Filters: Tags: Soil Temperature (X)
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These plant and soil data were collected by Timothy M. Wertin and Sasha C. Reed in the spring, summer, and fall of 2011 at a climate manipulation experiment site near Moab, UT (38.521411, -109.470567). These data were collected to assess how warming affects leaf photosynthesis, soil CO 2 efflux, and soil chemistry in plots of ambient and warming treatments.
These data represent simulated soil temperature and moisture conditions for current climate, and for future climate represented by all available climate models at two time periods during the 21st century. These data were used to: 1) quantify the direction and magnitude of expected changes in several measures of soil temperature and soil moisture, including the key variables used to distinguish the regimes used in the R and R categories; 2) assess how these changes will impact the geographic distribution of soil temperature and moisture regimes; and 3) explore the implications for using R and R categories for estimating future ecosystem resilience and resistance.
The focus of this dataset is soil temperature collected on four mountain summits in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA from 2003 through 2018. Two summit sites were established in 2003 on Dancing Lady and Bison Mountain, east of the continental divide. Two additional summit sites were established in 2004 on Pitamakin and Mt. Seward, also east of the continental divide. These four summit sites comprise a target region set up in accordance with the Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments (GLORIA). GLORIA was initiated by the University of Vienna in 2000 and protocols for operating target regions have been refined and revised since then. Sixty-nine GLORIA target regions now exist throughout the...
This dataset is focused on alpine plant species presence/absence, species turnover, and trends in species abundance on four mountain summits in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA from 2003 through 2014. Two summit sites were established in 2003 on Dancing Lady and Bison Mountain, east of the continental divide. Two additional summit sites were established in 2004 on Pitamakin and Mt. Seward, also east of the continental divide. This multi-summit approach to monitoring alpine plant species follows the protocols of the Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments (GLORIA) that were initiated by the University of Vienna in 2000 and which have been refined and revised since then. GLORIA summit sites...
Categories: Data;
Tags: CCME-alpine veg,
Glacier National Park,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
These data were compiled using a new multivariate matching algorithm that transfers simulated soil moisture conditions (Bradford et al. 2020) from an original 10-km resolution to a 30-arcsec spatial resolution. Also, these data are a supplement to a previously published journal article (Bradford et al., 2020) and USGS data release (Bradford and Schlaepfer, 2020). The objectives of our study were to (1) characterize geographic patterns in ecological drought under historical climate, (2) quantify the direction and magnitude of projected responses in ecological drought under climate change, (3) identify areas and drought metrics with projected changes that are robust across climate models for a representative set of...
This dataset is the largest global dataset to date of soil respiration, moisture, and temperature measurements, totaling >3800 observations representing 27 temperature manipulation studies, spanning nine biomes and nearly two decades of warming experiments. Data for this study were obtained from a combination of unpublished data and published literature values. We find that although warming increases soil respiration rates, there is limited evidence for a shifting respiration response with experimental warming. We also note a universal decline in the temperature sensitivity of respiration at soil temperatures >25°C. This dataset includes 3817 observations, from control (n=1812), first (i.e., lowest or sole) level...
Categories: Data,
Types: Citation;
Tags: Boreal Forest,
Northern Shrubland,
Alaska permafrost characterization: Borehole Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) data collected in 2021
Geophysical measurements were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) at five sites in Interior Alaska in September 2021 for the purposes of imaging permafrost structure and quantifying variations in subsurface moisture content in relation to thaw features. Borehole nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data were collected at two sites in order to determine liquid water content at depth in shallow boreholes. NMR data were collected in a 2.25 m-deep borehole at the North Star golf course adjacent to one of the ERT profiles, and in another two 1.625 m-deep boreholes adjacent to Big Trail Lake where previous NMR measurements were made in 2019 and 2020.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Active layer thickness,
Bonanza Creek,
Borehole nuclear magnetic resonance,
Time-series measurements of waves, currents, water levels, sea surface temperatures, ocean salinity, and water, air, and ground temperatures were collected in July through September 2011 in and around Arey Lagoon, near Barter Island, Alaska. Directional wave spectra, currents, water levels, salinity, and bottom and surface water temperatures were measured with a bottom-mounted 1MHz Nortek AWAC, HOBO temperature loggers, and a Solinst Levelogger in ~5m water depth offshore of Arey Island. Within Arey Lagoon, a bottom-mounted frame equipped with a Nortek 1MHz Aquadopp, Solinst Levelogger, and HOBO temperature loggers measured currents, water levels, and water temperatures. Ground temperatures (maximum depth 3 meters...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
Arctic Ocean,
Arey Island,
Arey Lagoon,
Barter Island,
Time-series measurements of waves, currents, water levels, sea surface temperatures, ocean salinity, and water, air, and ground temperatures were collected in July through September 2011 in and around Arey Lagoon, near Barter Island, Alaska. Directional wave spectra, currents, water levels, salinity, and bottom and surface water temperatures were measured with a bottom-mounted 1MHz Nortek AWAC, HOBO temperature loggers, and a Solinst Levelogger in ~5m water depth offshore of Arey Island. Within Arey Lagoon, a bottom-mounted frame equipped with a Nortek 1MHz Aquadopp, Solinst Levelogger, and HOBO temperature loggers measured currents, water levels, and water temperatures. Ground temperatures (maximum depth 3 meters...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
Arctic Ocean,
Arey Island,
Arey Lagoon,
Barter Island,
As part of a NASA-funded study of diurnal thermal imaging at a Mars analog site, we conducted simultaneous oblique thermal imaging and in situ temperature measurements within two regions of interest on the Pisgah lava field, near Ludlow, California. Both regions of interest contained either cave or cave-like alcoves. Data released in this report was collected from 03/23/2010 to 03/25/2010. The experiment was conducted at Pisgah lava field, which is located about 175 miles northeast of Los Angeles on Bureau of Land Management lands. Consisting of Quaternary basaltic lava and a cinder cone superimposed on alluvial deposits and lacustrine sediments of Lavic Lake playa (Dibblee, 1966), the flow is approximately 21,000...
