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This data release documents three Microsoft Excel tables (and corresponding comma separated data files) that contain estimates of tritium in precipitation data for the continental United States. Versions of this data release contain additional tritium data for more recent years. The current version has tritium data through 2022. Table 1 contains estimates of tritium in precipitation for precipitation stations located in the continental United States. Measured precipitation data are formatted in regular font while correlated data are italicized. Table 2 contains tritium in precipitation for ninety-six 2-degree latitude by 5-degree longitude quadrangles covering the continental U.S. Latitudes are north of the equator...
Categories: Data,
Data Release - In Progress;
Tags: Tritium,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
continental United States,
groundwater age,
This data release contains the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Master Sampling Grid at the 5 km x 5 km scale with biologically relevant covariates for NABat analyses attributed to each cell of the 5 km x 5 km grid frame for the continental United States. It was created using ArcPro and the 'sf', 'tidyverse', 'dplyr' and 'exactextractr' packages in R to extract covariates from multiple data sources following the 10 km x 10 km attributed grid process as well as adding additional covariates. These covariates include the habitat characteristics such as percent of wetlands, forest, deciduous and coniferous forest, dominant and subdominant oak types, the number of tree and oak species, topographic features...
Through the North American Bat Monitoring Program, United States Geological Survey (USGS) provided technical and science support to assist in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services’ Species Status Assessment (“SSA”) for the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus), and tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus). USGS facilitated the SSA data call, provided data archival for repeatable and transparent analyses, provided statistical support to assess the historical, current, and future population status for each of the three species, and developed a demographic projection tool to evaluate future viability of each species under multiple threat scenarios. These data represent the derived...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Continental United States,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Wildlife Biology,
Atlantic coast piping plover (Charadrius melodus) nest sites are typically found on low-lying beach and dune systems, which respond rapidly to coastal processes like sediment overwash, inlet formation, and island migration that are sensitive to climate-related changes in storminess and the rate of sea-level rise. Data were obtained to understand piping plover habitat distribution and use along their Atlantic Coast breeding range. A smartphone application called iPlover was developed to collect standardized data on habitat characteristics at piping plover nest locations. The application capitalized on a network of trained monitors that observe piping plovers throughout their U.S. Atlantic coast breeding range as...
Management of transportation networks is affected by, and has effects on, natural and cultural resources through direct and indirect interactions. Until recently, the availability of such spatially explicit information has been limited; however, the data released here to the public will prove valuable for comparing existing networks and planning options with respect to potential impact to, or from, environmental factors across broad areas, for example, States and Agency Planning Regions. Integrated network and resource analyses can provide insights into potential construction and maintenance costs as well as safety risks and environmental impacts during project planning and assessment. A cooperative project was...
Types: Citation;
Tags: Aquatic Resources,
Conservation Areas,
Continental United States,
These data contain the results from the North American Bat Monitoring Program's (NABat) integrated species distribution model (iSDM) for tricolored bats (Perimyotis subflavus). The provided tabular data include predictions (with uncertainty) for tricolored bat occupancy probabilities (i.e., probability of presence) based on data from the entire summer season (May 1–Aug 31), averaged from 2017-2022, in each NABat grid cell (5km x 5km scale) across the range of the species. Specifically, predictions represent occupancy probabilities in the pre-volancy season in the summer (May 1 – July 15), i.e., the period of time before juveniles can fly and become detectable. Predictions were produced using an analytical pipeline...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Continental United States,
Occupancy probability,
Species distribution model,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
A raster dataset representing slope in the conterminous United States. This dataset was created from the radian slope raster of 100-meter spatial resolution developed by Ramcharan et al. (2018). Those data were derived from a conterminous 100-m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the United States ( using SAGA GIS software. Slope values are put into 9 slope classes to facilitate interpretation and reporting. Ramcharan, A., Hengl, T., Nauman, T., Brungard, C., Waltman, S., Wills, S., and Thompson, J., 2018, Soil Property and Class Maps of the Conterminous United States at 100-Meter Spatial Resolution: Soil Science Society of America Journal, v. 82, p. 186-201.
A composite of Shakemap Atlas ground motion measures: peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak ground velocity (PGV), and intensity at a scale of 10 km. The time history of ShakeMap observed/estimated ground motion values at each grid cell, and the maximum values, are provided. For details see the attached file: readme.txt
Categories: Data,
Data Release - In Progress;
Tags: Continental United States,
earthquake occurrences,
Atlantic coast piping plover (Charadrius melodus) nest sites are typically found on low-lying beach and dune systems, which respond rapidly to coastal processes like sediment overwash, inlet formation, and island migration that are sensitive to climate-related changes in storminess and the rate of sea-level rise. Data were obtained to understand piping plover habitat distribution and use along their Atlantic Coast breeding range. A smartphone application called iPlover was developed to collect standardized data on habitat characteristics at piping plover nest locations. The application capitalized on a network of trained monitors that observe piping plovers throughout their U.S. Atlantic coast breeding range as...
Spatial data used in the study "Characterization and Evaluation of Controls on Post-Fire Streamflow Response Across Western U.S. Watersheds".
