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Oral sylvatic plague vaccine baits (SPV) and placebo baits were distributed once annually from 2013-2016 on treated and non-treated paired plots from 2013-2016. Black-tailed prairie dogs (BTPD) were live-trapped and permanently marked with passive integrated transponders and ear tags on 4 pairs of plots each year from 2013-2017 to provide capture/recapture data for use in estimating BTPD survival. The first data set (CMR_SPV_RAW_CAPTURE_DATA.csv) lists all captures and associated covariates with each line representing data from a single prairie dog. The second data set (CMR_BTPD_WEIGHTS.csv) lists the weight and associated information for each prairie dog at each handling. The third data set (CMR_FLEAS_BY_HOST.csv)...
Project Overview Prairie dog colonies in North America’s Central Grasslands undergo cycles of collapse and recovery caused by the non-native sylvatic plague, and each phase of the cycle negatively affects wildlife or livestock. Researchers supported by this North Central-CASC project will develop a decision-support web tool for users to predict prairie dog colony dynamics under changing climatic conditions to help optimize management strategies of wildlife and cattle. Project Summary Prairie dogs are crucial to North America’s Central Grasslands, creating habitat for other wildlife by digging burrows and clipping vegetation, and serving as a key food source for many predators. However, the sylvatic plague, a non-native...
This data set provides biological information from of a captive study of transgenic mice that received either passive serum transfers from black-footed ferrets (BFFs) that were vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 or BFFs that were unvaccinated, or a monoclonal antibody against SARS-CoV-2 or lastly a placebo. After these treatments mice were challenged with SARS-CoV-2. The data included here have viral loads in the lungs of treated mice, as well as histological results from various tissues collected at the end of the study.

    map background search result map search result map Black-tailed prairie dog capture data from plots treated and not treated with oral plague vaccine from 2013-2017 in Montana Viral loads, histology, and adverse events in transgenic mice after passive transfer of serum from black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) used to assess the anti-viral efficacy of a subunit SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate A Decision Support Tool for Prairie Dog and Cattle Coexistence in a Changing Climate Viral loads, histology, and adverse events in transgenic mice after passive transfer of serum from black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) used to assess the anti-viral efficacy of a subunit SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate Black-tailed prairie dog capture data from plots treated and not treated with oral plague vaccine from 2013-2017 in Montana A Decision Support Tool for Prairie Dog and Cattle Coexistence in a Changing Climate