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The purpose of this study is to evaluate tsunami hazard for the community of Seward and northern Resurrection Bay area, Alaska. This report will provide guidance to local emergency managers in tsunami hazard assessment. We used a numerical modeling method to estimate the extent of inundation by tsunami waves generated from earthquake and landslide sources. Our tsunami scenarios included a repeat of the tsunami of the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake, as well as tsunami waves generated by two hypothetical Yakataga Gap earthquakes in northeastern Gulf of Alaska, hypothetical earthquakes in Prince William Sound and Kodiak asperities of the 1964 rupture, and local underwater landslides in Resurrection Bay. Results of numerical...
Potential tsunami hazards for the Fox Islands communities of Unalaska/Dutch Harbor and Akutan were evaluated by numerically modeling the extent of inundation from tsunami waves generated by hypothetical earthquake sources and taking into account historical observations. Worst-case hypothetical scenarios are defined by analyzing results of a sensitivity study of the tsunami dynamics related to various slip distributions along the Aleutian megathrust. The worst-case scenarios for Unalaska and Akutan are thought to be thrust earthquakes in the Fox Islands region with magnitudes ranging from Mw 8.8 to Mw 9.1 that have their greatest slip at 30-40 km (18-25 mi) depth. We also consider Tohoku-type ruptures and an outer-rise...
Time series data of water surface elevation and wave height were acquired at ten locations for 517 days (in three separate deployments) off the north coast of Roi-Namur Island, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands, in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and the transformation of surface waves over the coral reefs. The relative placement of sensors on the reefs were as follows: ROI13W1 and ROI13E1 – fore reef ROI13W2 and ROI13E2 – outer reef flat ROI13W1 and ROI13E1 – middle reef flat ROI13W1 and ROI13E1 – inner reef flat
The goal of this project is to provide a preliminary overview, at a National scale, the relative susceptibility of the Nation's coast to sea- level rise through the use of a coastal vulnerability index (CVI). This initial classification is based upon the variables geomorphology, regional coastal slope, tide range, wave height, relative sea-level rise and shoreline erosion and accretion rates. The combination of these variables and the association of these variables to each other furnish a broad overview of regions where physical changes are likely to occur due to sea-level rise.
The western coastline of Alaska spans over 10,000 km of diverse topography ranging from low lying tundra in the north to sharp volcanic relief in the south. Included in this range are areas highly susceptible to powerful storms which can cause coastal flooding, erosion and have many other negative effects on the environment and commercial efforts in the region. In order to better understand the multi-scale and interactive physics of the deep ocean,continental shelf, near shore, and coast, a large unstructured domain hydrodynamic model is being developed using the finite element, free surface circulation code ADCIRC.This model is a high resolution, accurate, and robust computational model of Alaska’s coastal environment...
Understanding the causes of relative sea level rise requires knowledge of changes to both land (uplift and subsidence) and sea level. However, measurements of coastal uplift or subsidence are almost completely lacking in western Alaska. This project provided precise measurements of prioritized benchmarks across the Western Alaska geography, improving the network of published tidal benchmark elevations, allowing for tidal datum conversion in more places, and providing a necessary component for improved inundation studies in coastal communities and low-lying areas. The project’s map of vertical velocities (uplift/subsidence) of western Alaska (see ‘Final Project Report’ & ‘Vertical Velocity Map’, below) will be combined...
Understanding the causes of relative sea level rise requires knowledge of changes to both land (uplift and subsidence) and sea level. However, measurements of coastal uplift or subsidence are almost completely lacking in western Alaska. This project provided precise measurements of prioritized benchmarks across the Western Alaska geography, improving the network of published tidal benchmark elevations, allowing for tidal datum conversion in more places, and providing a necessary component for improved inundation studies in coastal communities and low-lying areas. The project’s map of vertical velocities (uplift/subsidence) of western Alaska (see ‘Final Project Report’ & ‘Vertical Velocity Map’, below) will be combined...
The western coastline of Alaska is highly susceptible to coastal storms, which can cause coastal erosion, flooding, and have other pernicious effects to the environment and commercial efforts. The reduction in ice coverage due to climate change could potentially increase the frequency and degree of coastal flooding and erosion. Further, estuaries and delta systems act as conduits for storm surges, so when there is less nearshore ice coverage, these systems could introduce storm surge into terrestrial environments unaccustomed to saline intrusion, flooding, or other alien biogeochemical factors.This project quantified the effect of reduced nearshore ice coverage on coastal flooding. The project developed a large...
