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FY2013The proposed project’s objective is to provide a scientific review of(1) current priority species management practices in Nevada, (2) status of our combined scientific knowledge of priority species’ needs and gaps in that knowledge, and(3) adequacy of current monitoring programs of priority species.The project builds on recent, well-researched species conservation plans for Nevada (GBBO 2010, NWPT 2012), and it will leverage funds that are already obligated to research on scientifically based disturbance buffer recommendations and to evaluate GBBO’s statewide landbird monitoring program, the Nevada Bird Count.The outcome of the proposed work will be an online open-source compendium document that summarizes...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Birds,
Conservation Design,
Federal resource managers,
Contemporary observations suggest that water may disappear entirely from portions of some North Slope stream-beds during periods of drought or low flow. Climate models project even drier summers in the future. This could pose a problem for migrating fish that must be able to move back and forth from breeding and summer feeding areas to scarce overwintering sites. This work uses the best available long-term hydrologic data set for the North Slope (in the upper Kuparuk River watershed) to develop a model to assess the vulnerability of stream systems to periodic drought, and the vulnerability of migrating fish to a loss of stream connectivity.
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Academics & scientific researchers,
Federal resource managers,
LCC Network Science Catalog,
Native Nations face unique challenges related to climate change, many of which are detailed in recent reports as part of the U.S. National Climate Assessment (Bennett et al. 2014; Hiza Redsteer et al. 2013). Native Americans have a deep connection to the natural environment within which their livelihoods, cultural identity, and spiritual practices are rooted. Changes to hydrologic regimes, landscapes, and ecosystems, in combination with socio-economic and political factors, amplify tribal vulnerabilities to climate change. In the Southwest, tribes are already experiencing a range of impacts that are at least partially related to climate change. They include serious water supply and water quality issues in the...
Categories: Data;
Tags: 2015,
Arizona, Desert LCC,
Informing Conservation Delivery,
This project assessed the potential effects of climate change on tidal marsh habitats and bird populations, identified priority sites for tidal marsh conservation and restoration, and developed a web-based mapping tool for managers to interactively display and query results. Project results can be found at PRBO’s San Francisco Bay Sea-Level Rise Website
Categories: Data,
Tags: 2010,
Applications and Tools,
California Landscape Conservation Cooperative,
We propose a collaborative project with the USGS, Wyoming State Climate Office, USFWS, USFS, and the NPS whereby we will assemble and maintain long-term records of climate from key stations in and around the Great Northern LCC and subject these records to a rigorous series of QA/QC procedures. Where appropriate we will use best available practices to infill missing data, and we will develop station histories (e.g., details of station moves, instrumentation changes, etc.) as a context for interpreting these records. We will then rigorously analyze patterns of long-term (50-100 years) variability and trends in these datasets, and provide summaries designed to meet the needs of non-climate specialists working in the...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alberta,
British Columbia,
The Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon (CTWS) strives to maintain ecological diversity and integrity, while sustaining cultural practices, preserving and improving economic development and promoting higher education opportunities to tribal members.FY2015and FY2016 Objectives:This project seeks to better address climate change and community stewardship through professional development opportunities for tribal members to produce better community engagement and tribal leadership in the Climate Change Working Group and national and regional climate change policy decisions.CCWG delegates will attend relevant tribal, regional and national conferences, trainings and policy forums to increase...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Climate Change,
Goal 5: Sustain local, place-based land use values,
LCC Network Science Catalog,
The Rio Grande/Río Bravo is the lifeline of the region, including the Chihuahuan Desert, supplying drinking water for more than 6 million people, including numerous Native American tribes, and irrigating about 2 million acres of land. The river also forms about 1250 miles of the international border between the United States and Mexico from El Paso/Ciudad Juarez to the Gulf of Mexico. The Rio Grande/Río Bravo and its tributaries are increasingly stressed by growing water demands, invasive species, and alterations that impact its flow and water quality.These stressors are likely to be exacerbated by extreme droughts and floods.The South Central Climate Science Center (SC CSC) has funded projects to synthesize the...
Categories: Data,
Tags: 2016,
Academics & scientific researchers,
Data Acquisition and Development,
This project will provide a comprehensive synthesis of beaver recolonization science and techniques for successful reintroduction or population expansion through a thorough, in-depth, coordinated review of all North American beaver-related information, including identification of research gaps and data needs, and recommendations for project implementation. This information will be disseminated through a series of one-day workshops.
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2013,
The Tongass National Forest has identified resources that are important to stakeholders and vulnerable to climate-related stressors. Cooperators will review an action plan and convene a workshop to be held in Southeast Alaska in 2016. The workshop will foster collaboration between scientists, managers, and stakeholders. Workshop goals include: sharing information about climate-related stressors and effects on NPLCC Priority Resources in the Tongass National Forest; developing strategic priorities for improving understanding, reducing risks, and increasing adaptive capacity and resilience; coordinating support for increasing knowledge and informing resource managers
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: AK-0,
Anadromous fish,
Applications and Tools,
Change in air temperature and precipitation,
FY2014One of the primary challenges facing public land managers in the Great Basin is identifying adaptation strategies to increase resiliency to climate change in an area that is already struggling with profound environmental challenges. Recent efforts to understand how the Great Basin weathered past droughts and climate variability may offer insight into approaches that could work in future decades. One approach to gather this information is to understand Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK). Gathering this information is challenging and requires an acknowledgment that much of this information is highly sensitive and proprietary. Translating this information into actionable management plans is even more challenging.This...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Conservation Planning,
Federal resource managers,
Great Basin,
Great Basin,
Great Basin,
Vernal or seasonal pools are small, temporary bodies of water that can serve as critical habitat for frogs, salamanders, reptiles, invertebrates, and other species. The first step in developing effective conservation strategies for vernal pools and associated wildlife species is to know where on the landscape these small wetlands exist. Although several several states and organizations in the Northeast region have initiated coordinated vernal pool mapping projects, this information has never been assembled in one place. Currently, the Vernal Pool Data Cooperative (VPDC) consists of over 60,000 vernal pool locations submitted by cooperators representing ten states and two Canadian provinces from Virginia to Quebec’s...