The GAP National Terrestrial Ecosystems - Ver 3.0 is a 2011 update of the National Gap Analysis Project Land Cover Data - Version 2.2 for the conterminous U.S. The GAP National Terrestrial Ecosystems - Version 3.0 represents a highly thematically detailed land cover map of the U.S. The map legend includes types described by NatureServe's Ecological Systems Classification (Comer et al. 2002) as well as land use classes described in the National Land Cover Dataset 2011 (Homer et al. 2015). These data cover the entire continental U.S. and are a continuous data layer. These raster data have a 30 m x 30 m cell resolution. GAP used the best information available to create the land cover data; however GAP seeks to improve...
Categories: Data;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WMS Layer;
Tags: Alabama,
This dataset combines the work of several different projects to create a seamless data set for the contiguous United States. Data from four regional Gap Analysis Projects and the LANDFIRE project were combined to make this dataset. In the northwestern United States (Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington and Wyoming) data in this map came from the Northwest Gap Analysis Project. In the southwestern United States (Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah) data used in this map came from the Southwest Gap Analysis Project. The data for Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Virginia came from the Southeast Gap Analysis Project and the California data was...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Alabama,
Aleutian and Berind Sea Islands,
Arctic, Northwestern Interior Forest,
This dataset combines the work of several different projects to create a seamless data set for the contiguous United States. Data from four regional Gap Analysis Projects and the LANDFIRE project were combined to make this dataset. In the northwestern United States (Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington and Wyoming) data in this map came from the Northwest Gap Analysis Project. In the southwestern United States (Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah) data used in this map came from the Southwest Gap Analysis Project. The data for Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Virginia came from the Southeast Gap Analysis Project and the California data was...
Atlantic coast piping plover (Charadrius melodus) nest sites are typically found on low-lying beach and dune systems, which respond rapidly to coastal processes like sediment overwash, inlet formation, and island migration that are sensitive to climate-related changes in storminess and the rate of sea-level rise. Data were obtained to understand piping plover habitat distribution and use along their Atlantic Coast breeding range. A smartphone application called iPlover was developed to collect standardized data on habitat characteristics at piping plover nest locations. The application capitalized on a network of trained monitors that observe piping plovers throughout their U.S. Atlantic coast breeding range as...
This data release contains the results from the North American Bat Monitoring Program's report titled 'Status and Trends of North American Bats Summer Occupancy Analysis 2010-2019'. Specifically, these data include tabular data and geospatial data for the species-specific results related to the status and trends of 12 bat species at multiple spatial scales including: 10 km x 10 km grid cells, state/province/territories, and range-wide across the geographic extent of monitoring data for each species (i.e., across 'modeled species ranges'). They were produced using an analytical pipeline supported by web-based infrastructure for integrating continental scale bat monitoring data (stationary acoustic, mobile acoustic,...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Alaska,
Continental United States,
This dataset combines the work of several different projects to create a seamless data set for the contiguous United States. Data from four regional Gap Analysis Projects and the LANDFIRE project were combined to make this dataset. In the northwestern United States (Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington and Wyoming) data in this map came from the Northwest Gap Analysis Project. In the southwestern United States (Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah) data used in this map came from the Southwest Gap Analysis Project. The data for Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Virginia came from the Southeast Gap Analysis Project and the California data was...
Categories: Data;
Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service,
Map Service;
Tags: Alabama,
Aleutian and Berind Sea Islands,
Arctic, Northwestern Interior Forest,
A 4.5 km resolution raster dataset representing mean Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) in kWh (kilowatt-hours) per square-meter per day at each point in the National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB) from 1998 to 2018 as calculated by Sengupta et al. (2018), and then put into 8 quantile bins for interpretation and reporting. For more information and further data, please visit Sengupta, M., Xie, Y., Lopez, A., Habte, A., Maclaurin, G., and Shelby, J., 2018, The National Solar Radiation Data Base (NSRDB): Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, v. 89, p. 51-60.
This data layer depicts the weekly relative effective waterfowl populations across the United States based upon predicted abundance and viral prevalence by species. These data have been produced to allow for visualization of how different factors impact transmission risk and may be advanced in future iterations to include additional species.
Spatially-referenced data used in the study "Rust, A.J., Saxe, S., McCray, J., Rhoades, C.C., Hogue, T.S., 2019. Evaluating the factors responsible for post-fire water quality response in forests of the western USA. Int. J. Wildland Fire.": Wildfires commonly increase nutrient, carbon, sediment, and metal inputs to streams yet the factors responsible for the type, magnitude and duration of water quality effects are poorly understood. Prior work by the current authors found increased nitrogen, phosphorus and cation exports were common the first 5 post-fire years from a synthesis of 159 wildfires across the western United States. In the current study, an analysis is undertaken to determine factors that best explain...
Categories: Data;
Tags: CONUS,
Continental United States,
Environmental Health,
Land Use Change,
Grammar transformations of topographic feature type annotations of the U.S. to structured graph data
These data were used to examine grammatical structures and patterns within a set of geospatial glossary definitions. Objectives of our study were to analyze the semantic structure of input definitions, use this information to build triple structures of RDF graph data, upload our lexicon to a knowledge graph software, and perform SPARQL queries on the data. Upon completion of this study, SPARQL queries were proven to effectively convey graph triples which displayed semantic significance. These data represent and characterize the lexicon of our input text which are used to form graph triples. These data were collected in 2024 by passing text through multiple Python programs utilizing spaCy (a natural language processing...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Continental United States,
Information Sciences,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),