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This dataset represents an update to U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 597. Locations and attributes of wind turbines in Colorado, 2009 (available at This updated Colorado wind turbine Data Series provides geospatial data (fig. 1) for all 1,204 wind turbines established within the State of Colorado as of September 2011, an increase of 297 wind turbines from 2009.Attributes specific to each turbine include: turbine location, manufacturer and model, rotor diameter, hub height, rotor height, potential megawatt output, land ownership, county, and development status of the wind turbine. Wind energy facility data for each turbine include: facility name, facility power capacity, number of...
The purpose of the pilot project is to trial different methods and vendors of wind power forecasting to determine the best approach to forecasting wind power in Alberta in the future. Three vendors were chosen with global forecasting experience; AWS Truewind (New York), energy & meteo systems (Germany), and WEPROG (Denmark). Each vendor will forecast for 12 geographically dispersed wind power facilities for a year (May 07 to May 08) providing a forecast covering the next 48 hours refreshed hourly. ORTECH Power was chosen to perform the quantitative analysis of the results analyzing methods, timeframes and geographical locations. Phoenix Engineering was chosen to collect all the necessary meteorological data required...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation; Tags: Wind, report, safety, wind energy, wind turbine
The Wyoming wind turbine data set was developed for the project "Seasonal predictive habitat models for Greater Sage-grouse in Wyoming". This project is aimed at developing spatially-explicit seasonal distribution models for Sage-Grouse in Wyoming, which will provide resource managers tools for conservation planning. These specific data are being used for assessing the impact of disturbance resulting from wind energy development within Wyoming on sage-grouse populations. Additionally, this data will also support the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative (WLCI). WLCI is a long-term, science-based, collaborative effort to ensure that the Southwest Wyoming's wildlife and its habitats are sustained over time with...
This data set provides industrial-scale onshore wind turbine locations, corresponding facility information, and turbine technical specifications, in the United States to March 2014. The database has nearly 49,000 wind turbine records that have been collected, digitized, locationally verified, and internally quality assured and quality controlled. Turbines from the Federal Aviation Administration Digital Obstacle File, product date March 2, 2014, were used as the primary source of turbine data points. Verification of the position of turbines was done by visual interpretation using high-resolution aerial imagery in ESRI ArcGIS Desktop. Turbines without Federal Aviation Administration Obstacle Repository System (FAA...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, Citation, Map Service; Tags: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, All tags...
As wind power generation is rapidly expanding worldwide, there is a need to understand whether and how preconstruction surveys can be used to predict impacts and to place turbines to minimize impacts to birds. Wind turbines in the 165-km2 Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (APWRA), California, USA, cause thousands of bird fatalities annually, including hundreds of raptors. To test whether avian fatality rates related to rates of utilization and specific behaviors within the APWRA, from March 1998 to April 2000 we performed 1,959 30-minute behavior observation sessions (360° visual scans using binoculars) among 28 nonoverlapping plots varying from 23 ha to 165 ha in area and including 10–67 turbines per plot, totaling...
The 165-km2 Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (APWRA) in west-central California includes 5,400 wind turbines, each rated to generate between 40 kW and 400 kW of electric power, or 580 MW total. Many birds residing or passing through the area are killed by collisions with these wind turbines. We searched for bird carcasses within 50 m of 4,074 wind turbines for periods ranging from 6 months to 4.5 years. Using mortality estimates adjusted for searcher detection and scavenger removal rates, we estimated the annual wind turbine–caused bird fatalities to number 67 (80% CI = 25–109) golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), 188 (80% CI = 116–259) red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), 348 (80% CI = −49 to 749) American kestrels...
This dataset represents an update to U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 596. Locations and attributes of wind turbines in New Mexico, 2009 (available at updated New Mexico wind turbine Data Series provides geospatial data for all 562 wind turbines established within the State of New Mexico as of June 2011, an increase of 155 wind turbines from 2009. Attributes specific to each turbine include: turbine location, manufacturer and model, rotor diameter, hub height, rotor height, potential megawatt output, land ownership, county, and development status of wind turbine. Wind energy facility data for each turbine include: facility name, facility power capacity, number of turbines associated...
This data provides locations and technical specifications of legacy and current versions of the United States Wind Turbines database. Almost all of which are utility-scale. Utility-scale turbines are ones that generate power and feed it into the grid, supplying a utility with energy. They are usually much larger than turbines that would feed a homeowner or business. Each release, typically done quarterly, updates the database with newly installed wind turbines, removes wind turbines that have been identified as dismantled, and applies other verifications based on updated imagery and ongoing quality-control. Turbine data were gathered from the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Digital Obstacle File (DOF)...
The Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus), a federally and state listed endangered subspecies, is the only extant native terrestrial mammal in the Hawaiian archipelago. It is an insectivorous, solitary and foliage-roosting species that generally roosts alone or in mother-pup family groups. This study examined the behavior of Hawaiian hoary bats at wind turbines operated by Auwahi Wind Energy, LLC, on southern Maui Island, from August to November 2018. The research was conducted to assess the risk that wind turbines pose to bats at the wind energy facility, and compared information obtained from both acoustic monitoring and thermal videography. The dataset for this release comprises the acoustic data compiled...
This data provides locations and technical specifications of the current version of the United States Wind Turbines database. Each release, typically done quarterly, updates the database with newly installed wind turbines, removes wind turbines that have been identified as dismantled, and applies other verifications based on updated imagery and ongoing quality-control. Turbine data were gathered from the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Digital Obstacle File (DOF) and Obstruction Evaluation Airport Airspace Analysis (OE-AAA), the American Clean Power Association (ACP), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), and the United States Geological Survey (USGS), and were merged and collapsed into a single...
The purpose of the pilot project is to trial different methods and vendors of wind power forecasting to determine the best approach to forecasting wind power in Alberta in the future. Three vendors were chosen with global forecasting experience; AWS Truewind (New York), energy & meteo systems (Germany), and WEPROG (Denmark). Each vendor will forecast for 12 geographically dispersed wind power facilities for a year (May 07 to May 08) providing a forecast covering the next 48 hours refreshed hourly. ORTECH Power was chosen to perform the quantitative analysis of the results analyzing methods, timeframes and geographical locations. Phoenix Engineering was chosen to collect all the necessary meteorological data required...
The Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus), a federally and state listed endangered subspecies, is the only extant native terrestrial mammal in the Hawaiian archipelago. It is an insectivorous, solitary and foliage-roosting species that generally roosts alone or in mother-pup family groups. The dataset for this release comprises the combined acoustic and video data tabulated by night and turbine, and was used to relate bat occurrence to nightly weather conditions and turbine operation. The acoustic and the video datasets have each their own set of processing steps that will appear in the respective metadata file.
The Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus), a federally and state listed endangered subspecies, is the only extant native terrestrial mammal in the Hawaiian archipelago. It is an insectivorous, solitary and foliage-roosting species that generally roosts alone or in mother-pup family groups. This data release consists of three tabular datasets comprising acoustic and thermal video data of Hawaiian hoary bat behavior at wind turbines. One dataset consists of the acoustic and video detections of bats tabulated by night and turbine, and associated weather and turbine operational data used in analyses. The other two datasets consist of the individual detections, catalogued separately for the acoustic and video...
Certain species of tree-dwelling bats die after colliding with the moving blades of industrial wind turbines. Based on the speculation that these bats approach turbines after visually mistaking them for trees, we tested a potential light-based deterrence method. It is likely that the affected bats see ultraviolet (UV) light at low intensities. Here, we present the results of a multi-month experiment to cast dim, flickering UV light across wind turbine surfaces at night and concurrently monitored bat, bird, and insect activity using a thermal-imaging surveillance camera. This data release consists of a file of tabular digital data that includes nightly counts of bat, bird, and insect detections derived from thermal...
The purpose of the pilot project is to trial different methods and vendors of wind power forecasting to determine the best approach to forecasting wind power in Alberta in the future. Three vendors were chosen with global forecasting experience; AWS Truewind (New York), energy & meteo systems (Germany), and WEPROG (Denmark). Each vendor will forecast for 12 geographically dispersed wind power facilities for a year (May 07 to May 08) providing a forecast covering the next 48 hours refreshed hourly. ORTECH Power was chosen to perform the quantitative analysis of the results analyzing methods, timeframes and geographical locations. Phoenix Engineering was chosen to collect all the necessary meteorological data required...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation; Tags: Wind, report, safety, wind energy, wind turbine
The Wyoming wind turbine data set was developed for the project "Seasonal predictive habitat models for Greater Sage-grouse in Wyoming". This project is aimed at developing spatially-explicit seasonal distribution models for Sage-Grouse in Wyoming, which will provide resource managers tools for conservation planning. These specific data are being used for assessing the impact of disturbance resulting from wind energy development within Wyoming on sage-grouse populations. Additionally, this data will also support the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative (WLCI). WLCI is a long-term, science-based, collaborative effort to ensure that the Southwest Wyoming's wildlife and its habitats are sustained over time with...
