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In 1998, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Fisheries Independent Monitoring (FIM) program began a long-term monitoring effort of key reef fish populations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. This effort was aimed at evaluating the relative abundance, size structure, and habitat utilization of specific reef fish species that are targeted by commercial and recreational fisheries.; Smith, S.G., et al. 2011, Multispecies survey design for assessing reef-fish stocks, spatially explicit management performance, and ecosystem condition. Fisheries Research 109(2011)25-41; Brandt, M.E., et. al. 2009, A Cooperative Multi-agency Reef Fish Monitoring Protocol for the Florida Keys Coral...
Categories: Data; Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service; Tags: Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuaries Reef Fish Monitoring, array, array-data, basis, basisOfRecord, All tags...
In 1998, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Fisheries Independent Monitoring (FIM) program began a long-term monitoring effort of key reef fish populations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. This effort was aimed at evaluating the relative abundance, size structure, and habitat utilization of specific reef fish species that are targeted by commercial and recreational fisheries.; Smith, S.G., et al. 2011, Multispecies survey design for assessing reef-fish stocks, spatially explicit management performance, and ecosystem condition. Fisheries Research 109(2011)25-41; Brandt, M.E., et. al. 2009, A Cooperative Multi-agency Reef Fish Monitoring Protocol for the Florida Keys Coral...
Categories: Data; Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service; Tags: Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuaries Reef Fish Monitoring, array, array-data, basis, basisOfRecord, All tags...
This is a test metadata collection record. This is only a test. This is more text to see if updating works. This is even more text that means nothing to see if further updating still works.
This is a collection of rock cuttings, which are washed or unwashed, housed in the Bureau of Economic Geology’s Core Research Centers.
This is the 2022 survey validation effort by Dennis Marks for the Izembek Fall brant survey. This includes csv results (, a lookup table, and a protocol document.
This collection of files contains temperature data files (.ttd files) downloaded directly from Tiny Tag devices, as well exported temperature data as .csv files for each nest monitored with Tiny Tags by year. File names include Tiny Tag number, site, year, and nest ID..ttd files can be viewed using Tinytag Explorer. Note, however, that the times displayed by Tinytag Explorer are calculated when the data is displayed and depend on the daylight saving settings of the PC at that time. For example, if a .ttd file is opened before and after DST settings change, then all times displayed by Tinytag Explorer will go forward or back. All .csv files were exported using the Tinytag Explorer during the same daylight savings...
This contain a zip folder of comma delimited (CSV) files for each of the 19 tables in the report. It is produced automatically upon compiling the R Quarto code. Column headers are difference than in the tables in the report but order is exactly the same. Refer to the report to understand meaning of the columns. Each cell of the tables contain a management index estimate or the standard error of the estimate.
These are the results produce during the analysis and used in the report: Osnas, E.E. 2024. Steller’s Eider (Polysticta stelleri) population and density estimates from the Arctic Coastal Plain and UtqiaÄ¡vik Triangle surveys using generalized additive models. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Migratory Bird Management, Anchorage, AK. Contain within are images (png), R objects or environments (.RDS and .RData), and posterior summaries of population size and trend (CSV). A brief description of each file can be found in the Readme.html file contained within the zipped folder.
This project established a permafrost monitoring network in this region, providing a baseline of permafrost thermal regimes for assessing future change at a total of 26 automated monitoring stations. Stations have collected year-round temperature data from the active layer and the permafrost starting from the summer of 2011. The strong correspondence between spatial variability in permafrost thermal regime and an existing ecotype map allowed for the development of a map of ‘permafrost thermal classes’ for the broader study region. Further, the annual temperature data was used to calibrate models of soil thermal regimes as a function of climate, providing estimates of both historic and future permafrost thermal regimes...
Album caption: Trenton limestone, Illinois Central Railway cut, Schultz Station, Washington Tp., Green County, Wisconsin. D. 16, ex.1/25 sec., 11.15 A.M., July 25, 1907. Handwritten note on album caption: Monroe quadrangle. No. 310, J-2.
This pilot project has initiated a long-term integrated modeling project that aims todevelop a dynamically linked model framework focused on climate driven changes tovegetation, disturbance, hydrology, and permafrost, and their interactions and feedbacks.This pilot phase has developed a conceptual framework for linking current state-of-thesciencemodels of ecosystem processes in Alaska – ALFRESCO, TEM, GIPL-1 – and theprimary processes of vegetation, disturbance, hydrology, and permafrost that theysimulate. A framework that dynamically links these models has been defined and primaryinput datasets required by the models have been developed.
In 1998, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Fisheries Independent Monitoring (FIM) program began a long-term monitoring effort of key reef fish populations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. This effort was aimed at evaluating the relative abundance, size structure, and habitat utilization of specific reef fish species that are targeted by commercial and recreational fisheries.; Smith, S.G., et al. 2011, Multispecies survey design for assessing reef-fish stocks, spatially explicit management performance, and ecosystem condition. Fisheries Research 109(2011)25-41; Brandt, M.E., et. al. 2009, A Cooperative Multi-agency Reef Fish Monitoring Protocol for the Florida Keys Coral...
Categories: Data; Types: NetCDF OPeNDAP Service; Tags: Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuaries Reef Fish Monitoring, array, array-data, basis, basisOfRecord, All tags...
This is a collection of rock cores, which are whole or slabbed, housed in the Bureau of Economic Geology’s Core Research Centers.
This is a collection of thin sections, primarily from rock cores, housed in the Bureau of Economic Geology’s Core Research Centers.

map background search result map search result map Trenton limestone, Illinois Central Railway cut, Schultz Station. Wisconsin, 1907. Grasslands Inventory Dry Tortugas Reef Visual Census 2010 Florida Keys Reef Visual Census 1996 Florida Keys Reef Visual Census 1994 Integrated Ecosystem Model Reports Random core keywords record 9 Random core keywords record 11 Random core keywords record 27 Random core keywords record 23 Dan and Mikki's documentation example Test mdRecord 2023 Alaska Goose, Swan, and Crane Population Indices Tabular Data Utqiagvik Alaska Nest Tiny Tag Temperature data 2022 Alaska Fall Brant Photographic Survey Validation Results used of Steller's eider population estimates analysis Utqiagvik Alaska Nest Tiny Tag Temperature data Dry Tortugas Reef Visual Census 2010 Trenton limestone, Illinois Central Railway cut, Schultz Station. Wisconsin, 1907. 2022 Alaska Fall Brant Photographic Survey Validation Random core keywords record 9 Random core keywords record 11 Random core keywords record 27 Random core keywords record 23 Florida Keys Reef Visual Census 1994 Florida Keys Reef Visual Census 1996 Results used of Steller's eider population estimates analysis Dan and Mikki's documentation example Grasslands Inventory Integrated Ecosystem Model Reports Test mdRecord 2023 Alaska Goose, Swan, and Crane Population Indices Tabular Data