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Aerial photography surveys during and after the 2018 eruption of Veniaminof Volcano, Alaska were conducted to track the evolution of the lava flow field, active volcanic vent, and glacial ice loss from the eruption. Imagery from two surveys was processed with structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetric methods to derive the digital elevation models (DEMs) and orthophotos in this data release. The datasets cover the active volcanic cone and intracaldera ice cap, which both show significant topographic and groundcover change between surveys, and relative to previous topographic reference data, due to the 2018 eruption and variable snow and ice cover. A syn-eruption survey on September 26, 2018 was conducted by the...
In support of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Southwest Biological Science Center researchers, and in coordination with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), the USGS National Uncrewed Systems Office (NUSO) conducted uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) remote sensing flights over two BLM Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) plots at the NEON Moab site in Utah for multi-scale carbon sequestration research on public lands.The UAS data collected include natural color, multispectral, and hyperspectral imagery, and lidar to capture diverse information about vegetation and soils on two dryland sites approximately 40 km south of Moab, Utah. The first site (“site 1”) features...
The purpose of this field data collection was to test and compare the OceanInsight HDX Mini Spectrometer as an accessible alternative against the more expensive ASD Fieldspec for collecting ground-based hyperspectral reflectance profiles for landcover analysis. The data collection took place in Dog Head Marsh and South Cape Beach within the Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (WBNERR). The hyperspectral profiles were collected side-by-side with both field-spectrometers using comparable sensor collection settings for various ground cover samples. The terrain and vegetation type of these sample were described as well as surveyed using Real Time Kinematic Global Positioning System (RTK-GPS). This data...
This portion of the data release presents a digital surface model (DSM) and digital elevation model (DEM) of the exposed Los Padres Reservoir delta where the Carmel River enters the reservoir. The DSM and DEM have a resolution of 10 centimeters per pixel and were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unoccupied aerial system (UAS) on 2017-11-01. The DSM represents the elevation of the highest object within the bounds of a cell, including vegetation, woody debris and other objects. The DEM represent the elevation of the ground surface where it was visible to the acquisiton system. Due to the nature of SfM processing, the DEM may not represent a true bare-earth surface...
This portion of the data release presents a bathymetric point cloud from an unoccupied aerial system (UAS) survey of the coral reef off Waiakane, Molokai, Hawaii, on 24 June 2018. The point cloud has been corrected for the effects of refraction using the techniques described in Dietrich (2017a). The point cloud was created from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected using a UAS with a Ricoh GR II digital camera fitted with a circular polarizing filter. During the survey, a pressure sensor was deployed in the survey area to gain an accurate measurement of the water surface elevation (WSE). After a preliminary dense point cloud was derived from SfM processing, the WSE was used to calculate...
This portion of the data release presents a bathymetric digital surface model (DSM) from an unoccupied aerial system (UAS) survey of the coral reef off Waiakane, Molokai, Hawaii, on 24 June 2018. The DSM has a horizontal resolution of 10 centimeters per pixel and has been corrected for the effects of refraction using the techniques described in Dietrich (2017a). The DSM was created from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected using a UAS with a Ricoh GR II digital camera fitted with a circular polarizing filter. During the survey, a pressure sensor was deployed in the survey area to derive an accurate measurement of the mean water surface elevation (WSE). After a preliminary dense point...
This portion of the data release presents the raw aerial imagery collected during the uncrewed aerial system (UAS) survey conducted on the ocean beaches adjacent to the Columbia River Mouth at the Oregon-Washington border in August 2017. The imagery was acquired using a Department of Interior-owned 3DR Solo quadcopter fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The camera was mounted using a fixed mount on the bottom of the UAS and oriented in an approximately nadir orientation. The Fort Stevens State Park survey was conducted under Oregon Parks and Recreation Department Scientific Research Permit #024-17. Five flights were conducted at Fort Stevens State Park on 7 August 2017, between 16:32...
Low altitude (300 meters above ground level (AGL)) digital aerial imagery acquired with a piloted fixed-wing aircraft was processed using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry techniques to produce high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) point clouds and digital elevation models (DEMs) and orthomosaic images. This dataset consists of DEMs produced from imagery collected along the Delaware Atlantic coast on June 11, 2022, to monitor coastal change. All horizontal data are provided in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 18 North (18N), referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83(2011)), and elevation is referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88),...
Low altitude (300 meters above ground level (AGL)) digital aerial imagery acquired with a piloted fixed-wing aircraft was processed using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry techniques to produce high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) point clouds and digital elevation models (DEMs) and orthomosaic images. This dataset consists of red-green-blue (RGB) orthomosaic images produced from imagery collected along the Delaware Atlantic coast on June 11, 2022, to monitor coastal change. All horizontal data are provided in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 18 North (18N), referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83(2011)).
