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This .zip folder contains final ancillary data layers used to create Southeast Conservation Blueprint 2022 that were not included in the main data download package.
A battery of questions was developed and applied to different stakeholders immersed in knowledge of the condition and the use of grazing of grasslands. One hundred people were surveyed amongst livestock producers (both from private ranches and from communal ejidos), and students and researchers at regional institutions involved in agricultural sciences in different states of Mexico: Coahuila, Durango, San Luis Potosí, and Jalisco. The objective of the survey was to determine aspects of stakeholders’ interpretation of the condition of grasslands in their region under conditions of extensive grazing, such as soil condition, harvest efficiency, vegetation condition, openness to community organizing of grazing, capacity...
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. Estuarine ecosystems are controlled by a variety of processes that operate at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Understanding the hierarchical nature of these processes will aid in prioritization of restoration efforts. This hierarchical Columbia River Estuary Ecosystem Classification (henceforth "Classification") of the Columbia River estuary is a spatial database of the tidally-influenced reaches of the lower Columbia River,...
USGS developed The National Map (TNM) Gazetteer as the Federal and national standard (ANSI INCITS 446-2008) for geographic nomenclature based on the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). The National Map Gazetteer contains information about physical and cultural geographic features, geographic areas, and locational entities that are generally recognizable and locatable by name (have achieved some landmark status) and are of interest to any level of government or to the public for any purpose that would lead to the representation of the feature in printed or electronic maps and/or geographic information systems. The dataset includes features of all types in the United States, its associated areas, and Antarctica,...
Geoinformación es un portal de información geográfica donde se puede consultar, visualizar y descargar cartografía temática de diferentes escalas generada y recopilada por CONABIO. Para desarrollar este portal se utilizó software de código abierto (open source). Las características principales del portal, son, desarrollar mecanismos de acceso a los acervos de datos geográficos de la CONABIO a través de servicios de información especializados, como: Vista gráfica de la información por temas generales. Información detallada sobre la cartografía disponible a través de búsquedas en los metadatos. Descarga de información en un formato compatible (shapefile) La información cartográfica es administrada por la Subdirección...
Pima County makes extensive use of Geographical Information System (GIS) technology for making maps. For the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan, this was an important technology for assembling the extensive existing data, both digital and non-digital, identifying critical gaps in the data and potential remedies, and providing a means for analyzing the information on biological and physical resources over the six million acre study area. SDCP Mapguide was created to display many of the natural resource GIS data layers, but Mapguide is being replaced with PimaMaps. You can use either to make your own overlays on aerial photos, line maps, or USGS topography. Customize your online map while panning and zooming on the...
This is an aggregate national dataset describing the geographic boundaries of the ACEC within the BLM managed public lands. The designated ACECs are "areas within the public lands where special management attention is required to protect and prevent irreparable damage to important historic, cultural, or scenic values, fish and wildlife resources or other natural systems of processes, or to protect life and safety from natural hazards."
The Pacific Southwest Region has geospatial datasets available for download from this website. These datasets are zipped personal or file geodatabases* created using ESRI ArcGis 10.0 software. Additional descriptive information as well as data steward contact information, for each geodatabase, can be found under the metadata link. These metadata files meet the Federal Geospatial Data Committee standards for structure and content.
The comprehensive conservation plan for Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge will serve as a management tool to be used by the refuge staff and partners in the preservation and restoration of the ecosystem’s natural resources. In that regard, the plan will guide management decisions over the next 15 years and set forth strategies for achieving refuge goals and objectives within that time frame. The management actions in this document reflect a need to achieve many objectives.
The Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office's mandate is to promote the preservation of cultural resources and to explore all alternatives for their preservation. The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 establishes certain SHPO responsibilities and provides the basis for our philosophy and legal responsibilities in the historic preservation process. Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office: Wyoming Cultural Resource Information System (WYCRIS) / On-line Research:
Categories: Web Site; Tags: cultural, human, social
This indicator combines measures of water quality, sediment quality, contaminants in fish tissue, and benthic community condition to create an overall index of coastal estuarine condition. It originates from the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Coastal Condition Assessment data.Reason for SelectionThis index measures the condition of the nation’s estuaries following standard national methodologies and is synthesized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) roughly every five years. Estuaries serve as important nursery habitat for wildlife, including many species of fish and shellfish eaten as seafood. They also improve water quality by filtering out sediments and pollutants, provide recreational...
The San Carlos Apache Tribe has worked toward incorporating natural fire regimes into their strategic fire planning and management goals in order to maintain ecosystem resilience and diversity. In exploring this significant theme, this report addresses and encompasses the following key areas and objectives. Identify areas of fuels treatment effectiveness utilizing the following criteria:  Protect community and firefighter safety.  Reduce cost of catastrophic wildfire.  Fire management opportunities.  Limit negative effects to resources. Values at Risk – San Carlos Apache tribal values:  Natural and cultural.  Commercial timber.  Wildlife. Review three recent fires (Maggie, Trail, and Shorten) on the San...
U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior - The annual Geographic Names acquisition plan is to collect geographic name data over the United States and its territories through the Board on Geographic Names processes. The U.S. Board on Geographic Names is a Federal body created in 1890 and established in its present form by Public Law in 1947 to maintain uniform geographic name usage throughout the Federal Government. The Board comprises representatives of Federal agencies concerned with geographic information, population, ecology, and management of public lands. Sharing its responsibilities with the Secretary of the Interior, the Board promulgates official geographic feature names with locative attributes...