Categories: Collection, Data; Tags: Academics & scientific researchers, COASTAL AREAS, COASTAL AREAS, COASTAL PROCESSES, COASTAL PROCESSES, All tags...
The goal of this project is to provide a preliminary overview, at a National scale, the relative susceptibility of the Nation's coast to sea- level rise through the use of a coastal vulnerability index (CVI). This initial classification is based upon the variables geomorphology, regional coastal slope, tide range, wave height, relative sea-level rise and shoreline erosion and accretion rates. The combination of these variables and the association of these variables to each other furnish a broad overview of regions where physical changes are likely to occur due to sea-level rise.
An integrated high resolution tide and storm surge model has been developedfor all of coastal Alaska. The model uses the ADCIRC basin-to-channelscale unstructured grid circulation code. Tidal forcing from global tidal modelsand meteorological forcing from the Climate Forecast System Reanalysisare used. The model’s tidal solution has been validated at 121 shelf andnearshore stations. The model’s skill has been investigated for summer, falland winter storms. Sea ice has been incorporated through a parameterizedwind drag coefficient which modifies the air-sea drag under ice coverage.Three large storms with distinctly different ice coverages were chosen to exhibitthe effect of sea ice on the resulting storm surge. The...
Categories: Data, Publication; Types: Citation; Tags: Academics & scientific researchers, COASTAL AREAS, COASTAL AREAS, COASTAL PROCESSES, COASTAL PROCESSES, All tags...
Time series data of water surface elevation and wave height were acquired at ten locations for 153 days off San Juan, on the north coast of Puerto Rico, in support of a study on the transformation of surface waves and resulting water levels over the coral reefs. The relative placement of sensors on the reefs were as follows: PRI18E01, PRI18W01 – fore reef PRI18E02, PRI18W02 – reef crest PRI18E03, PRI18W03 – outer reef flat PRI18E04, PRI18W04 – middle reef flat PRI18E05, PRI18W05 – inner reef flat PRI18E06 – lagoon PRI18E07 – near-shore
In this report, we evaluate potential tsunami hazards for southeastern Alaska communities of Elfin Cove, Gustavus, and Hoonah and numerically model the extent of inundation from tsunami waves generated by tectonic and landslide sources. We perform numerical modeling of historic tsunami events, such as the tsunami triggered by the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake, and the tsunami waves generated by the recent 2011 Tohoku and 2012 Haida Gwaii earthquakes. Hypothetical tsunami scenarios include variations of the extended 1964 rupture, megathrust earthquakes in the Prince William Sound and Alaska Peninsula regions, and a Cascadia megathrust earthquake. Local underwater landslide events in Taylor Bay and Port Frederick,...
Understanding the causes of relative sea level rise requires knowledge of changes to both land (uplift and subsidence) and sea level. However, measurements of coastal uplift or subsidence are almost completely lacking in western Alaska. This project provided precise measurements of prioritized benchmarks across the Western Alaska geography, improving the network of published tidal benchmark elevations, allowing for tidal datum conversion in more places, and providing a necessary component for improved inundation studies in coastal communities and low-lying areas. The project’s map of vertical velocities (uplift/subsidence) of western Alaska (see ‘Final Project Report’ & ‘Vertical Velocity Map’, below) will be combined...
Western Alaska is a remote region with many small, isolated communities situated in low-lying coastal environments that are sensitive to variations in local relative sea level (RSL). Quantification of RSL variation requires measured vertical velocities for both tectonic motion (onshore component) and the ocean surface (offshore component). During the summers of 2013 and 2014, campaign GPS surveys of geodetic benchmarks were undertaken to produce statistically significant velocity measurements of the tectonic component of sea level change for the region. Occupations of tidal benchmarks were also conducted to compare historic tidal records from the mid-1900s to more recent data. Preliminary results from the GPS survey...
The western coastline of Alaska is highly susceptible to coastal storms, which can cause coastal erosion, flooding, and have other pernicious effects to the environment and commercial efforts. The reduction in ice coverage due to climate change could potentially increase the frequency and degree of coastal flooding and erosion. Further, estuaries and delta systems act as conduits for storm surges, so when there is less nearshore ice coverage, these systems could introduce storm surge into terrestrial environments unaccustomed to saline intrusion, flooding, or other alien biogeochemical factors.​This project quantified the effect of reduced nearshore ice coverage on coastal flooding. The project developed a large...