This data release presents aerial imagery and digital topography to support a geohazards assessment for an area of Sequoia National Park affected by debris flows in January 2023. Multiple atmospheric-river storms brought heavy precipitation to Sequoia National Park and the surrounding region in December 2022 and January 2023, triggering slope failures. Storm rainfall on January 9, 2023, led to shallow landslides, overland-flow erosion, and debris flows from north-facing drainages above the South Fork Kaweah River. Three of the debris flows in that part of the park buried and damaged federal assets and infrastructure: the South Fork Campground, the road used to access the campground and adjacent trails, and drainage...
This portion of the data release presents aerial video acquired during the uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) survey of the debris flow at South Fork Campground in Sequoia National Park, conducted under authorization from the National Park Service. The video shows low-altitude oblique and nadir perspectives of the lower 1.3 kilometers of the debris flow. The video is being included as part of the data release to provide additional context for the geohazards assessment of the area.
This portion of the data release presents orthomosaic images of the Whale's Tail Marsh region of South San Francisco Bay, CA. The orthomosaics have resolutions of 2.5 centimeters per pixel and were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of repeat aerial imagery collected from fixed-wing aircraft. The raw imagery used to create these elevation models was acquired from an approximate altitude of 427 meters (1,400 feet) above ground level (AGL), using a Hasselblad A6D-100c camera fitted with an HC 80 lens, resulting in a nominal ground-sample-distance (GSD) of 2.5 centimeters per pixel. The acquisition flight lines were designed to provide approximately 50 percent overlap between adjacent flight lines...
This portion of the data release presents the raw aerial imagery collected during the Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) survey of the intertidal zone at Lone Tree Point, Kiket Bay, WA, on 2019-06-05. The imagery was acquired using a Department of Interior-owned 3DR Solo quadcopter fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The camera was mounted using a fixed mount on the bottom of the UAS and oriented in an approximately nadir orientation. For flights F01, F02, F03, F04, and F05 the UAS was flown on pre-programmed autonomous flight lines at an approximate altitude of 70 meters above ground level (AGL), resulting in a nominal ground-sample-distance (GSD) of 1.8 centimeters per pixel. The flight...
This portion of the data release presents digital surface models (DSMs) and hillshade images of the intertidal zone at Post Point, Bellingham Bay, WA. The DSMs were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) on 2019-06-06. Unlike a digital elevation model (DEM), the DSMs represent the elevation of the highest object within the bounds of a cell. Vegetation, buildings and other objects have not been removed from the data. In addition, data artifacts resulting from noise in the original imagery have not been removed. The DSMs are presented with two resolutions: one DSM, covering the entire survey area, has a resolution of 4 centimeters per pixel;...
This portion of the data release presents the locations of the temporary ground control points (GCPs) used for the structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of the imagery collected during an unmanned aerial system (UAS) survey of the intertidal zones at Puget Creek and Dickman Mill Park, Tacoma, WA, on 2019-06-03. Twelve temporary ground control points (GCPs) were distributed throughout each survey area to establish survey control. The GCPs consisted of a combination of small square tarps with black-and-white cross patterns and "X" marks placed on the ground using temporary chalk. The GCP positions were measured using post-processed kinematic (PPK) GPS, using corrections from a GPS base station located approximately...
This portion of the data release presents the raw aerial imagery collected during the unoccupied aerial system (UAS) survey of the Los Padres Reservoir delta, Carmel River valley, CA, 2017-11-01. The imagery was acquired using a Department of Interior-owned 3DR Solo quadcopter fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The camera was mounted using a fixed mount on the bottom of the UAS and oriented in an approximately nadir orientation. A total of six flights were conducted for the survey between 19:35 and 22:15 UTC (12:35 and 15:15 PDT). Only the imagery from fights F03 and F06 were used for data processing and are included in this data release. All flights were conducted at an approximate...
This portion of the data release presents a high-resolution orthomosaic image of the debris flow at South Fork Campground in Sequoia National Park. The orthomosaic has a resolution of 3 centimeters per pixel and was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry using aerial imagery acquired during an uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) survey on 30 April 2024, conducted under authorization from the National Park Service. The raw imagery was acquired with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The UAS was flown on pre-programmed autonomous flight lines spaced to provide approximately 70 percent overlap between images from adjacent lines, from an approximate altitude of 110 meters above ground...
This data release contains a point cloud and raster image of a digital surface model (DSM) that covers a portion of the Lost River fault in Idaho that ruptured in the 1983 M6.9 Borah Peak earthquake. The DSM provides a high-resolution, pre-earthquake record of the landscape from 1966. It is constructed using structure-from-motion photogrammetry software and aerial photographs taken in 1966. The processing report, list of photographs, and list of ground control points (GCPs) used to georeference the DSM are also included. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Photographs: The photographs used were taken on July 17, 1966,...
Low-altitude (70 m above ground level) aerial images were collected over 5 areas of interest within the northern portion of Assateague Island National Seashore (ASIS) in mid-October, 2022. These images were collected to generate photogrammetric products (e.g. digital surface model (DSM), reflectance orthomosaic) for five areas of interest along the northern portion of the island to support science and data needs of National Park managers attempting to locate invasive Phragmites australis expansion. A DJI Matrice 600 uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) was equipped with a MicaSense Altum-PT multispectral camera and a Ricoh GRII true-color RGB camera to collect images simultaneously with sufficient overlap for photogrammetric...
