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Sediment cores were collected in the Cache Creek Settling Basin (CCSB), Yolo County, California, during October 2011 at 10 locations (borehole sites) and during August 2012 at 5 other locations. Total core depths ranged from approximately 4.6 to 13.7 meters (15 to 45 feet), with penetration to about 9.1 meters (30 feet) at most locations. Detailed subsampling (3-centimeter intervals) was done at total of seven locations: six along an east-west transect in the southern part of the Cache Creek Settling Basin and at one in the northern part of the basin for analyses of total mercury; organic content; and cesium-137, which was used for dating. This data release reports results of the analyses of each subsample of these...
The Cache Creek Settling Basin (CCSB) is a 13.3 km2 leveed basin located at the terminal drainage of the Cache Creek watershed, immediately NE of the town of Woodland (Yolo County), California and approximately 18 km NW of Sacramento, California. The basin was constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (completed in 1937 and modified in 1993) for the purpose of trapping suspended sediment transported from the upper Cache Creek watershed during high-flow events, thus preventing sediment from entering the Yolo Bypass, a larger downstream floodwater conveyance and agricultural zone. In addition to trapping suspended sediment, the CCSB also traps sediment-associated mercury (Hg), which is particularly elevated...
Model Archive Summary (MAS), "382829121351801_LIS_ExtendedMAS.docx", describing the development of a continuous, 15-minute suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time series regression model for the site: Toe Drain Near Babel Slough Near Freeport, California (U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) site #382829121351801). The SSC time series is computed from instream turbidity data that is managed by the California Department of Water Resources (CDWR) using a YSI 6-series multi-parameter water quality sonde. Complete methods for turbidity data collection and model development are described in the attached methods document (MAS).
This report documents the spatial and temporal variability of nutrients and related water quality parameters at high spatial resolution in the North Delta in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta of California, USA. The data set includes nitrate, ammonium, phosphate, dissolved organic carbon, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and chlorophyll. Data-collection were conducted over one day in July 2017 when continuous monitoring stations detected elevated chlorophyll concentration and decreasing nitrate concentrations.
The data release contains data for the spatial and temporal variability of nutrients and related water quality parameters at high spatial resolution in the North Delta in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta of California, USA. The data set includes nitrate, ammonium, phosphate, dissolved organic carbon, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and chlorophyll. Data-collection cruises were conducted over two days in March 2017 during a high flow event when Sacramento Valley flood waters inundate the Yolo Bypass.
The geospatial data presented here as ArcGIS layers denote landcover/landuse classifications to support field sampling efforts that occurred within the Cache Creek Settling Basin (CCSB) from 2010-2017. Manual photointerpretation of a National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) dataset collected in 2012 was used to characterize landcover/landuse categories (hereafter habitat classes). Initially 9 categories were assigned based on vegetation structure (Vegtype1). These were then parsed into two levels of habitat classes that were chosen for their representativeness and use for statistical analyses of field sampling. At the coarsest level (Landcover 1), five habitat classes were assigned: Agriculture, Riparian, Floodplain,...
This dataset includes shallow surface sediment (top 0–2 cm interval) constituent concentration data (primarily) and microbial methylmercury production potential rate data (limited) collected from the Cache Creek Settling Basin (CCSB), Yolo County, California, between April 2010 and July 2017. The dataset includes up to 706 observations (including field replicates) per sediment parameter, reflecting 93 unique sampling locations, with each location having been sampled from 1 to 28 times (excluding field replicates) over this 8-year period. There were four spatially intensive field campaigns conducted (February–March 2013, May 2013, October–November 2014, and January–March 2015), during which at least 90 sites were...
