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Description of Work USGS is creating forecasting tools for managers to determine how water withdrawals or other hydrologic or land use changes in watersheds may affect Great Lakes ecosystems. This project is determining fish distributions in Great Lakes tributaries and how changes in stream flow may affect them. This information will help guide restoration efforts to achieve maximum effectiveness and success. Estimates were produced using WATER - a TOPMODEL based tool that estimates streamflow at any point along the stream network. The pour point is selected using a point-and-click GUI that samples information about the basin using a geodatabase of topographic and soil data spatial layers.
Categories: Project;
Tags: GLRI,
Great Lakes,
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative,
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative,
Description of Work U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists will conduct fish sampling in Indiana to determine the main causes of impairment of Pigeon Creek. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Indiana State agencies will use the data to evaluate ways to improve water quality. Fish assemblage data is needed to develop total maximum daily loads and implementation plans for impaired AOCs and tributaries in the Basin. Development of the TMDLs will include determining the sources of the pollutant, calculating loading allocations to ensure the designated uses will be met, and developing an implementation plan to achieve these allocations. TMDLs will address several pollutants including nutrients, sediment and...
Categories: Project;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Assessment,
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative,
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative,
Impaired waters/TMDLs,
Description of Work U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists will assess the hydrology, water quality, and response to simulated changes in phosphorus loading of the Winnebago Pool Lakes, Wisconsin. Total annual phosphorus and total suspended sediment loads will be estimated at various monitored locations throughout the Upper Fox and Wolf River Watershed using a rating curve method or GCLAS with streamflow monitored by the USGS and water quality data collected by the Wisconsin DNR. Monitoring at three new sites was done as part of this study. Data from these three sites will be used to help calibrate the SWAT model for the basin. These loads will be supplied to the Cadmus Group, Inc. to help calibrate SWAT models...
Categories: Project;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Eutrophication,
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative,
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative,
Impaired waters/TMDLs,