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This raster dataset represents the boundaries of the hydrogeologic areas of the Southwest Principal Aquifer (SWPA) study of the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) program. It is a compilation of the pre-existing Hydrogeologic Areas of the Southwest Ground-Water Resources Project, with additional data from the Central and Coastal basins of California, Northern New Mexico Rio Grande Valley, and South Central Colorado San Luis Valley.
This data release contains self-potential (SP) monitoring data measured on the flood plain of East Fork Poplar Creek (East Fork) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee and streamflow data measured at streamgage EFK5.4 about 310 meters upstream from the SP monitoring site. Additionally, forward and inverse numerical modeling scripts used to model the electrical-potential field on the East Fork flood plain are provided. SP monitoring data included in this data release were measured at 39 different data-collection points on the east flood plain; 30 points were spaced 3-m apart along an 87-m profile parallel to the edge of the streambank, and 9 points were spaced 5-m apart along a 40-m profile approximately perpendicular to the streambank....
The Biscayne and Southern Everglades Coastal Transport(BISECT) model combines a three-dimensional groundwater model with a two- dimensional hydrodynamic surface-water model with variable-density solute-transport. BISECT was constructed by combining two existing models, Tides and Inflows to the Mangrove Everglades (TIME) (, and Biscayne (, and modifying the Flow and Transport in a Linked Overland/Aquifer Density-Dependent System (FTLOADDS) simulator ( to include spatially variations in the solar radiation reflected back into the atmosphere from the Earth’s surface (albedo) to improve model results....
The surface water water-quality data were compiled from Water Quality Portal ( (National Water Quality Monitoring Council, 2015), USGS’s NAWQA Project’s data compilation (Oelsner and others, 2017) or the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (Montana Bureau of Mines, 2021), The compilation contains data for chloride, pH, specific conductance, sulfate, total dissolved solids (TDS) collected between water year 1970 to 2014. In addition 10 metals (aluminum, arsenic, barium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, selenium strontium, and zinc) analyzed during water years 1993 through 2014. National Water-Quality Monitoring Council, 2015, Water Quality Portal: National Water-Quality Monitoring Council,...
This raster dataset represents the boundaries of the hydrogeologic areas of the Southwest Principal Aquifer (SWPA) study of the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) program. It is a compilation of the pre-existing Hydrogeologic Areas of the Southwest Ground-Water Resources Project, with additional data from the Central and Coastal basins of California, Northern New Mexico Rio Grande Valley, and South Central Colorado San Luis Valley.
The Cape Fear and Pee Dee River Basins in North Carolina and South Carolina were chosen as a focus area study (FAS) for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Census (NWC) in 2016. The objective of the NWC is to place technical information and tools in the hands of stake holders so that they can make decisions on water availability. The USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center, comprised of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, conducted a 3-year study of water use and availability to provide information related to the competing societal and ecological water needs in the Southeastern Atlantic Coastal Basins of the Carolinas. The Coastal Carolinas study area includes the Pee Dee and Cape Fear River...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, has investigated the hydrology of the Great Dismal Swamp (Swamp) National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) in Virginia and North Carolina and developed a three-dimensional numerical model to simulate groundwater and surface-water hydrology. The model was developed with MODFLOW-NWT, a USGS numerical groundwater flow modeling program, in combination with the Surface-Water Routing Process, a software package that simulates dynamic surface-water flows, water-control-structure management, and groundwater/surface-water interactions. The steady-state model was calibrated to average spring conditions using automated parameter estimation software...
The previously developed Biscayne and Southern Everglades Coastal Transport (BISECT) model, which combines a three-dimensional groundwater model with a two-dimensional hydrodynamic surface-water model with variable-density solute-transport (, was used to evaluate the hydrologic response to historical and hypothesized modern hurricane strikes. Simulations were implemented using FTLOADDS (Flow and Transport in a Linked Overland/Aquifer Density-Dependent System) which is a coupled hydrodynamic surface-water and groundwater simulator that was developed by the U. S. Geological Survey to improve understanding of the complex and interconnected hydrology in South Florida. A simulation...
This U.S. Geological Survey Data Release contains the associated data described in the Scientific Investigations Report, "Trends in water quality of selected streams and reservoirs used for water supply in the Triangle area of North Carolina, 1989-2013". Since 1989, the U.S. Geological Survey and a consortium of local governments have tracked water-quality conditions and trends in the water-supply reservoirs and streams in the Triangle area of North Carolina located within the upper Cape Fear and Neuse River Basins. Temporal trends in water-quality were analyzed for thirteen stream and eight reservoir sites. Seventeen water-quality parameters and constituents were examined at these sites.