Categories: Data;
Tags: California,
Pisgah Crater,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
These raster datasets represent historical stand age. The last four digits of the file name specifies the year represented by the raster. For example a file named Age_years_historical_1990.tif represents the year 1990. Cell values represent the age of vegetation in years since last fire, with zero (0) indicating burned area in that year. Files from years 1860-2006 use a variety of historical datasets for Boreal ALFRESCO model spin up and calibration to most closely match historical wildfire dynamics.
These raster datasets represent historical stand age. The last four digits of the file name specifies the year represented by the raster. For example a file named Age_years_historical_1990.tif represents the year 1990. Cell values represent the age of vegetation in years since last fire, with zero (0) indicating burned area in that year. Files from years 1860-2006 use a variety of historical datasets for Boreal ALFRESCO model spin up and calibration to most closely match historical wildfire dynamics.
This pilot project has initiated a long-term integrated modeling project that aims todevelop a dynamically linked model framework focused on climate driven changes tovegetation, disturbance, hydrology, and permafrost, and their interactions and feedbacks.This pilot phase has developed a conceptual framework for linking current state-of-thesciencemodels of ecosystem processes in Alaska – ALFRESCO, TEM, GIPL-1 – and theprimary processes of vegetation, disturbance, hydrology, and permafrost that theysimulate. A framework that dynamically links these models has been defined and primaryinput datasets required by the models have been developed.
Map of the Fish and Judy Creek Area and location of proposed observation sites (numbered circles). Fish Creek, Judy Creek, and the Ublutuoch River are almost entirely within the Beaufort Coastal Plain Ecoregion, though a small portion of Judy Creek extends into the Brooks Foothills. Inset shows the location of the seven TEON focal watersheds. Image by Arctic LCC staff.
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Academics & scientific researchers,
Potential Evapotranspiration (PET): These data represent decadal mean totals of potential evapotranspiration estimates (mm). The file name specifies the decade the raster represents. For example, a file named pet_mean_mm_decadal_MPI_ECHAM5_A1B_annual_2000-2009.tif represents the decade spanning 2000-2009. The data were generated by using the Hamon equation and output from ECHAM5, a fifth generation general circulation model created by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg Germany. Data are at 2km x 2km resolution, and all data are stored in geotiffs. Calculations were performed using R 2.12.1 and 2.12.2 for Mac OS Leopard, and data were formatted into geotiffs using the raster and rgdal packages. Users...
The Integrated Ecosystem Model is designed to help resource managers understand the nature and expected rate of landscape change. Maps and other products generated by the IEM will illustrate how arctic and boreal landscapes are expected to alter due to climate-driven changes to vegetation, disturbance, hydrology, and permafrost. The products will also provide resource managers with an understanding of the uncertainty in the expected outcomes.
This raster, created in 2010, is output from the Geophysical Institute Permafrost Lab (GIPL) model and represents simulated active layer thickness (ALT) in meters averaged across a decade. The file name specifies the decade the raster represents. For example, a file named ALT_1980_1989.tif represents the decade spanning 1980-1989. Cell values represent simulated maximum depth (in meters) of thaw penetration (for areas with permafrost) or frost penetration (for areas without permafrost). If the value of the cell is positive, the area is underlain by permafrost and the cell value specifies the depth of the seasonally thawing layer above permafrost. If the value of the cell is negative, the ground is only seasonally...
The Database was built to enable data integration across sources, as well as to support program planning and observational network design. The Imiq Data Portal provides a snapshot of available hydroclimate data – a map-based view of where , what , and when data have been obtained. Users can submit a custom data query, specifying variable of interest, geographic bounds, and time step. Imiq will aggregate and export data records from multiple sources in a common format, with full metadata records that provide information about the source data.
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
These raster datasets represent historical stand age. The last four digits of the file name specifies the year represented by the raster. For example a file named Age_years_historical_1990.tif represents the year 1990. Cell values represent the age of vegetation in years since last fire, with zero (0) indicating burned area in that year. Files from years 1860-2006 use a variety of historical datasets for Boreal ALFRESCO model spin up and calibration to most closely match historical wildfire dynamics.
Presented by Don Spalinger & Nathan WolfThis seminar focuses on our concepts of regulation of nutrient flows through tundra ecosystems and the effect that climate (or weather) has on these processes. Nutrient flow and climate, in turn, should regulate plant phenology and production, and thus caribou behavior and nutrition. We will present some ideas for assessing the landscape patterns of these processes and monitoring their impacts. Finally, we will provide examples of such assessment and monitoring processes from our work in Western Alaska over the past two years.
Categories: Data;
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