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During 2009, the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys continued a program, begun in 2006, of reconnaissance mapping of surficial geology in the proposed natural-gas pipeline corridor through the upper Tanana River valley. The study area is a 12-mi-wide (19.3-km-wide) area that straddles the Alaska Highway from the western boundaries of the Tanacross B-3 and A-3 quadrangles near Tetlin Junction eastward to the eastern boundaries of the Nabesna D-1 and C-1 quadrangles along the Canada border. Mapping during 2008-2009 in the Tanacross and Nabesna quadrangles linked with the mapping completed in the Tanacross, Big Delta and Mt. Hayes quadrangles in 2006-2008. Surficial geology was initially mapped in...
This location is part of the Arizona Mineral Industry Location System (AzMILS), an inventory of mineral occurences, prospects and mine locations in Arizona. Cochise714 is located in T17S R20E Sec 20 SE in the Benson - 7.5 Min quad. This collection consists of various reports, maps, records and related materials acquired by the Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources regarding mining properties in Arizona. Information was obtained by various means, including the property owners, exploration companies, consultants, verbal interviews, field visits, newspapers and publications. Some sections may be redacted for copyright. Please see the access statement.
Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center investigated the sedimentary and geochemical properties of the lower reaches of the Pascagoula River along the Mississippi coast of the Gulf of Mexico by collecting estuarine, riverine and marsh sediments. This was done in order to increase understanding of the region's environmental history, describe the long-term (millennial-scale) depositional history, and identify sedimentary intervals associated with extreme marine intrusions. To this end, the group obtained long sediment cores, shovel-dug sediment slabs and marsh and riverine channel/estuarine surface samples from a north-south transect along the river edge from...
Lake Powell retains most of the phosphorus that it receives, leading to downstream phosphorus limitation. These data were compiled to examine controls on phosphorus cycling below Lake Powell in the Colorado River and from storm inputs from the Paria River. Objectives of our study were to determine how several forms of phosphorus, both organic and inorganic, were cycled under varying dissolved oxygen concentrations and pH, reflecting the range of values observed in the river over the years. These data represent nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, and carbon concentrations, water quality parameters (pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature), sediment composition, total protein, and extracellular enzyme activity (alkaline phosphatase)....
This dataset is intended to provide seamless, integrated geologic mapping of the U.S. Intermountain West region and is supported by the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program of the U.S. Geological Survey. Surficial and bedrock geology are included in this data release as independent datasets at a variable resolution from 1:50,000 to 1:250,000 scale. Initial contributions to this data release are along an east-west transect along 37-degrees north latitude that extends from the Rio Grande Rift and Great Plains in the east to the Basin and Range and Sierra Nevada to the west. Other areas of the Intermountain West region will be incorporated over time. Data are presented as downloadable file geodatabases (*.gdb)...
Categories: Data,
Data Release - Revised;
Tags: Colorado,
Espanola Basin,
Laramide orgeny,
Mazatzal terrane,
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program,
Variability in sediment properties with depth and the thickness of individual sedimentary layers are critical determinants of seabed acoustic response. The New England Mud Patch (NEMP), located south of Cape Cod, is an unusual feature on the U.S. Continental Shelf in that it is composed of fine-grained sediment layers containing a relatively-homogeneous mix of sand, silt, and clay-sized particles bounded by more typical sandy shelf sediments. The unique characteristics and nature of this deposit is due to a derivation of sediments that have been transported to, and deposited in, a basal bowl-shaped depression since the last glacial maximum. Ninety-two piston, vibra-, and gravity cores with a maximum length of 8.2...
Samples were submitted for contract laboratory analysis as part of a study examining the occurrence of chromium and natural and anthropogenic hexavalent Chromium, Cr(VI) in groundwater. Data will be used to estimate naturally-occurring background Cr(VI) concentrations upgradient, near the plume margins, and downgradient from a mapped Cr(VI) contamination plume near Hinkley, CA (Izbicki and Groover, 2016). These Contract Lab results are part of the data release including grain-size distribution, photographic and associated chemical and mineral analysis data for 36 sediment core and alluvium samples as well as Scanning Electron Microscopy analysis on select grains from magnetic and heavy mineral separates collected...
