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The biennial review of atomic-weight determinations and other cognate data has resulted in changes for the standard atomic weights of 11 elements. Many atomic weights are not constants of nature, but depend upon the physical, chemical, and nuclear history of the material. The standard atomic weights of 10 elements having two or more stable isotopes have been changed to reflect this variability of atomic-weight values in natural terrestrial materials. To emphasize the fact that these standard atomic weights are not constants of nature, each atomic-weight value is expressed as an interval. The interval is used together with the symbol [a; b] to denote the set of atomic-weight values, Ar(E), of element E in normal...
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides whole rock major, minor, and trace element geochemical data from the fluorine-rich Mount Emmons-Redwell porphyry molybdenum (Climax-type) deposit (Mt. Emmons-Redwell deposit), located approximately 5.6 km (3.5 mi) northwest of Crested Butte, Colorado. The Mt. Emmons-Redwell deposit partly underlies Redwell Basin on the northwest flank of Mount Emmons in the west-central region of the Colorado Mineral Belt. Mineralization of the Mt. Emmons-Redwell deposit occurs at depth as vein, veinlet, stockwork, and fracture-hosted Climax-type mineralization [308 Mt at 0.32% Mo (Galey, 1978; Guarnera and Anderson, 2007)], and is associated with the Mt. Emmons igneous complex....
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: <1GB, Climax-type deposit, Colorado, Colorado Mineral Belt, Crested Butte, All tags...
The Critical Minerals in Archived Mine Samples Database (CMDB) contains chemistry and geologic information for historic ore and ore-related rock samples from mineral deposits in the United States. In addition, the database contains samples from archetypal deposits from 27 other countries in North America, South America, Asia, Africa and Europe. Samples were obtained from archived ore collections under the U.S. Geological Survey's project titled "Quick Assessment of Rare and Critical Metals in Ore Deposits: A National Assessment" (2008 to 2013) in an effort to begin an assessment of the Nations' previously mined ore deposits for critical minerals. Mineralized and altered rock samples were provided by the Colorado...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Alaska, Argentina, Arizona, Arkansas, Australia, All tags...
Passive seismic data collection was done northwest of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Edwards Air Force Base using the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) technique. HVSR surveys were done at 43 locations between May and September 2018 to refine the understanding of the bedrock-alluvial aquifer transition zone downgradient from the AFRL. Specifically, the data were collected to help determine the depth to bedrock. The HVSR method is a passive seismic technique that uses a three-component seismometer to measure the vertical and horizontal components of ambient seismic noise. Seismic noise in the range of ~0.1 to 1 Hertz (Hz) is caused by ocean waves, large regional storms, and tectonic sources....
This data release contains elemental concentration data from the reanalysis of 13,930 archived stream-sediment sample and associated stream sediment reference material and 968 archived rock samples and associated rock reference material. All archived material was from samples that were collected in Alaska. Samples were retrieved from the USGS Mineral Program's sample archive in Denver, CO. Sample processing consisted of splitting the appropriate aliquot for the requested analyses. Sample splitting was performed in the USGS Mineral Program's sample prep facilities. 13,800 samples were analyzed using a multi-element analytical method involving decomposition of the sample by sodium peroxide and elemental analysis by...
Categories: Data; Tags: Alaska, Alaska Range, Aleutian Islands, Aleutian Range, Alexander Archipelago, All tags...
The information provided in the Contaminant Exposure and Effects-Terrestrial Vertebrates (CEE-TV) Database profiles available geo-referenced information on contaminant exposure and effects in terrestrial vertebrates along the U. S. Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts (including Hawaii and Alaska) and the Great Lakes.
This product consists of one tabular dataset and associated metadata of water quality information related to rivers, streams, and reservoirs in the Upper Mississippi River watershed between 2012 and 2016. This data release is a part of a national assessment of freshwater aquatic carbon fluxes. Data consist of organic and inorganic carbon related species, carbon dioxide and methane gas fluxes calculated from manual chamber measurements, nitrogen species, carbon isotopes, oxygen isotopes, cations, anions, trace metals, and various in situ measurements including: pH, water temperature, air temperature, barometric pressure, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, fluorescent dissolved organic matter, and specific conductance....
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Carbon, Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter (fDOM), Minnesota, Shingobee, Shingobee Headwaters Aquatic Ecosystems Project, All tags...
This data release contains the U.S. salient statistics and world production data extracted from the BORON data sheet of the USGS Mineral Commodity Summaries 2023.
This data release contains the U.S. salient statistics and world production data extracted from the BORON data sheet of the USGS Mineral Commodity Summaries 2024.
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is about 7 kilometers southwest of Boron, California, and covers 320 square kilometers of Edwards Air Force Base. The AFRL consists of 12 facilities for testing full-size rocket engines, engine components, and liquid and solid propellants. The historical release of contaminants from rocket test stands, evaporation ponds, burn pits, catch basins, and leaking waste-collection tanks has contaminated groundwater in the AFRL. Groundwater aquifers near the AFRL are mostly restricted to fractured granitic bedrock, but previous studies indicate that groundwater and associated contaminants have moved into alluvium to the north and northwest. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the...
