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This dataset is the largest global dataset to date of soil respiration, moisture, and temperature measurements, totaling >3800 observations representing 27 temperature manipulation studies, spanning nine biomes and nearly two decades of warming experiments. Data for this study were obtained from a combination of unpublished data and published literature values. We find that although warming increases soil respiration rates, there is limited evidence for a shifting respiration response with experimental warming. We also note a universal decline in the temperature sensitivity of respiration at soil temperatures >25°C. This dataset includes 3817 observations, from control (n=1812), first (i.e., lowest or sole) level...
Categories: Data,
Types: Citation;
Tags: Boreal Forest,
Northern Shrubland,
The global mean surface temperature increased 0.85°C during the period 1880 – 2012. Some climate models predict an additional warming of up 2 to 4 ◦ C over the next 100 years for the primary breeding grounds for North American ducks. Such an increase has been predicted to reduce mid - continent breeding duck populations by >70%. Managing continental duck populations in the face of climate change requires understanding how waterfowl have responded to historical spatio - temporal climatic variation. However, such responses to climate may be obscured by how ducks respond to variation in land cover. We estimated effects of climate on settlement patterns of breeding ducks in the Prairie - Parkland Region (PPR), boreal...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Tags: Alaska CASC,
Wildlife and Plants,
adaptive management,
Geospatial data were developed to characterize pre-fire biomass, burn severity, and biomass consumed for the Black Dragon Fire that burned in northern China in 1987. Pre-fire aboveground tree biomass (Mh/ha) raster data were derived by relating plot-level forest inventory data with pre-fire Landsat imagery from 1986 and 1987. Biomass data were generated for individual species: Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii Rupr. Kuzen), white birch (Betula platyphylla Suk), aspen (Populus davidiana Dode and Populus suaveolens Fischer), and Mongolian Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Litvinov). A raster layer of total aboveground tree biomass was also generated. Burned area was manually delineated using the normalized...
A warming climate influences boreal forest productivity, dynamics, and disturbance regimes. We used ecosystem models and 250 m satellite Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data averaged over the growing season (GSN) to model current, and estimate future, ecosystem performance. We modeled Expected Ecosystem Performance (EEP), or anticipated productivity, in undisturbed stands over the 2000–2008 period from a variety of abiotic data sources, using a rule-based piecewise regression tree. The EEP model was applied to a future climate ensemble A1B projection to quantify expected changes to mature boreal forest performance. Ecosystem Performance Anomalies (EPA), were identified as the residuals of the EEP and...
Categories: Project;
Types: Journal Citation;
Tags: Alaska,
Boreal forest,
Climate change,
Quantification of aboveground biomass (AGB) in Alaska’s boreal forest is essential to the accurate evaluation of terrestrial carbon stocks and dynamics in northern high-latitude ecosystems. Our goal was to map AGB at 30 m resolution for the boreal forest in the Yukon River Basin of Alaska using Landsat data and ground measurements. We acquired Landsat images to generate a 3-year (2008–2010) composite of top-of-atmosphere reflectance for six bands as well as the brightness temperature (BT). We constructed a multiple regression model using field-observed AGB and Landsat-derived reflectance, BT, and vegetation indices. A basin-wide boreal forest AGB map at 30 m resolution was generated by applying the regression model...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Journal Citation;
Tags: Alaska,
Boreal forest,
Boreal forest biomass,
Forest biomass,
Yukon River Basin
Climate change coupled with an intensifying wildfire regime is becoming an important driver of permafrost loss and ecosystem change in the northern boreal forest. There is a growing need to understand the effects of fire on the spatial distribution of permafrost and its associated ecological consequences. We focus on the effects of fire a decade after disturbance in a rocky upland landscape in the interior Alaskan boreal forest. Our main objectives were to (1) map near-surface permafrost distribution and drainage classes and (2) analyze the controls over landscape-scale patterns of post-fire permafrost degradation. Relationships among remote sensing variables and field-based data on soil properties (temperature,...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Journal Citation;
Tags: Alaska,
Boreal forest,
Interior Alaska,
Conclusions:distance from edge and the habitat heterogeneity were the most important variables affecting bryophyte and lichen species richnessThresholds/Learnings:Temperature and light intensity decreased, and humidity increased up to 15m from the edge of fragments in the study.
