Filters: Tags: Zn (X)
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The use of biodynamic models to understand metal uptake directly from sediments by deposit-feeding organisms still represents a special challenge. In this study, accumulated concentrations of Cd, Zn and Ag predicted by biodynamic modelling in the lugworm Arenicola marina have been compared to measured concentrations in field populations in several UK estuaries. The biodynamic model predicted accumulated field Cd concentrations remarkably accurately, and predicted bioaccumulated Ag concentrations were in the range of those measured in lugworms collected from the field. For Zn the model showed less but still good comparability, accurately predicting Zn bioaccumulation in A. marina at high sediment concentrations but...
![]() This dataset was developed for the BLM Rapid Ecoregional Assessment for the Central Yukon and contains a database of descriptions of historic (inactive and closed) mines based on the Alaska Resource Data File (ARDF).
![]() This dataset was developed for the BLM Rapid Ecoregional Assessment for the Central Yukon and contains a database of descriptions of active mines based on the Alaska Resource Data File (ARDF).
Sediment hosted gold deposits in Nevada were first mined in the 1960s from open pit mines with large tonnage and low grade resources. Since that time, continuing exploration and discovery have identified extraordinary resources, and together these deposits now form the second-largest gold endowment on Earth, surpassed only by the Witwatersrand Gold Fields of South Africa. The data herein are part of a larger U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) project to develop an updated geospatial database of mines, mineral deposits and mineral regions in the United States. The point and polygon layers within this database represent locations of mines, mineral occurrences (which includes deposits and prospects), and mining...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
ArcGIS Service Definition,
Map Service;
Tags: Ag,
Bureau of Land Management,
This data release provides electron microprobe geochemical data that was collected as part of a scoping study to evaluate whether unconventional critical element resources may be associated with sediment-hosted copper systems in the Midcontinent Rift. We report abundances of trace elements in native copper and sulfide minerals in 12 thin sections from samples of the Mesoproterozoic lower Nonesuch Formation that were collected from underground exposures in the White Pine deposit. Approximately 350 spots were analyzed for Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, Ni, Co, As, Sb, Ag, Hg, and S. The electron microprobe data were collected by personnel of the Central Region Minerals Program in Denver, Colorado, for the U.S. Geological Survey...
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Ag,
Central Region Minerals Program,
The Rockfish Hook and Line (ZN) catch and effort grid dataset has been assembled directly from the Groundfish Stock Assessment harvest log database (PacHarvh&l) located at the Pacific Biological Station (PBS). The dataset has been modified to meet the sensitive nature of the data as per the Access to Information Act20(1)(b,c); which specifies that Fisheries and Oceans Canada will not disclose to a third party confidential information that may prejudice the competitive position of the fisher, in which fishing location has been identified as one of the entities to be protected. There was a 4km x 4km grid used in the desensitization process as well information was limited to total Effort (min) and total Catch (kg)....
Highway runoff has the potential to negatively impact receiving systems including stormwater retention ponds where highway particulate matter can accumulate following runoff events. Tire wear particles, which contain about 1% Zn by mass, make up approximately one-third of the vehicle derived particulates in highway runoff and therefore may serve as a stressor to organisms utilizing retention ponds as habitat. In this study, we focused on the potential contribution of tire debris to Zn accumulation by Rana sylvatica larvae and possible lethal or sublethal impacts resulting from exposure to weathered tire debris during development. Eggs and larvae were exposed to aged sediments (containing either ZnCl2 or tire particulate...
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