Categories: Data;
Tags: California,
atomic emission spectroscopy,
background level,
chemical analysis,
The geology of an area of 660 square miles mostly in the northeastern corner of Tennessee and small adjacent areas in Virginia and North Carolina is the subject of this report. The region lies principally in the Unaka province, with extensions northwestward into the Appalachian Valley and southwestward into the Blue Ridge province. The report combines results of surveys made between 1941 and 1953 by the U. S. Geological Survey, the Tennessee Division of Geology, and the Tennessee Valley Authority, and is published in cooperation with the Tennessee Division of Geology. Northeasternmost Tennessee is a region of widespread mineralization and was formerly important for mineral production. Iron, manganese, and bauxite...
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) collected a total of 63 samples of surficial sediment from abandoned mine wastepiles, ephemeral channels, nearby outcrops, and background areas representative of the undisturbed lithology within the Free Coinage and Third Term mining districts in the Stansbury Mountains (Krahulec, 2018). The samples were sieved to obtain the less than 177 micron fraction. Geochemical analyses were completed through a third-party contract by AGAT Laboratories. Samples were analyzed for 49 major, minor, and trace elements using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) methods (Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd,...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Deseret Peak,
Energy Resources,
Environmental Health,
Twenty-four piston cores (and associated trigger cores) were collected from the source zone of the Currituck Landslide Complex and upper slope adjacent to Baltimore Canyon by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Rhode Island Department of Ocean Engineering during an eight-day cruise aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp in September/October of 2012. These cores were analyzed for evidence of seafloor mass transport processes, with an emphasis on constraining the age and shallow stratigraphy of the landslide complex. Sedimentological and geotechnical characterization of the cores was carried out through whole core imaging and description, followed by analysis of discrete samples at the USGS Woods Hole Coastal and...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Atlantic,
Baltimore Canyon,
Cruise ID HRS1209,
Currituck Landslide,
Overview This directory was developed to provide discovery information for anyone looking for publicly accessible repositories that house geological materials in the U.S. and Canada. In addition, this resource is intended to be a tool to facilitate a community of practice. The need for the directory was identified during planning for and follow-up from a drill core repository webinar series in Spring 2020 for public repository curators and staff in the U.S. and Canada hosted by the Minnesota Geological Survey and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Additional supporting sponsors included the U.S. Geological Survey National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program and the Association of American...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Alabama,
British Columbia,
This database portrays the surface and shallow subsurface geology of the greater Charleston, S.C. region east of 80°30′ west and south of 33°15′ north. The region covers the entirety of Charleston County and portions of Berkeley, Colleton, Dorchester, and Georgetown Counties. Units locally exposed at the surface range in age from middle Eocene to Holocene, but most of the area is covered by Quaternary interglacial deposits. These are, from oldest to youngest, the Okefenokee, Waccamaw(?), Penholoway, Ladson, Ten Mile Hill, and Wando Formations and the Silver Bluff beds. Two cross sections (not included in the database), one running southeast from Harleyville to the coastline on James Island and the other running...
This dataset is intended to provide seamless, integrated, surficial geologic mapping of the U.S. Intermountain West region and is supported by the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program of the U.S. Geological Survey. Surficial geology included as part of this data release is compiled at a variable resolution from 1:50,000 to 1:250,000 scale. No original interpretations are presented in this dataset; rather, all interpretive data are assimilated from referenceable publications. Initial contributions to this data release are along an east-west transect that parallels 37-degrees north latitude extending from the Rio Grande Rift and Great Plains in the east to the Basin and Range and Sierra Nevada to the west....
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Alamosa,
Espanola basin,
Great Plains,
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program,
This location is part of the Arizona Mineral Industry Location System (AzMILS), an inventory of mineral occurences, prospects and mine locations in Arizona. Yavapai1341 is located in T18N R2W Sec 35 W2 in the Paulden - 15 Min quad. This collection consists of various reports, maps, records and related materials acquired by the Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources regarding mining properties in Arizona. Information was obtained by various means, including the property owners, exploration companies, consultants, verbal interviews, field visits, newspapers and publications. Some sections may be redacted for copyright. Please see the access statement.