Time-domain electromagnetic (TEM) surveys were done northwest of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Edwards Air Force Base. TEM surveys were done at 33 locations between May and October 2018 to refine the understanding of the bedrock-alluvial aquifer transition zone downgradient from the AFRL. TEM surveys (also called transient electromagnetic surveys) provide 1D resistivity soundings of the subsurface, which can be related to lithology and hydrogeology. In the TEM method, electrical current is cycled through a transmitter loop (Tx) wire, which in turn produces a primary magnetic field. When the current is abruptly terminated, a secondary magnetic field is induced in the earth, and it moves downward and...
Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) surveys were done northwest of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Edwards Air Force Base. ERT surveys were done at four locations in May through June of 2018 to refine the understanding of the bedrock-alluvial aquifer transition zone downgradient from the AFRL. The ERT technique injects direct-current electricity with known voltage and current into the earth using a series of electrodes and measures the resulting resistivity. This technique is generally limited to investigations of aquifer properties less than 100 meters below land surface. Data from other geophysical techniques co-located with the ERT data, including time-domain electromagnetics and horizontal-to-vertical...
The diversion of freshwater from the Mississippi River is intended to mitigate saltwater intrusion from the Gulf of Mexico and to lessen the concomitant loss of wetland areas. Though effective, freshwater diversion can affect wildlife and habitat; therefore, prediversion and postdiversion data collections are necessary to identify effects. The Davis Pond freshwater diversion area is located between the Mississippi River and Bayou Lafourche and extends to Barataria Bay Basin, Louisiana. Results and interpretations from the prediversion biomonitoring done in 2001- which included data on fish, eagles, and bivalves - are presented in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5067, "Davis...
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release (ver. 1.2, April 2022) contains a set of previously unpublished geochemical data from project studies of primitive areas in central Idaho, including the Clear Creek-Upper Big Deer Creek Area, the Salmon River Breaks and Sawtooth Primitive Areas, and the Gospel-Hump Wilderness Area. The purpose of the USGS Idaho Primitive Area studies, conducted from 1966 to 1984, was to describe the geology, determine petrologic and geochemical characteristics, and evaluate the mineral resource potential of these primitive areas and adjacent study areas. In the case of the Idaho Primitive Area study (Cater and others, 1973), the primitive area covers 1,915 square miles; adjacent...
Categories: Data, Data Release - Revised; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Big Deer Creek, Bitterroot National Forest, Blaine County, Boise County, Boise National Forest, All tags...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled a geodatabase containing mineral-related geospatial data for the People's Republic of China. The data can be used in analyses of the extractive fuel and nonfuel mineral industries and related economic and physical infrastructure integral for the successful operation of the mineral industries within the area of study as well as the movement of mineral products across domestic and global markets. This geodatabase reflects the USGS ongoing commitment to its mission of understanding the nature and distribution of global mineral commodity supply chains by updating and publishing the georeferenced locations of mineral commodity production and processing facilities, mineral...
Tags: Asia, China, Economic Geology, Energy Resources, Fujian Province, All tags...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has undertaken a mineral resources assessment for tungsten for a portion of the Great Basin in parts of western Nevada and east-central California. This data release provides the Great Basin Tungsten Database: the geospatial and geologic data, and results of chemical analyses for 46,955 samples collected in the assessment area, extracted from the USGS National Geochemical Database. These rock records were collected as part of various programs and projects at the USGS and analyzed from 1963 to 2015. The database represents rock records, each comprising one best value chemical determination for each analyzed chemical species, that include skarns, carbonate lithologies (for example,...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: California, GGGSC, Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center, Great Basin, MRP, All tags...
The Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL) site is a long-term field site and laboratory at the Northeast Natural Energy LLC (NNE) production facility, adjacent to the Monongahela River, located in western Monongalia County, West Virginia, USA. NNE began drilling two horizontal production wells, MIP (Morgantown Industrial Park) -5H and MIP-3H, in the Marcellus Shale in 2014. The wells were completed in December 2015. Large volumes of wastewater are generated with natural gas production. These wastewaters contain organic and inorganic chemical constituents from fracturing fluids used during drilling and stimulation of gas in host rocks/shale, as well as chemical compounds that are derived from...
Categories: Data; Tags: Energy Resources, Environmental Health, Geochemistry, MSEEL, Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory, Morgantown, All tags...
