may be differences among species and populations using different migratory routes. For instance, previous meta-analyses have suggested that shorebirds using the Mid-Continental Flyway are experiencing more rapid declines than those using the Pacific or Atlantic flyways (Thomas et al. 2006). At the same time, within a species, more northerly breeding populations are experiencing greater phenological mismatches and lower reproductive success than southerly ones (Kwon et...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica),
Publications that have used data collected during the Spoon-billed Sandpiper surveys.
Categories: Data,
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Annual protocol documents providing detailed information on annual data collection methods.
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
This data set contains one table with mark-resight observations of Bristle-thighed Curlews marked on Oahu, Hawaii, with plastic color leg flags, 2012-2017.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Animals/Vertebrates,
Bristle-thighed Curlew,
Capturing (animals),
This file contains information pertaining to the survey plot including date and time of surveyed, survey conditions, plot location, and ecological and biological conditions of the survey plot. The data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data to evaluate data set limitations, restrictions or intended use. The originators of this dataset shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Potential users of these data should first contact the data authors listed below, as potential...
Publications that have used Dunlin resighting or recapture data collected throughout the East Asian-Australasian flyway.
Categories: Data,
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Publications that have used data collected during the nest survival work on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Categories: Data,
Types: Citation;
This file provides data pertaining to shorebird nests found on intensive plots. Each record pertains to a given nest, and contains information on species, location, number of eggs, chronology, and productivity.A portion of these data are available on ServCat ( of these data have been published in Lyons, J.E., S.C. Brown, S.T. Saalfeld, J.A. Johnson, B.A. Andres, K.M. Sowl, R.E. Gill, Jr., B.J. McCaffery, L.R. Kidd, M. McGarvey, B. Winn, H.R. Gates, D.A. Granfors, and R.B. Lanctot. In press. Global importance of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, to breeding shorebirds. Ornithological Applications.These data do not represent all locations within the Yukon...
Annual protocol documents providing detailed information on annual data collection methods.
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: ALMS,
This map shows the current distribution of species assemblages for the ecoregion, typified by the type of environment each species assemblage is usually found (soil, tree type, or specific place). The input datasets used in the associated geospatial modeling are also included. These data are provided by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) "as is" and may contain errors or omissions. The User assumes the entire risk associated with its use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for the User's intended use. These data may not have the accuracy, resolution, completeness, timeliness, or other characteristics appropriate for applications that potential users of the data may contemplate....
Shorebird - waterfowl assemblage conservation element. Created through the union of several hydrologic datasets and waterfowl distributions: NWI wetlands polygons, Riparian areas, Canada goose ranges, White pelican ranges, Stream centerlines (buffered by 250 m).This dataset presents current and future change agent models and combined future potential for change (PFC) within waterfowl/shorebird assemblage potentially suitable habitat. The waterfowl/shorebird asemblage potentially suitable habitat extent was determined through the union of several hydrologic datasets:NWI wetlands polygons, water bodies, riparian areas, Canada goose ranges (CPW), white pelican ranges (CPW), and stream centerlines (buffered by 250 m).This...
Shorebird - waterfowl assemblage conservation element. Created through the union of several hydrologic datasets and waterfowl distributions: NWI wetlands polygons, Riparian areas, Canada goose ranges, White pelican ranges, Stream centerlines (buffered by 250 m).This dataset presents current and future change agent models and combined future potential for change (PFC) within waterfowl/shorebird assemblage potentially suitable habitat. The waterfowl/shorebird asemblage potentially suitable habitat extent was determined through the union of several hydrologic datasets:NWI wetlands polygons, water bodies, riparian areas, Canada goose ranges (CPW), white pelican ranges (CPW), and stream centerlines (buffered by 250 m).This...
Shorebird - waterfowl assemblage conservation element. Created through the union of several hydrologic datasets and waterfowl distributions: NWI wetlands polygons, Riparian areas, Canada goose ranges, White pelican ranges, Stream centerlines (buffered by 250 m).This dataset presents current and future change agent models and combined future potential for change (PFC) within waterfowl/shorebird assemblage potentially suitable habitat. The waterfowl/shorebird asemblage potentially suitable habitat extent was determined through the union of several hydrologic datasets:NWI wetlands polygons, water bodies, riparian areas, Canada goose ranges (CPW), white pelican ranges (CPW), and stream centerlines (buffered by 250 m).This...
Atlantic coast piping plover (Charadrius melodus) nest sites are typically found on low-lying beach and dune systems, which respond rapidly to coastal processes like sediment overwash, inlet formation, and island migration that are sensitive to climate-related changes in storminess and the rate of sea-level rise. Data were obtained to understand piping plover habitat distribution and use along their Atlantic Coast breeding range. A smartphone application called iPlover was developed to collect standardized data on habitat characteristics at piping plover nest locations. The application capitalized on a network of trained monitors that observe piping plovers throughout their U.S. Atlantic coast breeding range as...
This data is a companion to the manuscript titled "Data integration reveals dynamic and systematic patterns of breeding habitat use by a threatened shorebird". Advances in both remote sensing and analytical tools for spatial data have allowed for the integration of dynamic processes into species distribution models. We developed a spatiotemporal model of breeding habitat use and density for a federally threatened shorebird (piping plover, Charadrius melodus) by integrating a 20-year (2000 – 2019) nesting dataset with opportunistic, volunteer collected (eBird), sightings. Piping plovers are an ideal candidate for dynamic habitat models because this species depends on habitat created and maintained by highly variable...
Project Goals and Objectives:1) increase the utility of the International Shorebird Survey (ISS) for making shorebird management and conservation decisions within the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative, and2) create a single data management system that can service all partners along the Atlantic coastProject Summary:The utility of the International Shorebird Survey (ISS) has been greatly improved with an upgraded, user-friendly interface for data entry and retrieval. Manomet and ISS have contributed to the increasingly powerful citizen science bird records mechanism in eBird. Historic ISS data collected largely by volunteers as well as professional federal and state biologists over the last 40 years...
These data show the locations of Florida Shorebirds nest sites found along designated transects during the 2018-2020 monitoring years. The data are curated and maintained by the Florida Shorebird Alliance. This map was created as part of the Landscape Conservation Project for the state of Florida. Shorebirds are an ecological indicator for the coastal uplands conservation asset of the Florida Landscape Conservation Project (LCP). The LCP entails a large-scale assessment of and planning for the health of important natural resources, known as conservation assets (CAs). The project provides a framework for safeguarding functional ecosystems and their interconnected processes required for maintaining healthy resources....
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: 2018,
American Oystercatcher,
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