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A water truck spraying water on a haul road at the Morenci mine on the right with a haul truck on the left.
The shop area of the Mystic Gold mine with two people, a water tank, a mobile home, and some vehicles.
This location is part of the Arizona Mineral Industry Location System (AzMILS), an inventory of mineral occurences, prospects and mine locations in Arizona. Pima35 is located in T21S R10E Sec 8 SE in the Arivaca - 15 Min quad. This collection consists of various reports, maps, records and related materials acquired by the Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources regarding mining properties in Arizona. Information was obtained by various means, including the property owners, exploration companies, consultants, verbal interviews, field visits, newspapers and publications. Some sections may be redacted for copyright. Please see the access statement.
The 'La Paz Mining Co. Placer Mining Nevada and Central Arizona' file is part of the Grover Heinrichs mining collection. Grover was the Vice President of Heinrichs GEOEXploration, located in Tucson, Arizona. The collection contains over 1,400 folders including economic geology reports, maps, photos, correspondence, drill logs and other related materials. The focus of much of the information is on the western United States, particularly Arizona, but the collection also includes files on mining activity throughout the United States, foreign countries, and 82 mineral commodities.
The 'Greenhouse Project, Safford' file is part of the Grover Heinrichs mining collection. Grover was the Vice President of Heinrichs GEOEXploration, located in Tucson, Arizona. The collection contains over 1,400 folders including economic geology reports, maps, photos, correspondence, drill logs and other related materials. The focus of much of the information is on the western United States, particularly Arizona, but the collection also includes files on mining activity throughout the United States, foreign countries, and 82 mineral commodities.
The 'Preliminary Investigation, Feasibility of Development of Mine Water Supply, Greenlee County' file is part of the Grover Heinrichs mining collection. Grover was the Vice President of Heinrichs GEOEXploration, located in Tucson, Arizona. The collection contains over 1,400 folders including economic geology reports, maps, photos, correspondence, drill logs and other related materials. The focus of much of the information is on the western United States, particularly Arizona, but the collection also includes files on mining activity throughout the United States, foreign countries, and 82 mineral commodities.
ADMMR map collection: Location of Wells, Pipe Lines, and Power Lines Sheeptanks Consolidated Mines Co.; 1 in. to 400 feet; 32 x 43 in.
Estimation of irrigation water use provides essential information for the management and conservation of agricultural water resources. The blue water evapotranspiration (BWET) raster dataset at 30-meter resolution is created to estimate agricultural irrigation water consumption. The dataset contains seasonal total (1 May to 30 September) BWET time series (1986 – 2020) for the croplands across the U.S. High Plains aquifer region. The BWET estimates are generated by integrating an energy-balance ET model (Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance model) and a water-balance ET model (Vegetation ET model). BWET in croplands reflects crop consumptive use of irrigation water extracted from surface water and groundwater...
These data were compiled for evaluating plant water use, or river-reach level evapotranspiration (ET) data, in the riparian corridor of the Colorado River delta as specified under Minute 319 of the 1944 Water Treaty. Additionally, these data were compiled for evaluating restoration-level data in Reach 2 and Reach 4, as specified under Minute 323 of the 1944 Water Treaty. Objectives of our study were to measure the peak growing season evapotranspiration (ET) for the average of months in summer-fall (May to October) for the seven reaches, for the full riparian corridor, and for four restoration sites, from 2013 through 2022. The seven reach areas from the Northerly International Boundary (NIB) to the end of the delta...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) developed a systematic, quantitative approach to prioritize candidate basins that can support the assessment and forecasting objectives of the major USGS water science programs. Candidate basins were the level-4 hydrologic units (HUC4) with some of the smaller HUC4s being combined (hereafter referred to as modified HUC4 basins). Candidate basins for the contiguous United States (CONUS) were grouped into 18 hydrologic regions. Thirty-three geospatial variables representing land use, climate change, water use, water-balance components, streamflow alteration, fire risk, and ecosystem sensitivity were initially considered to assist in ranking candidate basins for study. The two highest...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Climatology,
Integrated Water Science Basins,
Land Use Change,
This community serves to document data and analysis collected by researchers within the Upper Midwest Water Science Center whose mission is to collect high-quality hydrologic data and conduct unbiased, scientifically sound studies of water resources within the Great Lakes and Upper Mississippi Basins. We strive to meet the changing needs of those who use our information—from the distribution, availability, and quality of our water resources to topic-oriented research that addresses current hydrological issues.
This dataset is a 100-meter cell resolution raster of estimated use of public supply water for the southwestern United States. The dataset was generated from 1:100,000-scale county boundary data, 2005 LandScan population data, and USGS estimated use of water in the United States in 2000.
In 2015, the total amount of water withdrawn for recreational-landscape irrigation uses in Florida was estimated at 398 million gallons per day (Mgal/d). Withdrawals include water used for golf course and public and commercial landscape irrigation (parks, ball fields, highway medians, cemeteries, and other large-scale grass or landscaping areas) that have a consumptive water use permit from the local water management district specifically for golf course or landscape uses. This category does not include individual household lawn irrigation withdrawals. Fresh surface water accounted for 216 Mgal/d of the fresh water withdrawn while 182 Mgal/d was withdrawn from fresh groundwater sources. Palm Beach County accounted...
Actual evapotranspiration (ETa) values estimated for specified areas including 1) total county areas; 2) potentially irrigated areas within each county; and 3) mapped extents of irrigated lands within each county provided by some states. These ETa estimates were provided to the USGS National Water Use Science Project by the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center (Gabriel Senay and MacKenzie Friedrichs, written communication, 2/20/2017) and are based on 1-square kilometer resolution 2015 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite data analyzed through the operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop) model using methods of Senay and others (2013). Reference: Senay,...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Remote Sensing,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
United States county,
Water Resources,
This dataset presents the total estimated monthly public-supply water withdrawal by 12-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC12) in the conterminous United States for 2015. Public-supply water use was estimated by spatially and temporally downscaling available data from each state. The total represents combined groundwater and surface water withdrawals for 83,178 watersheds. Public supply refers to water withdrawn by public and private water suppliers that provide water for cities, towns, rural water districts, mobile-home parks, Native American Indian reservations, and military bases. Public-supply facilities are classified under the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) 4941 and provide water to at least 25 people...