This location is part of the Arizona Mineral Industry Location System (AzMILS), an inventory of mineral occurences, prospects and mine locations in Arizona. Mohave324A is located in T17N R19W Sec 36 -- in the Warm Springs Se - 7.5 Min quad. This collection consists of various reports, maps, records and related materials acquired by the Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources regarding mining properties in Arizona. Information was obtained by various means, including the property owners, exploration companies, consultants, verbal interviews, field visits, newspapers and publications. Some sections may be redacted for copyright. Please see the access statement.
The engineering-geologic map is derived electronically, using Geographic Information System (GIS) software, from the surficial-geologic map of the second segment of the proposed natural gas pipeline corridor through the upper Tanana valley, a 12-mi-wide (19.3-km-wide) area that straddles the Alaska Highway through the upper Tanana River valley from the Robertson River eastward to near Tetlin Junction in the Tanacross Quadrangle (Reger and Hubbard, PIR 2009-6A). Surficial-geologic units were initially identified by interpretation of false-color ~1:65,000-scale infrared aerial photographs taken in July 1978, August 1980, and August 1981 and locally verified by field checking in 2007 and 2008. The map shows the distribution...
The State Geologic Map Compilation (SGMC) geodatabase of the conterminous United States ( represents a seamless, spatial database of 48 State geologic maps that range from 1:50,000 to 1:1,000,000 scale. A national digital geologic map database is essential in interpreting other datasets that support numerous types of national-scale studies and assessments, such as those that provide geochemistry, remote sensing, or geophysical data. The SGMC is a compilation of the individual U.S. Geological Survey releases of the Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States. The SGMC geodatabase also contains updated data for seven States and seven entirely new State geologic...
Categories: Data,
Data Release - Revised;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Alabama,
From June to September 2017, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) collected a total of 116 surficial sediment and bedrock samples from abandoned mine wastepiles, ephemeral channels below wastepiles, nearby outcrops, and background areas representative of the undisturbed lithology on the western slope of the northern half of the Oquirrh Mountain Range, approximately 20 miles southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah. The sample locations can be spatially clustered into four groups: the Bates Canyon group in the foothills below Bates Canyon; the Middle Canyon group in Middle Canyon; the Ridgeline group within the Bingham Mining District located at or near the Tooele-Salt Lake County border on the Oquirrh Mountain ridge;...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Bates Canyon,
Bingham Mining District,
Economic Geology,
Environmental Health,
In December of 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) signed a Technical Assistance Agreement with a third party to reanalyze 2,324 archived sample splits collected as part of the National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance (HSSR) project from selected areas in Idaho and Montana. A small amount (approximately 0.25 grams [g]) of sieved <75-micron sample material was retrieved from the USGS National Geochemical Sample Archive for geochemical analysis. These samples were analyzed for 48 elements by ALS Global laboratories using their ultra-trace four-acid-digestion dual-mode inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) (ALS ME-MS61L) method (Ag, Al, As, Ba,...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Benewah,
Benewah County, Idaho,
Bonner County, Idaho,
Boundary County, Idaho,
Flathead County, Montana,
Splits of samples were prepared of heavy mineral separates and bulk separates less than 2mm for analysis using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and results were interpreted to identify mineral components as part of a study examining the occurrence of chromium and natural and anthropogenic hexavalent Chromium, Cr(VI), in groundwater. Data will be used to estimate naturally-occurring background Cr(VI) concentrations upgradient, near the plume margins, and downgradient from a mapped Cr(VI) contamination plume near Hinkley, CA (Izbicki and Groover, 2016). These XRD results are part of a data release including grain size distribution, photographic, and associated chemical and mineral analysis data for 36 sediment core and alluvium...
Categories: Data;
Tags: California,
atomic emission spectroscopy,
background level,
chemical analysis,