USGS developed The National Map (TNM) Gazetteer as the Federal and national standard (ANSI INCITS 446-2008) for geographic nomenclature based on the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). The National Map Gazetteer contains information about physical and cultural geographic features, geographic areas, and locational entities that are generally recognizable and locatable by name (have achieved some landmark status) and are of interest to any level of government or to the public for any purpose that would lead to the representation of the feature in printed or electronic maps and/or geographic information systems. The dataset includes features of all types in the United States, its associated areas, and Antarctica,...
The Geoheritage Sites of the Nation project has been established with the ultimate goal of developing a nationwide geoheritage GIS layer to accompany the 2D and 3D layers of the USGI. Through identification of the societal and educational values of significant geologic features, the USGS can provide relevant, inclusive, and accessible data for formal and informal educational opportunities at all levels to the broader public. By developing standardized selection criteria of geoheritage entities and a beta attribute schema, the Geoheritage Sites of the Nation Project hopes to seed the routine use of a methodology for the inclusion of geoheritage information into the USGI structured in ways that make USGS geologic...
These data were compiled to evaluate impacts of different reservoir management scenarios on sand exposure for aeolian landscape and cultural site resources. Objective of our study was to predict areas of dry, bare Colorado River sand as a function of different management alternative scenarios. These data represent predictions of dry, bare sand for the reach of the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and Bright Angel Creek in Grand Canyon National Park. These data were created during 2023 by the U.S. Geological Survey, Southwest Biological Science Center, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center. These data can be used to understand how the area of sand available for windblown transport might be impacted different...
The purpose of this Integrated Natural Resources Plan (INRMP) is to guide and document the manner in which the U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground (USAYPG or YPG) sutains the military mission on the installation while managing the ecological health of our natural resources area. The INRMP will ensure sound land management, environmental stewardship, and compliance with all relevant laws, regulations, and applicable state and federal management plans, are consider during mission and project planning activities and that no net loss of mission capacity results from meeting our stewardship responsibilities. The INRMP is consistent with military requirements and the Sikes Act and associated amendments. Management of natural...
U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior - The annual Geographic Names acquisition plan is to collect geographic name data over the United States and its territories through the Board on Geographic Names processes. The U.S. Board on Geographic Names is a Federal body created in 1890 and established in its present form by Public Law in 1947 to maintain uniform geographic name usage throughout the Federal Government. The Board comprises representatives of Federal agencies concerned with geographic information, population, ecology, and management of public lands. Sharing its responsibilities with the Secretary of the Interior, the Board promulgates official geographic feature names with locative attributes...
This polygon feature class shows the spatial extent and boundaries of Areas of Critical Environmental Concern that have become officially designated by the BLM. These polygon features were previously in a pre-designated status (i.e. being considered as areas to be eventually designated as official ACEC designated polygonst). Once these polygon feature left the Pre-Designated phase (transitioned from a Considered to Designated status), they were removed from the ACEC Pre-designated polygon feature class and placed in this ACEC Designated polygon feature class. This dataset is a subset of the official national dataset, containing features and attributes intended for public release and has been optimized for online...
Geoheritage is a term which lies at the intersection of science, society, and sustainability and is applied to significant geologic features and landforms that have scientific, educational, cultural, economic, and aesthetic value. Many geologic sites have enriched society through the geoheritage values: scientific research and education, cultural significance, economic opportunities, and aesthetic appeal. The Geoheritage Sites of the Nation geodatabase (GDB) provides an initial inventory of geoheritage sites to showcase the geodiversity and natural heritage throughout the United States (U.S.) and its territories. Sites included in this inventory were selected from compiled geosite references of in situ geologic...
Categories: Data; Tags: Aesthetic, Alabama, Alaska, American Samoa, Aquatic Biology, All tags...

map background search result map search result map USGS Geographic Names Acquisition Plan Objectives for FY14 - The National Map Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan MapGuide Map Portal de Geoinformación USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region Geospatial Data Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan Draft Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan, U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground Perceptions of the condition of semiarid grasslands under grazing regimes in Mexico/ Percepción de la condición del pastizal  bajo pastoreo, en México semiárido USGS Geographic Names Acquisition Plan Objectives for FY17 from The National Map - National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) USGS Geographic Names (GNIS) Overlay Map Service from The National Map - National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) BLM REA NGB 2011 ACEC's in the NGB BLM National Designated Areas of Critical Environmental Concern Polygons Columbia River Estuary Ecosystem Classification Cultural Features Estuarine Coastal Condition Southeast Blueprint 2022 Ancillary Data Download Subaerially exposed river sand and reservoir shoreline modelling for Lake Powell releases and changes in Lake Powell and Lake Mead storage Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan Draft Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan, U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground Columbia River Estuary Ecosystem Classification Cultural Features Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan MapGuide Map Subaerially exposed river sand and reservoir shoreline modelling for Lake Powell releases and changes in Lake Powell and Lake Mead storage BLM REA NGB 2011 ACEC's in the NGB USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region Geospatial Data Perceptions of the condition of semiarid grasslands under grazing regimes in Mexico/ Percepción de la condición del pastizal  bajo pastoreo, en México semiárido BLM National Designated Areas of Critical Environmental Concern Polygons Estuarine Coastal Condition Portal de Geoinformación Southeast Blueprint 2022 Ancillary Data Download USGS Geographic Names Acquisition Plan Objectives for FY14 - The National Map USGS Geographic Names Acquisition Plan Objectives for FY17 from The National Map - National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) USGS Geographic Names (GNIS) Overlay Map Service from The National Map - National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)