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The purpose of this study is to evaluate tsunami hazard for the community of Seward and northern Resurrection Bay area, Alaska. This report will provide guidance to local emergency managers in tsunami hazard assessment. We used a numerical modeling method to estimate the extent of inundation by tsunami waves generated from earthquake and landslide sources. Our tsunami scenarios included a repeat of the tsunami of the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake, as well as tsunami waves generated by two hypothetical Yakataga Gap earthquakes in northeastern Gulf of Alaska, hypothetical earthquakes in Prince William Sound and Kodiak asperities of the 1964 rupture, and local underwater landslides in Resurrection Bay. Results of numerical...
This map is one of a series of four 1:25,000-scale quadrangle maps (Anchorage C-7 NE Quadrangle) intended to provide information on the geology and construction materials along the southern margin of the Talkeetna Mountains between Little Susitna River and Nancy Lake, Alaska. Additionally, the geologic map portrays faults, if present, as well as other lineaments that represent either faults or erosional features.
Between 1979 and 1982, the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) and the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, undertook an assessment of the states geothermal resources under a program jointly sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and the State of Alaska. During this period, reconnaissance investigations of more than 100 thermal spring sites and fumarole fields located in Alaska were conducted by DGGS.
Tags: Active Volcanoes, Adak Hot Springs, Adak Quadrangle, Akutan, Akutan Volcano, All tags...
This map is the result of field investigations by DGGS in 1997 and 1998. This geologic map and report supersede the previously released Public Data File 99-24B, Preliminary interpretive bedrock geologic map of the Healy A-6 Quadrangle, southcentral Alaska. The current map has been updated to include mapping of areas adjacent to the Healy A-6 Quadrangle, newly interpreted bedrock units based on newly acquired analytical, paleontologic, and Ar40/Ar39 data. Ages for the rock units were modified. Field investigations were part of a two-year mapping program to provide geologic ground truth for airborne geophysical surveys flown by DGGS in the Chulitna region of southcentral Alaska during 1996.
This map is one of a series of four 1:25,000-scale quadrangle maps (Anchorage C-8 NW Quadrangle) intended to provide information on the geology and construction materials along the southern margin of the Talkeetna Mountains between Little Susitna River and Nancy Lake, Alaska. Additionally, the geologic map portrays faults, if present, as well as other lineaments that represent either faults or erosional features.
This map is one of a series of four 1:25,000-scale quadrangle maps (Anchorage C-8 NE Quadrangle) intended to provide information on the geology and construction materials along the southern margin of the Talkeetna Mountains between Little Susitna River and Nancy Lake, Alaska. Additionally, the geologic map portrays faults, if present, as well as other lineaments that represent either faults or erosional features.
This data set contains allele sizes for 8 previously published and 16 novel microsatellite loci, and one microsatellite redesigned for amplification in Merlins (Falco columarius) associated with circadian clock control and polymorphism that has been associated with juvenile dispersal and migratory behavior in some avian species for Merlin (Falco columbarius) from North America (n=21). Allele sizes for the 16 microsatellite loci developed in this study are included for 12 Gyrfalcons (F. rusticolus) and 13 Peregrine Falcons (F. peregrinus). Additional population level data for Merlins and mtDNA will be added to this data release in the future.
Potential tsunami hazards for the community of Chenega Bay, located on Evans Island between Sawmill and Crab bays, were evaluated by numerically modeling the extent of inundation from tsunami waves generated by earthquakes. Tsunami scenarios include a repeat of the tsunami triggered by the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake, as well as tsunamis generated by a hypothetically extended 1964 rupture, a hypothetical Cascadia megathrust earthquake, a hypothetical earthquake in the Kodiak asperity of the 1964 rupture, and a hypothetical Tohoku-type rupture in the Gulf of Alaska region. Results of numerical modeling are verified by simulations of the tectonic tsunami observed in Chenega Cove during the 1964 earthquake. The results...
This map shows the subcrop pattern of the Mesozoic rock units present at the top Mesozoic unconformity (also commonly referred to as the base Tertiary unconformity) in Cook Inlet basin, Alaska. The subcrop is projected onto the top Mesozoic unconformity depth surface of Cook Inlet basin, Alaska, published by Shellenbaum and others (2010). Publicly available geologic and geophysical data from multiple sources were collected, interpreted, and integrated into the subcrop map. Formation picks at the top Mesozoic unconformity were determined for 109 wells. Mesozoic horizons from two regional marine two-dimensional (2-D) seismic datasets (approximately 3,300 miles) were interpreted. Eight map units were established for...