This data release provides the descriptions of approximately 20 U.S. sites that include mineral regions, mines, and mineral occurrences (deposits and prospects) that contain enrichments of lithium (Li). This release includes sites that have a contained resource and (or) past production of lithium metal greater than 15,000 metric tons. Sites in this database occur in Arkansas, California, Nevada, North Carolina, and Utah. There are several deposits that were not included in the database because they did not meet the cutoff requirement, and those occur in Arizona, Colorado, the New England area, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Wyoming. In the United States, lithium was first mined from pegmatite orebodies in South...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service; Tags: Arkansas, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), California, Department of the Interior (DOI), Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI), All tags...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled a geodatabase containing mineral-related geospatial data for 10 countries of interest in Southwest Asia (area of study): Afghanistan, Cambodia, Laos, India, Indonesia, Iran, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, and Thailand. The data can be used in analyses of the extractive fuel and nonfuel mineral industries and related economic and physical infrastructure integral for the successful operation of the mineral industries within the area of study as well as the movement of mineral products across domestic and global markets. This geodatabase reflects the USGS ongoing commitment to its mission of understanding the nature and distribution of global mineral commodity supply chains...
Tags: Afghanistan, Asia, Cambodia, Economic Geology, Energy Resources, All tags...

map background search result map search result map Boron Concentrations in Fish from the Davis Pond Freshwater Postdiversion Sampling (2007-2009) with a Comparison to Prediversion Levels (2001) Water quality, quantity, and gas fluxes of the Upper Mississippi River basin (WY 2012-2016) USGS 1:62500-scale Quadrangle for Boron, CA 1954 Surface geophysics investigations at Edwards Air Force Research Laboratory, Antelope Valley, California, 2018 Ground-Based Time-Domain Electromagnetic Data Collected at Edwards Air Force Research Laboratory, Antelope Valley, California, 2018 Electrical Resistivity Tomography Data at Edwards Air Force Research Laboratory, Antelope Valley, California, 2018 Lithium Deposits in the United States Aqueous and solid phases partitioning of elemental constituents associated with Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL) gas well produced wastewater, Morgantown, WV, 2016 - 2019 Geochemical Data Release for Idaho Primitive Area, including the contiguous Clear Creek-Upper Big Deer Creek Area, the Salmon River Breaks Primitive Area, the Sawtooth Primitive Area, and adjacent areas, central Idaho (ver. 1.2, June 2022) Global Geochemical Database for Critical Minerals in Archived Mine Samples Horizontal-to-Vertical Seismic Ratio Passive-Seismic Data Collected at Edwards Air Force Research Laboratory, Antelope Valley, California, 2018 Geochemical data used in the tungsten skarn mineral resource assessment of the Great Basin region of western Nevada and eastern California Whole rock major, minor, and trace element geochemistry of the upper part of the Mount Emmons-Redwell porphyry molybdenum (Climax-type) deposit, Redwell Basin, Crested Butte, Colorado Compilation of Geospatial Data (GIS) for the Mineral Industries and Related Infrastructure of Select Countries in Southwest Asia The Contaminant Exposure and Effects-Terrestrial Vertebrates database (CEE-TV) Compilation of Geospatial Data (GIS) for the Mineral Industries and Related Infrastructure of the People's Republic of China Selected Whole-Rock and Sediment Geochemistry Reanalysis Data Additions to the Alaska Geochemical DataBase (AGDB) from Archived Samples, Alaska Aqueous and solid phases partitioning of elemental constituents associated with Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL) gas well produced wastewater, Morgantown, WV, 2016 - 2019 Whole rock major, minor, and trace element geochemistry of the upper part of the Mount Emmons-Redwell porphyry molybdenum (Climax-type) deposit, Redwell Basin, Crested Butte, Colorado Surface geophysics investigations at Edwards Air Force Research Laboratory, Antelope Valley, California, 2018 Ground-Based Time-Domain Electromagnetic Data Collected at Edwards Air Force Research Laboratory, Antelope Valley, California, 2018 Horizontal-to-Vertical Seismic Ratio Passive-Seismic Data Collected at Edwards Air Force Research Laboratory, Antelope Valley, California, 2018 Electrical Resistivity Tomography Data at Edwards Air Force Research Laboratory, Antelope Valley, California, 2018 USGS 1:62500-scale Quadrangle for Boron, CA 1954 Boron Concentrations in Fish from the Davis Pond Freshwater Postdiversion Sampling (2007-2009) with a Comparison to Prediversion Levels (2001) Geochemical Data Release for Idaho Primitive Area, including the contiguous Clear Creek-Upper Big Deer Creek Area, the Salmon River Breaks Primitive Area, the Sawtooth Primitive Area, and adjacent areas, central Idaho (ver. 1.2, June 2022) Geochemical data used in the tungsten skarn mineral resource assessment of the Great Basin region of western Nevada and eastern California Water quality, quantity, and gas fluxes of the Upper Mississippi River basin (WY 2012-2016) Lithium Deposits in the United States Selected Whole-Rock and Sediment Geochemistry Reanalysis Data Additions to the Alaska Geochemical DataBase (AGDB) from Archived Samples, Alaska Compilation of Geospatial Data (GIS) for the Mineral Industries and Related Infrastructure of the People's Republic of China Compilation of Geospatial Data (GIS) for the Mineral Industries and Related Infrastructure of Select Countries in Southwest Asia The Contaminant Exposure and Effects-Terrestrial Vertebrates database (CEE-TV) Global Geochemical Database for Critical Minerals in Archived Mine Samples