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West face of Wasatch Range, Utah, south of Little Cottonwood Canyon. The approximately plane facets of the mountain front between canyons represent approximately the plane along which the faulting took place.
Ponding by ground and frontal moraines at east end of Bonanza Flat, looking southwest toward main divide of Wasatch Range. In background Timpanogos Peak and at left Provo Peaks. Wasatch County, Utah. Circa 1904. Plate 9-A in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 77. 1912.
Heber Valley, an opening east of the Wasatch Range, traversed by Provo River. The town of Heber is seen on the aggraded plain of the valley. Beyond it is Daniels Canyon. Wasatch County, Utah. no date.
Glacial striae on roche moutonees of diorite, eastern slope of Clayton Peak, in upper Bonanza Flat. Wasatch County, Utah. Circa 1904. Plate 8-B in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 77. 1912.
Upper part of Provo basin, showing a rock basin lake and portions of the waste swept floor of the catchment area. Wasatch County, Utah. Published in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 61, Plate IX-B. 1909.
Fault on surface, immediately east of Hawkeye shaft, between fractured massive limestone in hanging wall and brecciated Weber quartzite and limestone underneath, looking west. Wasatch County, Utah. Circa 1904. Plate 19-B in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 77. 1912.
Margin of the plain of Heber Valley, showing its relation to bordering upland. A hill topography shaped when the base level was lower is drowned by aggradation. The view looks northeast from a point 2 miles southwest of Charleston. Wasatch County, Utah. no date. Published as plate 26-A in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 153. 1928.
Album caption: Panorama with 674 of crushed quartzite quarry at Buysville. Wasatch Co., Utah. Index card: Crushed quartzite quarry at Buysville. Note: Panorama with baa00674.
Slope traversed by fault, marked by ledges of quartzite in footwall under limestone of Thaynes formation on north. Looking east northeast, down McHenry Canyon, Hawkeye dump in left background; Liberty tunnel at right. Wasatch County, Utah. Circa 1904. Plate 19-A in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 77. 1912.
Lost Josephine Mining Company, Placer mine showing concentrator. Along Currant Creek, in Sec. 8, T.2 S., R.10W. Wasatch County, Utah. 1911.
E.J. Cummings coal mine (abandoned) in NW 1/4, SE 1/4, Sec. 31, T. 1 S., R. 10 W., Red Creek Peak in background. Wasatch County, Utah. 1910.
Ground cut by southward continuation of overthrust fault, north slope of McHenry Canyon, limestone of Thaynes formation at right; diorite porphyry at left looking north. Wasatch County, Utah. Circa 1904. Plate 18-B in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 77. 1912.

    map background search result map search result map Slope traversed by fault, marked by ledges of quartzite in footwall under limestone of Thaynes formation on north.  Wasatch County, Utah. 1904. Fault on surface, immediately east of Hawkeye shaft. Wasatch County, Utah. 1904. Glacial striae on roche moutonees of diorite, eastern slope of Clayton Peak, in upper Bonanza Flat. Wasatch County, Utah. 1904. Ground cut by southward continuation of overthrust fault, north slope of McHenry Canyon. Wasatch County, Utah. 1904. Ponding by ground and frontal moraines at east end of Bonanza Flat. Wasatch County, Utah. 1904. West face of Wasatch Range, south of Little Cottonwood Canyon. Wasatch County, Utah. 1901. Heber Valley, an opening east of the Wasatch Range, traversed by Provo River. Wasatch County, Utah. no date. Margin of the plain of Heber Valley, showing its relation to bordering upland. Wasatch County, Utah. no date. Crushed quartzite quarry at Buysville. Wasatch County, Utah. 1938. Slope traversed by fault, marked by ledges of quartzite in footwall under limestone of Thaynes formation on north.  Wasatch County, Utah. 1904. Fault on surface, immediately east of Hawkeye shaft. Wasatch County, Utah. 1904. Glacial striae on roche moutonees of diorite, eastern slope of Clayton Peak, in upper Bonanza Flat. Wasatch County, Utah. 1904. Ground cut by southward continuation of overthrust fault, north slope of McHenry Canyon. Wasatch County, Utah. 1904. Ponding by ground and frontal moraines at east end of Bonanza Flat. Wasatch County, Utah. 1904. West face of Wasatch Range, south of Little Cottonwood Canyon. Wasatch County, Utah. 1901. Heber Valley, an opening east of the Wasatch Range, traversed by Provo River. Wasatch County, Utah. no date. Margin of the plain of Heber Valley, showing its relation to bordering upland. Wasatch County, Utah. no date. Crushed quartzite quarry at Buysville. Wasatch County, Utah. 1938.