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These data represent capture histories for humpback chub (Gila cypha) that spawn in the Little Colorado River (LCR) from 2009-2017. Capture histories pertain to size class (<150mm total length [TL], 150-199mm TL, 200-249mm TL, and >250mm TL) and spatial location (the juvenile chub monitoring [JCM] reach in the Colorado River [63.4-65.0 river miles downstream of Lees Ferry], lower LCR [0-13.56 km upstream of Colorado River confluence], and upper LCR [13.57-17.9 km upstream of Colorado River confluence]).
These data were compiled to examine rates of skipped migration in adult humpback chub that spawn in the Little Colorado River (LCR). These data include mark-recapture information from the lower 13.56 kilometers of the LCR and from the Colorado River, from river kilometer 105.5-145.7 downstream of Glen Canyon Dam. Data also include detections from a multiplexer array (MUX) that is located in the LCR and from submersible PIT tag antennas that are deployed in parts of the Colorado River. These data are capture histories that include both spring and fall sampling events that occurred between spring 2009 and spring 2019. Capture histories can include information about size (small adults being 200-249mm total length and...
Tags: Aquatic Biology, Arizona, Colorado River, Ecology, Geography, All tags...
These data were compiled to test hypotheses regarding drivers of movement of brown trout. Objectives of our study were to test whether the degree of movement varied in response to placement of a weir in Bright Angel Creek, fall timed flooding events, or simply seasonal changes. These data represent summarized capture histories of brown trout in terms of states based on physical locations, data on removal efforts in Bright Angel Creek, and summaries of effort in the mainstem Colorado River. These data were collected at several locations along the Colorado River in Glen and Grand Canyon, including Bright Angel Creek from 2011 to 2018. These data were collected by U.S. Geological Survey, National Park Service, and...
These data were compiled for a joint mark-recapture analysis of humpback chub and rainbow trout and include capture histories for both species, as well as environmental covariates associated with monthly time steps used to measure survival and growth and environmental covariates used to predict capture probability during each sampling trip. This worksheet also include parameter estimates and associated variance-covariance matrix from a prior analysis, which were combined with the output from the joint mark-recap analysis to predict equilibrium adult abundances under a variety of scenarios.
These data represent a set of capture histories of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss or RBT) captured in the Colorado River (CR) and(or) detected on the multiplexer array in the Little Colorado River (LCR). Capture trips to the Colorado River occurred in April 2012, July 2012, September 2012, January 2013, April 2013, July 2013, September 2013, January 2014, April 2014, July 2014, and September 2014. Rainbow trout were detected on the PIT array system (MUX) from October 2013 - April 2014.
These data were compiled to fit Bayesian state-space growth in length models to estimate the environmental variables that influence flannelmouth sucker growth rates in the Grand Canyon. Objective(s) of our study were to quantify monthly intervals of growth of flannelmouth suckers in four river reaches, and test if novel high frequency gross primary productivity data would be a significant predictor of fish growth. These data represent capture histories for flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus latippinis) in the mainstem of the Colorado River within the Grand Canyon (river mile 0 to 226) from 2012-2018 and environmental variable data including water temperature, turbidity, and gross primary productivity. Fish data refer...
Categories: Data; Tags: American Southwest, Aquatic Biology, Arizona, Bright Angel Creek, Catostomus latippinis, All tags...
These data were compiled for a manuscript entitled 'Vital rates of a burgeoning population of Humpback Chub in western Grand Canyon. Objective(s) of our study were to compare survival and growth of humpback chub in western Grand Canyon to that from the more established metapopulation in eastern Grand Canyon that spawns in the Little Colorado River (LCR). These data represent capture histories of fish based on mark-recapture data. These data were collected in eastern Grand Canyon (CR-east study site) and in the western Grand Canyon (CR-west study site). The CR-east reach sites are located at the lower 13.56 rkm of the LCR and in the mainstem of the Colorado River at river kilometers (rkm) 126.2-128.7 (2009-2016)...
Categories: Data; Tags: Aquatic Biology, Arizona, Climatology, Colorado River, Ecology, All tags...
These tabular data were compiled to estimate abundance from paired physical capture and antenna detection data in closed, open, and robust design mark-recapture models. These data represent humpback chub capture histories in the Little Colorado River (LCR) and in the juvenile chub monitoring (JCM) reach of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, Arizona. The dataset includes multistate capture histories that describe both physical captures and antenna detections. The 'LCR chub' dataset was collected from long-term monitoring efforts by the US Fish and Wildlife Service in the lower 13.56 river km of the LCR (2009-2020), as well as a summer sampling trip conducted by US Geological Survey (2013-2020). Also, the LCR...

    map background search result map search result map Continuous Detection PIT Array Data & Model Humpback Chub and Rainbow Trout Joint Mark-Recapture Data and Model, Colorado River, Arizona Humpback chub spring and fall capture histories in the Little Colorado River, 2009-2019 Humpback Chub (Gila cypha) capture history data (2009-2017), and code for mark-recapture analysis and stochastic matrix projections, Colorado River and Little Colorado River, Arizona Humpback chub (Gila cypha) capture history data (2009-2020), Grand Canyon, Arizona Mark-recapture and environmental data used to predict flannelmouth sucker (Catostomous latippinis) growth rates within the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon from April 2012 to October 2018 Brown trout movement data in Glen and Grand Canyons, Arizona, USA Humpback chub (Gila cypha) capture histories and growth data for two areas in the Colorado River network from 2009-2022 and 2017-2022 Continuous Detection PIT Array Data & Model Humpback Chub and Rainbow Trout Joint Mark-Recapture Data and Model, Colorado River, Arizona Humpback chub spring and fall capture histories in the Little Colorado River, 2009-2019 Humpback Chub (Gila cypha) capture history data (2009-2017), and code for mark-recapture analysis and stochastic matrix projections, Colorado River and Little Colorado River, Arizona Humpback chub (Gila cypha) capture history data (2009-2020), Grand Canyon, Arizona Mark-recapture and environmental data used to predict flannelmouth sucker (Catostomous latippinis) growth rates within the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon from April 2012 to October 2018 Brown trout movement data in Glen and Grand Canyons, Arizona, USA Humpback chub (Gila cypha) capture histories and growth data for two areas in the Colorado River network from 2009-2022 and 2017-2022