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Diurnal cycles of streamflow in snow-fed rivers can be used to infer the average time a water parcel spends in transit from the top of the snowpack to a stream gauge in the river channel. This travel time, which is measured as the difference between the hour of peak snowmelt in the afternoon and the hour of maximum discharge each day, ranges from a few hours to almost a full day later. Travel times increase with longer percolation times through deeper snowpacks, and prior studies of small basins have related the timing of a stream's diurnal peak to the amount of snow stored in a basin. However, in many larger basins the time of peak flow is nearly constant during the first half of the melt season, with little or...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Sierra Nevada,
diurnal cycle,
The RCMAP (Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection) dataset quantifies the percent cover of rangeland components across the western U.S. using Landsat imagery from 1985-2021. The RCMAP product suite consists of nine fractional components: annual herbaceous, bare ground, herbaceous, litter, non-sagebrush shrub, perennial herbaceous, sagebrush, shrub, and tree, in addition to the temporal trends of each component. Several enhancements were made to the RCMAP process relative to prior generations. First, we have trained time-series predictions directly from 331 high-resolution sites collected from 2013-2018 from Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) instead of using the 2016 “base” map as an intermediary....
This data release presents gridded data associated with the geologic and geophysical maps of the Sierra Nevada Digital Earth Science Atlas led by the California Geological Survey and U.S. Geological Survey. Grids are provided in ASCII and geotiff formats. Complete Bouguer and isostatic gravity data were gridded from nearly 29,000 gravity measurements to provide information on crustal structure, such as depth extent of plutons and arc terranes, and geometry of Cenozoic basins developed along the margins of the Sierra Nevada. Data from 57 regional aeromagnetic surveys were merged and gridded to provide information on the magnetic properties of the crust. In addition, these data were transformed to pseudogravity...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Complete Bouguer gravity anomaly,
Isostatic gravity anomaly,
Lake Tahoe,
Sierra Nevada,
Yosemite National Park, California. Glaciated rocks between Mono Pass and Parker Pass in the Sierra Nevada. The direction of ice motion was from right to left. A joint face on the lee side, exposed by the plucking away of a block, remains unscored. 1903.
Categories: Image;
Tags: Mariposa County, California,
National parks,
Sierra Nevada,
Yosemite National Park,
photo print
This dataset was used to summarize and analyze the mortality factors recorderd on dead trees in the Sierra Nevada Forest Dynamics Plot Network, which is managed by the Sequoia and Kings Canyon Field station of the U.S. Geological Survey's Western Ecological Research Center. Each row of the dataset represents an individual dead tree. These are dead trees that were recorded in the network from 1998 to 2010 for the subset of plots as described in the associated manuscript; These data support the following: Das, A.J., Stephenson, N.L., Davis, K.P. 2016. Why do trees die? Characterizing the drivers of background tree mortality. Ecology. 97(10): 2616-2627,
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park,
Sierra Nevada,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Yosemite National Park,
bark beetles,
This dataset records mortality-- including involvement of bark beetles-- and burn severity information for trees in long term forest dynamics plots in Sequoia National Park and Yosemite National Park that experienced fire. These data support the following publication: Furniss, T.J., Das, A.J., van Mantgem, P.J., Stephenson, N.L. and Lutz, J.A., 2021. Crowding, climate, and the case for social distancing among trees. Ecological Applications, p.e2507,
Categories: Data;
Tags: California,
Sequoia National Park,
Sierra Nevada,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
A realistic description of how temperatures vary with elevation is crucial for ecosystem studies and for models of basin-scale snowmelt and spring streamflow. This paper explores surface temperature variability using temperature data from an array of 37 sensors, called the Yosemite network, which traverses both slopes of the Sierra Nevada in the vicinity of Yosemite National Park, California. These data indicate that a simple lapse rate is often a poor description of the spatial temperature structure. Rather, the spatial pattern of temperature over the Yosemite network varies considerably with synoptic conditions. Empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) were used to identify the dominant spatial temperature patterns...
These data are associated with an article published in Global Ecology and Conservation ( that describes climate's cascading effects on disease, predation, and hatching sucess in the Yosemite toad (Anaxyrus canorus). The Yosemite toad currently is federally listed as threatened under the U.S. Endanered Species Act based upon reported population declines and vulnerability to climate and other global-change factors. The species occurs only in California’s central Sierra Nevada at medium to sub-alpine elevations. Lands throughout its range largely are protected from development, but climate and other global-change factors potentially can limit populations.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Inyo National Forest,
Saprolegnia diclina,
Sierra Nevada,
Sierra Nevada,
Tioga Pass, CA,
These datasets contain the attributes of individual trees located in and around Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks. Attributes include remote sensing indices, terrain characteristics, and-- for the calibration data-- tree size and growth rates. Calibration data (mixedconifervulnerability_calibrationdataset.csv) were collected in long term research plots where trees are visited annually to check for mortality and periodically re-measured for diameter to capture growth. Validation data (mixedconifervulnerability_validationdataset.csv) were collected as part of a randomized sample located within a remote sensing 'flight box'. Remote sensing indices and terrain variables for both datasets were extracted from National...