We evaluate potential tsunami hazards for the city of Valdez and numerically model the extent of inundation from tsunamis generated by earthquake and landslide sources. Tsunami scenarios include a repeat of the tsunami triggered by the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake, as well as hypothetical tsunamis generated by an extended 1964 rupture, a Cascadia megathrust earthquake, and earthquakes from the Prince William Sound and Kodiak asperities of the 1964 rupture. Local underwater landslide events in Port Valdez are also considered as credible tsunamigenic scenarios. Results of numerical modeling are verified by simulating the tectonic and landslide-generated tsunamis in Port Valdez observed during the 1964 earthquake....
Time series data of wave height and water surface elevation were acquired for 109 days at four locations off of the north coast and four locations off the south coast of Buck Island, U.S. Virgin Islands, in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and the transformation of surface waves over the coral reefs. The relative placement of sensors on the reefs were as follows: BUI16S1T and BUI16N1T – fore reef BUI16S2T and BUI16N2T – outer reef flat BUI16S3T and BUI16N3T – middle reef flat BUI16S4T and BUI16N4T – inner reef flat
The purpose of this study was to evaluate a potential tsunami risk for communities of Homer and Seldovia in the Kachemak Bay area, Alaska. This report provides guidance to the local emergency managers in tsunami hazard assessment. We used a numerical modeling method to estimate the extent of inundation due to tsunami waves generated by earthquake sources. Our tsunami scenarios included a repeat of the tsunami of the 1964 great Alaska earthquake, as well as a hypothetical tsunami wave generated by a local fault source. We didn't consider landslide-generated tsunamis in this study. Results of numerical modeling combined with historical observations in the region are intended to help local emergency services officials...
Knowing the importance of paʻakai (salt) and its cultural significance is critical to the survival of the people of Hawaiʻi. Through the 1950s paʻakai was an important resource for the endurance of people in Hawai‘i due to the non-existence of electricity and refrigerators. Hana paʻakai (making salt) was a cultural practice needed for the people to survive during traditional before western influences in the 1800s because they had nothing to help preserve their food. Kūpuna (elders) belived that every moku (district) had a coastal wahi hana paʻakai (sacred salt pond) of either kāheka (tide pools) with small hollows in the shoreline pohaku (stone) or loko paʻakai (salt lakes). Paʻakai was commonly valued for preserving...
Understanding the causes of relative sea level rise requires knowledge of changes to both land (uplift and subsidence) and sea level. However, measurements of coastal uplift or subsidence are almost completely lacking in western Alaska. This project provided precise measurements of prioritized benchmarks across the Western Alaska geography, improving the network of published tidal benchmark elevations, allowing for tidal datum conversion in more places, and providing a necessary component for improved inundation studies in coastal communities and low-lying areas. The project’s map of vertical velocities (uplift/subsidence) of western Alaska (see ‘Final Project Report’ & ‘Vertical Velocity Map’, below) will be combined...

map background search result map search result map Wave Height Data for the Gulf of Mexico Tidal Range Data for the Gulf of Mexico Tsunami hazard maps of the Homer and Seldovia areas, Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of Seward and northern Resurrection Bay, Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of Port Valdez, Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of Elfin Cove, Gustavus, and Hoonah, Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of Fox Islands communities, including Dutch Harbor and Akutan, Alaska Roi-Namur Island, Marshall Islands, wave and water level data, 2013-2015 Buck Island, U.S. Virgin Islands, wave and water level data, 2016 San Juan, Puerto Rico, wave and water level data, 2018-2019 Buck Island, U.S. Virgin Islands, wave and water level data, 2016 Roi-Namur Island, Marshall Islands, wave and water level data, 2013-2015 San Juan, Puerto Rico, wave and water level data, 2018-2019 Tsunami inundation maps of Seward and northern Resurrection Bay, Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of Port Valdez, Alaska Tsunami hazard maps of the Homer and Seldovia areas, Alaska Tsunami inundation maps of Elfin Cove, Gustavus, and Hoonah, Alaska Wave Height Data for the Gulf of Mexico Tidal Range Data for the Gulf of Mexico