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OBIS-USA brings together marine biological occurrence data – recorded observations of identifiable marine species at a known time and place, collected primarily from U.S. Waters or with U.S. funding. Coordinated by the Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS) Program of the United States Geological Survey (USGS), OBIS-USA, strives to meet national data integration and dissemination needs for marine data about organisms and ecosystems. OBIS-USA is part of an international data sharing network (Ocean Biodiversity Information System, OBIS) coordinated by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization) International Oceanographic Data and Information...
This data release contains data for the hydrologic and water-quality characterization of Levittown Lake, from April 2010 to June 2021. Three child items were included in the data release to summarize the results of the (1) community productivity through the light and dark bottle method (2) two diel data collection efforts, and (3) spatial data associated with the bathymetric survey conducted at Levittown Lake to contour the lake bottom. Diel studies were conducted at the lake to estimate the community net primary productivity, the respiration rate, and the gross productivity rate. Two diel studies were conducted on November 18, 2010, and May 18, 2011, near the respective annual periods of highest and lowest tides...
Native Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus clarkii spp. populations in the western U.S. have declined in part due to displacement by nonnative trout, but mechanisms to explain displacement vary by species and geography. Using a production framework, we demonstrated allopatric populations of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout O. c. virginalis (RGCT) exhibited consistently higher biomass and secondary production rates (0.19–0.92 g DM·m-2·yr-1) than sympatric populations with Brown Trout Salmo trutta (0.01–0.05 g DM·m-2·yr-1) and that an interactive temperature effect on RGCT biomass and production was overshadowed by the presence of Brown Trout across cold and warm streams. Interestingly, over half of trout production was fueled...
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Biological Production,
New Mexico,
Rocky Mountain SW,
A dataset of the macroinvertebrates collected for a trout production study from August 2017- August 2018 in northern New Mexico. The invertebrates are sampled from the benthos, drift, and trout stomachs (via gastric lavage). The drift and benthic invertebrate data represent subsampled individuals. There is a separate file that documents the percent of original sample. The diet samples were not subsampled. The dataset includes individual invertebrates identified to taxonomic Order, lifestage, habitat, their measured lengths, and regressed dry masses.
This dataset contains measurements of dissolved oxygen concentrations collected at Caño Boquerón in Cabo Rojo, and Puerto Mosquito, Isla de Vieques, Puerto Rico. The method consists of in-situ incubation of two light-and-dark bottles for approximately four hours. Dissolved oxygen concentrations were determined using the Winkler method. A total of twelve monthly in-situ incubations were conducted from July 2015 to July 2016. For each bottle incubated, two or three titrations were conducted and an average of the DO calculations is presented.
These data were compiled to evaluate reproductive output of Agassiz's desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizzi) in relation to environmental and individual-level variables. We collected data from four study sites in the Sonoran Desert of California, including two separate populations within Joshua Tree National Park, one population located on the northern versant of the Orocopia Mountains, and one population located at the extreme western end of the Coachella Valley. These data represent eight reproductive seasons that spanned over 20 years (1997-2000, 2015-2018). These data were compiled and added to a larger database with additional records collected by other scientists from eight other study sites in order to detect...
These data were acquired from 7 study sites distributed across the range of Gopherus agassizii. Data were collected from 1997 to 2002 as part of three separate studies, although data were not collected at all sites in each year. Radio-transmitters were attached to the carapace of 151 females and VHF radio-telemetry was used to relocate animals to assess reproductive status. Egg production was determined from X-radiographs taken weekly/biweekly intervals (depending on the study) using a portable X-ray machine between April and July or August of each year. In addition, the mean carapace length (MCL) of each tortoise was measured at each time of capture or recapture using calipers (mm). A nesting event was recorded...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Area 31,
Bird Spring Valley,
Gopherus agassizii,
Lake Mead National Recreation Area,
This dataset contains tabulated-data of dissolved oxygen concentrations collected at Levittown Lake, Toa Baja, Puerto Rico. The standard light-dark method was used to determine the primary productivity in phytoplankton. The method consists in the in-situ incubation of two light-and-dark bottles for approximately four hours. Dissolved oxygen concentrations were estimated using the Winkler method. A total of twelve in-situ incubations were conducted on a monthly basis from April 2010 to June 2011. For each bottle incubated, two or three titrations were conducted and an average of the dissolved concentrations is calculated.
This dataset contains the selected physical properties and chemical constituents that were measured at Puerto Mosquito, Isla de Vieques on June 22, 2017. A cross-sectional profile was conducted by measuring a total of ten selected site throughout the lagoon during the morning. Field water-quality measurements included the parameters of specific conductance, and dissolved oxygen.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Puerto Mosquito,
aquatic ecosystems,
biological production,
coastal ecosystems,
The dataset contains the selected physical properties and chemical constituents that were measured at Caño Boquerón, Cabo Rojo, and Puerto Mosquito, Isla de Vieques, Puerto Rico during a diurnal cycle. Two diel studies were conducted per lagoon to determine the community primary productivity. Photosynthesis creates oxygen which enhances microbiological activity and results in the production of organic matter. Primary productivity is important for supporting the food web in aquatic ecosystems. The field data collection included the measurement of temperature, dissolved oxygen, and percent of oxygen saturation. Measurements were obtained at about 1 hour intervals. Diel studies were conducted on October 29, 2015 and...
OBIS-USA brings together marine biological occurrence data – recorded observations of identifiable marine species at a known time and place, collected primarily from U.S. Waters or with U.S. funding. Coordinated by the Core Science, Analytics, Synthesis, and Libraries (CSAS&L) Program of the United States Geological Survey (USGS), OBIS-USA, strives to meet national data integration and dissemination needs for marine data about organisms and ecosystems. OBIS-USA is part of an international data sharing network (Ocean Biogeographic Information System, OBIS) coordinated by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization International Oceanographic...
Categories: Project;
Types: NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program Project;
Tags: Arctic Ocean,
Atlantic Ocean,
Bay of Fundy,
Beaufort Sea,
Bering Sea,
This dataset contains the selected physical properties and chemical constituents that were measured at Levittown Lake, Toa Baja, Puerto Rico during a diurnal cycle. Diel studies were conducted at the lake to estimate the community net primary productivity, the respiration rate, and the gross productivity rate. Two diel studies were conducted on November 18, 2010, and May 18, 2011, near the respective annual periods of highest and lowest tides for the northern coast of Puerto Rico. The community primary productivity is defined as the rate at which organic matter is created by photosynthesis and is important for supporting the food web in aquatic ecosystems. The field data collection included the measurement of physicochemical...
Biological data for Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout and Brown Trout collected in eight streams in northern New Mexico from August 2017-August 2018
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