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This location is part of the Arizona Mineral Industry Location System (AzMILS), an inventory of mineral occurences, prospects and mine locations in Arizona. LaPaz838 is located in T3N R13W Sec 35 SE in the Hope Se - 7.5 Min quad. This collection consists of various reports, maps, records and related materials acquired by the Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources regarding mining properties in Arizona. Information was obtained by various means, including the property owners, exploration companies, consultants, verbal interviews, field visits, newspapers and publications. Some sections may be redacted for copyright. Please see the access statement.
This location is part of the Arizona Mineral Industry Location System (AzMILS), an inventory of mineral occurences, prospects and mine locations in Arizona. Yavapai852 is located in T9N R1W Sec 9 W2 in the Minnehaha - 7.5 Min quad. This collection consists of various reports, maps, records and related materials acquired by the Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources regarding mining properties in Arizona. Information was obtained by various means, including the property owners, exploration companies, consultants, verbal interviews, field visits, newspapers and publications. Some sections may be redacted for copyright. Please see the access statement.
This location is part of the Arizona Mineral Industry Location System (AzMILS), an inventory of mineral occurences, prospects and mine locations in Arizona. Mohave657A is located in T29N R21W Sec 14 ALL in the Black Canyon - 15 Min quad. This collection consists of various reports, maps, records and related materials acquired by the Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources regarding mining properties in Arizona. Information was obtained by various means, including the property owners, exploration companies, consultants, verbal interviews, field visits, newspapers and publications. Some sections may be redacted for copyright. Please see the access statement.
The 'Green Valley Mining District, Copper Cloud Claims' file is part of the Grover Heinrichs mining collection. Grover was the Vice President of Heinrichs GEOEXploration, located in Tucson, Arizona. The collection contains over 1,400 folders including economic geology reports, maps, photos, correspondence, drill logs and other related materials. The focus of much of the information is on the western United States, particularly Arizona, but the collection also includes files on mining activity throughout the United States, foreign countries, and 82 mineral commodities.
ADMMR map collection: Stratigraphic Chart of Southern Arizona Geology; 20 x 12 in.
This location is part of the Arizona Mineral Industry Location System (AzMILS), an inventory of mineral occurences, prospects and mine locations in Arizona. Yavapai947 is located in T8N R1W Sec 15 NE in the Columbia - 7.5 Min quad. This collection consists of various reports, maps, records and related materials acquired by the Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources regarding mining properties in Arizona. Information was obtained by various means, including the property owners, exploration companies, consultants, verbal interviews, field visits, newspapers and publications. Some sections may be redacted for copyright. Please see the access statement.
This location is part of the Arizona Mineral Industry Location System (AzMILS), an inventory of mineral occurences, prospects and mine locations in Arizona. Cochise11 is located in T16S R30E Sec 32 SE in the Rustler Park - 7.5 Min quad. This collection consists of various reports, maps, records and related materials acquired by the Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources regarding mining properties in Arizona. Information was obtained by various means, including the property owners, exploration companies, consultants, verbal interviews, field visits, newspapers and publications. Some sections may be redacted for copyright. Please see the access statement.
This location is part of the Arizona Mineral Industry Location System (AzMILS), an inventory of mineral occurences, prospects and mine locations in Arizona. Yuma77 is located in T10S R20W Sec 16 SW in the Fortuna Mine - 7.5 Min quad. This collection consists of various reports, maps, records and related materials acquired by the Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources regarding mining properties in Arizona. Information was obtained by various means, including the property owners, exploration companies, consultants, verbal interviews, field visits, newspapers and publications. Some sections may be redacted for copyright. Please see the access statement.
This data release contains apatite and zircon U/Pb and fission track data for six samples collected along the Fall Line of the southeastern United States, from Virginia to the Georgia-South Carolina border. The data resolve phases of rapid exhumational cooling in the Permo-Triassic, additional cooling in the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous and slower cooling since the middle of the Cretaceous. The data are also compatible with an episode of burial/magmatic heating in the Triassic-Jurassic. Overall, these data may explain the lack of preserved Upper Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous strata beneath onshore areas of the southeastern United States.
This data release contains data associated with the journal article "Modeling the maturation history of the stacked petroleum systems of the Williston Basin, USA". Collectively, the data release includes 13 child items and metadata files that provide detailed descriptions of the attributes, processing steps, and original data sources. There is also a data table, "Williston_Basin_Data_Release_Overview.csv" that describes how all the child items are linked with one another.
Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center investigated the sedimentary and geochemical properties of the lower reaches of the Pascagoula River along the Mississippi coast of the Gulf of Mexico by collecting estuarine, riverine and marsh sediments. This was done in order to increase understanding of the region's environmental history, describe the long-term (millennial-scale) depositional history, and identify sedimentary intervals associated with extreme marine intrusions. To this end, the group obtained long sediment cores, shovel-dug sediment slabs and marsh and riverine channel/estuarine surface samples from a north-south transect along the river edge from...
Note: This data release has been superseded, available here: This data release contains processed high-resolution multichannel sparker seismic-reflection (MCS) data that were collected aboard Humboldt State University’s R/V Coral Sea in October of 2018 on U.S. Geological Survey cruise 2018-658-FA on the shelf and slope between Cape Blanco, Oregon, and Cape Mendocino, California. MCS data were collected to characterize quaternary deformation and sediment dynamics along the southern Cascadia margin.
An irrigation monitoring experiment was performed in Haddam Meadows State Park, Connecticut, on July 16, 2019. Prior to this experiment, ground penetrating radar (GPR), frequency domain electromagnetics (FDEM), and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) geophysical data were collected over a 20 meter by 10-meter grid to provide baseline information. A vertical soil moisture probe was installed in the center of this area that recorded volumetric water content, temperature, and electrical conductivity at 9 discrete depths down to 1 meter below land surface. Over the next 8 hours, 5,300 liters of irrigation water (with specific conductance of 1,000 microSiemens per centimeter) was sprayed as evenly as practical over...
These data were collected from the TOPGUN-SODA10 2AK core collected in 2010 by LacCore (University of Minnesota), the USGS. and the University of California (U.C.) Berkeley. The 8.9 meter length core had stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon sampled every 10 millimeters or so, and diatoms samples at every 50 millimeters to 200 millimeters depending on the depth in the core. mineralogic data were collected using X-ray diffraction and grain-size analysis were done at various depths. These data are used to interpret the Holocene and late Pleistocene hydrology and paleoclimate of the lake and the region. The interpretation can be found in: Rosen, M.R., Reidy, L., Starratt, S., Zimmerman, S., in review, Middle Holocene...
A revision to the hydrogeologic framework of the Virginia coastal plain southwest of the James River was developed by USGS during 2019-2021. This revision includes modifications to existing understanding of the groundwater system in Prince George, Surry, Sussex, Isle of Wight, and Southampton counties and the cities of Franklin and Suffolk in southeast Virginia. This USGS data release contains a csv file of interpreted borehole hydrogeologic-unit top-surface altitudes, a shapefile of the study area extent, a shapefile of faults within the study area, shapefiles of altitude contours for 12 hydrogeologic-unit top surfaces, shapefiles of hydrogeologic-unit margins for 10 hydrogeologic-units in the coastal plain of...
In this database, we compile and host several available onshore and offshore geologic, paleoseismic, geophysical, and instrumental datasets along the Cascadia subduction zone. The ScienceBase data release and downloadable map package is accompanied by an ArcGIS online map and StoryMap.
This dataset is intended to provide seamless, integrated geologic mapping of the U.S. Intermountain West region as a contribution to The National Geologic Map supported by the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program of the U.S. Geological Survey. Surficial and bedrock geology are included in this data release as independent datasets at a variable resolution from 1:50,000 to 1:250,000 scale. No original interpretations are presented in this dataset; rather, all interpretive data are assimilated from referenceable publications. Derivative polygon features created for this dataset demonstrate the distribution of SIGMa-GeMS Geologic Provinces derived from the distribution of map units. Initial contributions to...
In spring and summer 2017, the U.S. Geological Survey’s Gas Hydrates Project conducted two cruises aboard the research vessel Hugh R. Sharp to explore the geology, chemistry, ecology, physics, and oceanography of sea-floor methane seeps and water column gas plumes on the northern U.S. Atlantic margin between the Baltimore and Keller Canyons. Split-beam and multibeam echo sounders and a chirp subbottom profiler were deployed during the cruises to map water column backscatter, sea-floor bathymetry and backscatter, and subsurface stratigraphy associated with known and undiscovered sea-floor methane seeps. The first cruise, known as the Interagency Mission for Methane Research on Seafloor Seeps and designated as field...
This dataset comprises a vector shapefile of the Puerto Rico geologic map from Bawiec et al. (1999), clipped to study areas in the Lares, Utuado, and Naranjito municipalities, with a modified basal contact of the Tertiary Lares Limestone (Tla) re-mapped using a lidar-derived digital elevation model (DEM) (USGS, 2018). The limestone unit of interest forms a prominent break in slope with the underlying geologic units, and this break in slope was mapped as the Tla basal contact. Only the southern contact of the Tla unit was modified. References: Bawiec, W.J., ed., 1999, Geology, geochemistry, geophysics, mineral occurrences and mineral resource assessment for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico: U.S. Geological Survey...