Categories: Data,
Tags: 2013,
Academics & scientific researchers,
Amphibian biologists,
Applications and Tools,
Applications and Tools,
The Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) of the north-central U.S. and south-central Canada contains millions of small prairie wetlands that provide critical habitat to many migrating and breeding waterbirds. Due to their small size and the relatively dry climate of the region, these wetlands are considered at high risk for negative climate change effects as temperatures increase. To estimate the potential impacts of climate change on breeding waterbirds, we predicted current and future distributions of species common in the PPR using species distribution models (SDMs). We created regional-scale SDMs for the U.S. PPR using Breeding Bird Survey occurrence records for 1971–2011 and wetland, upland, and climate variables....
Categories: Data,
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2010,
Climate change,
Conservation NGOs,
The White House Council for Environmental Quality has identified two national watersheds to pilot large-scale drought resiliency implementation. The Missouri Headwaters Basin within the GNLCC region and High Divide landscape is one of these national demonstration areas, and the GNLCC can advance its collective mission with this opportunity. By delivering science to management and building a learning network among watershed groups, this project will align the large-scale watershed management efforts of the GNLCC with the National Drought Resiliency Program (NDRP) and the Montana Department of Natural Resources (DNRC) to build drought resilience into this important northern Rocky Mountain landscape.FY2015and FY2016The...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Climate Change,
Conservation Planning,
Decision Support,
Federal resource managers,
Goal 4: Promote landscape-scale disturbances,
This workshop introduced and demonstrated key concepts and a series of software tools, whichallow managers, biologists, and conservationists to efficiently evaluate predictors of wildlife space-use and generate spatial models based on that analysis.Specific content of the workshop: Access to free or low-cost remote sensing information on vegetation, climate, habitat metrics, disturbance, etc., in a useable format, including covariate datasets currently available or under development by the NASA Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System (TOPS) Explanation of how this information is derived, created, integrated, validated and matched with species data sets prior to analysis Demonstration of user-friendly computer...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Academics & scientific researchers,
British Columbia,
In June 2015, the Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) granted $80,000 to the City of St. Louis (City) to promote urban monarch conservation by expanding activities associated with Milkweeds for Monarchs: The St. Louis Butterfly Project (M4M). Generally speaking, the USFWS grant was to: (1) enhance urban education and outreach efforts, and (2) conduct research on urban monarch habitat. The project spent $51,583.57 on activities for ed and $27,785.68 for research. The City’s Office of the Mayor used a portion of the funds to contract a part time individual to act as a Monarch Community Liaison, and used the majority of the grant...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2015,
Academics & scientific researchers,
Applications and Tools,
Conservation NGOs,
An Iowa State University research team in collaboration with Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge and other partners has discovered that strategically adding a little bit of prairie back onto the agricultural landscape can result in many benefits – for water and soil quality, habitat for wildlife and pollinators, as well as opportunities for biomass production. With assistance from ETPBR member USDA Farm Service Agency, research has shown how small amounts of native prairie vegetation integrated within corn and soybean row crops produce environmental benefits at levels disproportionately greater than their extent and in a cost effective manner. The project has now transitioned to demonstration and evaluation of the...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2013,
Academics & scientific researchers,
Applications and Tools,
Conservation Design,
There are few resources that provide managers cross-scale information for planning climate adaptation strategies for species and taxa at risk. Appropriate allocation of resources requires an understanding of mechanisms influencing a species’ risk to global change. Dr. Griffis-Kyle will produce a manuscript for peer-reviewed publication and create content for web pages that can be included on the Desert LCC website that provide modules on amphibian climate adaptation strategies. This work is associated with addressing Desert LCC Critical Management Question 4: Physiological Stress of Climate Change and follows a webinar that Dr. Griffis-Kyle presented for the Desert LCC’s CMQ 4 team, titled “Climate and Desert Amphibian...
Categories: Data,
Web Site;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: 2014,
We have developed autonomous and high precision sensor arrays to monitor growth of individual native plants along with local environmental conditions, coupled with wireless data loggers that can provide real-time data available to managers and the wider public. We deployed an experimental set of these sensors, integrated with a weather station, 2 webcams, and a live web portal (construction in progress) to showcase how this real time information can be useful to relevant managers while also raising awareness of the challenges of climate change adaptation and Hawaiian plant conservation in general. With the increasing popularity of wildlife web-cams, it has been shown that this type of technology has a strong ability...
Categories: Data;
Tags: 2017,
Decision Support,
Informing Conservation Delivery,
Interested public,
K-12 students & teachers,
The Terrestrial Environmental Observation Network (TEON) is intended to meet the need for a sustainable environmental observing network for northern Alaska. The TEON plan proposes collection of a time series of specific environmental variables in seven representative watersheds across northern Alaska. The Kuparuk River watershed is central to this plan both because of its location that bisects Alaska’s North Slope and its record of hydroclimatic data and research now surpassing 30-yrs. Nested catchments within and adjacent to this sentinel Arctic river system integrate climate and landscape responses from the Brooks Range foothills (Imnavait Creek and Upper Kuparuk River) to the Arctic Coastal Plain (Putuligayuk...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Academics & scientific researchers,
In 2010, FWS provided funds, as a contribution to Arctic LCC activities, to support ongoing stream gaging of the Canning and Tamayariak rivers.
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Academics & scientific researchers,
Federal resource managers,
LCC Network Science Catalog,