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Contact between Cretaceous shales and overlying sandstone east side of Table Mountain. Fossils collected in shale below sandstone. (See Rich's notebook on field relations.) T. 22 N., R. 102 W. Almond quadrangle. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1907.
Ridge near Iron Mountain, where Chugwater Creek cuts the Dakota hogback: Showing the upper sandstone; the middle shale, which is fossiliferous near the top; and the middle sandstone. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1921. Plate 1-B in U.S. Geological Survey. Bulletin 751. 1925.
Little Mountain, remnant of a high-level Plio-Pleistocene (?) piedmont terrace capped with Bishop conglomerate and bordering Uinta Mountains. View looking southeast from Miller Mountain. Ts. 13 and 14 N., R. 105 W. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. June 23, 1926.
Detail of the Bishop conglomerate on the south side of Little Mountain; the larger boulders are a little more than 1 foot across. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1930. Plate 39-B, U.S.Geological Survey Professional paper 185-I. 1936.
Album caption: Whiskey Bend, Camp No. 3 of Powell. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. July 11, 1968. (Photo by H.G. Stephens) Index card unavailable. Note: Image scanned from negative. For additional information refer to, Stephens, H. G., Shoemaker, E. M., Shoemaker, E. M., & Shoemaker, E. M. (1987). In the footsteps of John Wesley Powell: An album of comparative photographs of the Green and Colorado Rivers, 1871-72 and 1968. Boulder, Colo: Johnson.
Album caption and index card: Rock pinnacles (or forms) near Green River Station. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1869. Descriptive Catalog of the Photographs of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, W. H. Jackson, Photographer, Second Edition, Illustrated, 1869 Series, page 6, No. 14: Rock forms, near Green River Station.
Album caption and index card: Glimpses along the west bank of Green River between Green River Station and Burning Rock cut, showing to good advantage the wall-like and castellated forms on the opposite side of the river. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1869. Descriptive Catalog of the Photographs of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, W. H. Jackson, Photographer, Second Edition, Illustrated, 1869 Series, page 6, Nos 17 - 20: Glimpses along the west bank of Green River between the station and Burning Rock cut, showing to good advantage the wall-like and castellated forms on the opposite side of the river.
Panorama from Oregon Buttes looking north toward the southwest flank of the Wind River Range. Exposures of the Brider Formation in foreground along the Continental Divide. Sweetwater and Fremont Counties, Wyoming. circa. 1962. (Photo by J. D. Love) Published as figure 2 in U. S. Geological Survey. Bulletin 1256. 1969.
Summary: Green River Formation. Green River quadrangle. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. July 5, 1968 For additional information refer to, Stephens, H. G., Shoemaker, E. M., Shoemaker, E. M., & Shoemaker, E. M. (1987). In the footsteps of John Wesley Powell: An album of comparative photographs of the Green and Colorado Rivers, 1871-72 and 1968. Boulder, Colo: Johnson. Note: Scanned from negative. See also: shg_1-1, shg_1-3, shg_1-4, shg_1-5, shg_1-6, shg_1-7, and shg_1-8.
Summary: Green River Formation. Green River quadrangle. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. July 5, 1968 For additional information refer to, Stephens, H. G., Shoemaker, E. M., Shoemaker, E. M., & Shoemaker, E. M. (1987). In the footsteps of John Wesley Powell: An album of comparative photographs of the Green and Colorado Rivers, 1871-72 and 1968. Boulder, Colo: Johnson. Note: Scanned from negative; also available in print. See also: shg_1-1, shg_1-2, shg_1-3, shg_1-4, shg_1-5, shg_1-7, and shg_1-8.
Contact between lower brown sandstones and Baxter shale. Note the resistant sandstone capping the soft shales along escarpment. T. 19 N., R. 102 W. Almond quadrangle. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1907.
Local folding in brown sandstone below coals, three miles east of Salt Wells, north side of Union Pacific track, direction east. T. 20 N., R. 102 W. Almond quadrangle. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1907.