The geology of an area of 660 square miles mostly in the northeastern corner of Tennessee and small adjacent areas in Virginia and North Carolina is the subject of this report. The region lies principally in the Unaka province, with extensions northwestward into the Appalachian Valley and southwestward into the Blue Ridge province. The report combines results of surveys made between 1941 and 1953 by the U. S. Geological Survey, the Tennessee Division of Geology, and the Tennessee Valley Authority, and is published in cooperation with the Tennessee Division of Geology. Northeasternmost Tennessee is a region of widespread mineralization and was formerly important for mineral production. Iron, manganese, and bauxite...
Tags: Abingdon, Alluvium, Andesite, Argillite, Arkose, All tags...

map background search result map search result map ADMMR mining collection file: Sheep Mountain Property ADMMR mining collection file: Hilltop Mine ADMMR mining collection file: Brx ADMMR mining collection file: Fortuna Mine ADMMR mining collection file: Pacific ADMMR mining collection file: Detrital Valley Salt Deposit Grover Heinrichs mining collection: Green Valley Mining District, Copper Cloud Claims Sedimentary data from the lower Pascagoula River, Mississippi, USA Marine Geophysical Data Collected to Support Methane Seep Research Along the U.S. Atlantic Continental Shelf Break and Upper Continental Slope Between the Baltimore and Keller Canyons During U.S. Geological Survey Field Activities 2017-001-FA and 2017-002-FA Multichannel sparker seismic reflection data of USGS field activity 2018-658-FA collected between Cape Blanco and Cape Mendocino from 2018-10-04 to 2018-10-18 Mineralogic, grain-size, biologic, and stable isotopic analyses of core TOPGUN-SODA10 2A-K from Big Soda Lake, Nevada, USA Apatite and zircon U/Pb and fission track geochronologic and thermochronologic data along the Fall Line of the southeastern United States Shapefiles of hydrogeologic unit extents and top-surface altitude contours used in the revised hydrogeologic framework for the Virginia Coastal Plain Southwest of the James River Cascadia subduction zone database: compilation of published datasets relevant to Cascadia subduction zone earthquake hazards and tectonics (2022) Geophysical and Other Data From an Irrigation Monitoring Experiment at Haddam Meadows, CT, July 2019 Modified basal contact of the Tertiary Lares Limestone in the vicinity of Utuado, Puerto Rico, USA, derived from USGS Open-File Report 98-038 Data release for the 3D petroleum systems model of the Williston Basin, USA Seamless Integrated Geologic Map Database of the Intermountain West: Contributions to The National Geologic Map Geophysical and Other Data From an Irrigation Monitoring Experiment at Haddam Meadows, CT, July 2019 ADMMR mining collection file: Sheep Mountain Property ADMMR mining collection file: Brx ADMMR mining collection file: Fortuna Mine ADMMR mining collection file: Detrital Valley Salt Deposit ADMMR mining collection file: Hilltop Mine ADMMR mining collection file: Pacific Mineralogic, grain-size, biologic, and stable isotopic analyses of core TOPGUN-SODA10 2A-K from Big Soda Lake, Nevada, USA Sedimentary data from the lower Pascagoula River, Mississippi, USA Shapefiles of hydrogeologic unit extents and top-surface altitude contours used in the revised hydrogeologic framework for the Virginia Coastal Plain Southwest of the James River Modified basal contact of the Tertiary Lares Limestone in the vicinity of Utuado, Puerto Rico, USA, derived from USGS Open-File Report 98-038 Seamless Integrated Geologic Map Database of the Intermountain West: Contributions to The National Geologic Map Multichannel sparker seismic reflection data of USGS field activity 2018-658-FA collected between Cape Blanco and Cape Mendocino from 2018-10-04 to 2018-10-18 Marine Geophysical Data Collected to Support Methane Seep Research Along the U.S. Atlantic Continental Shelf Break and Upper Continental Slope Between the Baltimore and Keller Canyons During U.S. Geological Survey Field Activities 2017-001-FA and 2017-002-FA Apatite and zircon U/Pb and fission track geochronologic and thermochronologic data along the Fall Line of the southeastern United States Data release for the 3D petroleum systems model of the Williston Basin, USA Cascadia subduction zone database: compilation of published datasets relevant to Cascadia subduction zone earthquake hazards and tectonics (2022)