Two transient surface-water/groundwater models were developed to study the potential for increased inundation and flooding in eastern Broward County due to changes in future climate and sea-level rise. These models were constructed by using a modified version of MODFLOW 2005, with the surface-water system represented by using the surface-water routing process (SWR1) and a new Urban Runoff (URO) process. The models were used to simulate an historical period (1990-99) using measured input data and a base-case (1990–99) and a future period (2060–69) using regional climate model rainfall and potential evapotranspiration output. Model construction relied heavily on a previously created variable density model of the same...
These datasets were collected in support of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 at the Chemical Recovery Site in Elyria, Ohio, within the East Branch Black River on March 22, 2021. Water-quality and bathymetric data were measured and logged at 1-second intervals (AUV_CRS_Combined_032221.csv). Water-quality data collected during eight different missions were measured with a YSI EXO1 sonde mounted in the nose cone of the IVER3 EcoMapper Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and include specific conductivity (in microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius), water temperature (degrees Celsius), dissolved oxygen (milligrams per liter), and pH (standard units). Bathymetric data were measured using an...
This U.S. Geological Survey Data Release contains the associated data described in the Scientific Investigations Report, "Trends in water quality of selected streams and reservoirs used for water supply in the Triangle area of North Carolina, 1989-2013". Since 1989, the U.S. Geological Survey and a consortium of local governments have tracked water-quality conditions and trends in the water-supply reservoirs and streams in the Triangle area of North Carolina located within the upper Cape Fear and Neuse River Basins. Temporal trends in water-quality were analyzed for thirteen stream and eight reservoir sites. Seventeen water-quality parameters and constituents were examined at these sites
This data release contains time-lapse self-potential, electric resistivity tomography, hydrographic, and weather data acquired during a geoelectric monitoring survey of the lower Rio Grande riverbed in the Mesilla Basin of southeast, New Mexico. The monitoring survey was performed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with New Mexico State University (NMSU), Elephant Butte Irrigation District (EBID), and hydroGEOPHYSICS, Inc (HGI). The data and corresponding data processing codes are described in the larger work citation, a journal article titled "Geoelectric Monitoring of the Electric-potential Field of the Lower Rio Grande Before, During, and After Intermittent Streamflow, May-October, 2022." The...
This U.S. Geological Survey Data Release contains the associated data described in the Scientific Investigations Report, "Trends in water quality of selected streams and reservoirs used for water supply in the Triangle area of North Carolina, 1989-2013". Since 1989, the U.S. Geological Survey and a consortium of local governments have tracked water-quality conditions and trends in the water-supply reservoirs and streams in the Triangle area of North Carolina located within the upper Cape Fear and Neuse River Basins. Temporal trends in water-quality were analyzed for thirteen stream and eight reservoir sites. Seventeen water-quality parameters and constituents were examined at these sites.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, collected data in 2017 to study the sources and occurrences of continual detections of high Escherichia coli (E. coli) detections at urban beaches along the Lake Michigan shoreline in northwest Indiana and northeastern Illinois. High E. coli detections cause the beaches to be closed for recreational use until additional samples verify that E. coli levels have fallen below the threshold of 235 counts per 100 ml. The project used microbial source tracking (MST) and metagenomics analyses to evaluate the sources of E. coli. This data release provides the phytoplankton, mictobial source tracking, and metagenomics components...
This data release contains waterborne self-potential (SP) logging data measured during 48 laboratory experiments and three field experiments that were performed to develop an efficient, accurate method for detecting (in the laboratory) and geolocating (in the field) focused vertical groundwater discharge (surface-water gains) and recharge (surface-water losses) in a river. The experimental procedures and results are described and interpreted in a companion journal article titled "Remote detection of focused groundwater/surface-water exchange in rivers using waterborne self-potential logging: Laboratory and field experiments," and are similar to waterborne SP logging data measured, modeled, and interpreted by Ikard...
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with Broward County Environmental Planning and Resilience Division, has developed a groundwater/surface-water model to evaluate the response of the drainage infrastructure and groundwater system in Broward County to increases in sea level and potential changes in precipitation. The model was constructed using a modified version of MODFLOW-NWT, with the surface-water system represented using the Surface-Water Routing process and the Urban Runoff process. The surface-water drainage system within this newly developed model actively simulates the extensive canal network using level-pool routing and active structures representing gates, weirs, culverts, and pumps. Steady-state...