Categories: Data;
Tags: California,
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks,
Sierra Nevada,
Density estimates of four mammal species in the upper subalpine and alpine zones of the Sierra Nevada range, 2008 - 2012. The estimates were derived from variable distance data collected 3-4 per year along each of 21 transects (10 km in length). The transects were randomly selected from a pool of 53 potential routes. Nine transects were sampled in 2008, 12 were sampled in 2009, 19 were sampled in 2010, 21 were sampled in 2011, and 17 were sampled in 2012. All counts were done in July and August each year. Replicate samples within a given year were done within 2-8 days of each other. All counts were done by single observers. The spreadsheet has six worksheets, including three with density estimates for each species...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Abundance,
Belding's ground squirrel,
Distance sampling,
Golden-mantled ground squirrel,
The RCMAP (Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection) dataset quantifies the percent cover of rangeland components across western North America using Landsat imagery from 1985-2023. The RCMAP product suite consists of ten fractional components: annual herbaceous, bare ground, herbaceous, litter, non-sagebrush shrub, perennial herbaceous, sagebrush, shrub, tree, and shrub height in addition to the temporal trends of each component. Several enhancements were made to the RCMAP process relative to prior generations. First, high-resolution training was revised using an improved neural-net classifier and modelling approach. These data serve as foundation to the RCMAP approach. The training database was...
The RCMAP (Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection) dataset quantifies the percent cover of rangeland components across western North America using Landsat imagery from 1985-2023. The RCMAP product suite consists of ten fractional components: annual herbaceous, bare ground, herbaceous, litter, non-sagebrush shrub, perennial herbaceous, sagebrush, shrub, tree, and shrub height in addition to the temporal trends of each component. Several enhancements were made to the RCMAP process relative to prior generations. First, high-resolution training was revised using an improved neural-net classifier and modelling approach. These data serve as foundation to the RCMAP approach. The training database was...
The RCMAP (Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection) dataset quantifies the percent cover of rangeland components across the western U.S. using Landsat imagery from 1985-2021. The RCMAP product suite consists of nine fractional components: annual herbaceous, bare ground, herbaceous, litter, non-sagebrush shrub, perennial herbaceous, sagebrush, shrub, and tree, in addition to the temporal trends of each component. Several enhancements were made to the RCMAP process relative to prior generations. First, we have trained time-series predictions directly from 331 high-resolution sites collected from 2013-2018 from Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) instead of using the 2016 “base” map as an intermediary....
This data release presents aerial imagery and digital topography to support a geohazards assessment for an area of Sequoia National Park affected by debris flows in January 2023. Multiple atmospheric-river storms brought heavy precipitation to Sequoia National Park and the surrounding region in December 2022 and January 2023, triggering slope failures. Storm rainfall on January 9, 2023, led to shallow landslides, overland-flow erosion, and debris flows from north-facing drainages above the South Fork Kaweah River. Three of the debris flows in that part of the park buried and damaged federal assets and infrastructure: the South Fork Campground, the road used to access the campground and adjacent trails, and drainage...
Categories: Data;
Tags: CHMRP,
Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources,
Dennison Mountain,
This portion of the data release presents aerial video acquired during the uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) survey of the debris flow at South Fork Campground in Sequoia National Park, conducted under authorization from the National Park Service. The video shows low-altitude oblique and nadir perspectives of the lower 1.3 kilometers of the debris flow. The video is being included as part of the data release to provide additional context for the geohazards assessment of the area.
This project used species distribution modeling, population genetics, and geospatial analysis of historical vs. modern vertebrate populations to identify climate change refugia and population connectivity across the Sierra Nevada. It is hypothesized that climate change refugia will increase persistence and stability of populations and, as a result, maintain higher genetic diversity. This work helps managers assess the need to include connectivity and refugia in climate change adaptation strategies. Results help Sierra Nevada land managers allocate limited resources, aid future scenario assessment at landscape scales, and develop a performance measure for assessing resilience.
Categories: Data,
Tags: 2011,
California Landscape Conservation Cooperative,
Conservation Design,
The RCMAP (Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection) dataset quantifies the percent cover of rangeland components across western North America using Landsat imagery from 1985-2023. The RCMAP product suite consists of ten fractional components: annual herbaceous, bare ground, herbaceous, litter, non-sagebrush shrub, perennial herbaceous, sagebrush, shrub, tree, and shrub height in addition to the temporal trends of each component. Several enhancements were made to the RCMAP process relative to prior generations. First, high-resolution training was revised using an improved neural-net classifier and modelling approach. These data serve as foundation to the RCMAP approach. The training database was...
The RCMAP (Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection) dataset quantifies the percent cover of rangeland components across the western U.S. using Landsat imagery from 1985-2021. The RCMAP product suite consists of nine fractional components: annual herbaceous, bare ground, herbaceous, litter, non-sagebrush shrub, perennial herbaceous, sagebrush, shrub, and tree, in addition to the temporal trends of each component. Several enhancements were made to the RCMAP process relative to prior generations. First, we have trained time-series predictions directly from 331 high-resolution sites collected from 2013-2018 from Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) instead of using the 2016 “base” map as an intermediary....
This portion of the data release presents a high-resolution orthomosaic image of the debris flow at South Fork Campground in Sequoia National Park. The orthomosaic has a resolution of 3 centimeters per pixel and was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry using aerial imagery acquired during an uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) survey on 30 April 2024, conducted under authorization from the National Park Service. The raw imagery was acquired with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The UAS was flown on pre-programmed autonomous flight lines spaced to provide approximately 70 percent overlap between images from adjacent lines, from an approximate altitude of 110 meters above ground...
Album caption: Panoramic view of White Mountain Range, Inyo County, California. From Foothills of Sierra Nevadas, looking across Owens Valley. 1894. Notes on album caption: None. Index card: Walcott, C. D. 208b - Panorama with 208a. White Mountains from Sierra foothills. Inyo County, California. 1894.
Categories: Image;
Tags: Inyo County, California,
Inyo County, California,
Sierra Nevada,
Walcott, C. D. Collection,
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