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Alberta,
Land use configuration,
Landscape fragmentation,
Natural cover heterogeneity,
Conclusions:Results indicated that system and species-specific considerations are important when assessing the potential outcome of habitat loss and fragmentation on regional biotaThresholds/Learnings:
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Canada and Finland,
Land use configuration,
Landscape fragmentation,
Natural cover amount,
This volume's release consists of 281258 media files captured by autonomous wildlife monitoring devices under the project, SiMPL Wildlife Magnet Project. The attached files listed below include several CSV files that provide information about the data release. The file, "media.csv" provides the metadata about the media, such as filename and date/time of capture. The actual media files are housed within folders under the volume's "child items" as compressed files. A critical CSV file is "dictionary.csv", which describes each CSV file, including field names, data types, descriptions, and the relationship of each field to fields other CSV files. Some of the media files may have been "tagged" or "annotated" by either...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aegolius acadicus,
Alces americanus americanus,
Canis latrans,
Canis lupus,
Catharus guttatus,
We used the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area in northeast British Columbia, Canada as a case study to determine potential conflicts between future resource development and high-value habitats of large mammals in an undeveloped boreal landscape. More than 50 % of high-value habitats for caribou, moose, elk, wolves and grizzly bears were located in Special Resource Management Zones, where natural resource developments could occur. We developed geographic information system (GIS) layers of potential forest resources, oil and gas, minerals, wind power, all resources combined, and roads; and quantified the proportions of high-value habitats overlapping these potentials. Greater proportions of high-value habitats across...
Categories: Data,
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Boreal forest,
British Columbia,
Habitat conservation,
Muskwa-Kechika Management Area,
Resource development,
Conclusions: Caribou mortalities attributed to wolf predation were generally closer to a corridor, indicating that linear corridors may enhance wolf predation efficiency. Therefore, caribou existing closer to linear corridors are at a higher risk of depredation than those farther from corridors. Thresholds/Learnings: Synopsis: This study tested the hypothesis that linear corridors affect caribou and wolf activities by examining the distribution of telemetry locations of caribou and wolves, as well as locations of caribou mortality and caribou predation by wolves relative to linear corridors caused by roads, seismic lines, power lines, and pipeline rights-of-way. Caribou mortalities attributed to wolf predation...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alberta,
Canis lupus,
Human disturbance,
Fire can be a significant driver of permafrost change in boreal landscapes, altering the availability of soil carbon and nutrients that have important implications for future climate and ecological succession. However, not all landscapes are equally susceptible to fire-induced change. As fire frequency is expected to increase in the high latitudes, methods to understand the vulnerability and resilience of different landscapes to permafrost degradation are needed. We present a combination of multiscale remote sensing, geophysical, and field observations that reveal details of both near-surface (<1 m) and deeper (>1 m) impacts of fire on permafrost. Along 11 transects that span burned-unburned boundaries in different...
Categories: Project;
Types: Journal Citation;
Tags: Boreal forest,
Nonuniform permafrost degradation,
Chronic industrial noise affects pairing success and age structure of ovenbirds Seiurus aurocapilla.
Conclusions: There was a significant reduction in ovenbird pairing success at compressor sites (77%) compared with noiseless wellpads (92%). These differences were apparent regardless of territory quality or individual male quality. Noise interferes with a male's song, such that females may not hear the male's song at greater distances and/or females may perceive males to be of lower quality because of distortion of song characteristics Thresholds/Learnings: Synopsis: Anthropogenic noise is rapidly increasing in wilderness areas as a result of industrial expansion. This study assessed pairing success and age distribution of male ovenbirds, Seiurus aurocapilla, in the boreal forest of Alberta, Canada, in areas around...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Land use configuration,
Landscape fragmentation,
Northern Alberta,
age structure,
Herbivores have the capacity to modify plant community composition and ecosystem structure and function via browsing. For example, moose and snowshoe hare facilitate succession in Alaska’s boreal forest by preferentially browsing early successional species over late successional conifers. Snowshoe hares also eat conifers, including white spruce, and this browsing may affect the pattern of spruce establishment over time. We measured over 800 spruce at 18 locations along the Tanana River floodplain in interior Alaska, USA and demonstrated that the proportion of spruce browsed annually positively correlates with annual hare abundance. Nearly all seedlings sampled had been browsed. Further, we modeled the pattern of...