Pine tree north of Superior, showing the stubby growth of pine trees along much of the Mesaverde sandstone escarpment; direction east 18 [degrees] south. T. 21 N., R. 102 W. Almond quadrangle. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1907.
Photomicrograph of typical physico-chemical incrustation of calcite: showing the radial structure interrupted by thin concentric zones of limonite granules. The irregular black layer at the base and the small rounded cushion shaped area near the center are spongy algal deposits, which appear almost opaque because they consist of calcite that is almost cryptocrystalline. Enlarged 10 diameters. From the Tipton tongue of the Green River formation, sec. 21, T. 4 N., R. 101 W: Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1923. Marks on this photo correspond to plate 34-C in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 154. 1929.
Deposit formed around wood by chlorellopsis Reis, natural size. Specimen is from the base of the Laney shale member of the Green River formation, SE 1/4 sec.23, T. 25 N., R. 103 W. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1923. Plate 36-A in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 154. 1929.
Summary: USGS team seated at Buckboard Crossing quadrangle. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. July 10, 1968. For additional information refer to, Stephens, H. G., Shoemaker, E. M., Shoemaker, E. M., & Shoemaker, E. M. (1987). In the footsteps of John Wesley Powell: An album of comparative photographs of the Green and Colorado Rivers, 1871-72 and 1968. Boulder, Colo: Johnson. Note: Scanned from negative.
Summary: USGS team seated in Buckboard Crossing quadrangle. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. July 10,1968. For additional information refer to, Stephens, H. G., Shoemaker, E. M., Shoemaker, E. M., & Shoemaker, E. M. (1987). In the footsteps of John Wesley Powell: An album of comparative photographs of the Green and Colorado Rivers, 1871-72 and 1968. Boulder, Colo: Johnson. Note: scanned from negative
Wasatch topography along north face of Wasatch escarpment. Top of escarpment is capped by oolitic limestone, probably of Green River age. T. 19 N., R. 96 W. Frewen quadrangle. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1907.
Pine (or Bishop) Mountain at left. A high bench, or plateau capped with Bishop conglomerate, about 4,400 feet above Green River, as seen looking east up Red Creek from head of Little Mountain. Middle Mountain (middle back), Diamond Mountain (right back?). T. 12 N., Rs. 103 and 105 W. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. August 4, 1925.

map background search result map search result map Deposit formed around wood by chlorellopsis Reis, natural size. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1923. Photomicrograph of typical physico-chemical incrustation of calcite. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1923. Detail of the Bishop conglomerate on the south side of Little Mountain.  Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1930. Rock pinnacles near Green River Station. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1869. Glimpses along the west bank of Green River between Green River Station and Burning Rock cut. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1869. Giants Club, Green River. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1869. Contact between Cretaceous shales and overlying sandstone east side of Table Mountain. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1907. USGS team seated at Buckboard Crossing quadrangle. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1968. Green River Formation. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1968. Green River Formation. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1968. USGS team seated in Buckboard Crossing quadrangle. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1968. Whiskey Bend, Camp No. 3 of Powell. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1968. Panorama from Oregon Buttes looking north toward the southwest flank of the Wind River Range. Fremont Counties, Wyoming. circa. 1962. Deposit formed around wood by chlorellopsis Reis, natural size. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1923. Photomicrograph of typical physico-chemical incrustation of calcite. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1923. Detail of the Bishop conglomerate on the south side of Little Mountain.  Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1930. Giants Club, Green River. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1869. Contact between Cretaceous shales and overlying sandstone east side of Table Mountain. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1907. USGS team seated at Buckboard Crossing quadrangle. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1968. Green River Formation. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1968. Green River Formation. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1968. USGS team seated in Buckboard Crossing quadrangle. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1968. Whiskey Bend, Camp No. 3 of Powell. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1968. Panorama from Oregon Buttes looking north toward the southwest flank of the Wind River Range. Fremont Counties, Wyoming. circa. 1962. Rock pinnacles near Green River Station. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1869. Glimpses along the west bank of Green River between Green River Station and Burning Rock cut. Sweetwater County, Wyoming. 1869.