Tags: Anchorage, Anchorage Quadrangle, Bedrock Geologic Map, Bedrock Geology, Bibliography, All tags...
The State of Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) and Division of Oil & Gas (DOG) are currently engaged in a multi-year study of the hydrocarbon potential of the Tertiary and Mesozoic strata in Cook Inlet basin. Modal analyses and routine core analyses were performed on Tertiary and Mesozoic siltstones and sandstones collected during the 2007-2010 field seasons from six geographic areas in upper and lower Cook Inlet. The reservoir quality of Cook Inlet sandstones varies widely depending on their mineralogy, geologic age, burial depth, and depositional environment. Tuxedni and Naknek sandstones have poor reservoir quality and are likely to be of equally poor quality down dip. West Foreland sandstones...
Tags: Aleutian Arc, Beluga Basin, Bluff Point, Capps Glacier, Chert, All tags...
This map is one of a series of four 1:25,000-scale quadrangle maps (Anchorage C-8 NW Quadrangle) intended to provide information on the geology and construction materials along the southern margin of the Talkeetna Mountains between Little Susitna River and Nancy Lake, Alaska. Additionally, the geologic map portrays faults, if present, as well as other lineaments that represent either faults or erosional features.
This map is the result of field investigations by DGGS in 1997 and 1998. This geologic map and report supersede the previously released Public Data File 99-24B, Preliminary interpretive bedrock geologic map of the Healy A-6 Quadrangle, southcentral Alaska. The current map has been updated to include mapping of areas adjacent to the Healy A-6 Quadrangle, newly interpreted bedrock units based on newly acquired analytical, paleontologic, and Ar40/Ar39 data. Ages for the rock units were modified. Field investigations were part of a two-year mapping program to provide geologic ground truth for airborne geophysical surveys flown by DGGS in the Chulitna region of southcentral Alaska during 1996.
This map is one of a series of four 1:25,000-scale quadrangle maps (Anchorage C-8 NE Quadrangle) intended to provide information on the geology and construction materials along the southern margin of the Talkeetna Mountains between Little Susitna River and Nancy Lake, Alaska. Additionally, the geologic map portrays faults, if present, as well as other lineaments that represent either faults or erosional features.
This map is the result of field investigations by DGGS in 1997 and 1998. This geologic map and report supersede the previously released Public Data File 99-24C, Preliminary surficial-geologic map of the Healy A-6 Quadrangle, southcentral Alaska. The current map has been updated to include mapping of areas adjacent to the Healy A-6 Quadrangle. Field investigations were part of a two-year mapping program to provide geologic ground truth for airborne geophysical surveys flown by DGGS in the Chulitna region of southcentral Alaska during 1996.
This map is one of a series of four 1:25,000-scale quadrangle maps (Anchorage C-7 NW Quadrangle) intended to provide information on the geology and construction materials along the southern margin of the Talkeetna Mountains between Little Susitna River and Nancy Lake, Alaska. Additionally, the geologic map portrays faults, if present, as well as other lineaments that represent either faults or erosional features.
This map is one of a series of four 1:25,000-scale quadrangle maps (Anchorage C-7 NW Quadrangle) intended to provide information on the geology and construction materials along the southern margin of the Talkeetna Mountains between Little Susitna River and Nancy Lake, Alaska. Additionally, the geologic map portrays faults, if present, as well as other lineaments that represent either faults or erosional features.
In conjunction with hosting field trips for the Association of American State Geologists 2016 annual meeting in Girdwood, Alaska, Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) staff collected rock samples and obtained geochemical analysis from several readily accessible, but relatively unstudied outcrops. Samples were collected from Turnagain Arm (mile 104 Seward Highway), Whittier, Crow Pass, and Panorama Mountain (roughly mile 217 Parks Highway). Mineralized samples from veins and veinlets in granitic rocks from the Crow Pass and Whittier sites contain anomalous levels of gold ranging from 0.129 to 0.650 parts per million (ppm). Although none of the samples are from areas open to mineral entry, geochemical...