This portion of the data release presents the locations of the temporary ground control points (GCPs) used for the structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of the imagery collected during the August 2017 unoccupied aerial system (UAS) surveys of the ocean beach at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Benson Beach at Cape Disappointment State Park, WA. Eighteen temporary ground control points (GCPs) were distributed throughout the survey area to establish survey control. The GCPs consisted of a combination of small square tarps with black-and-white cross patterns and "X" marks placed on the ground using temporary chalk. The GCP positions were measured using dual-frequency real-time kinematic (RTK) or post-processed kinematic...

map background search result map search result map Ground control point locations for UAS survey of the intertidal zones at Puget Creek and Dickman Mill Park, Tacoma, WA, 2019-06-03 Aerial imagery from UAS survey of the intertidal zone at Lone Tree Point, Kiket Bay, WA, 2019-06-05 Digital surface models (DSMs) for the intertidal zone at Post Point, Bellingham Bay, WA, 2019-06-06 Digital elevation models and orthoimagery from the 2018 eruption of Veniaminof, Alaska Refraction-corrected bathymetric digital surface model (DSM) from the UAS survey of the coral reef off Waiakane, Molokai, Hawaii, 24 June 2018 Refraction-corrected bathymetric point cloud from the UAS survey of the coral reef off Waiakane, Molokai, Hawaii, 24 June 2018 Orthomosaic images of the Whale's Tail Marsh region, South San Francisco Bay, CA Digital surface model (DSM) and digital elevation model (DEM) of the Los Padres Reservoir delta, Carmel River valley, CA, 2017-11-01 Aerial imagery from the UAS survey of the Los Padres Reservoir delta, Carmel River valley, CA, 2017-11-01 Aerial imagery from UAS surveys of beaches at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Cape Disappointment State Park, WA, August 2017 Ground control point locations for UAS surveys of the beaches at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Cape Disappointment State Park, WA, August 2017 Topographic and multispectral reflectance products, aerial imagery, ground spectra, vegetation, and associated GPS data collected during uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) operations - Dog Head Marsh at South Cape Beach, Mashpee, MA, October 7-8, 2021 Delaware Atlantic coast, 2022 – Digital Elevation Models Delaware Atlantic coast, 2022 – Orthomosaic Images Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) natural color, multispectral, lidar, and hyperspectral remote sensing data products collected at dryland sites 40 km south of Moab, Utah in May 2023 Digital Surface Model of the Lost River Fault, Idaho, from 1966 Aerial Photographs Orthomosaic imagery from the UAS survey of the debris flow at South Fork Campground, Sequoia National Park, CA Aerial video acquired during the UAS survey of the debris flow at South Fork Campground, Sequoia National Park, CA Topographic and multispectral reflectance products, aerial imagery, ground spectra, vegetation, and associated GPS data collected during uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) operations - Dog Head Marsh at South Cape Beach, Mashpee, MA, October 7-8, 2021 Refraction-corrected bathymetric digital surface model (DSM) from the UAS survey of the coral reef off Waiakane, Molokai, Hawaii, 24 June 2018 Refraction-corrected bathymetric point cloud from the UAS survey of the coral reef off Waiakane, Molokai, Hawaii, 24 June 2018 Aerial imagery from the UAS survey of the Los Padres Reservoir delta, Carmel River valley, CA, 2017-11-01 Aerial imagery from UAS survey of the intertidal zone at Lone Tree Point, Kiket Bay, WA, 2019-06-05 Digital surface models (DSMs) for the intertidal zone at Post Point, Bellingham Bay, WA, 2019-06-06 Digital surface model (DSM) and digital elevation model (DEM) of the Los Padres Reservoir delta, Carmel River valley, CA, 2017-11-01 Orthomosaic imagery from the UAS survey of the debris flow at South Fork Campground, Sequoia National Park, CA Aerial video acquired during the UAS survey of the debris flow at South Fork Campground, Sequoia National Park, CA Ground control point locations for UAS survey of the intertidal zones at Puget Creek and Dickman Mill Park, Tacoma, WA, 2019-06-03 Digital elevation models and orthoimagery from the 2018 eruption of Veniaminof, Alaska Orthomosaic images of the Whale's Tail Marsh region, South San Francisco Bay, CA Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) natural color, multispectral, lidar, and hyperspectral remote sensing data products collected at dryland sites 40 km south of Moab, Utah in May 2023 Ground control point locations for UAS surveys of the beaches at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Cape Disappointment State Park, WA, August 2017 Aerial imagery from UAS surveys of beaches at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Cape Disappointment State Park, WA, August 2017 Digital Surface Model of the Lost River Fault, Idaho, from 1966 Aerial Photographs