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All gillnet data represented here expand upon vessel operations (OP table) data, all of which are collected by the United States Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center and its partners. The Gillnet Tables contain data collected from the research vessel deploying various gear used for gillnet data collection. The database uses sample_type to indicate the gear deployed. The tables relating to Gillnet are: GN_Annulus.csv, GN_Catch.csv, GN_Effort.csv, GN_Fish.csv, GN_L, GN_LF.csv, GN_OP.csv, GN_Prey.csv, GN_Stomach.csv, LMMB_Fish_Prey.csv, and LMMB_Invert_Prey.csv Data Quality: Note that the following data release is a snapshot of the database at the time of release. Some data quality checks are still being...
All mensuration data represented here expand upon vessel operations (OP table) data, all of which are collected by the United States Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center and its partners. The Mensuration Tables contain data collected from the research vessel deploying various gear used for mensuration data collection. The database uses sample_type to indicate the gear deployed. The tables relating to Mensuration are: Mensuration.csv, MS_head_rope_depth.csv, MS_FOOT_ROPE_DEPTH, MS_Primary.csv, MS_Temperature.csv, and MS_Wingspread.csv Data Quality: Note that the following data release is a snapshot of the database at the time of release. Some data quality checks are still being undertaken after the time...
Spruce beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis Kirby) outbreaks are important disturbances affecting subalpine forests of Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii), subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) in the southern Rocky Mountains. However, little is known about the influences of these outbreaks on overall forest dynamics. We used age-structure analyses and dendrochronological techniques to investigate the effects of a major spruce beetle outbreak on stand composition, dominance, tree age and size structures, radial growth, and succession in subalpine forests in Colorado. This outbreak, which occurred in the 1940s, caused a shift in dominance from spruce to fir and a reduction in average and...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Journal Citation;
Tags: Abies lasiocarpa,
Colorado Rocky Mountains,
Dendroctonus rufipennis,
age structure,
Over the last century there has been marked expansion and infilling of pinyon (Pinus spp.)–juniper (Juniperus spp.) woodlands into grassland and shrubland ecosystems across the western United States. Although range expansions in pinyon-juniper populations have been documented with changing climate throughout the Holocene, over the last century, local scale impacts such as livestock grazing, changes in fire regimes, and increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations are thought to be more recent drivers of pinyon-juniper woodland distribution. Our objective was to examine the role of historical livestock grazing relative to past climate in regulating pinyon (Pinus edulis Engelm.) recruitment and growth over the last...
We examined age structure and spatial arrangement of piñon–juniper woodlands and savannas on six plots distributed across three different soil types in northern Arizona. These stands, as typical of many others in piñon–juniper ecosystems, have experienced increases in tree densities since the arrival of European settlers. The goal of this study was to reconstruct stand conditions in 1860, prior to livestock grazing, using stem-mapping to determine tree arrangement and tree-ring analysis to examine age structure and density. Ripley's K(t), Ripley's K12(t), and Moran's I were used to analyze nearest neighbor distances, spatial association, and spatial autocorrelation, respectively. All sites have long term presence...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Journal Citation;
Tags: BDq,
Forest Ecology and Management,
age structure,
Chronic industrial noise affects pairing success and age structure of ovenbirds Seiurus aurocapilla.
Conclusions: There was a significant reduction in ovenbird pairing success at compressor sites (77%) compared with noiseless wellpads (92%). These differences were apparent regardless of territory quality or individual male quality. Noise interferes with a male's song, such that females may not hear the male's song at greater distances and/or females may perceive males to be of lower quality because of distortion of song characteristics Thresholds/Learnings: Synopsis: Anthropogenic noise is rapidly increasing in wilderness areas as a result of industrial expansion. This study assessed pairing success and age distribution of male ovenbirds, Seiurus aurocapilla, in the boreal forest of Alberta, Canada, in areas around...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Land use configuration,
Landscape fragmentation,
Northern Alberta,
age structure,
The Great Lakes Research Vessel Catch (RVCAT) database is managed at the Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC). RVCAT has been used as the primary data collection tool aboard the GLSC’s research vessel operations across the Great Lakes. Content: The data set has been collected on various vessel operations on all the Great Lakes and select connecting waterways between the years 1930-2021. Data collection begins in early spring and ends in late fall. Each vessel operation was completed for a specific purpose, or target mission. Data Structure: These data are collected at the GLSC in the RVCAT Oracle database. This database has been broken down into comma separated value (csv) spreadsheets in order to facilitate greater...
These data have been collected on various vessel operations on the Great Lakes and select connecting waterways. This vessel operations data set is part of and connected to a larger database of Great Lakes research that includes trawl and gillnet catch data, sample information of fish species caught, as well as effort applied, operation conditions, and location details. The larger database also contains data on hydroacoustics, ichthyoplankton, zooplankton, zebra mussel, and benthos samples collected. Multiple operations were conducted on all Great Lakes each year (1958-2016) beginning in early spring and ending in late fall. Each vessel operation was completed for a specific purpose, or target mission, which are...