Wind turbines in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (APWRA), California, USA, have caused annual fatalities of thousands of raptors and other birds. Alameda County implemented an Avian Protection Program requiring mitigation measures and eventual repowering to modern wind turbines, all intended to reduce raptor fatality rates 50% from levels estimated for 1998-2003. Two years into the 3-year program, we compared estimates of fatality rates between 1998-2003 and 2005-2007 and between a repowered wind project (Diablo Winds) and the APWRA's old-generation wind turbines. The APWRA-wide fatality rates increased significantly for multiple bird species, including 85% for all raptors and 51% for all birds. Fatality rates...
Wind turbines in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (APWRA), California, USA, have caused annual fatalities of thousands of raptors and other birds. Alameda County implemented an Avian Protection Program requiring mitigation measures and eventual repowering to modern wind turbines, all intended to reduce raptor fatality rates 50% from levels estimated for 1998-2003. Two years into the 3-year program, we compared estimates of fatality rates between 1998-2003 and 2005-2007 and between a repowered wind project (Diablo Winds) and the APWRA's old-generation wind turbines. The APWRA-wide fatality rates increased significantly for multiple bird species, including 85% for all raptors and 51% for all birds. Fatality rates...
These data represent locations of wind turbines found within Wyoming as of August 2012. We assigned each wind turbine to a wind farm and, in these data, provide information about each turbine’s potential megawatt output, rotor diameter, hub height, rotor height, the status of the land ownership where the turbine exists, the county each turbine is located in, wind farm power capacity, the number of units currently associated with each wind farm, the wind turbine manufacturer and model, the wind farm developer, the owner of the wind farm, the current purchaser of power from the wind farm, the year the wind farm went online, and the status of its operation. Some of the attributes are estimates based on the information...
The Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus), a federally and state listed endangered subspecies, is the only extant native terrestrial mammal in the Hawaiian archipelago. It is an insectivorous, solitary and foliage-roosting species that generally roosts alone or in mother-pup family groups. This study examined the behavior of Hawaiian hoary bats at wind turbines operated by Auwahi Wind Energy, LLC, on southern Maui Island, from August to November 2018. The research was conducted to assess the risk that wind turbines pose to bats at the wind energy facility, and compared information obtained from both acoustic monitoring and thermal videography. The dataset for this release comprises the thermal video data...

    map background search result map search result map Wind Turbine Locations Prepared by the USGS for Wyoming Wind Turbines in New Mexico, 2011 Wind Turbines in Colorado, 2011 Locations and Attributes of Wind Turbines in Wyoming, 2012 WY_Wind_Turbine_Locations_2009_Currentness Onshore Industrial Wind Turbine Locations for the United States to March 2014 Maui Island, Hawaiian hoary bat behavior at wind turbines, 2018 Hawaiian hoary bat individual acoustic detections at wind turbines, Maui Island 2018 Hawaiian hoary bat individual video detections at wind turbines, Maui Island 2018 Hawaiian hoary bat nightly acoustic-visual detections and conditions at wind turbines, Maui Island 2018 United States Wind Turbine Database - Current Version (ver. 7.2, November 2024) Bat, insect, and bird activity at a wind turbine in Colorado experimentally illuminated with ultraviolet light at night in 2019 to try and deter bats Maui Island, Hawaiian hoary bat behavior at wind turbines, 2018 Hawaiian hoary bat individual acoustic detections at wind turbines, Maui Island 2018 Hawaiian hoary bat individual video detections at wind turbines, Maui Island 2018 Hawaiian hoary bat nightly acoustic-visual detections and conditions at wind turbines, Maui Island 2018 Bat, insect, and bird activity at a wind turbine in Colorado experimentally illuminated with ultraviolet light at night in 2019 to try and deter bats Wind Turbines in Colorado, 2011 Locations and Attributes of Wind Turbines in Wyoming, 2012 WY_Wind_Turbine_Locations_2009_Currentness Wind Turbine Locations Prepared by the USGS for Wyoming Wind Turbines in New Mexico, 2011 Onshore Industrial Wind Turbine Locations for the United States to March 2014 United States Wind Turbine Database - Current Version (ver. 7.2, November 2024)