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As part of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) effort to make final recommendations of federal land parcels to be considered for selection by the State of Alaska according to provisions of the Statehood Act, a decision was made to identify and evaluate potential access corridors. Corridor maps were compiled for a total of 78 quadrangles throughout Alaska. This map suite shows relevant geologic information at a scale of 1:250,000 for 10-mile-wide corridors straddling centerlines for proposed access routes throughout Alaska. The maps are based on geologic data compiled from existing, published mapping. Each compiled corridor geology map was used to derive maps of potential construction materials, data quality,...
Tags: Alaska, State Of,
Ambler River Quadrangle,
Anchorage Quadrangle,
Avalanche, All tags...
Baird Mountains Quadrangle,
Barrow Quadrangle,
Barter Island Quadrangle,
Beechey Point Quadrangle,
Bendeleben Quadrangle,
Bering Glacier Quadrangle,
Bethel Quadrangle,
Bettles Quadrangle,
Black River Quadrangle,
Bradfield Canal Quadrangle,
Candle Quadrangle,
Chandalar Quadrangle,
Chandler Lake Quadrangle,
Charley River Quadrangle,
Chignik Quadrangle,
Circle Quadrangle,
Cold Bay Quadrangle,
Construction Materials,
Cordova Quadrangle,
De Long Mountains Quadrangle,
Demarcation Point Quadrangle,
Dillingham Quadrangle,
Eagle Quadrangle,
Fairbanks Quadrangle,
Flaxman Island Quadrangle,
Geologic Materials,
Glacier Outburst Flood,
Harrison Bay Quadrangle,
Healy Quadrangle,
Holy Cross Quadrangle,
Howard Pass Quadrangle,
Hughes Quadrangle,
Iditarod Quadrangle,
Ikpikpuk River Quadrangle,
Iliamna Quadrangle,
Juneau Quadrangle,
Kantishna River Quadrangle,
Karluk Quadrangle,
Kateel River Quadrangle,
Killik River Quadrangle,
Lake Clark Quadrangle,
Lime Hills Quadrangle,
Livengood Quadrangle,
Lookout Ridge Quadrangle,
McGrath Quadrangle,
Meade River Quadrangle,
Medfra Quadrangle,
Melozitna Quadrangle,
Misheguk Mountain Quadrangle,
Mount Katmai Quadrangle,
Mount McKinley Quadrangle,
Mount Michelson Quadrangle,
Naknek Quadrangle,
Noatak Quadrangle,
Norton Bay Quadrangle,
Nulato Quadrangle,
Ophir Quadrangle,
Petersburg Quadrangle,
Philip Smith Mountains Quadrangle,
Port Moller Quadrangle,
Ruby Quadrangle,
Russian Mission Quadrangle,
Sagavanirktok Quadrangle,
Selawik Quadrangle,
Shungnak Quadrangle,
Sleetmute Quadrangle,
Solomon Quadrangle,
Survey Pass Quadrangle,
Taku River Quadrangle,
Talkeetna Quadrangle,
Tanana Quadrangle,
Taylor Mountains Quadrangle,
Teshekpuk Quadrangle,
Transportation Corridor,
Tyonek Quadrangle,
Ugashik Quadrangle,
Umiat Quadrangle,
Unalakleet Quadrangle,
Utukok River Quadrangle,
Wiseman Quadrangle,
geoscientificInformation, Fewer tags
The State of Alaska's Strategic and Critical Minerals (SCM) Assessment project, a State-funded Capital Improvement Project (CIP), is designed to evaluate Alaska's statewide potential for SCM resources. The SCM Assessment is being implemented by the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS), and involves obtaining new airborne-geophysical, geological, and geochemical data. For the geochemical part of the SCM Assessment, thousands of historical geochemical samples from DGGS, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and U.S. Bureau of Mines archives are being reanalyzed by DGGS using modern, quantitative, geochemical-analytical methods. The objective is to update the statewide geochemical database to more clearly...
Tags: Alaska, State of,
Analyses and Sampling,
Anchorage Quadrangle,
Chemistry, All tags...
Critical Minerals,
Economic Geology,
Economic Study,
Geochemical Data,
Geochemical Surveys,
Hughes Quadrangle,
Mineral Assessment,
Mineral Deposit,
Mineral Development,
Mineral Localities,
Mineral Prospect,
Mineral Resources,
Platinum Group Elements,
Precious Metals,
Rare Earth Elements,
Resource Assessment,
Resource Information,
Sample Location,
Shungnak Quadrangle,
Strategic Minerals,
Strategic and Critical Minerals Assessment Project,
Stream Sediments,
Trace Elements,
Trace Geochemical,
Trace Metals,
geoscientificInformation, Fewer tags