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The geology of an area of 660 square miles mostly in the northeastern corner of Tennessee and small adjacent areas in Virginia and North Carolina is the subject of this report. The region lies principally in the Unaka province, with extensions northwestward into the Appalachian Valley and southwestward into the Blue Ridge province. The report combines results of surveys made between 1941 and 1953 by the U. S. Geological Survey, the Tennessee Division of Geology, and the Tennessee Valley Authority, and is published in cooperation with the Tennessee Division of Geology. Northeasternmost Tennessee is a region of widespread mineralization and was formerly important for mineral production. Iron, manganese, and bauxite...
FY2013This project retrieves four years of data from over 200 temperature sensors nested within 28 sites across ~40 million hectares of the hydrographic Great Basin. The sensors span all major aspects and up to 700 m of elevation within sites, and occur in numerous management jurisdictions in 18 mountain ranges plus other areas not in ranges. This project: Quantifies the variability of climate at micro-, meso-, and macroscales across the Basin, and across diel, seasonal, and interannual periods. Informs management and conservation efforts, in terms of helping calibrate and refine the climatic stage upon which all biological actors and efforts hinge (Beier and Brost 2010). Feeds into other bioclimatic and wildlife...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2013,
Academics & scientific researchers,
Kasatochi is a small, isolated island volcano in the center of the Aleutian Island chain. It consists of a roughly circular cone approximately 3 km in diameter with a lake-filled central crater that is 1.2 km in diameter and extends from the highest point on the island to sea level. The oldest unit recognized is a thick series of mid-Pleistocene glaciovolcanic deposits consisting of autobrecciated lava, lahars, and volumetrically minor lava masses that we believe to have been emplaced underneath a regional ice cap. This unit is unconformably overlain by several massive Holocene lavas, above which lies a thick sequence of latest-Holocene pyroclastic deposits likely deposited during the crater-forming eruption. The...
Talus at head of Evans amphitheater. Lake County, Colorado. 1913. Plate 10-B in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 148. 1927.
Categories: Image;
Tags: Irving, J.D. Collection,
Lake County, Colorado,
Mills, Mines, Quarries,
This report provides detailed (1:63,360-scale) surficial-geologic mapping in the Dalton Highway area, from the Sagavanirktok to the Itkillik Rivers, in the west-central Philip Smith Mountains quadrangle. The map area extends from the northern flank of the Endicott Mountains into the Arctic Foothills province.
During 2006 and 2007 the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys conducted reconnaissance surficial-geologic mapping in segment 1 of the Alaska Highway corridor, which straddles the Alaska Highway through the Tanana River valley from Delta Junction to the eastern boundary of the Mt. Hayes Quadrangle. Surficial-geologic deposits were initially mapped by interpreting ~1:63,360-scale, false-color infrared aerial photographs taken in August 1980 and field verified in 2006-2007.
Kasatochi is a small, isolated island volcano in the center of the Aleutian Island chain. It consists of a roughly circular cone approximately 3 km in diameter with a lake-filled central crater that is 1.2 km in diameter and extends from the highest point on the island to sea level. The oldest unit recognized is a thick series of mid-Pleistocene glaciovolcanic deposits consisting of autobrecciated lava, lahars, and volumetrically minor lava masses that we believe to have been emplaced underneath a regional ice cap. This unit is unconformably overlain by several massive Holocene lavas, above which lies a thick sequence of latest-Holocene pyroclastic deposits likely deposited during the crater-forming eruption. The...
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