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The purpose of this study is to evaluate tsunami hazard for the community of Seward and northern Resurrection Bay area, Alaska. This report will provide guidance to local emergency managers in tsunami hazard assessment. We used a numerical modeling method to estimate the extent of inundation by tsunami waves generated from earthquake and landslide sources. Our tsunami scenarios included a repeat of the tsunami of the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake, as well as tsunami waves generated by two hypothetical Yakataga Gap earthquakes in northeastern Gulf of Alaska, hypothetical earthquakes in Prince William Sound and Kodiak asperities of the 1964 rupture, and local underwater landslides in Resurrection Bay. Results of numerical...
Potential tsunami hazards for the Fox Islands communities of Unalaska/Dutch Harbor and Akutan were evaluated by numerically modeling the extent of inundation from tsunami waves generated by hypothetical earthquake sources and taking into account historical observations. Worst-case hypothetical scenarios are defined by analyzing results of a sensitivity study of the tsunami dynamics related to various slip distributions along the Aleutian megathrust. The worst-case scenarios for Unalaska and Akutan are thought to be thrust earthquakes in the Fox Islands region with magnitudes ranging from Mw 8.8 to Mw 9.1 that have their greatest slip at 30-40 km (18-25 mi) depth. We also consider Tohoku-type ruptures and an outer-rise...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. LiDAR data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. LiDAR data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. LiDAR data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
Kasatochi is a small, isolated island volcano in the center of the Aleutian Island chain. It consists of a roughly circular cone approximately 3 km in diameter with a lake-filled central crater that is 1.2 km in diameter and extends from the highest point on the island to sea level. The oldest unit recognized is a thick series of mid-Pleistocene glaciovolcanic deposits consisting of autobrecciated lava, lahars, and volumetrically minor lava masses that we believe to have been emplaced underneath a regional ice cap. This unit is unconformably overlain by several massive Holocene lavas, above which lies a thick sequence of latest-Holocene pyroclastic deposits likely deposited during the crater-forming eruption. The...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. LiDAR data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. LiDAR data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. LiDAR data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
In support of geologic mapping and hazards evaluation in and near Whittier, Alaska, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) acquired, and is making publicly available, lidar (light detection and ranging) data for an area along Passage Canal, Portage Lake, and Portage Glacier Highway. The lidar data, acquired and processed by Watershed Sciences, Inc. (WSI) consist of continuous coverage encompassing an area extending from Portage Lake eastward to Logging Company Bay in Passage Canal in the Seward D-4, D-5, and D-6 1:63,360-scale quadrangles. Lidar data collected below 1,600 ft (488 m) elevation have a minimum average pulse density of 8 pulses/square meter; above 1,600 ft (488 m) data were collected...
In this report, we evaluate potential tsunami hazards for southeastern Alaska communities of Elfin Cove, Gustavus, and Hoonah and numerically model the extent of inundation from tsunami waves generated by tectonic and landslide sources. We perform numerical modeling of historic tsunami events, such as the tsunami triggered by the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake, and the tsunami waves generated by the recent 2011 Tohoku and 2012 Haida Gwaii earthquakes. Hypothetical tsunami scenarios include variations of the extended 1964 rupture, megathrust earthquakes in the Prince William Sound and Alaska Peninsula regions, and a Cascadia megathrust earthquake. Local underwater landslide events in Taylor Bay and Port Frederick,...
The Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS), in partnership with the U.S. National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, mapped approximately 450 mi2 of the Talkeetna Mountains region of central Alaska at 1:50,000 scale over the course of six weeks in 2014. This area contains significant exposures of Late Triassic mafic volcanics and gabbro sills that have been the focus of region-wide exploration for the Strategic and Critical platinum-group elements (PGEs). The area also exposes numerous inactive and possibly active faults which project through the area of proposed hydropower development. The resulting geologic map offers an improved understanding of the geology, structural history, and mineral...
Tags: 40Ar/39Ar, Aerial Geology, Aerial Photography, Alluvial, Alluvial Deposits, All tags...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. LiDAR data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. LiDAR data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. LiDAR data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. LiDAR data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. LiDAR data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate potential tsunami hazards for the community of Whittier and western Passage Canal area. We numerically model the extent of inundation due to tsunami waves generated from earthquake and landslide sources. Tsunami scenarios include a repeat of the tsunami triggered by the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake, as well as tsunami waves generated by a hypothetically extended 1964 rupture, a hypothetical Cascadia megathrust earthquake, hypothetical earthquakes in Prince William Sound, and Kodiak asperities of the 1964 rupture. Local underwater landslide and rockslide events in Passage Canal are also considered as credible tsunamigenic scenarios. Results of numerical modeling combined with...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. LiDAR data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...

map background search result map search result map Geologic map of the Talkeetna Mountains C-4 Quadrangle and adjoining areas, central Alaska Geology of Kasatochi volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Tanacross Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Nabesna Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Big Delta Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Fairbanks Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Bettles Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Talkeetna Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Livengood Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Talkeetna Mountains Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Gulkana Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Valdez Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for Alaska infrastructure corridors High-resolution lidar data for the Whittier area, Passage Canal, and Portage Lake, Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of Seward and northern Resurrection Bay, Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of Whittier and western Passage Canal, Alaska Surficial-geologic map of the Livengood area, central Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of Elfin Cove, Gustavus, and Hoonah, Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of Fox Islands communities, including Dutch Harbor and Akutan, Alaska Geology of Kasatochi volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of Whittier and western Passage Canal, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for the Whittier area, Passage Canal, and Portage Lake, Alaska Surficial-geologic map of the Livengood area, central Alaska Geologic map of the Talkeetna Mountains C-4 Quadrangle and adjoining areas, central Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of Fox Islands communities, including Dutch Harbor and Akutan, Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of Elfin Cove, Gustavus, and Hoonah, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Tanacross Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Nabesna Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Big Delta Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Fairbanks Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Bettles Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Talkeetna Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Livengood Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Talkeetna Mountains Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Gulkana Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Valdez Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for Alaska infrastructure corridors