Ages and diameters were measured in mature stands for each of 507 ponderosa pine, 541 lodgepole pine, 141 limber pine, and 217 Engelmann spruce trees in the Colorado Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, USA. Cumulative age distributions were statistically different for each species. The spruce and ponderosa pine age distributions each exhibited a strong infection point at @?210 and 125 yr, respectively, while neither lodgepole nor limber pine showed such a sharp inflection point. We suggest that the presence of this inflection point may be indicative of "climax" type in mature stands and interpret the age distributions of these species as reflective of their climax, colonizing and fugitive ecological patterns, respectively....
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Journal Citation;
Tags: Colorado Front Range forests,
The Ecological Society of America,
age structure,
climax forests,
The Great Lakes Research Vessel Operations data release is taken from the Research Vessel Catch (RVCAT) database curated at the Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC). RVCAT has been used as the primary data collection tool aboard the GLSC’s research vessel operations. Content: The data set has been collected on various vessel operations on all the Great Lakes and select connecting waterways between the years 1958-2018. Data collection begins in early spring and ends in late fall. Each vessel operation was completed for a specific purpose, or target mission, which are enumerated in this data set. In addition to vessel operations data, RVCAT collects trawl and gillnet catch data, sample information of fish species caught,...
Black Oystercatcher Morphology and Primary Feather Lengths in Alaska and British Columbia, 2019-2022
These data provide morphological measurements and primary feather length measurements of Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) captured at several sites across Alaska and British Columbia between 2019 and 2022. The first table contains mass and morphological measurements of body and bill size. The second table provides lengths of individual primary feathers measured from folded wing photographs using a computer software. These feather lengths are to be used in a size-constrained components analysis to calculate wing shape such as pointedness and convexity.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Age structure,
Animal morphology,
Avian physiology,
All benthos data represented here expand upon vessel operations (OP table) data, all of which are collected by the United States Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center and it’s partners. The Benthos Tables contain data collected from the research vessel deploying various gear used for benthos data collection. The database uses sample_type to indicate the gear deployed. The tables relating to Benthos are: Benthos_Comments.csv, Benthos_Ponar.csv, and Benthos_LF Data Quality: Note that the following data release is a snapshot of the database at the time of release. Some data quality checks are still being undertaken after the time of release. Also, a large section of this database includes legacy data that...
All mysis data represented here expand upon vessel operations (OP table) data, all of which are collected by the United States Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center and its partners. The Mysis Tables contain data collected from the research vessel deploying various gear used for mysis data collection. The database uses sample_type to indicate the gear deployed. The tables relating to Mysis are: Mysis_Catch.csv, Mysis_IND.csv, Mysis_OP.csv, and MY_IND Data Quality: Note that the following data release is a snapshot of the database at the time of release. Some data quality checks are still being undertaken after the time of release. Also, a large section of this database includes legacy data that if issues...
All trawl data represented here expand upon vessel operations (OP table) data, all of which are collected by the United States Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center and its partners. The Trawl Tables contain data collected from the research vessel deploying various gear used for trawl data collection. The database uses sample_type to indicate the gear deployed. The tables relating to Trawl are: Bucket.csv, Prey_Length.csv, Prey_Total.csv, TR_Annulus.csv, TR_Catch.csv, TR_Fish.csv, TR_L.csv, TR_LF.csv, TR_LMMB_Fish_Prey.csv, TR_LMMB_Invert_Prey.csv, TR_OP.csv, TR_Prey.csv, TR_Sub.csv, sub_prey_total.csv, and sub_prey_length.csv Data Quality: Note that the following data release is a snapshot of the database...
The RVCAT database contains data that have been collected on various vessel operations on the Great Lakes and select connecting waterways. This section of Reference Tables specifically handles repetitive or standardized information that is called upon in the main tables of the RVCAT database. Reference tables are used in database design in order to standardize often used values and to make the data file efficient. All of the terms defined in the reference tables have been determined by the United States Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center and it’s partners. Data Quality: Note that the following data release is a snapshot of the database at the time of release. Some data quality checks are still being...
These data are the data for age, skull size, body length, and lean mass for Gates of the Arctic, Lake Clark, Kodiak, and Katmai, Alaska, 2013-2016.
A five-stand chronosequence spanning >500 yr is used to characterize changes in age structure, overstory mortality, recruitment, and understory growth in developing Colorado Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii)-subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) forests. Stand development follows a postdisturbance sequence of colonization, spruce exclusion, spruce reinitiation, and second-generation forest. This model of spruce-fir forest development reflects a range of disturbance intensities from large conflagrations to small-scale tree deaths. Catastrophic disturbance initiates stand development, and canopy gap replacements occur at predictable times during stand development as the life-spans of the two species are expressed. Previous,...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Journal Citation;
Tags: Abies lasiocarpa,
Ecological Society of America,
Picea engelmannii,