Categories: Data,
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Alaska,
Boreal forest,
Snowshoe hare,
Data were compiled on the seed production of white spruce in order to assess the long-term trends in seed production over the past 60 years in North American boreal forests. Data on cone production was merged with annual weather, teleconnection indices such as ENSO, and historical fires in boreal forests.
Synopsis: This study monitored the response of a species of pine bark beetle, Trypodendron lineatum, to direct and indirect measures of habitat availability in a forest subjected to various levels of harvest intensities. Four stand types (conifer dominated, mixed, deciduous dominated, and deciduous dominated with conifer understory) were treated with four levels of harvest intensity (unharvested, 50%, 80%, and 90% harvested). Prior to harvest, the pine bark beetle was most abundant in stands with many host trees (conifer dominated stands). In the first and second summers after harvest, pine beetle abundance increased exponentially with percent spruce cover and the number of spruce stumps in the stand. Beetles were...
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
Tags: Alberta,
Land use configuration,
Landscape fragmentation,
Natural cover amount,
Natural cover heterogeneity,
Conclusions:The occurence of bull trout in mid-boreal stream is negatively related to two metrics of industrial activity: percent forest harvesting and road density. Bull trout abundance was positively related to elevation, and negatively related to stream width, slope, and levels of forest harvesting.Thresholds/Learnings:Timber harvest on up to 35% or more of individual subbasins is projected to result in the extripation of bull trout from up to 43% of stream reaches, especially those that support high densities of bull trout.
Categories: Publication;
Types: Citation;
Tags: Land use configuration,
Landscape fragmentation,
Natural cover amount,
Western Alberta,
boreal forest,
Herbivores transform landscapes and affect succession via selective foraging that alters vegetation composition. In the boreal forest, mammalian herbivores, mainly moose, facilitate a shift toward the dominance of heavily defended species over time, such as white spruce. The effects of moose herbivory are intensified by the browsing of snowshoe hares. However, unlike moose, snowshoe hares also browse seedlings of white spruce. We quantified herbivory by snowshoe hares on white spruce along the Tanana River, interior Alaska, and assessed the effects on white spruce demography via two different herbivore exclosure experiments. We hypothesized that both experiments would show reduced plant density and height growth...
Categories: Data,
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Alaska,
Lepus americanus,
Picea glauca,
alternative successional trajectories,
boreal forest,
We used the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area in northeast British Columbia, Canada as a case study to determine potential conflicts between future resource development and high-value habitats of large mammals in an undeveloped boreal landscape. More than 50 % of high-value habitats for caribou, moose, elk, wolves and grizzly bears were located in Special Resource Management Zones, where natural resource developments could occur. We developed geographic information system (GIS) layers of potential forest resources, oil and gas, minerals, wind power, all resources combined, and roads; and quantified the proportions of high-value habitats overlapping these potentials. Greater proportions of high-value habitats across...
Categories: Data,
Types: Citation,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Boreal forest,
British Columbia,
Habitat conservation,
Muskwa-Kechika Management Area,
Resource development,
The role of lynx dispersal in maintaining their populations at the landscape scale is unclear. A large proportion of local lynx populations are known to disperse following a snowshoe hare population crash, but whether these dispersal events contribute to the cyclic dynamics of neighboring populations is not well understood. If lynx dispersal does play an important role in lynx population dynamics then the conservation of dispersal corridors is critical to maintaining those dynamics. However, we currently have no information on the habitat requirements of dispersing lynx in relation to human land use, such as housing developments, road building, timber harvest, and mining, all of which could have a substantial impact...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service;
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