    map background search result map search result map Datasets for trends in water quality of selected streams and reservoirs used for water supply in the Triangle area of North Carolina, 1989-2013 Data for trends in water quality of selected reservoirs used for water supply in the Triangle area of North Carolina, 1989-2013 Data for trends in water quality of selected streams used for water supply in the Triangle area of North Carolina, 1989-2013 Phytoplankton, Microbial Source Tracking, and Metagenomics Data for Evaluation of Restoration Efforts at Urban Beaches on Southern and Western Lake Michigan, 2016-2018 BLM REA MBR 2010 Hydrogeologic Areas of the Southwest Principal Aquifer (SWPA) study BLM REA CBR 2010 Hydrogeologic Areas of the Southwest Principal Aquifer (SWPA) study Estimated Use of Water for Coastal Carolinas Focus Area Study Investigation of Scale-dependent Groundwater/Surface-water Exchange in Rivers by Gradient Self-Potential Logging: Numerical Model and Field Experiment Data, Quashnet River, Massachusetts, October 2017 (ver. 2.0, November 2020) Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Water-Quality and Sonar Measurements in the East Branch Black River near Elyria, Ohio, 2021 Surface water water-quality data for select constituents in Williston Basin, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota for water years 1970-2014 FTLOADDS (combined SWIFT2D surface-water model and SEAWAT groundwater model) simulator used to Repurpose a Hindcast Simulation of the 1926 Great Miami Hurricane using the South Florida Peninsula for the Biscayne and Southern Everglades Coastal Transport (BISECT) Model MODFLOW-NWT datasets for simulations of groundwater and surface-water in the Great Dismal Swamp of Virginia and North Carolina MODFLOW 2005 data sets for the simulation of potential increased inundation in flood-prone regions of Southeast Florida in response to climate and sea-level changes in Broward County, Florida, 2060-69 FTLOADDS (combined SWIFT2D surface-water model and SEAWAT groundwater model) simulator used to assess proposed sea-level rise response and water-resource management plans for the hydrologic system of the South Florida Peninsula for the Biscayne and Southern Everglades Coastal Transport (BISECT) Model MODFLOW-NWT datasets for the simulation of the drainage infrastructure and groundwater system response to changes in sea level and precipitation, Broward County, Florida Time-lapse self-potential, electric resistivity tomography, streamflow, groundwater-level, and weather-station datasets for the lower Rio Grande, southeast New Mexico, May-October, 2022 Self-potential tomography preconditioned by particle swarm optimization—Self-potential monitoring and streamflow data acquired March 26–September 14, 2023 at East Fork Poplar Creek near Oak Ridge Tennessee, with forward and inverse modeling computer scripts Self-potential tomography preconditioned by particle swarm optimization—Self-potential monitoring and streamflow data acquired March 26–September 14, 2023 at East Fork Poplar Creek near Oak Ridge Tennessee, with forward and inverse modeling computer scripts Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Water-Quality and Sonar Measurements in the East Branch Black River near Elyria, Ohio, 2021 Investigation of Scale-dependent Groundwater/Surface-water Exchange in Rivers by Gradient Self-Potential Logging: Numerical Model and Field Experiment Data, Quashnet River, Massachusetts, October 2017 (ver. 2.0, November 2020) Phytoplankton, Microbial Source Tracking, and Metagenomics Data for Evaluation of Restoration Efforts at Urban Beaches on Southern and Western Lake Michigan, 2016-2018 MODFLOW-NWT datasets for simulations of groundwater and surface-water in the Great Dismal Swamp of Virginia and North Carolina MODFLOW 2005 data sets for the simulation of potential increased inundation in flood-prone regions of Southeast Florida in response to climate and sea-level changes in Broward County, Florida, 2060-69 MODFLOW-NWT datasets for the simulation of the drainage infrastructure and groundwater system response to changes in sea level and precipitation, Broward County, Florida Datasets for trends in water quality of selected streams and reservoirs used for water supply in the Triangle area of North Carolina, 1989-2013 Data for trends in water quality of selected reservoirs used for water supply in the Triangle area of North Carolina, 1989-2013 Data for trends in water quality of selected streams used for water supply in the Triangle area of North Carolina, 1989-2013 FTLOADDS (combined SWIFT2D surface-water model and SEAWAT groundwater model) simulator used to Repurpose a Hindcast Simulation of the 1926 Great Miami Hurricane using the South Florida Peninsula for the Biscayne and Southern Everglades Coastal Transport (BISECT) Model FTLOADDS (combined SWIFT2D surface-water model and SEAWAT groundwater model) simulator used to assess proposed sea-level rise response and water-resource management plans for the hydrologic system of the South Florida Peninsula for the Biscayne and Southern Everglades Coastal Transport (BISECT) Model Surface water water-quality data for select constituents in Williston Basin, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota for water years 1970-2014 Estimated Use of Water for Coastal Carolinas Focus Area Study BLM REA MBR 2010 Hydrogeologic Areas of the Southwest Principal Aquifer (SWPA) study BLM REA CBR 2010 Hydrogeologic Areas of the Southwest Principal Aquifer (SWPA) study