The geospatial data presented here as ArcGIS layers denote landcover/landuse classifications to support field sampling efforts that occurred within the Cache Creek Settling Basin (CCSB) from 2010-2019. Manual photointerpretation of a National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) dataset collected in 2012 was used to characterize landcover/landuse categories (hereafter habitat classes). Initially 9 categories were assigned based on vegetation structure (Vegtype1). These were then parsed into two levels of habitat classes that were chosen for their representativeness and use for statistical analyses of field sampling. At the coarsest level (Landcover 1), five habitat classes were assigned: Agriculture, Riparian,...
Yolo Bypass is an ecological feature of the Bay-Delta ecosystem in California that provides floodplain habitat for spawning and rearing of Sacramento Splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) and rearing of juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) when inundated. We used outputs from 10 climate change models for two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) for greenhouse gas concentrations to assess the effects of climate change on the frequency, duration, and timing of flood flows in Yolo Bypass. We also assessed a planned notched weir modification to the primary weir that controls inflow from the Sacramento River into Yolo Bypass that has been designed to allow the bypass to be inundated at lower river...
This data release documents the spatial and temporal variability of nutrients and related water quality parameters at high spatial resolution in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta of California, USA. The data set includes nitrate, ammonium, phosphate, dissolved organic carbon, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and chlorophyll. Data-collection were conducted over fourteen days between April 2015 - October 2022 with support from multiple cooperators. NOTE: These data are preliminary or provisional and are subject to revision. They are being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The data have not received final approval by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and are provided on...
Note: This data release has been superseded by version 2.0, available here: The Cache Creek Settling Basin (CCSB) is a 13.3 km2 leveed basin located at the terminal drainage of the Cache Creek watershed, immediately NE of the town of Woodland (Yolo County), California and approximately 18 km NW of Sacramento, California. The basin was constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (completed in 1937 and modified in 1993) for the purpose of trapping suspended sediment transported from the upper Cache Creek watershed during high-flow events, thus preventing sediment from entering the Yolo Bypass, a larger downstream floodwater conveyance and agricultural zone. In addition to trapping...
This dataset includes shallow surface sediment (top 0–2 cm interval) constituent concentration data (primarily) and microbial methylmercury production potential rate data (limited) collected from the Cache Creek Settling Basin (CCSB), Yolo County, California, between April 2010 and November 2019. The dataset includes up to 723 observations (including field replicates) per sediment parameter, reflecting 93 unique sampling locations, with each location having been sampled from 1 to 29 times (excluding field replicates) over this 10-year period. There were four spatially intensive field campaigns conducted (February–March 2013, May 2013, October–November 2014, and January–March 2015), during which at least 90 sites...
A Gust erosion chamber was used to apply horizontal shear stress to sediment cores obtained at selected locations within the Yolo Bypass near Sacramento, California. The locations correspond to different land uses; two cores were taken at each site. The shear stress was increased in stepwise fashion, and turbidity of the effluent monitored. From this, two quantities are calculated: 1) critical shear stress required to initiate erosion, and 2) soil mass eroded per square meter at an applied shear stress of 0.4 Pa. So for each core we have a date, land use or site, core number, latitude, longitude, critical shear stress, and eroded mass at tau = 0.4 Pa.
This data release includes data containing projections of unimpaired hydrology, reservoir storage, and downstream managed flows in the Sacramento River/San Joaquin River watershed under scenarios of future climate change generated for the CASCaDE2 project (Computational Assessments of Scenarios of Change for the Delta Ecosystem, phase 2). Code used to produce the data is also included. The dataset is produced using a multiple-model approach. First, downscaled global climate model outputs are used to drive an existing Variable Infiltration Capacity/Variable Infiltration Capacity Routing (VIC/RVIC) model of Sacramento/San Joaquin hydrology, resulting in projections of daily, unimpaired flows throughout the watershed....
Understanding the effects of climate change is a substantial challenge in estuarine systems because the mixing of freshwater and ocean water adds complexity to climate change projections. Such climate change projections have been conducted in the San Francisco Estuary as part of the U.S. Geological Survey’s CASCaDE Project. In this project, we assessed downscaled air temperature data from 10 Global Climate Change models under 2 Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) trajectories for greenhouse gas concentrations for three regions of the upper San Francisco Estuary: Suisun and Grizzly Bays, Suisun Marsh, and the legal Delta. We also utilized previously derived regression models to estimate future water temperatures...

