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This dataset is one of a suite of products from the Nature’s Network project ( Nature’s Network is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conservation in the Northeast, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural areas they inhabit. This dataset represents the relative potential to improve local aquatic connectivity by upgrading road-stream crossings. The model incorporates survey data from the North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAACC). To view the current NAACC database go to The Road Stream Crossing Upgrade Effects dataset and other datasets that augment or complement aquatic connectivity are...
This online database ( serves as a common repository for road-stream crossing assessment data assembled by the North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAACC). Both a network of partners and a source of shared resources, the NAACC offers a collaborative framework for taking on the critical task of assessing and upgrading the hundreds of thousands of outdated road-stream crossings across the region that represent barriers to wildlife movement and pose flooding risks to communities. The NAACC offers training in standard protocols for conducting assessments, online tools for prioritizing upgrades based on ecological benefits, and this database...
We will translate existing modeled hydroclimatic data into metrics used for water crossing design and replacement. WDFW permits (Hydraulic Code Rules, Chapter 220-110 WAC) and provides technical guidance for construction of hundreds of fish passable culverts, a number which is expected to rise dramatically in response to a 2013 federal court injunction directing the state to repair thousands of culverts that inhibit salmon migration. Current WDFW design guidance does not account for changes in hydrology resulting from climate change. This project will support the development of designs that maintain desired performance (e.g. connectivity benefits to aquatic organisms) throughout water crossings expected life.This...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2014, Academics & scientific researchers, Anadromous fish, Applications and Tools, Climate Change, All tags...
This document is the final report of the project that initiated the North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAACC), funded by the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperatuive (LCC). Contents consist of:IntroductionProject Overview and StructureDeveloping a Regional Road-Stream Crossing Assessment ProtocolPrioritizing for Field SurveysDatabase and Data CollectionData Quality and TrainingClassification and Scoring SystemsNAACC Regional NetworkNext StepsQuarterly Progress Report: Summary by TaskReferencesAcknowledgmentsAppendices
The Oregon Fish Passage Barrier Data Standard (OFPBDS) dataset contains barriers to fish passage in Oregon watercourses. Barriers include the following types of natural or artificial structures: bridges, cascades, culverts, dams, debris jams, fords, natural falls, tide gates, and weirs. The OFPBDS dataset does not include structures which are not associated with in-stream features (such as dikes, levees or berms). Barriers are structures which do, or potentially may, impede fish movement and migration. Barriers can be known to cause complete or partial blockage to fish passage, or they can be completely passable, or they may have an unknown passage status. The third publication of the OFPBDS dataset (Version 3)...
StreamNet's Potential Fish Passage Barrier dataset captures both natural and man-made in stream features that have the potential to block fish passage (culverts, dams, debris jams, cascades, falls, etc.). Where information exists, fish passage ability is captured. This dataset is maintained and updated on an annual or semi-annual basis. The JUNE, 2012 publication dataset includes almost 60,000 features across the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, western Montana and California. Where possible, all barrier locations are georeferenced to StreamNet's regionally standardized routed hydrography layer (MSHv3) enabling comparison and analysis of barrier locations within the context of StreamNet's larger data holdings...
This dataset is a component of a complete package of products from the Connect the Connecticut project. Connect the Connecticut is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conserving the Connecticut River Watershed for future generations, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural ecosystems they inhabit. Click here to download the full data package, including all documentation. This dataset represents opportunities to restore aquatic connectivity by upgrading culverts. Specifically, this product tabulates the results of a model in which each road-stream crossing is systematically upgraded (virtually) to a bridge having the minimum aquatic barrier score, one at a time, and...
This dataset contains six individual tabular data files. These tabular data files contain measurements of aquatic habitat features and stream channel geomorphology from 20 sites in the Piedmont and Upper Coastal Plain physiographic regions of South Carolina. Specifically, the dataset titled "bedform_slope" contains enumeration of occurrence of bedforms, or macro-habitat features, and streambed and culvert bottom slopes. The dataset titled "culvert_characteristics" contains measurements and descriptions of the culverts. The dataset titled "large_woody_debris" contains measurements and classification of individual pieces of wood included in the assessment. The dataset titled "site_level_information" contains location...
This tool allows users to view aquatic barriers (dams, road-stream crossings) by the relative gain in ecological value if they were removed. Users start with a consensus map of anadromous fish priorities, which was developed based on stakeholder input as part of the North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAACC). Beyond the consensus results, interested users can create their own scenarios by filtering input barriers to limit the analysis to a given state or watershed, changing the weights of metrics according to their importance to the analysis objectives (e.g. length of upstream network connected, number of diadromous fish present, etc.) and by modeling the removal of up to 10 barriers.The link address...
Barriers to upstream fish movement (either long-term geologic, natural short-term, or anthropogenic barriers) will be used to assess whether individual stream segments are currently occupied by bull trout, for assessing risk of genetic introgression or disease to existing bull trout populations, or whether existing subpopulations are connected with other subpopulations. Only those barriers that are believed to have a significant influence bull trout distribution or population integrity will be identified.
Control of invasive sea lamprey recruitment from tributary streams is a major management objective in the Great Lakes, and benefits from barriers that prevent access to spawning habitat. As society moves toward removal of more tributary barriers due to concerns about native migratory fishes, aging infrastructure, and vulnerability to climate-driven flooding, it is important to assess the costs of alternative options for sea lamprey control. This project is integrating cost estimates for application of a lamprey-specific pesticide into cost-benefit optimization models used to support decisions about barrier removals that maximize restoration of habitat for native species. By integrating lamprey control options...

    map background search result map search result map StreamNet - Potential Fish Passage Barriers Oregon Fish Passage Barriers An Applied Case Study to Integrate Climate Change into Design and Permitting of Water Crossing Structures Culvert upgrade impacts, CT River Watershed Integrating lampricide options into a decision support tool for barrier management in Great Lakes tributaries Road Stream Crossing Upgrade Effects, Northeast U.S. Stream habitat and geomorphic characteristics above and below culverts at selected sites in South Carolina (2017) BLM REA NGB 2011 Bull Trout Fish Barriers An Applied Case Study to Integrate Climate Change into Design and Permitting of Water Crossing Structures Stream habitat and geomorphic characteristics above and below culverts at selected sites in South Carolina (2017) Culvert upgrade impacts, CT River Watershed Oregon Fish Passage Barriers BLM REA NGB 2011 Bull Trout Fish Barriers StreamNet - Potential Fish Passage Barriers Road Stream Crossing Upgrade Effects, Northeast U.S. Integrating lampricide options into a decision support tool for barrier management in Great Lakes tributaries