Tags: Analyses, Analyses and Sampling, Analytical Lab Results, Analytical Results, Base Metals, All tags...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate potential tsunami hazards for the Prince William Sound communities of Cordova and Tatitlek. We numerically model the extent of inundation from tsunami waves generated by earthquake sources and consider the results in light of historical observations. Tsunami scenarios include a repeat of the tsunami triggered by the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake as well as tsunami waves generated by the following hypothetical scenarios: An extended 1964 rupture, a Cascadia megathrust earthquake, various earthquakes in Prince William Sound, and a Tohoku-type earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region. Results of our numerical modeling, combined with historical observations, are designed to provide...
This map is the result of field investigations by DGGS in 1997 and 1998. This geologic map and report supersede the previously released Public Data File 1999-24D, Preliminary engineering-geologic map of the Healy A-6 Quadrangle, southcentral Alaska. The current map has been updated to include mapping of areas adjacent to the Healy A-6 Quadrangle. Field investigations were part of a two-year mapping program to provide geologic ground truth for airborne geophysical surveys flown by DGGS in the Chulitna region of southcentral Alaska during 1996.

map background search result map search result map Volcanoes of Alaska Geothermal Resources of Alaska Petrology and reservoir potential of Tertiary and Mesozoic sandstones, Cook Inlet, Alaska: A preliminary analysis of outcrop samples collected during 2007-2010 field seasons Major-oxide and trace-element geochemical data from rocks collected near Panorama Mountain, Mile 104 Seward Highway, Crow Pass, and Whittier, Alaska Geologic Map of the Anchorage C-7 NE Quadrangle, Alaska Geologic Map of the Anchorage C-7 NW Quadrangle, Alaska Derivative Geologic-Materials Map of the Anchorage C-7 NW Quadrangle, Alaska Geologic Map of the Anchorage C-8 NE Quadrangle, Alaska Derivative Geologic-Materials Map of the Anchorage C-8 NE Quadrangle, Alaska Geologic Map of the Anchorage C-8 NW Quadrangle, Alaska Derivative Geologic-Materials Map of the Anchorage C-8 NW Quadrangle, Alaska Bedrock geologic map of the Chulitna region, southcentral Alaska Geologic map of the Chulitna region, southcentral Alaska Surficial-geologic map of the Chulitna region, southcentral Alaska Engineering-geologic map of the Chulitna region, southcentral Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of Seward and northern Resurrection Bay, Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of Cordova and Tatitlek, Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of the villages of Chenega Bay and northern Sawmill Bay, Alaska Top Mesozoic unconformity subcrop map, Cook Inlet basin, Alaska Genetic Data for Merlin (Falco columbarius) and Cross-Species Microsatellite Amplification in Select Falco Species, North America Tsunami inundation maps of Seward and northern Resurrection Bay, Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of the villages of Chenega Bay and northern Sawmill Bay, Alaska Geologic Map of the Anchorage C-7 NE Quadrangle, Alaska Geologic Map of the Anchorage C-7 NW Quadrangle, Alaska Derivative Geologic-Materials Map of the Anchorage C-7 NW Quadrangle, Alaska Derivative Geologic-Materials Map of the Anchorage C-8 NE Quadrangle, Alaska Geologic Map of the Anchorage C-8 NE Quadrangle, Alaska Geologic Map of the Anchorage C-8 NW Quadrangle, Alaska Derivative Geologic-Materials Map of the Anchorage C-8 NW Quadrangle, Alaska Bedrock geologic map of the Chulitna region, southcentral Alaska Geologic map of the Chulitna region, southcentral Alaska Surficial-geologic map of the Chulitna region, southcentral Alaska Engineering-geologic map of the Chulitna region, southcentral Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of Cordova and Tatitlek, Alaska Major-oxide and trace-element geochemical data from rocks collected near Panorama Mountain, Mile 104 Seward Highway, Crow Pass, and Whittier, Alaska Petrology and reservoir potential of Tertiary and Mesozoic sandstones, Cook Inlet, Alaska: A preliminary analysis of outcrop samples collected during 2007-2010 field seasons Top Mesozoic unconformity subcrop map, Cook Inlet basin, Alaska Genetic Data for Merlin (Falco columbarius) and Cross-Species Microsatellite Amplification in Select Falco Species, North America Volcanoes of Alaska Geothermal Resources of Alaska