    map background search result map search result map Gust Erosion Chamber Data, Yolo Bypass, CA (2015-16) Shallow Sediment Geochemistry in a Mercury-Contaminated Multi-Habitat Floodplain: Cache Creek Settling Basin, Yolo County, California, 2010–17 Shallow Sediment Geochemical Data for the Cache Creek Settling Basin, Yolo County, California, 2010–17 Habitat Maps for the Cache Creek Settling Basin, Yolo County, California Data and Associated Code for Projections of Unimpaired Flows, Storage, and Managed Flows for Climate Change Scenarios in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Watershed, California Assessment of nutrients and water-quality constituents at the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Confluence during a phytoplankton bloom in July 2017 Assessment of nutrients and water-quality constituents in the North Delta during Yolo Bypass flooding events in March 2017 Assessing spatial variability of nutrients and related water quality constituents in the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: 2015-2022 High resolution mapping surveys in the North Delta-Suisun Habitat Arc (Provisional Release) Shallow Sediment Geochemistry in a Mercury-Contaminated Multi-Habitat Floodplain: Cache Creek Settling Basin, Yolo County, California (version 2.0, August 2021) Habitat Maps for the Cache Creek Settling Basin, Yolo County, California Shallow Sediment Geochemical Data for the Cache Creek Settling Basin, Yolo County, California Data used in projected air and water temperatures for selected regions of the upper San Francisco Estuary and Yolo Bypass under 20 scenarios of climate change Data used in projected flow analysis in Yolo Bypass under 20 scenarios of climate change Geochemical data including mercury for subsamples of deep cores from the Cache Creek Settling Basin, Yolo County, California Model Archive Summary and Time-Series Suspended-Sediment Concentration Computed from a Surrogate Turbidity Regression at USGS station 382829121351801; Toe Drain Near Babel Slough Near Freeport, California (2014-2019) Model Archive Summary and Time-Series Suspended-Sediment Concentration Computed from a Surrogate Turbidity Regression at USGS station 382829121351801; Toe Drain Near Babel Slough Near Freeport, California (2014-2019) Habitat Maps for the Cache Creek Settling Basin, Yolo County, California Shallow Sediment Geochemistry in a Mercury-Contaminated Multi-Habitat Floodplain: Cache Creek Settling Basin, Yolo County, California (version 2.0, August 2021) Habitat Maps for the Cache Creek Settling Basin, Yolo County, California Shallow Sediment Geochemical Data for the Cache Creek Settling Basin, Yolo County, California Shallow Sediment Geochemistry in a Mercury-Contaminated Multi-Habitat Floodplain: Cache Creek Settling Basin, Yolo County, California, 2010–17 Shallow Sediment Geochemical Data for the Cache Creek Settling Basin, Yolo County, California, 2010–17 Geochemical data including mercury for subsamples of deep cores from the Cache Creek Settling Basin, Yolo County, California Assessment of nutrients and water-quality constituents in the North Delta during Yolo Bypass flooding events in March 2017 Assessment of nutrients and water-quality constituents at the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Confluence during a phytoplankton bloom in July 2017 Gust Erosion Chamber Data, Yolo Bypass, CA (2015-16) Data used in projected flow analysis in Yolo Bypass under 20 scenarios of climate change Assessing spatial variability of nutrients and related water quality constituents in the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: 2015-2022 High resolution mapping surveys in the North Delta-Suisun Habitat Arc (Provisional Release) Data used in projected air and water temperatures for selected regions of the upper San Francisco Estuary and Yolo Bypass under 20 scenarios of climate change Data and Associated Code for Projections of Unimpaired Flows, Storage, and Managed Flows for Climate Change Scenarios in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Watershed, California