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Gower Gulch at the north end of the Black Mountains. Borate-bearing fanglomerate partly sheared across steeply tilted borate beds. Basalt flow in playa clays in the distance. Mine portal at left of center. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Panorama in two parts. Photo 48 and 49. (see ttp00049)
Brecciated Ordovician (?) quartzite in basaltic fanglomerate at the north end of Artist Drive Hills near Mushroom Rock. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938.
Olivine gabbro boulders weathered from fanglomerate in the Salt Creek Hills to the east of the Panamint Mountains. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938.
Rounded pebbles in travertine matrix, a possible beach deposit. Talus block from low klippe in Furnace Creek Wash. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938.
Playa deposits on the right are dropped against underlying volcanic flows to the left. View is southwest along the fault in photo ttp00050. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Panorama in two parts. Photo 50 and 51. (see ttp00050)
Faulting in the Artist Drive Formation in the crest of the Black Mountains. View is southeast. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Panorama in two parts. Photo ttp00045 and ttp00046. (see ttp00046)
Footprints of four-toed birds, pencil points at the end of the fourth toe, in Furnace Creek Sandstone. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938.
Funeral Fanglomerate faulted against borate clays of the Furnace Creek Formation 2 miles south of Zabriskie Point. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938.
Basalt flows and dikes in Furnace Creek Clays cut off by the fault crossing from lower right to center left and, in turn, cut off by the overthrust fault following the base of the ridge capped by colemanite, north of 20 Mule Team Canyon. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Panorama in two parts. Photo 50 and 51. (see ttp00051)
Cliffs formed by rainwash on basaltic fanglomerate in the Furnace Creek Formation 1 mile south of Furnace Creek Inn. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938.
Vertical slot cut in sandstones of the Furnace Creek Formation northeast of Furnace Creek. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Panorama in two parts. Photograph numbers 33 and 34. (see ttp00034)
Overturned beds of the Furnace Creek Formation dipping 70 degrees east at the upper end of the slot shown in photo ttp0033. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Panorama in two parts. Photo 33 and 34. (see ttp00033)
Upper portion of Furnace Creek Wash and the southern end of the Funeral Mountains, viewed from the Black Mountains. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Panorma in two parts. Photo 42 and 43. (see ttp00043)

map background search result map search result map Ruins of Harmony Borax Mill. Death Valley National Park, Death Valley, California. 1938. Casts of bird footprints. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Footprints of four-toed birds. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Casts of bird tracks. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Fore-limb bones of a Pleistocene (?) camel. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Wash in indurated fanglomerate of the Furnace Creek Formation. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Vertical slot cut in sandstones of the Furnace Creek Formation. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Overturned beds of the Furnace Creek Formation. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. (Panorama in two parts.) Cliffs formed by rainwash. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Upper portion of Furnace Creek Wash. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. (Panorama in two parts.) Faulting in the Artist Drive Formation. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. (Panorama in two parts.) Gower Gulch at the north end of the Black Mountains. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Basalt flows and dikes in Furnace Creek Clays. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. (Panorama in two parts.) Playa deposits on the right, volcanic flows to the left. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. (Panorama in two parts.) Funeral Fanglomerate faulted against borate clays. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Travertine vein in Funeral Fanglomerate. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Rounded pebbles in travertine matrix. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Olivine gabbro boulders weathered from fanglomerate. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Brecciated Ordovician (?) quartzite in basaltic fanglomerate. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Erosion of clays of Funeral Fanglomerate. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Ruins of Harmony Borax Mill. Death Valley National Park, Death Valley, California. 1938. Casts of bird footprints. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Footprints of four-toed birds. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Casts of bird tracks. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Fore-limb bones of a Pleistocene (?) camel. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Wash in indurated fanglomerate of the Furnace Creek Formation. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Vertical slot cut in sandstones of the Furnace Creek Formation. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Overturned beds of the Furnace Creek Formation. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. (Panorama in two parts.) Cliffs formed by rainwash. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Upper portion of Furnace Creek Wash. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. (Panorama in two parts.) Faulting in the Artist Drive Formation. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. (Panorama in two parts.) Gower Gulch at the north end of the Black Mountains. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Basalt flows and dikes in Furnace Creek Clays. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. (Panorama in two parts.) Playa deposits on the right, volcanic flows to the left. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. (Panorama in two parts.) Funeral Fanglomerate faulted against borate clays. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Travertine vein in Funeral Fanglomerate. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Rounded pebbles in travertine matrix. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Olivine gabbro boulders weathered from fanglomerate. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Brecciated Ordovician (?) quartzite in basaltic fanglomerate. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938. Erosion of clays of Funeral Fanglomerate. Death Valley National Park, California. 1938.